// 來自[[:en:User:Qwertyytrewqqwerty/DisamAssist.js]],做緊本地化。
//<source lang="javascript">
window.DisamAssist = jQuery.extend( true, {
cfg: {
* Categories where disambiguation pages are added (usually by a template like {{Disambiguation}}
disamCategories: ['全部搞清楚版'],
* "Canonical names" of the templates that may appear after ambiguous links
* and which should be removed when fixing those links
disamLinkTemplates: [
'Disambiguation needed',
'Ambiguous link',
'Dab needed',
'Disambig needed',
* "Canonical names" of the templates that designate intentional links to
* disambiguation pages
disamLinkIgnoreTemplates: [
'R from ambiguous page',
'R to disambiguation page',
'R from incomplete disambiguation'
* Format string for "Foo (disambiguation)"-style pages
disamFormat: '',
* Regular expression matching the titles of disambiguation pages (when they are different from
* the titles of the primary topics)
disamRegExp: '',
* Text that will be inserted after the link if the user requests help. If the value is null,
* the option to request help won't be offered
disamNeededText: '', // 粵維冇{{dn}},所以暫時唔寫
* Content of the "Foo (disambiguation)" pages that will be created automatically when using
* DisamAssist from a "Foo" page
redirectToDisam: '',
* Whether intentional links to disambiguation pages can be explicitly marked by adding " (disambiguation)"
intentionalLinkOption: true,
* Namespaces that will be searched for incoming links to the disambiguation page (pages in other
* namespaces will be ignored)
targetNamespaces: [0, 6, 10, 14, 100, 108],
* Number of backlinks that will be downloaded at once
* When using blredirect, the maximum limit is supposedly halved
* (see http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Backlinks)
backlinkLimit: 250,
* Number of titles we can query for at once
queryTitleLimit: 50,
* Number of characters before and after the incoming link that will be displayed
radius: 300,
* Height of the context box, in lines
numContextLines: 4,
* Number of pages that will be stored before saving, so that changes to them can be
* undone if need be
historySize: 2,
* Minimum time in seconds since the last change was saved before a new edit can be made. A
* negative value or 0 disables the cooldown. Users with the "bot" right won't be affected by
* the cooldown
editCooldown: 5,
* Specify how the watchlist is affected by DisamAssist edits. Possible values: "watch", "unwatch",
* "preferences", "nochange"
watch: 'nochange'
txt: {
start: 'Disambiguate links',
startMain: 'Disambiguate links to primary topic',
startSame: 'Disambiguate links to DAB',
close: '關閉',
undo: '復原',
omit: '跳過',
refresh: '刷新',
titleAsText: '其他目標',
disamNeeded: 'Tag {{dn}} ',
intentionalLink: '特登連去搞清楚版嘅連結',
titleAsTextPrompt: 'Specify the new target:',
removeLink: '刪連結',
optionMarker: ' [連嚟呢道]',
targetOptionMarker: ' [Current target]',
redirectOptionMarker: ' [Current target (redirected)]',
pageTitleLine: 'In <a href="$1">$2</a>:',
noMoreLinks: '已經冇晒要搞清楚嘅連結。',
pendingEditCounter: '儲存緊:$1;喺紀錄上:$2',
pendingEditBox: 'DisamAssist儲存緊修改($1)。',
pendingEditBoxTimeEstimation: '$1; approximate time remaining: $2',
pendingEditBoxLimited: 'Please don\'t close this tab until all pending changes have been saved. You may keep '
+ 'editing Wikipedia in a different tab, but be advised that using multiple instances of DisamAssist at '
+ 'the same time is discouraged, as a high number of edits over a short time period may be disruptive.',
error: 'Error: $1',
fetchRedirectsError: 'Unable to fetch redirects: "$1".',
getBacklinksError: 'Unable to download backlinks: "$1".',
fetchRightsError: 'Unable to fetch user rights: "$1",',
loadPageError: 'Unable to load $1: "$2".',
savePageError: 'Unable to save changes to $1: "$2".',
dismissError: 'Dismiss',
pending: 'DisamAssist重有啲未儲存嘅修改;如果要儲存,麻煩㩒「關閉」。',
editInProgress: 'DisamAssist而家做緊修改;如果你而家關咗呢個頁面,嗰啲修改可能會唔見咗。',
ellipsis: '...',
notifyCharacter: '✔',
summary: '用[[User:Sun8908/DisamAssist.js|DisamAssist]]搞清楚連去[[$1]]嘅連結($2)。',
summaryChanged: '連結轉咗做[[$1]]',
summaryOmitted: '跳過咗連結',
summaryRemoved: '刪咗連結',
summaryIntentional: '特登連去搞清楚版嘅連結',
summaryHelpNeeded: '需要幫手',
summarySeparator: '; ',
redirectSummary: '用[[User:Sun8908/DisamAssist.js|DisamAssist]]開跳去[[$1]]嘅跳轉。'
}, window.DisamAssist || {} );
mw.loader.load( '//es.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Usuario:Qwertyytrewqqwerty/DisamAssist-core.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript' );
mw.loader.load( '//es.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Usuario:Qwertyytrewqqwerty/DisamAssist.css&action=raw&ctype=text/css', 'text/css' );