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Carolyn Mazloomi

Carolyn Mazloomi

Portrait of Carolyn Mazloomi

Carolyn Mazloomi of West Chester, Ohio, is an artist, author, organizer, and curator acknowledged as being among the most influential quilt historians in the United States. Widely exhibited in the United States and internationally, her quilts can be found in numerous important museums and corporate collections. She is founder of Women of Color Quilters Network, which has been a major force in fostering the fiber art works of African American people. 

She has curated 27 quilt exhibitions and written 14 books on quilt making. Through Mazloomi’s effort WCQN members have had their quilts presented in venues such as prominent museums and galleries and internationally traveled exhibitions. 

“In her career as a quilter, curator, educator and author, Dr. Mazloomi  has tirelessly honored the history of African-American quilt making,” said ACC Awards Committee Member Pat Hickman. “Many of her own narrative quilts chronicle the past of racial violence in America; she speaks eloquently and powerfully of the greater need, on the part of all of us, to work toward diversity in our lives.”