
加入於 2007年7月14日 (星期六)

這是本頁的一個歷史版本,由Billeccentrec對話 | 貢獻2008年1月14日 (一) 04:31 (內容擴充)編輯。這可能和目前版本存在着巨大的差異。

Billeccentrec 於2007年7月註冊加入,是第287740位維基人。匿名為「不知道不知道」。


  1. 天使怪盜


Billeccentrec 編輯暫存


天使怪盜 角色
年齡: 14
頭髮顏色: 紅色
皮膚: 桃色
愛慕的人: 丹羽大助

原田梨紅是天使怪盜的角色。他在日本版本中被中山真奈美配音,在 Drama CD 中,他被今井由香配音。


原田梨紅是原田雙胞胎的年長者。不像她的妹妹原田梨紗,偏愛流行而且喜歡搞關係,原田梨紅喜歡運動(長曲棍是她的運動之ㄧ),在學校之中常被認為男人婆。她與她的妹妹原田梨紗相較起來,原田梨紅較獨立且實際的。身體的特徵方面,她的頭髮比她妹妹短 (到肩),而且她看起來有更多的精力和健身的習慣。(原田梨紗騎她的腳踏車到學校,但原田梨紅是慢跑到學校)。

她強烈的厭惡 DARK ,自從他們的第一次相會,原田梨紅洗完澡後出來,看到陌生人(DARK)。在動畫中,當她站在外面, DARK 停在陽台上(因為 DARK 看到原田梨紅,引起DNA的反應)。原田梨紅一見到 DARK 嚇到了,DARK 為了讓她安靜下來,補不引起其他人注意,他吻了她。 DARK 偷了原田梨紅的初吻,使原田梨紅強烈的厭惡 DARK



一開始原田梨紅並沒有很靠近丹羽大助,她只把丹羽大助當做「喜歡原田梨紗的人」。當時,她把丹羽大助視為笨拙、不可靠的和不會任何有趣的事可以吸引她。雖然,他們的關係變得比較親近是因為她發現他的力量和個性,使她真實的感覺變得更加浮現。同時,一些孩童時期的記憶(雖然不知道當時是誰),在哪些 Daisuke做非常親切的事物中再點火來自她的了為對她,她有助於為他發展感覺。 她甚至顯示特定量的嫉妒地對 Mio(在芳香榭脂中)和甚至向她的姓(在呼叫他們的姓, " Harada - san" 的兩雙胞胎都中, subc潛在意識她想要 Daisuke 根據她的名字打電話給她)比較遲的在,之上她最後容許她的感覺加入 Daisuke,和在那相同的時間他為她承認他的感覺當做很好地,和他們開始出去。 Also, rekindled memories from her childhood in which Daisuke (though not knowing who he was at the time) had done very kind things for her contributed to her developing feelings for him. She even showed certain amounts of jealously to Mio (in the anime) and even towards her surname (in which Daisuke calls both of the twins by their surname, "Harada-san", subconsciously she wanted Daisuke to call her by her name) Later on, she finally admits her feelings to Daisuke, and at the same time he admits his feelings for her as well, and they start going out.

Daisuke 的第二自我,黑暗,似乎將一些吸引展示給她看。 Riku,另一方面,不顯示那相同的向黑暗時常關於他當做一個墮落者 (自從他之後偷了她的第一個吻)而且公開地為他顯示她的嫌惡。

Daisuke's alter ego, Dark, appears to show some attraction to her. Riku, on the other hand, does not show the same towards Dark often regarding him as a pervert (since he stole her first kiss) and openly showing her dislike for him.

她也注意到當他跳下一個岩架從危險的秋天節省 Wiz 的時候, Daisuke 能被仰賴而且是一個關心人。 也當她擰她的腳踝 Daisuke 進位的時候,她提高山的整個邊到達 Risa。 當他顯示他為她臉紅而且開始為 Daisuke 了解她的真實感覺的她擔憂的時候。

She also notices that Daisuke can be relied on and is a caring person when he jumps off a ledge to save Wiz from a dangerous fall. Also when she twists her ankle Daisuke carries her up the whole side of the mountain to reach Risa. When he shows that he is worried about her she blushes and starts to realize her true feelings for Daisuke.


Riku 是她的姊妹的兩極相對事物, [[Risa Harada| Risa〕], 偏愛戶外的活動和運動超過到在壓碎和衣服之上迷住。 比較對她的姊妹,她更向下到地球,清晰和運動的。 她也是非常斷定的,嚴重的和中立派。 然而,不像 Risa ,向其他者,她相當害羞關於她的感覺的事,尤其向 Daisuke 而且不公開地談論她的感覺,雖然 Risa 仍然能夠拾起事實「她喜歡 Daisuke 」。 她的烹飪技能她姊妹遠比那好而且在插曲 5 Risa 中說她沒有知道受歡迎的 Riku 是如何。 她也是相當親切-心,關心,和不顧自己的,為每個人只有想要最好。 她她的姊妹也相當保護,非常關心的每當 R

Riku is the polar opposite of her sister, Risa, preferring outdoor activities and athletics than to obsessing over crushes and clothes. Compared to her sister she is more down to earth, articulate and athletic. She is also very assertive, serious and independent. Despite such differences both of Risa and her do share some similar qualities such as bravery and stubbornness. However, unlike Risa, she is quite shy about her feelings towards others, especially towards Daisuke and doesn't openly talk about her feelings, although Risa is still able to pick up the fact that she likes Daisuke. Her cooking skills are far better than that of her sister's and in episode 5 Risa says she didn't know how popular Riku is. She is also quite kind-hearted, caring, and selfless, wanting only the best for everyone. She is also quite protective of her sister, very concerned whenever Risa goes out to see Dark or is distressed. Template:DNAngel

