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Billeccentrec留言 | 贡献
Billeccentrec留言 | 贡献
{{Wiki user}}
Billeccentrec 的前身是 [[user:Billhichew|Billhichew]] ,但覺得名子不雅,所以改帳號為 Billeccentrec ,匿名為「不知道不知道」。
== 理念 ==
{| class="toccolours" style="float:right; margin:0 0 0.5em 1em; width:21em; clear:right;"
|colspan=2 style="text-align:center;" | ''[[D.N.Angel天使怪盜]]'' character角色
|colspan=2 style="text-align:center;" | [[Image:Krad.jpg|250px|center]]
!colspan=2 style="font-size: larger" | Krad
|'''Age年齡:''' || 大約 300+ (400 歲漫畫中)
|'''Hair color頭髮顏色:''' || Blonde金色
|'''Hair length頭髮長度:''' || Long
|'''Eyes眼睛:''' || Golden Yellow or Amber金黃色或琥珀色
|'''Skin皮膚:''' || White
|'''Real name真實姓名:''' || [[Dark Mousy|Kokuyoku]]黑翼
|'''Alter-ego另外一個人:''' || [[Satoshi Hiwatari日渡怜]]
|'''Enemy敵人:''' || [[Dark MousyDARK_(天使怪盜)|DRAK]]
KRAD 是[[天使怪盜]]的角色。他在日本版本中被[[草尾毅]]配音,在 Drama CD 中,他被[[松野太紀]](A Legend of Vampaireのみ)配音。
'''Krad''' (クラッド ''Kuraddo'') is a [[fictional character]] in the [[anime]] and [[manga]] series ''[[D.N.Angel]]'' created by [[Yukiru Sugisaki]]. He is voiced by [[Takeshi Kusao]] in the Japanese version of the anime and by [[Illich Guardiola]] in the English dub.
==Creation and conception==
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黑暗 (黑暗的名字斯佩爾特小麥向後,平坦的)的完全相對事物以及黑暗最壞的敵人, Krad 是那殺人的金髮是〔[Satoshi Hiwatari〕] 的第二自我的系列. 顯然地 Daisuke 是理由「 Satoshi 首先轉換成 Krad了」,他[她] 完全地輕視黑暗,而且總是試著在視力上攻擊他。
==Brief description==
The complete opposite of Dark (Dark's name spelt backwards, even) and also Dark's worst enemy, Krad is the homicidal blond of the series who is the alter-ego of [[Satoshi Hiwatari]]. Apparently Daisuke was the reason that Satoshi first transformed into Krad, who absolutely despises Dark and always tries to attack him on sight.
Krad 能被呼叫患精神病妄想當他嘗試殺 Daisuke 在他們的第一次相會之後因為在他的主人, Satoshi 之上,他非常所有,而且不讓他得到在任何人的附近。 他摯愛地稱他為 " 我的每件事物 " 或 " 我的 Satoshi - sama" 。 Satoshi,然而-- 像他的整個家庭-- 輕視 Krad 。在一個旁的附註上,儘管他的被要求的愛, Krad 不關心他是否藉由使用他的翅膀或使用他的精力身體上地傷害 Satoshi 的身體。 在階段 4(在光和黑暗之間)黑暗的發言權, "如果你繼續使用你的像這的力量,你的馴獸師將死! " 因此,如果 Krad 使用他的精力的充足,Satoshi 將會死。
Krad can be called insanely obsessive as he attempts to kill Daisuke after their first encounter because he is very possessive over his host, Satoshi, and does not let him get close to anyone. He affectionately calls him "My everything" or "My Satoshi-sama". Satoshi, however -- like his whole family -- despises Krad. On a side note, despite his claimed affection, Krad does not care whether he hurts Satoshi's body physically by using his wings or using his energy. In Stage 4 (Between the Light and Darkness) Dark says "If you keep using your power like this, your tamer will die!" Thus, if Krad uses enough of his energy, Satoshi would die.
Krad can be called insanely obsessive as he attempts to kill Daisuke after their first encounter because he is very possessive over his host, Satoshi, and does not let him get close to anyone. He affectionately calls him "My everything" or "My Satoshi-sama". Satoshi, however -- like his whole family -- despises Krad.
Krad can be called insanely obsessive as he attempts to kill Daisuke after their first encounter because he is very possessive over his host, Satoshi, and does not let him get close to anyone. He affectionately calls him "My everything" or "My Satoshi-sama". Satoshi, however -- like his whole family -- despises Krad. On a side note, despite his claimed affection, Krad does not care whether he hurts Satoshi's body physically by using his wings or using his energy. In Stage 4 (Between the Light and Darkness) Dark says "If you keep using your power like this, your tamer will die!" Thus, if Krad uses enough of his energy, Satoshi would die.
他是既有禮貌的且殺人的,使用一個非常地正式的演講典型。 Krad 時常在卷數多的寬鬆長袍中被見到包蓋。 起先,當他遇見 Daisuke(在 manga 版本中)的時候,他藉由稱他為翅膀主人歡迎他。 他然後用力打下去一個攻擊與離開燈塔而且抓住 Daisuke 的咽喉,嘗試勒死他。 當他最初在芳香榭脂版本中被見到的時候,他向 Daisuke 演說當黑暗而且向他丟擲一根爆炸羽毛。
He's both polite and homicidal, using an extremely formal speech pattern. Krad is often seen clad in voluminous robes. At first when he meets Daisuke (in the manga version), he greets him by calling him the Wing Master. He then swats an attacking With off the lighthouse and seizes Daisuke's throat, attempting to strangle him. When he is first seen in the anime version, he addresses Daisuke as Dark and throws an exploding feather at him. He tries to kill both Daisuke and Dark at any chance he gets despite Satoshi's protests. It is unknown what his trigger for transformation is but it has something to do with Satoshi's feelings for Daisuke. Notice that almost every time Krad shows up in the Anime and Manga, Satoshi's glasses fall from his face or he takes them off during an intense amount of pressure or pain. Some believe that removing his glasses is a sign that Krad will show. Even during the middle of the Manga series, Satoshi states he does not even require the glasses in the first place. Satoshi's glasses are believed to be a useful way to counter Krad from coming out.
他試著在任何的機會殺 Daisuke 和黑暗儘管 Satoshi 的抗議,他得到。 它是未知的什麼他轉形的導火線只不過是它為 Daisuke 與 Satoshi 的感覺有關。 注意那幾乎每一次 Krad 表演在芳香榭脂和 Manga 中,來自他的臉的 Satoshi 的眼鏡秋天或者他在強烈量的壓力或痛苦期間脫掉他們上面。
He tries to kill both Daisuke and Dark at any chance he gets despite Satoshi's protests. It is unknown what his trigger for transformation is but it has something to do with Satoshi's feelings for Daisuke. Notice that almost every time Krad shows up in the Anime and Manga, Satoshi's glasses fall from his face or he takes them off during an intense amount of pressure or pain.
一些相信除去他的眼鏡是符號 Krad 將顯示。 甚至在 Manga 系列的中央期間, Satoshi 說他甚至不首先需要眼鏡。 Satoshi 的眼鏡被相信是一個有用的方法從出來制止 Krad 。
Some believe that removing his glasses is a sign that Krad will show. Even during the middle of the Manga series, Satoshi states he does not even require the glasses in the first place. Satoshi's glasses are believed to be a useful way to counter Krad from coming out.
他時常呼叫 Satoshi" Satoshi - sama (" sama" 作為主人或者公爵的日本語,最有禮貌的名稱可能的)" 或者 " 我的每件事物 " 成績如何非常地所有的他他的主人。 因為他想要 Satoshi 認為,所以他認為他是 sama 他照顧他。 然後他將使 Satoshi 認為而且給他他的身體。 Satoshi 不報答他的感覺。
He often calls Satoshi "Satoshi-sama" ("sama" being Japanese for Master or Lord, the most respectful title possible) or "My everything" showing how extremely possessive he is of his host. He calls him sama because he wants Satoshi to think he cares for him. Then he'll make Satoshi think that and give him his body. Satoshi does not reciprocate his feelings.
== Character reception角色解釋 ==
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== Appearances in other media ==
== 其他媒體的出現 ==
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{{Trivia|date=January 2008}}
*In the Philippine dub, Krad is known as "Light".
*Krad is "Dark" spelt backwards. This is another symbol for the two's being complete opposites.
*In the manga, his eyes change from gold to amber to dark blue to light blue; however, the anime remains constant and portrays him with gold eyes.
*在菲律賓人中配音,Krad 即是 " 光 " 。
*Krad 是向後 " 黑暗 " 斯佩爾特小麥。 這是二個的另一個象徵在作為完全的相對事物。
*在 manga 中,他的眼睛從到深藍色的到琥珀色的黃金變成淡藍色; 然而,芳香榭脂用金色的眼睛保持持續而且描寫他。
[[Category:Alter egos]]
[[Category:Anime and manga characters who can fly]]
[[Category:D.N.Angel characters]]
[[Category:Alter egos天使怪盜角色]]
<Billeccentrec 編輯暫存結束>