
Fedora People

Server Updates/Reboots

Posted by Fedora Infrastructure Status on 2024-10-01 20:00:00 UTC

We will be applying updates to all our servers and rebooting into newer kernels. Services will be up or down during the outage window. As time permits we will also be reinstalling some servers.

Introduction to BLAS

Posted by Fedora Magazine on 2024-09-30 08:00:00 UTC

Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms or BLAS is a specification created in the 70s/80s by members of academia from US public institutions. The aim was the standardization and speed improvement for low-level linear algebra operations. This initially involved vector operations (Level 1). Over time, BLAS came to support more complex algorithms like vector-matrix operations (Level 2) and in the end matrix-matrix operations (Level 3).

For a general overview, the Netlib Quick Reference Guide is a good start. Be sure to check out the References section of the Quick Reference Guide for more detailed explanations and examples. It cites three research papers that were the basis of this specification. Jack Dongarra seems to be a key figure in this field. You can find those papers in the public domain.

Take a look at what the specification says about matrix operations. Specific operations involving symmetric, hermitian, and triangular matrices exist because these special cases can improve performance. We will focus on GEMM the general matrix-matrix operation:

        options         dim      scalar matrix  matrix  scalar matrix

According to the guide:

  • xGEMM is the name of a function that performs a general x datatype matrix-matrix operation
  • This function solves the matrix-matrix operation
    • C <= alpha * op(A) * op(B) + beta * C where A,B,C rectangular matrices
  • TRANSA/TRANSB refer to the extra operation op(A) and op(B) and can be either N (No transpose) or T (Transpose) or C (Conjugate transpose)
  • M, N, K – are dimensions ie A has dimensions m x k, B is k x n and C is m x n
  • LDA and LDB are the leading dimensions of matrices A and B

The implemented function/procedure should have the above signature. This matrix-matrix operation is generic and by changing the options and the scalars, you can define a sum and/or a product operation. The specification is generic in this sense. For example, if we want to test a matrix product, we have to make BETA=0 and TRANSA=TRANSB=N.

The specification breaks down higher-level matrix operations into operations of lower level by partitioning the matrix into smaller components and calling lower-level BLAS functions. This allows the partitioned components to fit into smaller cache sizes (L3-L1) and improves computational speed.


The first implementations of this specification were written in Fortran – an important language for scientific and high-performance computing. Additional layers and libraries were developed, such as LAPACK, which relies on BLAS. LAPACK specializes in higher-level linear algebra operations like linear systems, factorization, eigenvalues, etc. You can still find all these libraries on the Netlib website.

Separation of concerns allowed BLAS to grow and specialize in matrix operations to take advantage of underlying hardware architectures. This also enabled LAPACK to specialize in mathematical-related domains. The TOP500 HPC centers use a variation of these libraries for rating.


GotoBLAS, developed by Kazushige Goto at TACC, is another implementation of the BLAS specification that became popular in the years 2000s. A notable feature of this library is the use of handwritten assembly code for improved performance. An open-source version became available to the public under a BSD license but is now discontinued.

OpenBLAS was forked from GotoBLAS2 by Zhang Xianyi in 2011 while at UT Austin. It is currently maintained and updated to take advantage of new processor architectures and capabilities. It has support for RISC-V in its latest versions.

Over the years OpenBLAS had some of the best benchmark scores close to Intel MKL. Intel MKL is another notable library from the 90s. Intel MKL became oneMKL in 2020 to align with the oneAPI specification. The specification defines a hardware-agnostic api that should work across emerging heterogeneous computing (CPU+accelerators). Note the libraries we are discussing here work exclusively on CPU.


FlexiBLAS was created by Martin Kohler and Jens Saak from MPI Magdeburg. In a 2013 paper, they mention a few problems related to the linear algebra ecosystem from lapack to plasma, magma, atlas, and the blas implementation used by each of these libraries. The mentioned issues are: linked libraries and their dependencies, profiling and debugging, and various incompatibilities. FlexiBLAS is another layer of indirection that manages all these problems and allows one to switch between different BLAS backends at runtime using an environment variable or configuration file. Spend some time reading the man page. It manages the problems by programmatically calling in its source code the POSIX functions dlopen/dlsym etc. For a list of available backends:

user@fedora:~$ dnf install flexiblas
user@fedora:~$ flexiblas list
System-wide (config directory):
library = libflexiblas_netlib.so
library = libflexiblas_openblas-openmp.so

We will need the shared objects and the header files so we’ll install the development version as below.

user@fedora:~$ dnf install flexiblas-devel gcc
user@fedora:~$ rpm -ql flexiblas-devel


Let’s make a matrix multiplication program and compare the performance. Here we multiply 2 matrices using the well-known algorithm rows x columns. We will try to keep the program as small as possible so excuse the lack of programming conventions coming from a pascal/fortran user. We are using Fedora Workstation 40 with 6 CPU and 8 GB RAM.

user@fedora:~$ cat <<EOF > simple_mm.c
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#define N 5000

double A[N][N], B[N][N], C[N][N];

int main(){

// seed with random values
for(int i=0; i<N; i++)
for(int j=0; j<N; j++) {
A[i][j]=rand(); B[i][j]=rand(); C[i][j]=0;

// matrix multiply
for(int i=0; i<N; i++)
for(int j=0; j<N; j++)
for(int p=0; p<N; p++) {
C[i][j] = A[i][p] * B[p][j] + C[i][j];

user@fedora:~$ gcc simple_mm.c -o simple_mm.o
user@fedora:~$ time ./simple_mm.o
real 13m46.145s
user 13m44.369s
sys 0m0.493s

For 5000 rows/cols square matrix, the average time was 12 minutes on a single core. Since this laptop has more cores available, we can check how much better we can get with OpenMP.

user@fedora:~$ cat <<EOF > omp_mm.c
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "omp.h"
#define N 5000

double A[N][N], B[N][N], C[N][N];

int main(){

for(int i=0; i<N; i++)
for(int j=0; j<N; j++){
A[i][j]=rand(); B[i][j]=rand(); C[i][j]=0;

#pragma omp parallel for shared(C)
for(int i=0; i<N; i++)
for(int j=0; j<N; j++)
for(int p=0; p<N; p++){
C[i][j] = A[i][p] * B[p][j] + C[i][j];

user@fedora:~$ gcc omp_mm.c -o omp_mm.o -fopenmp
user@fedora:~$ time OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 ./omp_mm.o
real 3m14.798s
user 12m46.950s
sys 0m0.645s

So with 2 lines of OpenMP, we were able to get 3 minutes when running on 4 cores. Let’s try to use flexiblas now and see the difference. We will call the cblas interface from the flexiblas-devel package. We also need to link the library exactly as detailed in the Fedora Docs.

user@fedora:~$ cat <<EOF > cblas_mm.c
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "flexiblas/cblas.h"
#define N 5000

double A[N][N], B[N][N], C[N][N];

int main(){

for(int i=0; i<N; i++)
for(int j=0; j<N; j++){
A[i][j]=rand(); B[i][j]=rand(); C[i][j]=0;

cblas_dgemm(CblasRowMajor,CblasNoTrans,CblasNoTrans, N,N,N, 1, \
&A[0][0],N, &B[0][0],N, 0,&C[0][0],N);

user@fedora:~$ gcc cblas_mm.c -o cblas_mm.o -lflexiblas
user@fedora:~$ time ./cblas_mm.o
real 0m1.690s
user 0m5.820s
sys 0m0.301s

Notice this time the program ran in 2 seconds. The extra argument CblasRowMajor indicates that C saves multidimensional arrays in memory by rows, as opposed to Fortran, for example.


One other interesting feature that flexiblas provides is profiling and debugging. It is doing so using the concept of hooks. For this, we need to either create and build the shared object or install it. A sample profile hook is available as a separate Fedora Linux package.

user@fedora:~$ dnf install -y flexiblas-hook-profile
user@fedora:~$ rpm -ql flexiblas-hook-profile
user@fedora:~$ flexiblas hook list
Available hooks:
PROFILE (/usr/lib64/flexiblas//libflexiblas_hook_profile.so)

Now that we have the hook available locally, let’s use it to profile a sample program by calling the Fortran interface. You can use the examples from FlexiBLAS github page to build your own profilers.

user@fedora:~$ cat <<EOF > profile_mm.c
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#define N 5000

extern void dgemm_ (char* transa, char* transb, \
int* m, int* n, int* k, \
double* alpha, double* a, int* lda, double* b, int* ldb, \
double* beta, double* c, int* ldc);

double A[N][N], B[N][N], C[N][N];
int dim=N; double alpha=1; double beta=0;

int main(){

for(int i=0; i<N; i++)
for(int j=0; j<N; j++){
A[i][j]= rand(); B[i][j]= rand(); C[i][j]= 0;

for(int i=0; i<5; i++)
dgemm_("N","N", &dim,&dim,&dim, &alpha,&A[0][0],&dim, \
&B[0][0],&dim, &beta,&C[0][0],&dim);

user@fedora:~$ gcc profile_mm.c -o profile_mm.o -lflexiblas

user@fedora:~$ FLEXIBLAS_HOOK=PROFILE ./profile_mm.o
<flexiblas-profile> Write profile to flexiblas_profile.txt

user@fedora:~$ grep dgemm flexiblas_profile.txt
dgemm 5 4.97674

FlexiBLAS sees use by a diverse range of packages. These range from core libraries in R and Python to chemical simulations and linear algebra packages.

user@fedora:~$ dnf repoquery --whatrequires flexiblas-netlib

More matrices

One way to think about matrices is to consider each column as coordinates (x,y,z) in space. In this way a 3xn matrix can represent a 3d object. The more complex the object, and the more points it has, the wider the matrix will be. Let’s use this concept to represent a 3D cube:

-1 -1 -1 -1  1  1  1  1
-1 -1 1 1 -1 -1 1 1
-1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1

Another way to think about matrices is in terms of linear transformations. There are a few well-known transformations that we can apply to a vector space. We can translate, scale, or rotate. Each of these transformations is represented by a well-known matrix. Those shown here are for the following example.

xROTATION                  SCALE              TRANSLATION
1 0 0 0 sx 0 0 0 1 0 0 tx
0 cos(t) -sin(t) 0 0 sy 0 0 0 1 0 ty
0 sin(t) cos(t) 0 0 0 sz 0 0 0 1 tz
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1

To rotate the cube in 3D, we will have to multiply the rotation matrix and the cube matrix. The resulting 4×8 matrix becomes the new rotated cube. We can make a continuous loop then rotate the cube by 3 degrees for each iteration and then render its coordinates on screen. Since our terminal is two-dimensional, we could neglect altogether the third row of the cube matrix. This way we will have a 2×8 matrix – meaning 8 points on a 2D scene. So in other words we will have the 2D projection of our 3D cube, also called an orthographic projection. The 2D projection will be relative to the 2D frame of reference of our terminal so this solves our problem with rendering the cube, the only thing we must account for is that the terminal coordinate (0,0) begins at the top left corner. So, the algorithm will have the following steps:

  • Scale unit cube
  • Rotate around y axis for perspective
  • Rotate 3 degress each loop
  • Translate to center of terminal and draw

All of the above steps are matrix multiplications. For drawing on the terminal we will use the ncurses library. Due to the terminal row/column height ratio we had to scale the cube more on the y-axis as you can see in the below example. You will also notice the cube matrix has an extra row of ones, as we converted to homogeneous coordinates.

user@fedora:~$ dnf install ncurses-devel

user@fedora:~$ cat <<EOF > cube.c
#include "stdio.h"
#include "math.h"
#include "ncurses.h"
#include "flexiblas/cblas.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "unistd.h"

double myCube[4][8] = { { -1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1 },
{ -1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, 1 },
{ -1, -1, -1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1 },
{ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 } };
double mScale[4][4] = { { 5, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 10, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 5, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 1 } };
double mTranslate[4][4] = { { 1, 0, 0, 10 },
{ 0, 1, 0, 50 },
{ 0, 0, 1, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 1 } };
double mRotateY30[4][4] = {{ cos(M_PI/6), 0, sin(M_PI/6), 0 },
{ 0, 1, 0, 0 },
{ -sin(M_PI/6), 0, cos(M_PI/6), 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 1 } };
double mRotateX3[4][4] = { { 1, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, cos(M_PI/60), -sin(M_PI/60), 0 },
{ 0, sin(M_PI/60), cos(M_PI/60), 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 1 } };
double scaledCube[4][8], tempCube[4][8], cntrCube[4][8];

int main(){

// scale the unit cube and rotate
cblas_dgemm(CblasRowMajor,CblasNoTrans,CblasNoTrans, 4,8,4, \
1,&mScale[0][0],4, &myCube[0][0],8, 0,&scaledCube[0][0],8);
cblas_dgemm(CblasRowMajor,CblasNoTrans,CblasNoTrans, 4,8,4, \
1,&mRotateY30[0][0],4, &scaledCube[0][0],8, 0,&myCube[0][0],8);


memcpy(tempCube, myCube, 4*8*sizeof(double));

// rotate 5 degrees
cblas_dgemm(CblasRowMajor,CblasNoTrans,CblasNoTrans, 4,8,4, \
1,&mRotateX3[0][0],4, &tempCube[0][0],8, 0,&myCube[0][0],8);

// translate to middle
cblas_dgemm(CblasRowMajor,CblasNoTrans,CblasNoTrans, 4,8,4, \
1,&mTranslate[0][0],4, &tempCube[0][0],8, 0,&cntrCube[0][0],8);
// render
for(int j=0; j<8; j++)
mvaddch((int)cntrCube[0][j], (int)cntrCube[1][j],'x');

usleep(25000); // 25ms



user@fedora:~$ gcc cube.c -o cube.o -lflexiblas -lncurses
user@fedora:~$ ./cube.o

We were able to draw a rotating cube in the terminal with relatively few lines. If we want to make the cube more realistic, we will need to add more vertices to the matrix that describes the cube. As a result, we will end up with a matrix with 3 rows and numerous columns. These are the types of practical matrices that BLAS libraries are optimized for.

Computer graphics is just one small application of linear algebra. When dealing with big models of thousands of points, with 4k monitors and color graphics, even this library is limited. This points out the need for specialized hardware (GPU/FPGA) for accelerated computing. These devices are programmed using different terms and programming paradigms from the ones used here, but matrix multiplication is still a core operation.


Matrix multiplication is a relatively simple concept but notoriously slow. One major theoretical improvement was the Strassen Algorithm in the 70’s. The need to abstract a system of linear equations into a matrix form left us with this row-by-columns rule. The rule therefore needs to take into account all the linear system coefficients or, as in the case of Strassen, a relationship among these coefficients. Faced with these limitations, computational linear algebra had to improve on brute force and this is how BLAS came into being. Thanks to the Fedora Project contributors who maintain the above-mentioned packages.

Exploring LoRa APRS: VHF vs UHF Performance

Posted by Piju 9M2PJU on 2024-09-30 00:43:53 UTC

In the rapidly evolving world of amateur radio and the Internet of Things (IoT), the ability to communicate over long distances with low power consumption is crucial. LoRa (Long Range) technology has emerged as a popular solution for this need, particularly in applications like Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) tracking. This blog post aims to compare two distinct setups for LoRa APRS using VHF (Very High Frequency) and UHF (Ultra High Frequency) frequencies, focusing on their performance in terms of distance and environmental factors.



  • Frequency: 144.415 MHz
  • Spreading Factor: 8
  • Bandwidth: 10.4 kHz
  • Power Output: 20 dBm
  • Coding Rate: 5


The VHF setup is particularly suitable for applications in urban and semi-rural environments where line-of-sight may not always be guaranteed. The estimated transmission ranges for this configuration are:

  • Best Case (Line of Sight): Approximately 15-20 km
  • Semi-Rural Areas: Around 10 km
  • Urban Areas: About 3 km



  • Frequency: 433.400 MHz
  • Spreading Factor: 12
  • Bandwidth: 125 kHz
  • Power Output: 20 dBm
  • Coding Rate: 5


The UHF setup excels in open environments where line-of-sight is achievable. Its performance metrics are impressive:

  • Best Case (Line of Sight): Approximately 40-50 km
  • Semi-Rural Areas: Around 20-30 km
  • Urban Areas: About 5-10 km

Distance Comparison

In the following chart, we visually compare the maximum distances achieved by both VHF and UHF setups for LoRa APRS. This highlights the significant differences in range capabilities based on frequency and setup parameters.

image-5 Exploring LoRa APRS: VHF vs UHF Performance

Transmission Range in Different Environments

The next chart illustrates how both setups perform in various environments: urban, semi-rural, and rural. The VHF setup may have limitations in urban settings, while the UHF setup generally demonstrates superior performance in open spaces.

image-6 Exploring LoRa APRS: VHF vs UHF Performance

Important Note

It’s important to note that the distances mentioned in this post are estimations. In real-world scenarios, actual performance may vary due to several factors, including:

  • Environmental Obstructions: Buildings, trees, and hills can significantly impact signal propagation.
  • Interference: Other electronic devices operating on similar frequencies can cause interference and degrade performance.
  • Antenna Quality: The type and placement of antennas can affect the transmission range and signal quality.
  • Terrain: Variations in terrain can influence signal strength, with hilly or uneven ground potentially reducing effective range.
  • Weather Conditions: Rain, humidity, and other weather conditions can also affect radio wave propagation.


When choosing between VHF and UHF for LoRa APRS tracking, consider the following:

  • VHF is advantageous in areas with obstructions such as buildings or hills but has a more limited range.
  • UHF provides extended distance capabilities, particularly beneficial in open or less obstructed environments.

Ultimately, the decision depends on your specific needs, environmental conditions, and the operational context of your LoRa APRS tracking applications.

The post Exploring LoRa APRS: VHF vs UHF Performance appeared first on HamRadio.My - Ham Radio, Fun Facts, Open Source Software, Tech Insights, Product Reviews by 9M2PJU.

On being the cheapest cloud

Posted by Fabio Alessandro Locati on 2024-09-30 00:00:00 UTC
Recently, I heard a pitch from a public cloud company. Among other characteristics, a key aspect they stressed is that they are the cheapest cloud. This aspect struck me. Not because I believe it is or is not, but because I’ve heard many companies pitch themselves as the cheapest cloud over the years. I asked the CTO if they were foreseeing consistent and planned cuts in the pricing every year or so.

The Growing Global Community of Amateur Radio Operators 🌍📡

Posted by Piju 9M2PJU on 2024-09-29 19:23:37 UTC

Amateur radio has been a beloved hobby for millions of people worldwide, offering a unique blend of technical skills, community, and the thrill of communication. A recent chart I created illustrates the estimated population of amateur radio operators globally, showcasing significant growth from the 1950s to 2023. Let’s explore the trends behind these numbers and what has driven this increase, especially in recent years.

Historical Context 📈

In the 1950s, there were approximately 100,000 licensed amateur radio operators worldwide. Over the decades, this number steadily climbed, reflecting the growing popularity of the hobby. By 2020, the global population reached about 3 million, and estimates for 2023 suggest it has risen to around 3.6 million. This growth represents a robust community that thrives on shared interests in technology and communication.

Impact of COVID-19 🦠

One of the most notable trends in recent years has been the increase in amateur radio operators during the COVID-19 pandemic. As many people found themselves confined at home, hobbies that could be enjoyed in isolation surged in popularity. Amateur radio became a vital outlet for communication, allowing people to connect with others despite physical distance. The rise in licensed operators from 3.0 million in 2020 to 3.6 million in 2023 can be partly attributed to this unique circumstance.

The Role of Technology 💻

The advancement of technology has also played a crucial role in attracting new amateur radio enthusiasts. The rise of digital modes has made it easier for operators to communicate, particularly with younger generations who are tech-savvy. Digital communication platforms, software-defined radios (SDRs), and online resources have lowered the barriers to entry, allowing more individuals to engage in the hobby.

Additionally, various online platforms have provided valuable resources for training and licensing, making it more accessible for newcomers. Organizations like the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) and the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) have also promoted the hobby through online forums and webinars, further encouraging participation.

Looking Ahead 🔮

The future of amateur radio looks promising, with ongoing initiatives aimed at attracting diverse groups of operators. Efforts to promote inclusivity in the community have seen an increase in participation from women and underrepresented groups. The adaptability of amateur radio, especially in embracing digital communication methods, will likely ensure its relevance in the coming years.

As we look at the chart showcasing this growth, it’s clear that amateur radio continues to evolve and thrive. Whether you’re a seasoned operator or a curious newcomer, there’s a vibrant community waiting to welcome you into the world of amateur radio!

The post The Growing Global Community of Amateur Radio Operators 🌍📡 appeared first on HamRadio.My - Ham Radio, Fun Facts, Open Source Software, Tech Insights, Product Reviews by 9M2PJU.

Choosing the Best Antennas for Your LoRa APRS Tracker and iGate at 433 MHz

Posted by Piju 9M2PJU on 2024-09-29 18:33:09 UTC

When it comes to reliable communication with your LoRa APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System) tracker and iGate, selecting the right antenna is crucial. The performance of your setup can significantly impact your ability to transmit and receive signals, especially at the 433 MHz frequency commonly used in many regions. In this post, we’ll explore some of the best antenna options for both trackers and iGates, ensuring optimal performance for your APRS activities! 🌍

🛰 Antenna Recommendations

For LoRa APRS Tracker

1/4 Wave Whip Antenna 🌪

    • Gain: 2 – 3 dBi
    • Description: Compact and lightweight, this antenna is perfect for mobile use. It’s easy to mount on vehicles and provides decent performance for tracking.
    • Example Models: Nagoya NA-774

    1/2 Wave Dipole Antenna 📏

      • Gain: 3 – 5 dBi
      • Description: Offering improved performance over a 1/4 wave, the dipole antenna provides broader coverage and can be made portable.
      • Example Models: Custom-built or commercial options.

      Folded Dipole Antenna 📏🔄

        • Gain: 3 – 5 dBi
        • Description: A variant of the dipole, the folded dipole is easy to build and provides excellent bandwidth, making it suitable for portable operations.
        • Example Models: Various DIY plans available online.

        Ground Plane Antenna 🌍

          • Gain: 2 – 5 dBi
          • Description: This type of antenna uses ground reflection to enhance performance. It’s ideal for low-profile installations and portable setups.
          • Example Models: DIY options available.

          For LoRa APRS iGate

          5/8 Wave Collinear Antenna 📡

            • Gain: 5 – 9 dBi
            • Description: Known for its good gain and broad coverage, this antenna is excellent for fixed installations, allowing for extended range in receiving APRS packets.
            • Example Models: Diamond X-30

            Yagi Antenna 🎯

              • Gain: 8 – 12 dBi
              • Description: A highly directional antenna that provides high gain. This is ideal for iGates focused on specific areas, maximizing reception from distant transmitters.
              • Example Models: N5ESE 2m Yagi

              Log Periodic Antenna 📶

                • Gain: 6 – 10 dBi
                • Description: This versatile antenna is effective over a wide frequency range and can be used for both transmitting and receiving, making it great for multi-purpose iGates.
                • Example Models: Various commercial options available.

                Discone Antenna 🔄

                  • Gain: 2 – 6 dBi
                  • Description: A wideband antenna that works well for various frequencies, including 433.400 MHz. It’s perfect for iGates that need to cover a broad spectrum.
                  • Example Models: Comet GP-9

                  🔍 Additional Considerations

                  • Installation Height: For the iGate, mounting the antenna as high as possible is crucial to improving range and reducing obstructions.
                  • Coaxial Cable: Use low-loss coaxial cables for longer runs to maintain signal quality and reduce losses.

                  📊 Visualizing the Options

                  Screenshot-2024-09-30-022359 Choosing the Best Antennas for Your LoRa APRS Tracker and iGate at 433 MHz

                  With these antenna options, you can optimize your LoRa APRS setup for both tracking and iGate operations. Happy transmitting! 📡✨

                  The post Choosing the Best Antennas for Your LoRa APRS Tracker and iGate at 433 MHz appeared first on HamRadio.My - Ham Radio, Fun Facts, Open Source Software, Tech Insights, Product Reviews by 9M2PJU.

                  Optimizing Smart Beacon Profiles and Power Settings for LoRa APRS Tracker

                  Posted by Piju 9M2PJU on 2024-09-29 15:58:57 UTC

                  In the world of amateur radio and APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System), optimizing your Smart Beacon settings is crucial for ensuring effective tracking while conserving battery life. In this post, we’ll explore various Smart Beacon profiles on https://github.com/richonguzman/LoRa_APRS_Tracker, their respective parameters, and the best power settings for each profile, along with visual charts to enhance understanding.

                  Understanding Smart Beacon Profiles

                  Smart Beaconing adjusts transmission rates based on movement profiles, allowing for more efficient use of resources. The profiles outlined below include settings for different types of movement: Human/Person, Bike, and Car. Each profile is designed to optimize transmission intervals based on speed.

                  Smart Beacon Profiles Chart

                  smartbeaconprofiles Optimizing Smart Beacon Profiles and Power Settings for LoRa APRS Tracker

                  Profile Breakdown:

                  Human/Person (Slow):

                  • Slow Rate: 3 seconds for speeds below 15 km/h.
                  • Fast Rate: 20 seconds for speeds above 50 km/h.
                  • This profile is tailored for walking or hiking, where movements are slow, and battery conservation is paramount.

                  Bike (Medium):

                  • Slow Rate: 5 seconds for speeds below 40 km/h.
                  • Fast Rate: 12 seconds for speeds above 100 km/h.
                  • Designed for biking, this profile offers a balance between range and energy efficiency at moderate speeds.

                  Car (Fast):

                  • Slow Rate: 10 seconds for speeds below 70 km/h.
                  • Fast Rate: 12 seconds for speeds above 100 km/h.
                  • This profile caters to driving, enabling long-distance tracking at higher speeds without compromising on reliability.

                  Key Parameters

                  Each profile also considers other important parameters such as:

                  • Minimum Transmission Distance: Ensures beacons are sent only when significant movement occurs.
                  • Minimum Turn Angle: Triggers a transmission if the angle of turn exceeds a specific degree, providing more relevant updates.

                  The power settings for your Smart Beacon can significantly impact both range and battery life. Here’s a chart summarizing the recommended power levels for each profile:

                  Power Settings Chart

                  image-4 Optimizing Smart Beacon Profiles and Power Settings for LoRa APRS Tracker

                  Power Setting Recommendations:

                  Human/Person (Slow): 10 dBm

                  • A lower power setting to save battery life during slower movements, ideal for pedestrian activities.

                  Bike (Medium): 14 dBm

                  • A moderate power setting that balances energy conservation with the need for increased range while cycling.

                  Car (Fast): 18 dBm and above

                  • A higher power setting necessary for long-range tracking, especially at higher speeds on the road.


                  Optimizing your Smart Beacon settings is essential for efficient APRS tracking. By selecting the right profile and corresponding power setting, you can ensure reliable communication while maximizing battery life.

                  Important Note: While these recommendations provide a solid foundation, it’s crucial to tailor your settings to your specific environment and coverage requirements. Different locations may necessitate distinct configurations for optimal performance. For the Car profile, you can consider setting the power to 20 dBm, especially since you can connect your LoRa APRS Tracker to the car charger for unlimited power while driving. This adjustment ensures enhanced range and reliability during your journeys.

                  By following these insights, you’ll be well-equipped to make the most of your Smart Beacon for various activities. Happy tracking!

                  The post Optimizing Smart Beacon Profiles and Power Settings for LoRa APRS Tracker appeared first on HamRadio.My - Ham Radio, Fun Facts, Open Source Software, Tech Insights, Product Reviews by 9M2PJU.

                  Optimizing LoRa APRS Tracker for Maximum Battery Life

                  Posted by Piju 9M2PJU on 2024-09-29 10:46:22 UTC

                  As an avid user of LoRa APRS trackers, I’ve dedicated considerable time to fine-tuning my device to ensure it operates efficiently while conserving battery life. This is particularly crucial for long-duration outdoor activities where access to charging may be limited. In this post, I’ll share my insights on optimizing various settings—including spreading factor, coding rate, power (dBm) settings, and wide path configuration—to achieve the best battery performance.

                  1. Understanding Spreading Factor (SF)

                  The spreading factor is a critical parameter in LoRa communication that dictates how the signal is spread over time, affecting range, reliability, and robustness of the transmission.

                  • Higher Spreading Factor: In my case, the local digipeater and iGate operate on Spreading Factor 12 (SF12). This setting allows for longer distances and better penetration through obstacles, which is invaluable for tracking in areas with varying terrain or urban interference. However, a higher SF also results in longer transmission times and increased battery consumption.
                  • Compatibility Requirement: Since Malaysian APRS infrastructure operates on SF12, my tracker must also be set to SF12 to ensure successful communication. Unfortunately, this means I cannot switch to a lower spreading factor, such as SF7, which could help save battery life but would not be compatible with the network.

                  Chart: Spreading Factor vs. Range and Battery Consumption (Estimation)

                  Spreading FactorRange (km)Battery Consumption (mAh)

                  2. The Role of Coding Rate (CR)

                  The coding rate, expressed as a ratio (e.g., 4/5), indicates how much redundancy is added to the data for error correction. It plays a vital role in ensuring reliable data transmission.

                  • Optimal Balance: A coding rate of 4/5 is particularly advantageous for battery savings. This coding rate strikes a balance between sending sufficient redundancy to ensure reliable communication while minimizing the amount of data transmitted. When using a lower redundancy rate, my tracker can transmit packets more quickly, which in turn reduces the on-air time and conserves battery power.
                  • Trade-Offs: It’s important to note that while a higher coding rate (e.g., 4/6 or 4/7) may enhance reliability, it also increases the transmission time. Therefore, choosing the right coding rate is essential to balance reliability and power consumption.

                  Chart: Coding Rate vs. Transmission Time (Estimation)

                  Coding RateTransmission Time (seconds)

                  3. Choosing Power (dBm) Settings

                  The dBm value represents the transmission power of the device. Adjusting the transmission power can significantly impact battery life.

                  • Lowering Transmission Power: By reducing the dBm setting, I can decrease the power consumed during transmission. For example, using a lower transmission power of 16 dBm instead of 20 dBm can extend battery life, especially in areas where the signal strength is sufficient for communication.
                  • Impact on Range: While reducing the dBm setting can save battery, it’s crucial to ensure that the signal remains strong enough for reliable communication. If I’m in an area with good coverage, lowering the dBm setting is a practical way to extend the time between battery charges.

                  Chart: Power Settings vs. Range (Estimation)

                  dBm SettingsRange (km)
                  10 dBm5
                  14 dBm10
                  18 dBm15

                  4. Configuring Wide Path Settings

                  The wide path setting determines how many digipeaters (or hops) the packets traverse. This can significantly impact battery consumption.

                  • Narrow vs. Wide Path: Using a wider path (e.g., WIDE2-1) may allow my packets to travel through more digipeaters, but this can result in longer transmission times and increased power consumption. To optimize battery life, I prefer using a narrower path setting (like WIDE1-1), which limits the number of hops and thus reduces overall power consumption.
                  • Network Considerations: It’s essential to assess the APRS network coverage in your area. In regions with robust coverage, a narrower path can still achieve reliable communication while conserving battery life.

                  Chart: Wide Path Configuration and Battery Life

                  Wide Path SettingBattery Life (hours)



                  The post Optimizing LoRa APRS Tracker for Maximum Battery Life appeared first on HamRadio.My - Ham Radio, Fun Facts, Open Source Software, Tech Insights, Product Reviews by 9M2PJU.

                  GNU Hurd vs. Linux Kernel: Two Paths in Free Software – Plus Linux Distributions for Ham Radio Enthusiasts

                  Posted by Piju 9M2PJU on 2024-09-28 06:54:21 UTC

                  In the world of operating systems, both the GNU Hurd and the Linux kernel represent distinct philosophies and technical approaches. While both share a foundation rooted in the Free Software movement, their paths have diverged significantly over time. Let’s explore the key differences between them and how Linux, in particular, has grown to dominate a vast range of computing environments — including some exciting options for ham radio operators!

                  GNU Hurd: The Dream of a Microkernel

                  The GNU Hurd was the original vision of the Free Software Foundation (FSF), initiated by Richard Stallman as part of the GNU Project in 1990. The idea was to create a fully free operating system where the Hurd would serve as the kernel. It utilizes a microkernel architecture, meaning that core functions like memory management, file systems, and device drivers are managed in user-space processes called servers, rather than within the kernel itself. The microkernel, Mach, handles only the most essential functions like task scheduling and inter-process communication (IPC).

                  This approach promises a flexible, modular design, making it easier to maintain and modify. If one component fails, the system theoretically can recover more gracefully since the failure is isolated. However, this modularity has come at the cost of complexity and performance challenges, making Hurd notoriously difficult to develop. As a result, GNU Hurd remains largely an experimental project, with few practical deployments outside academic interest.

                  Key features of GNU Hurd:

                  • Microkernel Design: Separation of core services into user-space servers.
                  • Modularity: Theoretically more secure and fault-tolerant, but challenging to implement.
                  • Freedom and Flexibility: In alignment with the GNU philosophy, designed for ultimate user control over the system.

                  Unfortunately, despite its potential, the slow development of Hurd has kept it from achieving widespread use, especially when compared to Linux.

                  Linux Kernel: From a Student Project to Global Dominance

                  At nearly the same time that Hurd began development, a Finnish student named Linus Torvalds started work on what would become the Linux kernel in 1991. Unlike Hurd, Linux took a monolithic kernel approach, meaning that most of the core system functionality (device drivers, memory management, file systems, networking) runs directly within the kernel space. This design has proven to be both efficient and performant, allowing Linux to quickly gain traction as a robust, stable, and high-performance kernel.

                  Though Linux was not initially tied to the GNU Project, it rapidly became the kernel of choice for the broader GNU/Linux system, pairing GNU software with the Linux kernel. Today, Linux is the foundation of countless operating systems used across various domains, from personal computers to embedded systems, mobile devices, supercomputers, and even space missions.

                  Key characteristics of Linux:

                  • Monolithic Design: Core services run within the kernel, leading to better performance.
                  • Modularity: Despite being monolithic, Linux supports dynamically loadable modules, giving flexibility to add or remove kernel functionality without rebooting.
                  • Massive Hardware Support: Thanks to broad community and corporate backing, Linux supports a huge variety of hardware platforms.
                  • Fast Development: Linux has a highly active community, including contributions from individuals, organizations, and major corporations like Google, IBM, and Red Hat.

                  The Linux kernel’s rapid development, stability, and wide hardware support have helped it become the dominant force in open-source operating systems. It powers everything from web servers and cloud infrastructure to IoT devices and smartphones (via Android).

                  Linux for Ham Radio Operators

                  For radio amateurs (ham radio enthusiasts), the flexibility of Linux has opened the door to powerful tools for digital communication and signal processing. Several Linux distributions are specifically tailored to the needs of the ham radio community, offering ready-to-use setups with pre-installed software for operating digital modes, logging contacts, controlling radios, and even experimenting with SDR (Software Defined Radio).

                  Here are some Linux distributions popular among ham radio operators:

                  • Ham Radio Pure Blend (Debian): A specialized flavor of Debian Linux that includes a collection of ham radio applications for digital modes (like FT8 and PSK31), logging, and radio transceiver control. It’s a great starting point for those already familiar with Debian’s ecosystem.
                  • Skywave Linux: Built for SDR enthusiasts, Skywave Linux comes pre-configured with software to receive and decode signals from around the world. It includes tools like Gqrx and CubicSDR, making it ideal for listening to shortwave broadcasts, weather satellite transmissions, and more.
                  • Pi-Star: Designed for Raspberry Pi, Pi-Star is popular in the ham radio community for digital voice communications, supporting modes like DMR, D-Star, and C4FM. It’s a lightweight and easy-to-use system for setting up digital repeaters or hotspots.

                  Each of these distributions provides ham operators with powerful tools to enhance their radio experiences, whether it’s for logging contacts, experimenting with new digital modes, or setting up communication infrastructure.

                  Conclusion: Two Roads, One Community

                  While GNU Hurd remains an ambitious but incomplete project, Linux has become a cornerstone of the global open-source ecosystem. Its monolithic design, performance, and flexibility have enabled it to thrive in a vast range of environments, from everyday desktop use to specialized fields like ham radio. For operators and hobbyists in the ham radio world, Linux’s adaptability has led to the creation of several dedicated distributions, making it an essential tool for modern amateur radio enthusiasts.

                  Have you tried using any of these Linux distributions for ham radio? Or maybe you’ve experimented with GNU Hurd? Share your experiences with us in the comments!

                  GNU #Linux #HamRadio #OpenSource #TechHistory #SDR #AmateurRadio #DigitalModes #PiStar #Debian

                  The post GNU Hurd vs. Linux Kernel: Two Paths in Free Software – Plus Linux Distributions for Ham Radio Enthusiasts appeared first on HamRadio.My - Ham Radio, Fun Facts, Open Source Software, Tech Insights, Product Reviews by 9M2PJU.

                  Infra and RelEng Update – Week 39 2024

                  Posted by Fedora Community Blog on 2024-09-27 10:00:00 UTC

                  This is a weekly report from the I&R (Infrastructure & Release Engineering) Team. It also contains updates for CPE (Community Platform Engineering) Team as the CPE initiatives are in most cases tied to I&R work.

                  We provide you both infographic and text version of the weekly report. If you just want to quickly look at what we did, just look at the infographic. If you are interested in more in depth details look below the infographic.

                  Week: 23 September – 27 September 2024

                  I&R infographic

                  Infrastructure & Release Engineering

                  The purpose of this team is to take care of day to day business regarding CentOS and Fedora Infrastructure and Fedora release engineering work.
                  It’s responsible for services running in Fedora and CentOS infrastructure and preparing things for the new Fedora release (mirrors, mass branching, new namespaces etc.).
                  List of planned/in-progress issues

                  Fedora Infra

                  CentOS Infra including CentOS CI

                  Release Engineering

                  CPE Initiatives


                  Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (or EPEL) is a Fedora Special Interest Group that creates, maintains, and manages a high quality set of additional packages for Enterprise Linux, including, but not limited to, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), CentOS, Scientific Linux (SL) and Oracle Linux (OL).


                  Community Design

                  CPE has few members that are working as part of Community Design Team. This team is working on anything related to design in Fedora Community.


                  • Fedora:
                    • In progress: #53: SWAG: Fedora Websites & Apps Revamp Community Initiative
                  • Deal Maker Sticker Sheet in progress 
                  • Discussions of the potential Design Hackfest

                  ARC Investigations

                  The ARC (which is a subset of the CPE team) investigates possible initiatives that CPE might take on.


                  If you have any questions or feedback, please respond to this report or contact us on #redhat-cpe channel on matrix.

                  The post Infra and RelEng Update – Week 39 2024 appeared first on Fedora Community Blog.

                  PHP 8.4 as Software Collection

                  Posted by Remi Collet on 2024-07-05 13:59:00 UTC

                  Version 8.4.0alpha1 has been released. It's still in development and will enter soon in the stabilization phase for the developers, and the test phase for the users (see the schedule).

                  RPM of this upcoming version of PHP 8.4, are available in remi repository for Fedora ≥ 38 and Enterprise Linux ≥ 8 (RHEL, CentOS, Alma, Rocky...) in a fresh new Software Collection (php84) allowing its installation beside the system version.

                  As I (still) strongly believe in SCL's potential to provide a simple way to allow installation of various versions simultaneously, and as I think it is useful to offer this feature to allow developers to test their applications, to allow sysadmin to prepare a migration or simply to use this version for some specific application, I decide to create this new SCL.

                  I also plan to propose this new version as a Fedora 42 change (as F41 should be released a few weeks before PHP 8.4.0).

                  Installation :

                  yum install php84

                  emblem-important-2-24.pngTo be noticed:

                  • the SCL is independent from the system and doesn't alter it
                  • this SCL is available in remi-safe repository (or remi for Fedora)
                  • installation is under the /opt/remi/php84 tree, configuration under the /etc/opt/remi/php84 tree
                  • the FPM service (php84-php-fpm) is available, listening on /var/opt/remi/php84/run/php-fpm/www.sock
                  • the php84 command gives simple access to this new version, however, the module or scl command is still the recommended way.
                  • for now, the collection provides 8.4.0-alpha1, and alpha/beta/RC versions will be released in the next weeks
                  • some of the PECL extensions are already available, see the extensions status page
                  • tracking issue #258 can be used to follow the work in progress on RPMS of PHP and extensions
                  • the php84-syspaths package allows to use it as the system's default version

                  emblem-notice-24.pngAlso, read other entries about SCL especially the description of My PHP workstation.

                  $ module load php84
                  $ php --version
                  PHP 8.4.0alpha1 (cli) (built: Jul  2 2024 13:43:13) (NTS gcc x86_64)
                  Copyright (c) The PHP Group
                  Zend Engine v4.4.0-dev, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies
                      with Zend OPcache v8.4.0alpha1, Copyright (c), by Zend Technologies

                  As always, your feedback is welcome on the tracking ticket, a SCL dedicated forum is also open.

                  Software Collections (php84)

                  PHP on the road to the 8.4.0 release

                  Posted by Remi Collet on 2024-09-27 08:31:00 UTC

                  Version 8.4.0 Release Candidate 1 is released. It's now enter the stabilisation phase for the developers, and the test phase for the users.

                  RPMs are available in the php:remi-8.4 stream for Fedora ≥ 39 and  Enterprise Linux 8 (RHEL, CentOS, Alma, Rocky...) and as Software Collection in the remi-safe repository (or remi for Fedora)


                  emblem-important-4-24.pngThe repository provides development versions which are not suitable for production usage.

                  Also read: PHP 8.4 as Software Collection

                  emblem-notice-24.pngInstallation : follow the Wizard instructions.

                  Replacement of default PHP by version 8.4 installation, module way (simplest way):

                  dnf module reset php
                  dnf module install php:remi-8.4
                  dnf update

                  Parallel installation of version 8.4 as Software Collection (recommended for tests):

                  yum install php84

                  emblem-important-2-24.pngTo be noticed :

                  emblem-notice-24.pngInformation, read:

                  Base packages (php)

                  Software Collections (php84)

                  Contribute at the Fedora Linux Test Week for Kernel 6.11

                  Posted by Fedora Magazine on 2024-09-27 08:00:00 UTC

                  The kernel team is working on final integration for Linux kernel 6.11. This version was just recently released, and will arrive soon in Fedora Linux. As a result, the Fedora Linux kernel and QA teams have organized a test week from Sunday, September 29, 2024 to Sunday, October 06, 2024. The wiki page in this article contains links to the test images you’ll need to participate. Please continue reading for details.

                  How does a test week work?

                  A test week is an event where anyone can help ensure changes in Fedora Linux work well in an upcoming release. Fedora community members often participate, and the public is welcome at these events. If you’ve never contributed before, this is a perfect way to get started.

                  To contribute, you only need to be able to do the following things:

                  • Download test materials, which include some large files
                  • Read and follow directions step by step

                  The wiki page for the kernel test week has a lot of good information on what and how to test. After you’ve done some testing, you can log your results in the test week web application. If you’re available on or around the days of the event, please do some testing and report your results. We have a document which provides all the necessary steps.

                  Happy testing, and we hope to see you on one of the test days.

                  PHP version 8.2.23 and 8.3.11

                  Posted by Remi Collet on 2024-08-30 05:59:00 UTC

                  RPMs of PHP version 8.3.11 are available in the remi-modular repository for Fedora ≥ 39 and Enterprise Linux ≥ 8 (RHEL, Alma, CentOS, Rocky...).

                  RPMs of PHP version 8.2.23 are available in the remi-modular repository for Fedora ≥ 39 and Enterprise Linux ≥ 8 (RHEL, Alma, CentOS, Rocky...).

                  emblem-notice-24.png The packages are available for x86_64 and aarch64.

                  emblem-notice-24.pngThere is no security fix this month, so no update for version 8.1.29.

                  emblem-important-2-24.pngPHP version 8.0 has reached its end of life and is no longer maintained by the PHP project.

                  These versions are also available as Software Collections in the remi-safe repository.

                  Version announcements:

                  emblem-notice-24.pngInstallation: use the Configuration Wizard and choose your version and installation mode.

                  Replacement of default PHP by version 8.3 installation (simplest):

                  dnf module switch-to php:remi-8.3/common

                  Parallel installation of version 8.3 as Software Collection

                  yum install php83

                  Replacement of default PHP by version 8.2 installation (simplest):

                  dnf module switch-to php:remi-8.2/common

                  Parallel installation of version 8.2 as Software Collection

                  yum install php82

                  And soon in the official updates:

                  emblem-important-2-24.pngTo be noticed :

                  • EL-9 RPMs are built using RHEL-9.4
                  • EL-8 RPMs are built using RHEL-8.10
                  • EL-7 repository is closed
                  • intl extension now uses libicu73 (version 73.2)
                  • mbstring extension (EL builds) now uses oniguruma5php (version 6.9.9, instead of the outdated system library)
                  • oci8 extension now uses the RPM of Oracle Instant Client version 23.5 on x86_64, 19.23 on aarch64
                  • a lot of extensions are also available, see the PHP extensions RPM status (from PECL and other sources) page


                  Base packages (php)

                  Software Collections (php81 / php82 / php83)

                  PHP version 8.1.30, 8.2.24 and 8.3.12

                  Posted by Remi Collet on 2024-09-27 06:33:00 UTC

                  RPMs of PHP version 8.3.12 are available in the remi-modular repository for Fedora ≥ 39 and Enterprise Linux ≥ 8 (RHEL, Alma, CentOS, Rocky...).

                  RPMs of PHP version 8.2.24 are available in the remi-modular repository for Fedora ≥ 39 and Enterprise Linux ≥ 8 (RHEL, Alma, CentOS, Rocky...).

                  RPMs of PHP version 8.1.30 are available in the remi-modular repository for Fedora ≥ 39 and Enterprise Linux ≥ 8 (RHEL, Alma, CentOS, Rocky...).

                  emblem-notice-24.png The packages are available for x86_64 and aarch64.

                  emblem-important-2-24.pngPHP version 8.0 has reached its end of life and is no longer maintained by the PHP project.

                  These versions are also available as Software Collections in the remi-safe repository.

                  security-medium-2-24.pngThese Versions fix 4 security bugs (CVE-2024-8925, CVE-2024-8926, CVE-2024-8927, CVE-2024-9026), so update is strongly recommended.

                  Version announcements:

                  emblem-notice-24.pngInstallation: use the Configuration Wizard and choose your version and installation mode.

                  Replacement of default PHP by version 8.3 installation (simplest):

                  dnf module switch-to php:remi-8.3/common

                  Parallel installation of version 8.3 as Software Collection

                  yum install php83

                  Replacement of default PHP by version 8.2 installation (simplest):

                  dnf module switch-to php:remi-8.2/common

                  Parallel installation of version 8.2 as Software Collection

                  yum install php82

                  And soon in the official updates:

                  emblem-important-2-24.pngTo be noticed :

                  • EL-9 RPMs are built using RHEL-9.4
                  • EL-8 RPMs are built using RHEL-8.10
                  • EL-7 repository is closed
                  • intl extension now uses libicu74 (version 74.2)
                  • mbstring extension (EL builds) now uses oniguruma5php (version 6.9.9, instead of the outdated system library)
                  • oci8 extension now uses the RPM of Oracle Instant Client version 23.5 on x86_64, 19.24 on aarch64
                  • a lot of extensions are also available, see the PHP extensions RPM status (from PECL and other sources) page


                  Base packages (php)

                  Software Collections (php81 / php82 / php83)

                  Stay Connected Off the Grid: Messages via Satellite on Your iPhone

                  Posted by Piju 9M2PJU on 2024-09-26 20:00:04 UTC

                  In today’s fast-paced world, staying connected is more important than ever, even when you’re off the grid. With the introduction of Messages via Satellite, available on the iPhone 14 and later models, you can now send iMessages and SMS messages without needing cellular or Wi-Fi coverage. Let’s explore how this innovative feature works and how you can make the most of it!

                  How Messages via Satellite Works

                  Starting with iOS 18, Messages via Satellite allows you to connect with friends and family, even when you’re in remote areas with no cellular or Wi-Fi access. You can send and receive texts, emojis, and Tapbacks, making it easier to keep in touch during your adventures. To connect to a satellite, simply step outside and ensure you have a clear view of the sky and horizon.

                  Key Features

                  • Free for Two Years: Users can enjoy Messages via Satellite at no extra cost for the first two years after activating their iPhone 14 or later model.
                  • Emergency Preparedness: While Messages via Satellite is a fantastic tool, it’s essential to remember that it should not be used in emergencies. For urgent situations, use Emergency SOS via satellite to reach emergency services.
                  • End-to-End Encryption: Your iMessages are secure, meaning only you and the person you’re messaging can read them while they are in transit.

                  Preparing for Off-Grid Adventures

                  Before you head out into the wilderness, consider these steps to ensure you’re ready to use Messages via Satellite:

                  1. Try the Satellite Connection Demo: Familiarize yourself with the process by going to the Settings app, selecting Apps, then Messages, and tapping on the Satellite Connection Demo.
                  2. Turn on iMessage: Ensure iMessage is activated before you lose cellular and Wi-Fi coverage to use this feature seamlessly.
                  3. Set Up Emergency Contacts: Your emergency contacts and Family Sharing group members can message you via SMS even if you haven’t messaged them first. Additionally, if you need to use Emergency SOS, your location and a transcript of your messages with emergency services will be automatically shared with responders.

                  Using Messages via Satellite

                  When your iPhone detects that you’re outside cellular and Wi-Fi coverage, it will notify you on the Lock Screen. Just open the Messages app, and you’ll see options to send and receive messages via satellite.

                  Keep in mind that satellite messages may take longer to send, especially in areas with trees or obstructions. While you can’t send photos, videos, or group messages via satellite, you can still communicate effectively with your emergency contacts and Family Sharing group.


                  To use Messages via Satellite, you need:

                  • An iPhone 14 or later (all models) running iOS 18 or later.
                  • A location without cellular and Wi-Fi coverage.
                  • To connect to a satellite using your iPhone.
                  • An active SIM card.

                  Messages via Satellite is currently available in THE U.S. AND CANADA ONLY.

                  Stay connected, even when you’re far from civilization! Embrace the freedom of the great outdoors without sacrificing your ability to communicate.


                  The post Stay Connected Off the Grid: Messages via Satellite on Your iPhone appeared first on HamRadio.My - Ham Radio, Fun Facts, Open Source Software, Tech Insights, Product Reviews by 9M2PJU.

                  EuroBSDCon 2024

                  Posted by Peter Czanik on 2024-09-26 08:19:19 UTC

                  EuroBSDCon was fantastic, as always :-) I talked to many interesting people during the four days about sudo and syslog-ng, and of course also about many other topics. I gave a sudo tutorial, and it went well, with some “students” already planning which features to implement at home. There were many good talks, including one from Dr. Marshall Kirk McKusick, who was with the FreeBSD project right from the beginning, and worked on BSD even earlier. The weather was also good to us, so I could look around in Dublin for a bit.

                  EuroBSDCon 2024


                  The first two days of the conference were tutorials. I gave a sudo tutorial, which was well received: https://events.eurobsdcon.org/2024/talk/FLCHU3/. Luckily my audience was very active: I got many good questions. They did not really know most of the advanced sudo features. As usual, I also received feature requests while giving my sudo tutorial. I forwarded those to Todd Miller, maintainer of sudo.

                  At the end of my tutorial I asked my audience, which sudo features they plan to implement on their network, when they get back to the office. These were the top 3:

                  • sub-command logging
                  • central session recording
                  • using the Audit API from Python

                  During the conference I received many questions asking why I delivered a sudo tutorial if I was wearing a syslog-ng shirt :-) In short: Todd Miller, maintainer of sudo, was my colleague for a couple of years. I quickly learned that sudo is a lot more than just a prefix, and started writing and talking about it: https://peter.czanik.hu/posts/on_teaching_sudo/

                  Another returning question was comparing sudo with sudo replacements. The reason is quite simple: most people are not aware of the features sudo provides. As soon as I mention some of the enterprise focused features, like session recording, central management through LDAP, plugin support, and others, suddenly they understand the difference. Replacements are good in single user environments, however only sudo includes features for enterprise environments.


                  During the conference I wore syslog-ng t-shirts. First of all: I do not have any sudo t-shirts, but dozens of syslog-ng t-shirts :-) And also, because I work on syslog-ng both as my job, and as the maintainer of the syslog-ng port in FreeBSD. I handed out many syslog-ng stickers too. There are many active syslog-ng users among FreeBSD users and developers. They use syslog-ng on FreeBSD in very diverse environments: collecting jail logs, in various appliances, bank security, telecommunications, and others. I am always happy to hear some positive feedback, and here I received many!

                  Sometimes I even felt, as if I was a kind of celebrity. People knew my name, and came to me to talk a bit after following me on Twitter / LinkedIn / Mastodon for years. They were very happy to learn that MacOS / FreeBSD receives now some extra care (see: https://www.syslog-ng.com/community/b/blog/posts/version-4-8-0-of-syslog-ng-improves-freebsd-and-macos-support)

                  During the conference I also received a feature request for syslog-ng: a new source to collect FreeBSD audit logs. This is how I learned that FreeBSD also has audit logs :-) Implementing something in C would be time consuming, and there is no ETA for that right now. Luckily syslog-ng also has a program() source. For that I could put together a working configuration over the lunch break of the conference. Of course it still has some rough edges, like ugly error messages, unnecessary quotation marks, etc, but it’s a good start. Here is a sample output:

                    "fbaudit": {
                      "record": {
                        "text": "\"successful login root\"",
                        "subject": {
                          "_uidit-uid": "root",
                          "_tiddt-uid": "46906172.16.167.1",
                          "_siddt-uid": "909",
                          "_ruidt-uid": "root",
                          "_rgidt-uid": "wheel",
                          "_piddt-uid": "909",
                          "_gidit-uid": "wheel",
                          "_audit-uid": "root"
                        "return": {
                          "_retval": "0",
                          "_errval": "success"
                        "_version": "11",
                        "_timefier": "\"Sun Sep 22 15:36:46 2024\"",
                        "_msecfier": "\" + 770 msec\"",
                        "_modifier": "0",
                        "_eventon": "\"OpenSSH login\""
                    "TRANSPORT": "local+program",
                    "SOURCE": "s_fbaudit_xml",
                    "PRIORITY": "notice",
                    "MSGFORMAT": "raw",
                    "MESSAGE": "<record version=\"11\" event=\"OpenSSH login\" modifier=\"0\" time=\"Sun Sep 22 15:36:46 2024\" msec=\" + 770 msec\" ><subject audit-uid=\"root\" uid=\"root\" gid=\"wheel\" ruid=\"root\" rgid=\"wheel\" pid=\"909\" sid=\"909\" tid=\"46906172.16.167.1\" /><text>successful login root</text><return errval=\"success\" retval=\"0\" /></record>",
                    "HOST_FROM": "fb14",
                    "HOST": "fb14",
                    "FACILITY": "user",
                    "DATE": "Sep 22 17:45:39"

                  The conference

                  The conference was intense. Two days of tutorials co-located with the FreeBSD developer summit, and two days of talks. I delivered my sudo tutorial on the first day, and went back to my hotel quickly to rest a bit. I was completely exhausted from talking three hours straight. Then met up with some fellow Hungarians and FreeBSD developers for a beer that night. The next day I participated the developer summit, where I listened to interesting talks and discussions. In the late afternoon I walked around in Dublin.

                  The “real” conference happened on the third and fourth days. There were three parallel tracks, sometimes it was really difficult to choose where to go :-) There was a coffee break before each talk, which ensured that no matter how tired we were, we stayed awake :-) And of course it also gave us the possibility of networking. Lots of good discussions. It is difficult to pick highlights from the talks, all were great. My absolute favorite was given by Dr. Marshall Kirk McKusick: FreeBSD at 30 Years: Its Secrets to Success. It looked back at the history of the FreeBSD project and also shared some interesting statistics. I also learned about WifiBox, the latest news about FreeBSD RC scripts, or how to build an AI powered house. For a complete list of talks and tutorials, check the schedule.


                  I hope to see you next year in Zagreb at EuroBSDCon 2025 :-)

                  Steve Wozniak: From Ham Radio Enthusiast to Revolutionizing Personal Computing with the Apple I

                  Posted by Piju 9M2PJU on 2024-09-26 06:42:37 UTC

                  Steve Wozniak, a name synonymous with innovation and technology, is one of the co-founders of Apple and a key figure in the personal computing revolution. But before he became an icon in the tech world, Wozniak was deeply involved in the world of ham radio. His early interest in electronics and communication began when he became a licensed ham radio operator. With the callsign WV6VLY, later changed to WA6BND, Wozniak’s experience in amateur radio played a vital role in shaping his technical skills and curiosity about how technology can connect people over vast distances.

                  download Steve Wozniak: From Ham Radio Enthusiast to Revolutionizing Personal Computing with the Apple I

                  Ham radio was more than just a hobby for Wozniak—it was an avenue for exploring how technology could be used to break down communication barriers. As a teenager, he spent countless hours building radio transmitters, experimenting with circuits, and learning how communication systems worked. This early exposure to complex electronics gave him a solid foundation in problem-solving and engineering, which would later prove invaluable when he ventured into the world of computers.

                  By the mid-1970s, Wozniak’s focus shifted to computing. At the time, computers were large, expensive, and inaccessible to the average person. They were mostly used by businesses or universities, far from something an individual could own or operate at home. Steve Wozniak, however, had a vision—he wanted to create a personal computer that was both affordable and user-friendly. This led to the creation of the Apple I in 1976, which he designed entirely by himself.

                  Unlike the bulky, complex machines of the era, the Apple I was a single-board computer that enthusiasts could buy, assemble, and use. Although it came as a bare circuit board (requiring users to add their own keyboard, monitor, and case), it was groundbreaking because it was designed with simplicity and accessibility in mind. This innovation was a major leap forward in making computers available to a wider audience. It was also the first product sold by Apple, marking the company’s humble beginnings in Steve Jobs’ garage.

                  Wozniak’s genius lay in his ability to take complex systems and distill them into something that was both powerful and easy to use. The Apple I, while relatively basic by today’s standards, laid the foundation for what would become a technological revolution. It was soon followed by the Apple II, a much more sophisticated machine that became one of the first highly successful mass-market personal computers.

                  Wozniak’s contributions to Apple went far beyond hardware design. His ethos of user-centered design and making technology accessible to everyday people became a cornerstone of Apple’s philosophy. While Steve Jobs was the visionary who understood the business potential of these innovations, Wozniak was the technical genius who made it all possible. Together, they created one of the most influential companies in the world.

                  But even after his success with Apple, Steve Wozniak remained humble and grounded, preferring to avoid the limelight. He continued to pursue his passions, including teaching and philanthropy, while staying active in the tech community. Wozniak’s story is a testament to how curiosity, passion, and a love for learning can lead to groundbreaking innovation.

                  From his early days as a ham radio enthusiast with a fascination for communication technology to his pivotal role in revolutionizing personal computing with the Apple I, Steve Wozniak’s journey is a remarkable example of how one person’s vision can change the world.

                  #SteveWozniak #AppleI #HamRadio #WA6BND #TechHistory #Innovation #PersonalComputingRevolution

                  The post Steve Wozniak: From Ham Radio Enthusiast to Revolutionizing Personal Computing with the Apple I appeared first on HamRadio.My - Ham Radio, Fun Facts, Open Source Software, Tech Insights, Product Reviews by 9M2PJU.

                  Generate Your APRS Pass Code

                  Posted by Piju 9M2PJU on 2024-09-25 13:56:11 UTC

                  If you’re an APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System) enthusiast looking for an easy way to generate pass codes, we’ve got exciting news for you! Introducing the 9M2PJU APRS Pass Code Generator, a simple and convenient tool designed for APRS users in Malaysia.

                  What is APRS?

                  APRS is a widely-used communication system among amateur radio operators that allows them to share real-time information like location, messages, and weather updates. To access the APRS network, users need a unique pass code, and that’s where the 9M2PJU Pass Code Generator comes in.

                  Why Use the 9M2PJU Pass Code Generator?

                  The 9M2PJU APRS Pass Code Generator is here to make your life easier. With just a few clicks, you can generate your APRS pass code anytime, anywhere—whether on a mobile device or your PC.

                  Key Features:

                  • Easy to Use: Its clean and intuitive interface ensures that anyone can generate their pass code without hassle, regardless of experience level.
                  • Quick Access: Generate your pass code instantly, no need for long processes or waiting.
                  • Mobile and Desktop Friendly: Whether you’re at home on your PC or on the go with your mobile, the tool works seamlessly across all devices.

                  How to Generate Your APRS Pass Code

                  Ready to get your pass code? It’s incredibly simple! Just visit pass.hamradio.my and follow the straightforward instructions. In just a few moments, you’ll have your unique APRS pass code ready to use.

                  Why Join the APRS Community?

                  Once you’ve got your pass code, you’re set to join the broader APRS community. With APRS, you can connect with fellow amateur radio operators, share real-time information, and explore the exciting world of digital radio communication.

                  Don’t wait! Simplify your APRS experience by generating your pass code today using the 9M2PJU APRS Pass Code Generator.

                  Get Started Now!

                  Visit https://pass.hamradio.my to generate your pass code and experience the world of APRS like never before!

                  Stay connected with the APRS network in just a few clicks!

                  The post Generate Your APRS Pass Code appeared first on HamRadio.My - Ham Radio, Fun Facts, Open Source Software, Tech Insights, Product Reviews by 9M2PJU.

                  Code style guides are for cooperation, not preferences

                  Posted by Ben Cotton on 2024-09-25 12:00:00 UTC

                  Nothing evokes strong opinions quite like coding style. Tabs-versus-spaces is a famous example. In most cases, there’s no meaningful difference between one style and another. People learn a particular style and then they come up with reasons why their style is The Right Way To Do It™. (Tabs-versus-spaces is one area where it does matter, as there are good arguments that tabs are more accessible.)

                  I don’t write a lot of code myself, but I definitely have a personal style that I’ve developed over time. I tend to favor the octothorpe for code comments in languages that give you choices because much of my early coding was in shell and Perl. I write one sentence per line in Markdown because fixed-width lines make for unintelligible diffs and semantic line breaks don’t work with my head for some reason.

                  But when I contribute to a project with a written style guide, I drop my preferences and follow the guide. Why would I do that, when my way is objectively superior? Because style is about consistency for cooperation, not about my personal preferences. When multiple people work on the same code (or prose, for that matter), inconsistent style can cause confusion. This only grows as more people join in. Worse, a mix of styles can lead to unexpected behavior in languages where, for example the indentation matters.

                  The GUAC project uses fixed-width lines in the Markdown files for the documentation site. This is enforced by a CI check. My first pull request to the repo failed that check, so I proposed getting rid of it to allow sentence-per-line content. The consensus was to keep it as-is because editors can be configured to hide that and it keeps people from making absurdly-long lines. I disagreed, but I decided to drop it because it was a case where being right was not more important than cooperating.

                  So if you’re leading a project, document your style. And if you’re joining a project, set your style preferences aside.

                  This post’s featured photo by Chris Ried on Unsplash

                  The post Code style guides are for cooperation, not preferences appeared first on Duck Alignment Academy.

                  Huge improvements for syslog-ng in MacPorts

                  Posted by Peter Czanik on 2024-09-25 11:58:29 UTC

                  Last week I wrote about a campaign that we started to resolve issues on GitHub. Some of the fixes are coming from our enthusiastic community. Thanks to this, there is a new syslog-ng-devel port in MacPorts, where you can enable almost all syslog-ng features even for older MacOS versions and PowerPC hardware. Some of the freshly enabled modules include support for Kafka, GeoIP or OpenTelemetry. From this blog entry, you can learn how to install a legacy or an up-to-date syslog-ng version from MacPorts.

                  Read the rest of my blog at https://www.syslog-ng.com/community/b/blog/posts/huge-improvements-for-syslog-ng-in-macports

                  syslog-ng logo

                  The Rise of PCMCIA Cards as Cryptographic Security Modules in the 1990s

                  Posted by Piju 9M2PJU on 2024-09-25 11:27:36 UTC

                  In the early 1990s, the emergence of personal computers (PCs) and laptops began to revolutionize the way individuals and businesses operated. With the increasing reliance on digital data, the need for robust security measures became paramount. This is where the PCMCIA (Personal Computer Memory Card International Association) cards entered the scene, particularly in their role as cryptographic security modules.

                  This blog post will delve into the history, significance, and evolution of PCMCIA cards, especially as they relate to cryptographic security, exploring the various brands and models that emerged during this transformative era.

                  What is PCMCIA?

                  PCMCIA, which stands for Personal Computer Memory Card International Association, was established in 1989 to develop standards for peripheral interface devices in laptops and portable computers. The organization created specifications that would allow various types of memory and interface cards to be used interchangeably in laptops. This was groundbreaking at the time, as it provided a standardized way to enhance the capabilities of portable computers.

                  PCMCIA cards were designed to expand the functionalities of portable computers by providing additional memory, connectivity options, and eventually, enhanced security features. Initially, these cards were predominantly used for modems, network interfaces, and memory expansion. However, as security concerns grew in the digital landscape, manufacturers began to explore the potential of using these cards for cryptographic purposes.

                  The Evolution of Cryptographic Security

                  The late 1980s and early 1990s witnessed a significant increase in data breaches and unauthorized access, particularly with the rise of the internet. Cybersecurity became a pressing concern for organizations, governments, and individuals alike. As hackers developed more sophisticated techniques to compromise data security, the need for effective solutions became increasingly urgent.

                  Cryptography emerged as a vital method for securing communications and protecting sensitive data from interception. The ability to encrypt data meant that even if it were intercepted, it would be unreadable without the proper decryption keys. This was particularly crucial for government communications, financial transactions, and corporate data exchanges, where confidentiality was paramount.

                  To address these security challenges, manufacturers began to develop hardware-based cryptographic modules. These modules offered a more secure means of managing encryption keys and executing cryptographic algorithms compared to software solutions, which were often more vulnerable to attacks.

                  Features of PCMCIA Security Modules

                  PCMCIA security modules, such as the notable M-775 by Mils Elektronik, were designed with advanced features to protect data:

                  1. Tamper-Proof Design: These modules incorporated a tamper-proof security processor that prevented unauthorized access and modifications. This was critical for maintaining the integrity of cryptographic keys stored within the device. Tamper-proof designs often included physical barriers that would trigger alerts or destroy the stored data if someone attempted to access the module without authorization.
                  2. Volatile Memory: The cryptographic keys were stored in volatile memory, which meant that the keys were erased when power was removed. To counteract this, a circular lithium battery was included to retain the memory, ensuring that the keys were accessible when needed. This feature ensured that even if the module was physically removed from a device, the sensitive keys could not be retrieved by unauthorized users.
                  3. Seamless Integration: One of the main advantages of PCMCIA cards was their compatibility with portable PCs and the minimal additional hardware required. This allowed for quick and efficient deployment in various environments, whether for personal use or within large organizations. The plug-and-play nature of PCMCIA cards made it easy for users to enhance their device’s security without extensive technical knowledge.
                  4. Hardware Encryption: Many PCMCIA security modules offered built-in hardware encryption capabilities, allowing for real-time encryption and decryption of data. This feature improved performance compared to software encryption methods, which could slow down system operations.
                  5. Secure Key Storage: These modules provided a secure environment for storing cryptographic keys. By isolating the keys from the host system, PCMCIA security modules mitigated the risk of key exposure due to malware or unauthorized access.
                  6. Authentication and Access Control: In addition to encryption, many PCMCIA security modules included features for authentication and access control. This allowed organizations to enforce security policies by ensuring that only authorized users could access sensitive data.

                  Leading Brands and Models

                  Throughout the 1990s, several top brands emerged in the PCMCIA security module space, providing unique solutions tailored for various applications. Some of the notable brands and models include:

                  1. Mils Elektronik – M-775: One of the pioneering PCMCIA security modules, the M-775 was known for its robust cryptographic capabilities for secure communications and data storage. It was widely adopted in military and government applications due to its high-security standards.
                  2. Crypto AG – HCM-2000: Developed by Crypto AG, the HCM-2000 security module was widely used in secure telephone encryptors, providing a reliable means of encrypted communication for government and military applications. This module played a crucial role in ensuring that sensitive conversations remained confidential.
                  3. Philips – V-Card: Philips introduced the V-Card, which focused on providing secure access and encryption features. It was well-regarded for its reliability in data protection and was used in various applications, including secure transactions and access control.
                  4. NSA – Fortezza Crypto Cards: The National Security Agency (NSA) developed the Fortezza Crypto Cards, which became a standard for secure terminal equipment. These cards offered advanced encryption capabilities and were widely utilized in secure government communications, including military and diplomatic communications.
                  5. Thales – Identrus: Thales (formerly Gemalto) produced the Identrus cards, which provided secure online transactions and identity verification. The Identrus system allowed organizations to authenticate users securely, paving the way for secure digital banking and e-commerce.
                  6. Schlumberger – Cryptographic Smart Card: Schlumberger’s smart cards included cryptographic functionalities that catered to both personal and enterprise-level security needs. These cards were instrumental in enhancing security for various applications, from secure login to data encryption.
                  7. IBM – Crypto Express: IBM developed their own line of security cards known as Crypto Express, which were used in various enterprise solutions for secure communications and data encryption. These cards provided robust security features tailored for corporate environments.
                  8. Secure Computing – Sidewinder: This brand offered security solutions that included PCMCIA modules for encryption and secure network communications, catering primarily to corporate clients. The Sidewinder modules were known for their ease of use and effectiveness in protecting sensitive data.
                  9. OmniKey – Cardman: OmniKey’s Cardman series included PCMCIA security modules designed for various applications, including secure authentication and access control. These cards became popular in corporate environments where security and user authentication were critical.
                  10. Scarda – Cryptographic Modules: Scarda produced a range of PCMCIA-based cryptographic modules that provided secure storage and processing capabilities for cryptographic keys, making them suitable for a variety of secure applications.

                  Adoption in Various Industries

                  The versatility of PCMCIA security modules made them a popular choice across multiple industries. They were especially prevalent in:

                  • Government and Military: Many government agencies adopted PCMCIA security modules for secure communications, ensuring that sensitive data remained protected from potential breaches. The ability to securely store and manage cryptographic keys was critical for maintaining national security.
                  • Finance: Banks and financial institutions utilized these modules to secure online transactions and protect customer data, enhancing trust and security in financial operations. The use of cryptographic security helped prevent fraud and unauthorized access to sensitive financial information.
                  • Telecommunications: Secure communication systems often relied on PCMCIA cards to encrypt voice and data transmissions, safeguarding against eavesdropping and interception. This was particularly important for telecommunications providers that served government and enterprise clients.
                  • Healthcare: The healthcare sector began to recognize the importance of data security as patient records became digitized. PCMCIA security modules were employed to ensure the confidentiality of sensitive patient information, complying with regulations like HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act).
                  • Corporate Environment: As businesses increasingly relied on digital data, the adoption of PCMCIA security modules for securing corporate networks became common. These modules provided a layer of security for accessing sensitive corporate information, protecting against internal and external threats.

                  Transition to Software and USB Solutions

                  However, by the late 1990s, the landscape of data security began to shift. Advances in software-based security solutions started to emerge, providing greater flexibility and ease of use. Software encryption tools began to offer robust security features that were previously only available through dedicated hardware solutions.

                  As PCs and laptops transitioned to more modern USB standards, the once-popular PCMCIA slots began to disappear from new models. Manufacturers started focusing on USB-based security devices that could offer similar or even superior capabilities in a smaller, more portable form factor.

                  The need for dedicated hardware security solutions diminished as software encryption methods became more robust and user-friendly. The last iterations of PCMCIA security modules, such as the M-775’s successor, were eventually replaced by USB-based devices that offered backward compatibility and a more streamlined user experience.

                  The Impact of PCMCIA Security Modules

                  The introduction and widespread adoption of PCMCIA security modules had a lasting impact on data security practices in both public and private sectors. They paved the way for the integration of hardware-based security solutions in portable devices, influencing the design of modern security modules.

                  1. Legacy of Hardware Security: The emphasis on hardware security paved the way for contemporary cryptographic solutions, such as Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) and Trusted Platform Modules (TPMs), which continue to play critical roles in securing sensitive data and cryptographic operations.
                  2. Increased Awareness: The prevalence of PCMCIA security modules contributed to a heightened awareness of cybersecurity among organizations. The necessity for secure communications and data protection became an integral part of business practices, leading to the development of comprehensive security policies.
                  3. Regulatory Compliance: The use of PCMCIA security modules allowed organizations to meet regulatory requirements for data protection, particularly in sectors like finance and healthcare. The need for secure transactions and confidentiality became essential for compliance with laws and regulations.
                  4. Innovation in Security Solutions: The success of PCMCIA cards as cryptographic security modules spurred innovation in the development of new security technologies. Manufacturers began exploring additional features, such as biometric authentication and multi-factor authentication, to further enhance security measures.
                  5. Foundational Role in Digital Transformation: As businesses began to embrace digital transformation, the principles of secure data storage and transmission laid the groundwork for future innovations in cloud computing, online banking, and digital identity management.

                  Challenges and Limitations

                  While PCMCIA security modules offered significant advancements in data protection, they were not without their challenges and limitations:

                  1. Physical Vulnerabilities: Despite tamper-proof designs, physical attacks on PCMCIA cards were still a concern. Determined adversaries could potentially exploit physical vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access to sensitive data.
                  2. Compatibility Issues: As technology advanced, compatibility issues arose. New laptops and devices gradually phased out PCMCIA slots, making it difficult to maintain older security modules. This presented challenges for organizations that had invested in specific PCMCIA solutions.
                  3. Performance Overheads: Although hardware encryption is generally faster than software encryption, the performance overhead associated with PCMCIA cards could affect system performance, especially in resource-constrained environments.
                  4. Cost Factors: The cost of implementing PCMCIA security solutions could be prohibitive for smaller organizations. This often resulted in a reliance on software-based solutions that, while effective, might not have provided the same level of security.
                  5. Rapid Technological Changes: The fast pace of technological change in the 1990s meant that PCMCIA cards quickly became outdated as newer, more efficient solutions emerged. The shift to USB and other standards led to a decline in the relevance of PCMCIA security modules.

                  Future of Cryptographic Security Modules

                  The transition away from PCMCIA security modules did not mark the end of hardware-based security solutions. Instead, it laid the foundation for more advanced technologies that continue to evolve today. As cyber threats become increasingly sophisticated, the demand for effective cryptographic security solutions remains high.

                  1. USB Security Tokens: The evolution from PCMCIA to USB security tokens reflects the need for portable, user-friendly security solutions. USB tokens offer a convenient way to store cryptographic keys and perform secure authentication without the limitations of older hardware.
                  2. Smart Cards: The use of smart cards for secure transactions and authentication has gained popularity. These cards incorporate advanced security features, such as biometric authentication, and are widely used in sectors such as banking, healthcare, and government.
                  3. Cloud-Based Security: With the rise of cloud computing, organizations are increasingly looking for ways to secure data stored in the cloud. Solutions such as Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) and cloud encryption services provide robust security while ensuring compliance with data protection regulations.
                  4. Blockchain Technology: The emergence of blockchain technology has introduced new paradigms for secure transactions and data integrity. Cryptographic principles underpinning blockchain can provide enhanced security measures for digital identity and transaction verification.
                  5. Quantum Cryptography: As quantum computing technology advances, there is growing interest in quantum cryptography as a way to secure communications against potential quantum attacks. This field holds promise for the future of secure data transmission.
                  6. Increased Focus on Cybersecurity: The evolution of cyber threats has led organizations to prioritize cybersecurity in their strategic planning. The integration of cryptographic security solutions into overall cybersecurity frameworks is now standard practice.


                  The 1990s marked a significant era in the evolution of data security, with PCMCIA cards playing a crucial role as cryptographic security modules. Their ability to provide secure communication and data protection laid the groundwork for the advanced security solutions we utilize today. While technology has since moved towards more efficient methods, the legacy of PCMCIA cards serves as a reminder of how hardware innovations can influence the landscape of digital security.

                  The journey from these early solutions to today’s sophisticated security technologies illustrates the continuous evolution of the fight against cyber threats. As organizations navigate the complexities of the digital landscape, the lessons learned from the past will continue to inform the development of effective security solutions for the future.

                  The adoption of PCMCIA cards as cryptographic security modules not only addressed immediate security challenges but also paved the way for ongoing advancements in the field of data protection. The innovations initiated in this era laid the foundation for modern security technologies that are essential in our increasingly digital world.

                  In retrospect, the history of PCMCIA cards serves as a testament to the importance of adaptability and innovation in the face of emerging challenges. As we move forward, it is imperative that we continue to invest in research, development, and education to ensure that the security solutions of tomorrow are capable of safeguarding our most valuable assets—our data and our privacy.

                  The post The Rise of PCMCIA Cards as Cryptographic Security Modules in the 1990s appeared first on HamRadio.My - Ham Radio, Fun Facts, Open Source Software, Tech Insights, Product Reviews by 9M2PJU.

                  CPE Update Q2 2024

                  Posted by Fedora Community Blog on 2024-09-25 08:00:00 UTC

                  This is a summary of the work done on initiatives by the CPE Team. Every quarter, the CPE team works together with CentOS Project and Fedora Project community leaders and representatives to choose projects that will be being worked upon in that quarter. The CPE team is then split into multiple smaller sub-teams that will work on the chosen initiatives + day-to-day work that needs to be done. Some of the sub-teams  are dedicated to the continuous efforts in the team whilst some are created only for the initiative purposes.

                  This update is made from infographics and detailed updates. If you want to just see what’s new, check the infographics. If you want more details, continue reading.


                  The Community Platform Engineering Team is a Red Hat team that is working exclusively on community projects. Its members are part of Fedora Infrastructure, Fedora Release Engineering and CentOS Infrastructure teams. This team works on initiatives, which are projects with larger scope related to community work that needs to be done. It also investigates possible initiatives  with the ARC (The Advance Reconnaissance Crew), which is formed from a subset of the Infrastructure & Release Engineering sub-team members based on the initiative that is being investigated.

                  Issue trackers


                  PDC Retirement

                  PDC is the Product Definition Center, running at: https://pdc.fedoraproject.org/.

                  However, this application which was developed internally, is no longer maintained. This codebase has been “orphaned” for a few years now and we need to find a solution for it.

                  We are reviewing and having a critical look on what we store in there, see what is really needed and then find a solution for its replacement.

                  Status: In Progress

                  Issue trackers


                  Application URLs

                  Webhook to Fedora Messaging application

                  In the last quarter of 2021, a mini-initiative was completed that finished and deployed the discourse2fedmsg application. In short, this application is a simple flask app that recieves POST requests from discourse (i.e. “webhooks”) and turns them into Fedora Messages, and then sends them through to the Fedora Messaging Queue. 

                  Webhooks are a fairly common feature in current web applications, so this proposal is to create a new web application that can reuse common parts of discourse2fedmsg and set it up to be extended to send messages from other webhook enabled apps.

                  This would allow us to easily add support for apps like gitlab without having to deploy and create additional flask applications for each app that gets added in the future,

                  Status: In Progress

                  Issue trackers


                  Update of Kernel test app

                  There is a kernel test app which helps the kernel maintainers get an idea of which kernels are more tested than others etc. It works by people running a test suite/script on their booted linux box which then makes a test results file. They upload this file to the app and then they can get badges for uploading, etc… Currently this is running on a vm, it should move to openshift, switch to fedora-messaging and do anything else kernel maintainers need changed/fixed.

                  Status: Done

                  Issue trackers


                  Application URLs

                  ARC Investigations

                  Git Forge Evaluation

                  This investigation is looking at the potential replacement of dist git used by Fedora and what forge would be the best candidate. It’s looking at the user stories for current dist git and if it’s possible to apply them on Forgejo or GitLab.

                  Status: In Progress



                  If you get here, thank you for reading this. If you want to contact us, feel free to do it on matrix.

                  As CPE members are part of Fedora Infrastructure, Fedora Release Engineering and CentOS Infrastructure I’m adding here links to Fedora Infra & Releng update and CentOS Infrastructure update.

                  Note from the editor: This article was drafted more than two months ago, but it was stuck in a backlog of content from before Flock to Fedora. Expect to hear more from the CPE Team for Q3 soon.

                  The post CPE Update Q2 2024 appeared first on Fedora Community Blog.

                  PHP version 8.2.24RC1 and 8.3.12RC1

                  Posted by Remi Collet on 2024-09-13 08:59:00 UTC

                  Release Candidate versions are available in the testing repository for Fedora and Enterprise Linux (RHEL / CentOS / Alma / Rocky and other clones) to allow more people to test them. They are available as Software Collections, for a parallel installation, the perfect solution for such tests, and also as base packages.

                  RPMs of PHP version 8.3.12RC1 are available

                  • as base packages in the remi-modular-test for Fedora 39-41 and Enterprise Linux ≥ 8
                  • as SCL in remi-test repository

                  RPMs of PHP version 8.2.24RC1 are available

                  • as base packages in the remi-modular-test for Fedora 39-41 and Enterprise Linux ≥ 8
                  • as SCL in remi-test repository

                  emblem-notice-24.png The packages are available for x86_64 and aarch64.

                  emblem-notice-24.pngPHP version 8.1 is now in security mode only, so no more RC will be released.

                  emblem-notice-24.pngInstallation: follow the wizard instructions.

                  emblem-notice-24.png Announcements:

                  Parallel installation of version 8.3 as Software Collection:

                  yum --enablerepo=remi-test install php83

                  Parallel installation of version 8.2 as Software Collection:

                  yum --enablerepo=remi-test install php82

                  Update of system version 8.3:

                  dnf module switch-to php:remi-8.3
                  dnf --enablerepo=remi-modular-test update php\*

                  Update of system version 8.2:

                  dnf module switch-to php:remi-8.2
                  dnf --enablerepo=remi-modular-test update php\*

                  emblem-notice-24.png Notice:

                  • version 8.3.11RC1 is also in Fedora rawhide for QA
                  • version 8.4.0beta5 is also available in the repository
                  • EL-9 packages are built using RHEL-9.4
                  • EL-8 packages are built using RHEL-8.10
                  • oci8 extension uses the RPM of the Oracle Instant Client version 23.5 on x86_64 or 19.24 on aarch64
                  • intl extension uses libicu 74.2
                  • RC version is usually the same as the final version (no change accepted after RC, exception for security fix).
                  • versions 8.2.24 and 8.3.12 are planed for September 26th, in 2 weeks.

                  Software Collections (php82, php83)

                  Base packages (php)