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Godzilla Gets a Digimon Collab & New Bushiroad Card Game

posted on by Ken Iikura-Gross
The King of Monsters is having a fruitful 70th anniversary

In 1954, the now iconic movie monster Godzilla made his presence known. While it has not always had movies in theaters, Godzilla has stayed in the public eye through merchandise, namely figures and apparel. Now on the tail end of the monster's 70th anniversary year, we'll see it in a new light with the introduction of a Godzilla and Digimon collaboration and new Godzilla card game.

Image via www.youtube.com

The Digimon X (formerly Twitter) account announced the Godzilla collaboration on November 3. The post teased the movie monster would appear in some form in the Digital Monster Color digital pet toy.

To commemorate Godzilla's 70th anniversary, the collaboration product Godzilla vs. Digital Monster COLOR will be released!
Stay tuned for more updates!

▼ Check out the teaser PV here!
▼ Check this out too!

Following the announcement, the Bandai YouTube channel posted a teaser video for the Godzilla Digital Monster Color item. While the video is only 30 seconds long, the final few seconds shows an image of Godzilla as WarGreymon.

The Godzilla and Bushiroad X accounts also announced a 2025 card game based on the movie monster on November 3. The Bushiroad New Year Conference 2025 event will offer more information on January 13.

The Bushiroad YouTube channel revealed a teaser video for the Godzilla card game following the announcement. The video features still images from several Godzilla films.

Sources: Digimon's X/Twitter account, Bandai's YouTube channel, Bushiroad Global's X/Twitter account, Bushiroad's X/Twitter account, Godzilla's X/Twitter account, Bushiroad's YouTube channel

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