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Real-world Examples

Trying to find books written by Sir Winston Churchill but not an autobiography?
Try this search:
Put 'Winston Churchill' in the 'Author' field and '-autobiography' in the 'Keywords' field. See the results

Looking for the exact books from your 19th Century British Literature syllabus?
Enter all the ISBNs in the 'ISBN' field, with a '|' (pipe) between each one.
E.g. 0140620222|1853261823|0140620303|0140620249. See the results

Search Tips

How can I get fewer results?
If you use more than one keyword, our search engine will restrict the results to products that match all the keywords you enter.

How can I get more results?
Too many keywords can constrain your search. Use fewer keywords to find more results, e.g. conduct a search for "O'Reilly" to find all titles by O'Reilly and Associates.

How do I search by ISBN?
If you choose to search by ISBN, search only by that field and make sure you type the number correctly, without any dashes.

How do I sort my results?
When searching our bookstore, you can sort your search results in the way that is most useful to you by selecting the sort option. Once your search has produced a list of relevant items, select a way to sort by clicking the "Sort results by" box at the top of the list.

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