Activities/Britain Loves Wikipedia

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Britain Loves Wikipedia
Photography contest from Wikimedia UK and museums across the country
Submitted photographs
Cultural partnerships

Content partnershipsDigital image restorationsJoint events

Zea at museum-1.jpg
Zea at museum-2.jpg

Britain Loves Wikipedia, the name being a play off Valentine's Day, is a scavenger hunt and free content photography contest among museums and cultural institutions across the UK, and aimed at illustrating Wikipedia articles. The event is planned to run for the whole month of February 2010. Although there are planned events at each location, you can go to most museums on your own at any time during the month.

The event will kick off with a launch event at a museum to be decided on Sunday 31 January 2009, followed by a series of events each weekend at locations around the UK.

Britain Loves Wikipedia follows on from the successful Wikipedia Takes Manhattan event held in October 2008, which lead to Wikipedia Loves Art and Wiki Loves Art NL.

Why participate?


  • It benefits the Wikimedia projects - especially Wikipedia - as it generates photos that can be used in Wikipedia articles.
  • You're helping spread free knowledge on the internet
  • You get to win cool prizes
  • Sign up here!


  • You get to work with Wikipedia - the world's largest reference website - to spread knowledge about items in your collection
  • It reaches new audiences and brings them into your museum
  • You get to benefit from the publicity surrounding the event
  • (more good reasons to come)

How to participate