- James 'Stretch' Dawson: [to Mike, after breaking up fight over her] From now on stay away from my men, and stop swingin' your hips all over the place!
- James 'Stretch' Dawson: Quite a punch you got there, ma'am. Come in mighty handy when you get married.
- Dude: Well, I don't know about you, but I'm getting a little tired of all this robbery business. I've got a bullet floating around in me, right here. Some tinhorn gambler who yelled like a stuck pig because he dropped a few hundred dollars. Claimed he'd been cheated. Which he had, but that's neither here nor there. I don't know if I ever told you but I used to have a big faro layout in San Juan. Best-looking woman in camp waiting on me hand and foot. Then bang - along comes this tinhorn, puts a bullet in me. When I got on my feet again, the money was all gone. Her too. She lit out with a fellow who ended up beating her.
- [laughs]
- Dude: Which wasn't a bad idea either. As for me, I was just a down-at-the-heels sharper with one bad lung, looking for a stake. But I told them I'd come back loaded. That's why I joined up with you.