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Mustafa Jarrar


Professor of Computer Science, at Birzeit University in Palestine. He was a Fulbright visiting professor at the University at Buffalo in the USA (2016-2017), a Marie Curie fellow at the University of Cyprus (2007-2009), and a senior research scientist at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (1999-2007), where he completed his Masters (2000) and PhD (early 2005). Prof. Jarrar published +75 articles and refereed reports in the areas of Ontology Engineering, Lexical Semantics, Natural Language processing, Semantic Web, and Databases. He chaired 23 international workshops, a PC member of +100s journals/conferences, a coordinator/manager of 25 large EU project, a full member of the IFIP2.6 on Database Semantics, the IFIP2.12 on Web Semantics, and the UN ESCWA Technology Centre Board of Governors, among others. Prof. Jarrar is also the founder of both Sina Institute for Knowledge Engineering and Language Technologies, and the Palestinian eGovernment Academy . He also was voluntarily serving as an advisor at the Palestinian ministry of Telecom & IT for e-government topics, where he developed and chaired the Palestinian e-Government Interoperability Framework (called Zinnar).

Prof. Jarrar's page: