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cewbot: 修正維基語法 16: 改用Template:rtl-lang處理右至左文字如阿拉伯語及希伯來語
[[File:Tarbut poster.jpg|thumb|right|19世纪30年代波兰犹太锡安主义学校内的宣传画报。锡安主义者在波兰政治界活动非常活跃。1922年波兰选举中,35个犹太人议员席位中,有25席被锡安主义者占据<ref>{{cite book |last=Marcus |first=Joseph |title=Social and Political History of the Jews in Poland, 1919-1939 |year=1983 |publisher=Walter de Gruyter |location=Berlin |isbn=90-279-3239-5 |page=263 }}</ref>。]]
锡安主义(又称“犹太复国主义”),是犹太人发起的一场政治运动,也指支持犹太人在古以色列地建立犹太人家园的政治主张或意识形态。尽管这一运动的起源可以追溯至更久的历史,但首位正式提出锡安主义思想的人是19世纪末奥匈帝国犹太裔记者[[西奥多·赫茨尔]]([[希伯来语]]:'''{{rtl-lang|he|'''בנימין זאב הרצל}}'''}})<ref>Johnson (1987), pp. 374, 402.</ref>。在国际范围内具有广泛影响的锡安主义运动取得的最大成就是1948年以色列国的成立。此后,锡安主义继续发挥着支持以色列政府和犹太民族的作用<ref>"An international movement originally for the establishment of a Jewish national or religious community in Palestine and later for the support of modern Israel." ("Zionism," Webster's 11th Collegiate Dictionary). See also [http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9078399/Zionism "Zionism"], ''Encyclopedia Britannica'', which describes it as a "Jewish nationalist movement that has had as its goal the creation and support of a Jewish national state in Palestine, the ancient homeland of the Jews (Hebrew: Eretz Yisra'el, “the Land of Israel”)," and The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition, which defines it as "A Jewish movement that arose in the late 19th century in response to growing anti-Semitism and sought to reestablish a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Modern Zionism is concerned with the support and development of the state of Israel." </ref>。 作为一种“散居民族的民族主义”<ref>[[Ernest Gellner]], 1983. Nations and Nationalism (First edition), p 107–108.</ref>,锡安主义者们将其主张定性为“追求犹太民族[[自决权]]的[[民族解放运动]]”<ref>A national liberation movement:
* "Zionism is a modern national liberation movement whose roots go far back to Biblical times." (Rockaway, Robert. [http://www.wzo.org.il/en/resources/view.asp?id=111 Zionism: The National Liberation Movement of The Jewish People], [[World Zionist Organization]], January 21, 1975, accessed August 17, 2006).
* "The aim of Zionism was principally the liberation and self-determination of the Jewish people...", [[Shlomo Avineri]]. ([http://www.hagshama.org.il/en/resources/view.asp?id=1551 Zionism as a Movement of National Liberation], Hagshama department of the [[World Zionist Organization]], December 12, 2003, accessed August 17, 2006).