Charity Commission application

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This page summarises the proposed contents of the chapter's application to the charity commission.

A blank copy of the original form is here. These Guidance notes must be considered when completing the form.

Items surrounded by [ brackets ] are explanatory notes that will not be included in the final application.

A About the organisation seeking registration

A1 What is your organisation’s name?

Main Name: Wiki UK Limited

Working name/acronym: Wikimedia UK

A2 Contact for the purpose of this application

Full name: Andrew Turvey

Address: Wikimedia UK, 23 Cartwright Way, Beeston, Nottingham

Postcode: NG9 1RL

Email address:

Telephone number: 07754 881 562

Alternative: 07988 013 646 [from Contact us ]

A3 Assessing eligibility for registration

Please confirm your organisation is required to register for all of the following reasons:

(a) it has a gross annual income of more than £5000 a year: YES

(b) it is not exempt or excepted from the requirement to register: YES

(c) it is governed by the laws of England and Wales: YES

A4 Operating in Scotland?

Is your organisation registered or will it be registering with the Office of the Scottish Charities Regulator (OSCR) as well? NO

[ Per this OSCR guidance, we are exempt from registering with the OSCR because, although we represent ourselves as being a charity in Scotland:

  1. We are applying to be a charity in England & Wales
  2. We are not established under the law of Scotland
  3. We are not managed or controlled wholly or mainly in Scotland
  4. We do not occupy any land or premises in Scotland, and
  5. We do not carry out any activities in any office, shop or similar premises in Scotland

This situation may change in the future if we end up with a Scottish majority on the Board, start a Scottish branch or open an office there. ]

Have you ever had an application rejected by the OSCR? NO

A5 Finance and funding

If your organisation has existed for more than a year and you have published accounts, please provide the gross income as recorded in the accounts: £NIL

Otherwise please enter: the estimated gross income in the first year of operation: £5,300

The amount currently received: £5,066

[ We need to enclose a bank statement and the AGM balances as evidence, also the WMF grant notification if not included in the bank statement ]

[ TO BE UPDATED; Calculated as: £418 from Figures to AGM plus $8,150 from Initiatives/Bid divided by 1.7534 (rate from post office on 10/7) = £4,648 = £5,066

Figures to the anniversary date of our incorporation (5/11/09) I've added a rough estimation of ~£200 ]

Financial year end date: 31/12/2009

[ I recommend we run the financial year to the calendar year; this gives a few months to prepare the formal annual accounts in time for their approval at the spring AGM ]

How has your organisation raised its funds and/or how does it intend to do so in future?

Our funds will come from membership subscriptions, donations from members and supporters and grants from related organisations including the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. The current split in our income is £246 subscriptions, £172 donations and a £4,648 grant from the Wikimedia Foundation.

Do you intend to use professional fundraising consultants? NO

A6 Special circumstances

Are there any special circumstances concerning your application that you wish to bring to our attention? (Please see the accompanying notes for the kind of information we would like to know.)

[ The guidance notes state:

We consider the following to be special circumstances that we would like you to bring to our attention:

  • there is a deadline by which you need a registered charity number, such as a planned public launch of the organisation, or in connection with proposed funding;
  • the organisation’s purpose is novel or innovative or may attract comment or criticism;
  • there may be significant media, political, or other interest;
  • the organisation has links with central or local government initiatives and/or is funded by them; or
  • the organisation has links with one or more major organisations and/or is, or will be, funded by them. ]

Wikimedia UK is the local "chapter" for the Wikimedia Foundation, the US charity that owns the Wikipedia online encyclopedia and related projects. Wikipedia is the seventh most-visited site on the internet and the most popular online reference work. Local chapters are independent self-governing associations of Wikimedia supporters formed to support the aims of the Foundation. There are currently twenty four chapters established throughout the world.

Given the high profile of these projects, there is likely to be significant media interest in our application. The nature of our activities is also novel and innovative in the context of charity law in England and Wales.

Before receiving the above grant, we did not expect to have received £5,000 income in this financial year; therefore we applied to HMRC for recognition by them as a charity. They have agreed to refer the question to you, so you may receive correspondence from them at the same time as this application.

[shall we mention the winter fundraiser as a deadline?]

B Governing document

B1 Governing document

Please indicate which type of governing document your organisation has by ticking ONE of the following boxes:



Memorandum and articles: Yes check.svgY

Trust deed

Act of Parliament

Registered company number: 6741827

Other - please specify below

Date governing document became effective: 5/11/2008

B2 Complete ONLY if you have set up a company to replace an existing charity


B3 Approved governing document

Have you adopted an approved governing document? NO

C Assessing the organisation’s public benefit

[mpeel to complete]

D Vulnerable people

[skenmy to complete]

E Private benefit

E1 Conflict of interests policy

Do the trustees have a conflict of interest policy in place? YES

[ We don't have one now - I suggest we adopt one prior to submitting this application]

E2 Connected persons

Does any connected person (this could include an organisation or company) receive a benefit that has a financial value from the organisation? NO

[ see guidance notes for more info as to what is included here - I would expect reimbursement of expenses not to be included ]

E3 Private benefit details


F Information required for the Register of Charities

F1 Contact



Personal Names: Andrew

Family Name: Turvey

Prefered Name: The Secretary

F2 Organisation’s addresses

(a) Organisation’s public address to be displayed on the register and used for correspondence

Wikimedia UK

23 Cartwright Way


Nottingham NG9 1RL

Is the address at F2(a) the address from which the charity operates? YES

If you do not want the operating address made public please explain why in the box below. (See the notes for the kind of situations where we would be willing to publish the alternative address.)


Organisation’s telephone number: 07988 013 646

Organisation’s fax number: N/A

Organisation’s website address:

Email address for public display:

Email address for Commission use:

F3 Classification

Select at least one category in each of the three sections to describe what the organisation will do. Please read the notes carefully before completing this.

What does your organisation do?

General purposes
Education/training YES
Religious activities
Relief of poverty
Overseas aid/famine relief
Environment/conservation/heritage YES
Other or none of these

Who does your organisation help?

People with disabilities
People of a particular ethnic or racial origin
Other charities/voluntary bodies YES
Other defined groups
The general public/mankind YES

How does your organisation operate?

Makes grants to individuals
Makes grants to organisations
Provides other finance
Provides human resources
Provides buildings/facilities/open space
Provides services
Provides advocacy/advice/information YES
Sponsors or undertakes research
Acts as an umbrella or resource body
Other or none of these YES

If your organisation operates in more than ten local authority areas in England or Wales, select one of the options below. Otherwise complete part (b).

throughout London (more than ten London boroughs)
throughout England (more than ten local authority areas)
throughout Wales (more than ten local authority areas)
throughout England and Wales (more than ten local authority areas) YES

If the organisation’s funds or resources are used in any countries outside England and Wales, please list these. We only accept the country names listed in the guidance notes. Please attach a separate sheet if you operate in more than twelve countries.


Northern Ireland

F5 Trustee details

If your organisation is administered by a corporate trustee, please complete the corporate trustee’s details.


If the organisation has individual trustees, please provide the following details for each person.


Honours & Qualifications:

Personal Names: Michael William

Family Name: Peel

Preferred Name:

Other names used now or previously: None

Date of Birth: [tbc]

Address [tbc]

Email adddress

Telephone Number 07988 013 646

Trustee is chair of the organisation YES


Honours & Qualifications:

Personal Names Andrew Rowan

Family Name Turvey

Preferred Name

Other names used now or previously Rowan Andrew Turvey

Date of Birth

Address 23 Cartwright Way, Nottingham, NG9 1RL

Email adddress [email protected]

Telephone Number

Trustee is chair of the organisation


Honours & Qualifications:

Personal Names Thomas

Family Name Holden

Preferred Name Tom

Other names used now or previously

Date of Birth 13/04/1983

Address Holywell Manor, Manor Road, Oxford, OX1 3UH

Email adddress

Telephone Number 07815 067305

Trustee is chair of the organisation


Honours & Qualifications:

Personal Names Joseph

Family Name Seddon

Preferred Name

Other names used now or previously

Date of Birth [tbc]

Address [tbc]

Email adddress

Telephone Number

Trustee is chair of the organisation


Honours & Qualifications:

Personal Names Paul

Family Name Williams

Preferred Name

Other names used now or previously

Date of Birth [tbc]

Address [tbc]

Email adddress

Telephone Number

Trustee is chair of the organisation


Honours & Qualifications:

Personal Names Zeyi

Family Name He

Preferred Name

Other names used now or previously

Date of Birth [tbc]

Address [tbc]

Email adddress

Telephone Number

Trustee is chair of the organisation


Honours & Qualifications:

Personal Names Steve

Family Name Virgin

Preferred Name

Other names used now or previously

Date of Birth [tbc]

Address [tbc]

Email adddress

Telephone Number

Trustee is chair of the organisation

If this person feels that they have good reason NOT to have their name published on the Public Register, please explain below. The Commission is not obliged to concur with a request for a waiver and will only normally do so in the interests of the safety of the individual concerned.