Strategy monitoring plan/Outcomes/2014 Q1

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This is a brief overview of the charity's progress against its KPIs in Q1
For further detail, including what activities have been conducted which impact each strategic goal, please consult Wikimedia UK's Q1 report to the Funds Dissemination Committee.


Outcome (from our Strategic Goals) Outcome Measure
Green Annual target expected to be met; or good outcomes
Yellow Some issues but annual target should still be achieved; or reasonable outcomes
Pink Annual target in danger of being missed; or outcomes require urgent attention
Grey KPI not yet being tracked, or is no longer considered useful

Notes and definitions

For explanatory notes and definitions (reference numbers in second column) see Strategy monitoring plan#Notes and Definitions.

Report card for this quarter

Outcome (from our Strategic Goals) Outcome Measure 2014 target (to 31 Jan 2015) Results Q1 2014 (Feb to April) Notes
G1.1 The quantity of Open Knowledge continues to increase Number of uploads Report only 37,715 images (650.7GB) to Commons A total of 37,715 images (650.7GB) supported by Wikimedia UK were uploaded to Wikimedia Commons. These can be found mostly at Commons:Category:Content media by years - Supported by Wikimedia UK - 2014, with a significant amount at Commons:Category:Supported by Wikimedia UK. 2,891 book covers were uploaded to the Welsh Wicipedia. These are copyrighted files and included under fair use. These images do not reside on Commons because they are copyrighted, however are directly contributing to the Welsh Wicipedia. We feel this is a strong contribution from Wikimedia UK to the growth of the projects.
TEXT - Sum of positive edit size [1] Report only 4,382,374 bytes
G1.2 The quality of Open Knowledge continues to improve Percentage of WMUK-related files (e.g. images) in mainspace use on a Wikimedia project (excluding Commons) 13% 6.5%[1] Work needed on Europeana and GLAM tools. This figure includes overall usage and does not currently take into account that different types of upload behave differently. Mass uploads from a GLAM archive may not find direct use in Wikimedia articles for instance, whereas smaller collections from a project grant for example may be aimed at filling specific gaps in Wikimedia coverage. Something like the Welsh book covers uploaded to cy.wikipedia has a very high usage rate because the files are included on the basis of fair use.
Number of files (e.g. images) that have featured status on a Wikimedia project (including Commons) 20 2 Most Featured Pictures from last year were a result of Wiki Loves Monuments. This will not take place until Q3, and we may see an increase for Q3 and Q4.
Number of files having quality image status on Commons 70 21
Number of files having valued image status on Commons 50 46
Number of new articles started on a Wikimedia site (eg any of the encyclopedias), excluding Welsh Wicipedia 200 341 284 of these were created as a result of the Living Paths project. Excluding these 57 have been created as a result of editing events run by the charity, representing just over a quarter of the annual target of 200.
TEXT - Number of new articles started on Welsh Wicipedia inspired by WMUK 10000 2180 Tracking the number of bytes added has been prevented outside the English and Welsh Wikipedias by other community's reluctance to use a Living Paths categories on articles created as part of the project. This means that a tool such as CatScan v2 can't be used, which makes tracking progress challenging.
G1.3 We are perceived as the go-to organisation by UK GLAM, educational, and other organisations who need support or advice for the development of open knowledge. Sum of reputation ratings [2] of organisations that we are working in partnership with, or were working with no more than than two years ago 693 (5% increase) 497
Awareness score in annual national survey of public opinion [12] n/a Not collected Survey still to be designed
G2a.1 We have a thriving community of WMUK volunteers. Number of friends 420 176 This is a new initiative for us that started from 0; counting the number of people signed up to our mailing list as an implicit list of the chapter's supporters. As we develop this mailing list and its promotion, it is planned that the sign ups to it will increase too, and so the current numbers are on target.
Number of volunteers [3] 250 187 This is a new initiative for us that started from 0; the figure is expected to build up over the course of the year
Number of leading volunteers [3a] 140 (30% increase) 54 This is a new initiative for us that started from 0; the figure is expected to build up over the course of the year
Number of activity units [4] 1200 (24% increase) 663 This is a new initiative for us that started from 0; the figure is expected to build up over the course of the year
Number of leading activity units [5] 145 (5% increase) 115 This is a new initiative for us that started from 0; the figure is expected to build up over the course of the year
Leading volunteer [3a] drop out rate [7] <10% No data yet The drop-out rate is based on year-to-year figures, so cannot be determined until the end of the year
G2a.2 WMUK volunteers are highly diverse. Proportion of activity units [4] attributable to women 20% 35% CiviCRM was not set up to collect this information until the last month of Q1, so we do not have accurate data for this metric
Proportion of leading activity units [4] attributable to women 15% 19%
Activity units [4] in activities to encourage other diversity or minority engagement 15 5
G2a.3 WMUK volunteers are skilled and capable. Activity units [4] in training sessions and editathons (total count, including people being trained) 575 (5% increase) 297
Leading activity units [5] in training sessions and editathons (ie trainers only) 95 (6% increase) 104
Annual survey capability score [6] (self-identified) To be decided Not collected Survey still to be designed
G2b.1 We have effective and high quality governance and resource management processes, and are recognised for such within the Wikimedia movement and the UK charity sector. Progress on targets in the Hudson and Chapman governance reviews All targets that we agree with have been completed and independently reviewed. See narrative All Hudson review targets met or assimilated, apart from maximum terms for trustees which will require a vote of members at the AGM
Progress towards PQASSO 2 Complete all internal preparations for PQASSO 2 ready for external accreditation See narrative Continued work on financial systems (Procurement). Implementing new finance systems, Governance, Trustee induction continues.
Level of external recognition Narrative + eval score [16] Eval: 1.8 / 3 Estimated on level of PQASSO achievement. We are assessed at level 2 by Amida consulting with some elements of level 3
G2b.2 We have a high level of openness and transparency, and are recognised for such within the Wikimedia movement and the UK charity sector. Transparency score [9] as measured by annual survey n/a Not collected Survey still to be designed
Transparency compliance [10] as determined by Govcom against published transparency commitments Narrative Eval: 2/5 Our delay in setting and publishing definite transparency commitments means that we cannot say we have done as well as we should have this quarter. As a plus point, the board (re-)committed to recording in the public minutes of board meetings the way in which each trustee voted, and to holding all wiki-based resolutions on the public wiki unless there is a specific need for confidentiality; a negative point was our failure on several occasions this quarter to keep local volunteers in the loop about initiatives that might have been of interest to them.
G2b.3 We have high quality systems to measure our impact as an organisation. Progress towards full implementation of automated and manual tracking/measuring systems [8] Narrative + eval score [16] Eval: 55-60% achieved CiviCRM starting to be in use, recording events and logging participants. CEO estimates 55% achieved in terms of combination of technical implementation and staff adoption. Other staff say 60%
G2b.4 We ensure a stable, sustainable and diverse funding stream. Number of separate donors 6000 (9% increase) 5266
Funds received from sources other than WMF fundraiser or FDC £295000 (7% increase) £63846 Slightly over expectations but not significant yet.
Proportion of funds from sources other than WMF fundraiser or FDC 47% 56% This is higher than projected this quarter because of a large chunk of backdated gift aid income.
Proportion of funds from direct debits 45% 28% This is proportionately lower because the gift aid income increased the overall amount of which this is a percentage.
G3.1 Access to Wikimedia projects is increasingly available to all, irrespective of personal characteristics, background or situation. Total number of scans of QRpedia codes [11] 14000 monthly 17503
Projects addressed at new readers [16] being enabled to access Wikimedia websites 3 activities 1 Currently working on a proposal (from January 2014) to introduce Kiwix - Wikipedia Offline to educational programmes within Young Offenders Institutions
G3.2 There is increased awareness of the benefits of Open Knowledge. Awareness score [12] in annual national survey of public opinion n/a Not collected Survey still to be designed. Big potential but we need to think this through as a long term project.
G3.3 Legislative and institutional changes favour the release of Open Knowledge. Responses to EU and UK government policy consultations. Narrative See narrative WMUK detailed response to EU consultation submitted. Represented at the event in Brussels with members of UNESCO and the European Commission. Also also sent out letters to each of the UK's 73 MEPs, encouraging them to advocate copyright change in the European Union
Involvement in EU and UK advocacy activities; Involvement in advocating legislative change within GLAM, Education, and other organisations Narrative + eval score [16] Very difficult to estimate a number for such a slow burning project. As to schedule, Eval: 4/5 "Lobbying activities by the Wikimedians in Residence in their host organisations - ongoing. At the JISC Wikimedia Ambassador, the largest project deliverable, a ten-thousand-word infoKit on Crowdsourcing, has gone live on Jisc infoNet. The Jisc Wikimedia Ambassador programme was coming to an end in Q1, and so the Ambassador was summing up his work in a series of widely read blogs, such as this and this. Contacted all MEPs with with support from four parties.
G4.1 There are robust and efficient tools readily available to enable the creation, curation and dissemination of Open Knowledge. Number and availability of the project tools we host or support Narrative See narrative Wikimedia UK hosts QRpedia and the Virtual Learning Environment. The latter has moved to beta testing. We have also supported the developments around the Mass Upload Tool. Bearing in mind our capacity, and current lack of a technical project manager person, it is felt that this is on target.
G4.2 There are robust and efficient tools readily available to allow WMUK - and related organisations - to support our own programmes and to enable us to effectively record impact measures. Uses [15] of the internal or supporting tools we host or support Narrative See narrative CiviCRM is being used by the charity to manage our contacts and is being used to facilitate reporting. Once the Virtual Learning Environment has moved out of beta testing and is being used, there will be statistics available on its usage. The chapter currently uses piwik to produce statistics on the usage of QRpedia and other sites under WMUK's control (ie: our wiki, blog, the WLM UK site, and the VLE). As above, this is judged as being on target.
G5.1 A thriving set of other Wikimedia communities Funding to support other chapters and Wikimedia groups £10000 £10149
Activities held for or jointly with other chapters and Wikimedia groups 7 (including G5.2 and G5.3 events) 4
Total shared activity units [13] in shared activities [14] with other chapters and Wikimedia groups 150 (including G5.2 and G5.3 events) 103
Number of UK based Wikimedia events other than WMUK events Report only 15 Three training, editing, and advocacy events took place in quarter one that we are aware of but were not supported by us. On top of this, there were twelve meetups in seven cities, indicating an active community.
G5.2 An increased diversity of Wikimedia contributors Activities specifically directed to supporting the diversity of other chapters and Wikimedia groups 1 1
G5.3 Wikimedia communities are skilled and capable Activities specifically directed to help train or to share knowledge with other chapters and Wikimedia groups 1 1 On 1-2 March we organised and hosted a governance workshop for trustees of Wikimedia chapters.
G5.4 Open Knowledge communities with missions similar to our own are thriving. Number of shared activities [14] hosted with groups or organisations having similar goals to WMUK 5 0 The Coordinator who is working on this project started in May and will be working to these targets during Q2-4. Four already recorded for Q2.
Total shared activity units [13] in shared activities [14] hosted with groups or organisations having similar goals to WMUK 40 0 The Coordinator who is working on this project started in May and will be working to these targets during Q2-4.


  1. This includes files on Commons and those uploaded to the Welsh Wicipedia with WMUK support. Further details can be found in the Q1 report.