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The Wrong Stuff - A Catalogue of Launch Vehicle Failures
The hard road to space�

2015-11-04 - Super Strypi - Hiakasat - "Went out of control during first stage burn and was destroyed"

2015-06-28 - Falcon 9 v1.1 - Dragon CRS-7 - Failed close to the end of stage 1 burn. A strut holding an internal helium pressurization tank broke during second stage initialization at T+139 sec at 45 km altitude. The resulting overpressure caused the second stage to blow apart.

2015-05-16 - Proton-M/Briz-M - Mexsat-1 - Malfunction of the third stage vernier engine 8 minutes into flight led to a premature shutdown and impact of stage 3, Briz-M and payload in the Chita region between Lake Baikal and the Chinese border.

2014-10-28 - Antares 130 - Orb-3 SS Deke Slayton - Vehicle exploded 14 seconds after launch at an altitude of about 100 metres, and the vehicle and payloads fell back to the pad, resulting in a large explosion.

2014-05-15 - Proton-M/Briz-M - Ekpress AM-4R - Failed to reach orbit; third stage failure; reentered over China.

2013-12-09 - Chang Zheng 4B - CBERS-3 ZY-1 FM 3 - Failed to reach orbit; third stage shut down 11 seconds early.

2013-07-02 - Proton-M/DM-3 - Glonass-M No. 48 - Proton unstable in pitch; by T+17 s arced over towards ground; nose disintegrated at T+24s; booster crashed into ground at T+32s, less 2 km downrange.

2013-02-01 - Zenit-3SL - Intelsat IS-27 - A first-stage hydraulic pump failure 4 seconds after launch led to shut down 20 seconds later. The vehicle, with the Intelsat communications satellite, impacted the Pacific Ocean 56 seconds after launch.

2012-10-23 - Unha-3 - Fajr - Launch vehicle exploded on pad, causing extensive damage.

2012-09-22 - Safir - Fajr - Reported orbital launch failure

2012-05-23 - Safir - Fajr - Reported orbital launch failure

2012-04-12 - Unha-3 - Kwangmyongsong-3 - Failed at second stage separation.

2011-12-23 - Soyuz-2-1B - Meridian - Third stage shut down at 7:01 after launch. Stage and payload crashed in Siberia.

2011-08-24 - Soyuz-U-PVB - Progress M-12M - Five minutes and 25 seconds into flight, during the burn of the booster's third stage, the engine's gas generator failed and the engine shut down. The upper stage and spacecraft crashed in the Gorno-Altai region.

2011-08-18 - Chang Zheng 2C - SJ-11-04 - Second stage vernier engine suffered a mechanical failure.

2011-03-04 - Taurus 3110 - Glory - Fairing failed to separate.

2010-12-25 - GSLV - Gsat 5P - Destroyed at T+60 seconds after guidance commands from on-board computer to steering system of strapon boosters were cut off.

2010-12-06 - Proton-M/DM-3 - Glonass-M - Block DM-3 upper stage was loaded with 1500 kg excess liquid oxygen in error. This caused a 100 m/s shortfall in the third stage burn into parking orbit. The upper stages and payload reentered over the Pacific.

2010-04-15 - GSLV Mk II - Gsat 4 - Third stage failure.

2009-08-25 - Naro-1 - STSAT-2 - First and second stages operated correctly, but half of payload fairing failed to separate. Extra mass prevented the second stage and payload from reaching orbital velocity, and the satellite reentered over New Guinea.

2009-04-05 - Unha-2 - Kwangmyongsong 2 - Third stage failure.

2009-02-24 - Taurus 3110 - OCO - Payload fairing did not separate.

2008-08-16 - Safir - Omid - Second stage failed catastrophically.

2008-08-03 - Falcon 1 - Nanosail-D - The new Merlin 1C first stage engine completed its burn, but the thrust took longer to decay than expected. It was still thrusting when stage 2 tried to separate, and the two stages collided, setting the second stage tumbling.

2008-03-14 - Proton-M/Briz-M - AMC-14 - Premature shutdown of Briz upper stage due to escape of turbine gases through a thin-walled tube.

2007-09-05 - Proton-M/Briz-M - JCSAT 11 - Second stage engine failure soon after ignition.

2007-03-21 - Falcon 1 - DemoFlight 2 - Liquid oxygen slosh in the second stage created an oscillation, putting the stage in an uncontrollable roll, starving the engine from propellant.

2007-01-30 - Zenit-3SL - NSS 8 - First stage exploded just after ignition, damaging launch platform.

2006-07-26 - Dnepr - BelKA, Baumanets, Unisat 4, PicPot, and 9 nanosats - First stage engine failed

2006-07-10 - GSLV - Insat 4C - One of the liquid-fueled strap-on motors failed to develop thrust. By 40 seconds after launch the GSLV had veered outside of the launch corridor and the destruct signal was sent.

2006-03-24 - Falcon 1 - Falconsat-2 - "Fuel leak at T+25 seconds caused a fire in the first stage engine area"

2006-02-28 - Proton-M/Briz-M - Arabsat 4 - "Briz-M stage shut down 27.5 minutes into a planned 31-minute burn and could not be restarted. The failure left the satellite in a useless orbit from which it quickly decayed.."

2005-10-08 - Rokot - CryoSat - The first stage burned to depletion due to a missing command in the software sequence. This resulted in the second stage failing to separate.

2005-06-21 - Molniya 8K78M - Molniya 3K - Failure - Third stage propulsion

2005-06-21 - Volna - Cosmos 1 - Failure

2005-06-09 - KT-1 - MS-1? - Reported orbital launch failure

2004-09-06 - Shaviyt 1 - Ofeq-6 - Third stage orientation failure at 270 seconds into the flight

2004-06-29 - Zenit-3SL - Apstar 5 - Partial failure - upper stage left satellite stranded in useless orbit.

2003-11-29 - H-IIA 2024 - IGS-2a - Destroyed by range safety after solid booster nozzle burn-through resulted in motor not separating from core.

2003-09-16 - KT-1 - Kaituozhe 1 - Fourth stage failed to ignite.

2003-08-22 - VLS-1 - SATEC - Failure - Exploded on pad during final prelaunch processing. 21 people were killed, with none injured.

2002-12-11 - Ariane 5ECA - Hot Bird 7 - The Ariane 5 core's Vulcain-2 engine began failing at T+178 seconds. The rocket veered off course and the destruct signal was sent.

2002-10-15 - Soyuz-U-PVB - Foton-M - Contamination in hydrogen peroxide line of fuel pump system led to explosion of Strap-on D 29 seconds after launch. The rocket crashed near the pad, debris from the explosion killing one soldier.

2002-09-15 - KT-1 - HTSTL-1 - Second stage failure.

2001-09-21 - Taurus 2110 - Orbview-4 - A problem a few seconds after first stage separation caused the rocket to go off course; it recovered and the remainder of the stages fired, but final cutoff velocity was too low to reach a sustainable orbit.

2000-12-27 - Tsiklon-3 - Gonets-D1 - "The S5M third stage steering unit failed and the vehicle crashed a few thousand km downrange near Wrangel Island."

2000-03-12 - Zenit-3SL - ICO F-1 - Second stage shut down prematurely due to a valve software command mistake. The satellite fell in the South Pacific, south of Pitcairn Island.

2000-02-10 - M-V - Astro E - "First stage failure. An anomalous vibration was detected 25 seconds after launch. At 41 seconds ceramic heat shields in the first stage nozzle broke and fell off, and thrust vector control on the nozzle was lost."

1999-12-11 - VLS-1 - SACI-2 - Second stage failed to ignite; destroyed by range safety.

1999-11-15 - H-II - MTSAT - Failure during first stage burn.

1999-10-27 - Proton-K/DM-2 - Ekspress-A1 - Failed early in second-stage burn.

1999-07-05 - Proton/Briz K/M - Raduga - Second stage explosion.

1999-04-27 - Athena-2 - Ikonos 1 - Payload shroud failed to separate four minutes after launch.

1998-09-09 - Zenit-2 11K77.05 - Globalstar FM5 - Computer error caused a very premature engine shutdown during second stage burn.

1998-08-31 - Paektusan 1 - Kwangmyongsong 1 - Third stage failure.

1998-08-27 - Delta 8930 - Galaxy 10 - Due to guidance system induced oscillation all solid motor gimbal hydraulic fluid exhausted after only 71 seconds of flight. Range safety destroyed booster 75 seconds into flight at 16 km altitude.

1998-08-12 - Titan 401A/Centaur - Mercury ELINT - Due to guidance system loss of heading after power interrupt, booster pitched over 40 seconds after launch, and was destroyed by range safety.

1998-01-22 - Shaviyt 1 - Ofeq-4 - Launch vehicle failed during second stage burn.

1997-11-02 - VLS-1 - SCD-2A - Destroyed during launch.

1997-05-20 - Zenit-2 - Heavy ELINT - Strut in first stage engine failed at T+48 seconds.

1997-01-17 - Delta 7925 - GPS 42 - T+12 sec GEM strap-on number 2 structural failure.

1996-06-20 - Soyuz-U-PVB - Yantar-4K1 - Shroud broke up at T+50seconds.

1996-06-04 - Ariane 5G - Cluster F1 - Vehicle went off course and was destroyed by range safety. Reuse of flight software from Ariane 4 was the cause (faulty program logic that only took effect on Ariane 5 launch trajectory).

1996-05-14 - Soyuz-U-PVB - Kometa - Shroud broke up at T+49 seconds.

1996-02-14 - Chang Zheng 3B - Intelsat 708 - Guidance failure resulted in launch vehicle crashing 22 seconds after launch, killing or injuring 59 people.

1995-08-15 - LLV-1 - GemStar 1 (VitaSat) - Destroyed by range safety 160 sec into flight after failure of thrust vector control system.

1995-06-22 - Pegasus XL - STEP 3 - Second stage failure; destroyed by range safety.

1995-03-28 - Start - Gurwin 1 - Fell in Sea of Okhotsk.

1995-01-25 - Chang Zheng 2E - Apstar 2 - Shortcomings in the guidance system lead to the vehicle not anticipating the true effects of horizontal wind-shear once the mountains surrounding the launch site were cleared. This caused the nose fairing to collapse and the spacecraft to be destroyed.

1995-01-15 - Mu-3S-II - Express 1 - Failure of second stage attitude control system.

1994-12-01 - Ariane 42P - Panamsat 3 - Stage 3 gas generator.

1994-06-27 - Pegasus XL - STEP 1 - Destroyed on launch

1994-05-25 - Tsiklon-3 - Tselina-D - Stage 2 and 3 failed to separate due to a breakdown of the launch vehicle control system.

1994-01-24 - Ariane 44LP - Eutelsat II F5 - Stage 3 turbopump overheated.

1993-10-05 - Titan II SLV - Landsat 6 - Star-37XFP-ISS kick-motor malfunction.

1993-09-20 - PSLV - IRS-1E - Software error caused vehicle to go off course.

1993-08-02 - Titan 403A - NOSS 19 - Radial cut inadvertently made in SRM during repairs resulted in explosion of SRM and vehicle at T+101 seconds.

1993-05-27 - Proton-K/DM-2 - Gorizont s/n 39L - Second stage did not reach planned velocity. Cause determined to be propellant contamination.

1992-08-22 - Atlas I - Galaxy 1R - Destroyed by range safety. Centaur engine turbopump did not start. Identical to the 18 April 1991 failure.

1992-02-05 - Zenit-2 - Tselina-2 - Second stage malfunction due to heating problems in main engine.

1991-08-30 - Zenit-2 - Tselina-2 - Second stage exploded due to heating problems in main engine.

1991-06-25 - Kosmos 11K65M - Romb - Second stage malfunction - no stable orbit.

1991-04-18 - Atlas I - Yuri 3H - RL-10 Centaur engine turbopump failed at T+361 seconds; destroyed by range safety.

1990-10-04 - Zenit-2 - Tselina-2 - First stage engine exploded after 3 seconds.

1990-08-09 - Proton-K/DM-2 - Ekran-M s/n 14L - Third stage failure.

1990-07-03 - Soyuz-U-PVB - Yantar-4K1 - Failure

1990-04-03 - Soyuz-U-PVB - Yantar-4K1 - Failure

1990-02-22 - Ariane 44L - Superbird B - Exploded 100 seconds after liftoff due to water line blockage. This was caused by a piece of cloth found in the first stage Viking engine water cooling system.

1989-06-09 - Tsiklon-3 - Okean - Stage 3 failure - third stage engine did not ignite for second burn.

1988-11-11 - Soyuz-U-PVB - Yantar-4KS1 - Failure

1988-07-27 - Soyuz-U-PVB - Resurs-F1 14F43 - Failure

1988-07-13 - ASLV - SROSS B - First stage failure. Insufficient control gain.

1988-07-09 - Soyuz-U-PVB - Yantar-4KS1 - Failure

1988-01-18 - Proton-K/DM-2 - Gorizont s/n 25L - Third stage malfunction.

1987-06-18 - Soyuz-U-PVB - Resurs-F1 14F40 - Booster exploded on pad.

1987-05-15 - Energia - Polyus - No orbital insertion due to failure of the FGB attitude control system (Energia performed perfectly). Partial Failure.

1987-03-26 - Atlas G Centaur - Fltsatcom 6 - Lightning strike zapped guidance at T+51 seconds. Fault was directly attributed to a random memory upset that forced rocket to veer off course. Destroyed by range safety.

1987-03-24 - ASLV - SROSS A - Second stage failed to ignite.

1986-11-29 - Proton-K - Almaz-T s/n 303 Failure - Second stage explosion.

1986-10-15 - Tsiklon-3 - Strela-3 Nos. 5 to 10 - First-stage failure as a result of leakage of the tank pressurization system.

1986-05-31 - Ariane 2 - Intelsat-5A 14 - Third stage ignition failure. Destroyed by range safety.

1986-05-03 - Delta 3914 - GOES G - Stage one main engine shutdown at T+71 seconds due to electrical failure.

1986-04-18 - Titan 34D - KH-9 no. 20 - SRM case insulation burned through, causing case burn-through and catastrophic explosion over pad at T+8.5 seconds.

1986-03-26 - Soyuz-U-PVB - Zenit-8 - Failure

1986-01-28 - Space Shuttle - STS-51-L - Seal on SRB failed, allowed hot gas to burn through External Tank.

1985-10-23 - Kosmos 11K65M - Parus - Launch vehicle failed to orbit - unknown cause.

1985-09-12 - Ariane 3 - Eutelsat 3 - "Geosynchronous orbit injection failure. Third stage igniter cartridge failure was determined to be the most likely cause."

1985-08-28 - Titan 34D - KH-11 no. 7 - Stage 1 propellant feed system failure forced premature engine shutdown.

1983-09-26 - Soyuz-U - Soyuz T-10-1 - Launch vehicle blew up on pad.

1983-01-25 - Kosmos 11K65M - Romb - Launch vehicle failed to orbit - unknown cause.

1982-12-24 - Proton-K/DM - Raduga s/n 22L - Stage 1 - vehicle failed at launch.

1982-11-24 - Kosmos 11K65M - Strela-1M - Launch vehicle failed to orbit - unknown cause.

1982-09-09 - Ariane 1 - MARECS B - Stage 3 turbopump.

1982-08-30 - Kosmos 11K65M - Strela-2 - Launch vehicle failed to orbit - unknown cause.

1982-07-22 - Proton-K/DM - Ekran s/n 23L - Stage 1 - vehicle failed at launch.

1982-06-12 - Soyuz-U - Yantar-4K1 - Failure

1982-05-15 - Soyuz-U - Zenit-6 - Failure

1982-03-04 - Kosmos 11K65M - Romb - Launch vehicle failed to orbit - unknown cause.

1981-12-19 - Atlas E/SVS - Navstar 7 - Failure.

1981-08-05 - Percheron - Percheron Research and Development Flight - Exploded on launch pad due to liquid oxygen tank overpressurization.

1981-03-28 - Soyuz-U - Yantar-2K s/n 979 - Failure of launch vehicle.

1981-01-23 - Tsiklon-3 - Geo-IK no. 1 - Payload shroud failed to separate.

1980-12-09 - Atlas E/MSD - NOSS - Premature shut down of one of the Atlas booster engines turned the vehicle around, thereafter the sustainer thrust it back toward the earth.

1980-07-15 - Thor DSV-2U - AMS 5 - Separation problem gutted wiring from spacecraft.

1980-05-23 - Ariane 1 - Firewheel - Stage 1 combustion instability.

1980-03-18 - Vostok 8A92M - Tselina-D - Booster exploded on pad during servicing. Severe pad damage, 48 people killed. Cause found to be change in solder with tin to that with lead in H2O2 filters, causing decomposition and explosion.

1979-10-12 - Soyuz-U - Zenit-6 - Failure

1979-08-10 - SLV-3 - Rohini 1A - Thrust vectoring of second stage failed.

1979-07-28 - Feng Bao 1 - SJ-1 - Second stage failure.

1979-02-16 - Soyuz-U - Zenit-2M - Failure

1978-10-17 - Proton-K/DM - Ekran s/n 14L - Second stage explosion.

1978-08-17 - Proton-K/DM - Ekran s/n 15L - Stage 1 - vehicle failed at launch.

1978-05-27 - Proton-K/DM - Ekran s/n 13L - Stage 1 - vehicle failed at launch.

1978-03-25 - Titan IIIC - DSCS II-09 - Second stage hydraulic pump failure.

1977-11-29 - Kosmos 11K65M - Kosmos launch failure - Failure

1977-09-30 - Atlas SLV-3D Centaur - Intelsat IVA F-5 - Atlas failure - gas generator hot gas leak.

1977-09-13 - Delta 3914 - OTS 1 - Vehicle exploded, probably SRM case.

1977-08-10 - Soyuz-U - Zenit-4MKM - Failure

1977-08-04 - Proton-K - TKS VA s/n 009L/P - First stage engine steering unit failure at T+40.1 seconds

1977-02-22 - Soyuz-U - Zenit-4MK - Failure

1976-11-10 - Feng Bao 1 - JSSW 6 - Failure

1976-10-04 - Soyuz-U - Zenit-4MKT no. 3 - Launch vehicle destroyed at T+95 seconds.

1976-02-04 - Mu-3C - Corsa A - Stage 2 thrust vector control failure.

1975-12-19 - Kosmos 11K65M - DS-P1-M - Launch vehicle failed to orbit - unknown cause.

1975-12-06 - Scout F-1 - Explorer (56) - Failure

1975-10-16 - Proton-K/D-1 - Ye-8-5M s/n 412 - Block D stage failed. - Block D stage failed.

1975-06-03 - Kosmos 11K65M - Intercosmos 14 - First stage failed 84 seconds after launch.

1975-04-13 - Atlas F - P 72-2 - First stage failure due to explosion in flame pit at lift-off.

1975-04-05 - Soyuz 11A511 - Soyuz 18-1 - During second-third stage separation third stage failed to separate from second stage but still ignited.

1975-02-20 - Atlas SLV-3D Centaur - Intelsat 4 F-6 - Staging electrical disconnect.

1974-11-05 - Chang Zheng 2 - FSW-0 - Cable carrying pitch rate gyro signal disconnected.

1974-08-30 - Voskhod 11A57 - Zenit-2M - Failure

1974-07-14 - Feng Bao 1 - JSSW 2 - Vehicle lost attitude stability and destroyed by range safety.

1974-07-11 - Kosmos 11K63 - DS-P1-Yu s/n 68 - First stage failed 84 seconds after launch.

1974-05-23 - Soyuz-U - Yantar-2K failure. - A problem in separation of the second and third stages of resulted in radio contact being lost with the spacecraft at T+439.6 sec. This automatically triggered the destruct charge in the Yantar OSA Descent Module, destroying the spacecraft and booster.

1974-04-12 - Voskhod 11A57 - Zenit-4MK - Failure

1974-02-11 - Titan IIIE - Sphinx - Centaur LOX pump failure.

1973-09-18 - Feng Bao 1 - JSSW 1 - Failure

1973-07-16 - Delta 0300 - ITOS E - Second stage failure.

1973-07-04 - Voskhod 11A57 - Zenit-4M - Failure

1973-06-26 - Kosmos 11K65M - Nine killed in fuelling accident at Plesetsk - Nine persons were killed in the explosion of the vehicle.

1973-06-26 - Titan 24B - OPS 4018 - Agena upper stage failed to orbit.

1973-05-25 - Kosmos 11K65M - Zaliv - Launch vehicle failed to orbit - unknown cause.

1973-05-21 - Diamant B - Castor (D 5A) - Failure - fairing did not jettison.

1973-04-25 - Tsiklon-2 - RORSAT failure - Payload propulsion system failed; no orbit.

1972-11-23 - N-1 11A52 - N1 7L - Failure

1972-10-17 - Kosmos 11K65M - Strela-2 - Launch vehicle failed to orbit - unknown cause.

1972-09-02 - Voskhod 11A57 - Zenit-4M - Failure

1972-07-29 - Proton-K - Zarya s/n 122 - Second stage malfunction at T+ 162 sec.

1972-05-20 - Titan 24B - OPS 6574 - Failure

1972-04-25 - Kosmos 11K63 - DS-P1-Yu s/n 51 - Second stage failed 367 seconds after launch.

1972-02-16 - Titan 33B - Jumpseat 2 - Failure

1971-12-05 - Diamant B - D-2A Polaire - Second stage failed.

1971-12-04 - Atlas SLV-3A Agena D - AFP-827 / Canyon 4 - First stage failure.

1971-12-03 - Voskhod 11A57 - Zenit-2M - Failure

1971-11-05 - Europa II - Europa F-11 / STV 4 - Structural failure of third stage. Guidance signals were reversed.

1971-08-19 - Voskhod 11A57 - Zenit-4M - Failure

1971-08-03 - Kosmos 11K63 - DS-P1-Yu s/n 33 - Second stage failed 204 seconds after launch.

1971-07-22 - Kosmos 11K65M - Tselina-O - Launch vehicle failed to orbit - unknown cause.

1971-06-26 - N-1 11A52 - N1 6L - First stage failed.

1971-06-25 - Voskhod 11A57 - Zenit-4M - Failure

1971-05-09 - Atlas SLV-3C Centaur - Mariner H - Inadvertent Centaur electronic signal shut down stage early.

1971-03-05 - Voskhod 11A57 - Zenit-2M - Failure

1971-03-05 - Kosmos 11K63 - DS-P1-Yu s/n 39 - Second stage failed 133 seconds after launch.

1971-02-17 - Thorad SLV-2H Agena D - KH-4B 1113 - Failure

1970-12-22 - Kosmos 11K65M - DS-P1-M s/n 1 - First stage failed 1 second after launch.

1970-11-30 - Atlas SLV-3C Centaur - OAO-B - Shroud failed to separate.

1970-09-25 - Mu-4S - SS - Fourth stage failed to ignite.

1970-09-02 - Black Arrow - Orba - Second stage shut down 13 seconds early.

1970-07-21 - Voskhod 11A57 - Zenit-4 - Failure

1970-06-27 - Kosmos 11K65M - Strela-2 - Launch vehicle failed to orbit - unknown cause.

1970-06-12 - Europa I - Europa F-9 / STV 3 - Payload fairing failed to separate.

1970-05-22 - Kosmos 11K63 - DS-P1-Yu s/n 36 - First stage failed 112 seconds after launch.

1970-02-06 - Proton-K/D - Ye-8-5 s/n 405 - failure of vehicle on launch - Failure of vehicle on launch.

1970-01-30 - Kosmos 11K63 - DS-P1-I s/n 6 - Second stage failed 128 seconds after launch.

1969-12-27 - Kosmos 11K65M - Ionosfernaya? - Launch vehicle failed to orbit - unknown cause.

1969-11-28 - Proton-K/D - Soyuz 7K-L1E s/n 1 - first stage malfunction - First stage malfunction.

1969-11-16 - Chang Zheng 1 - First Chinese satellite launch attempt ends in failure. - The program distributor in the second stage broke down. The rocket crashed into the earth within view of the launch site after 69 seconds of flight.

1969-09-22 - Lambda 4S - Ohsumi 4 - Fourth stage control system malfunction after third stage collided with fourth stage.

1969-08-27 - Thor Delta L - Pioneer E - First stage hydraulics failure. Vehicle destructed at T+383 seconds

1969-07-23 - Kosmos 11K63 - DS-P1-Yu s/n 23 - Second stage failed 267 seconds after launch.

1969-07-03 - N-1 11A52 - N1 5L launch - First stage failure.

1969-07-02 - Europa I - Europa F-8 / STV 2 - Third stage failed.

1969-06-14 - Proton-K/D - Ye-8-5 s/n 402 - Block D upper stage did not fire and payload did not attain earth orbit,

1969-04-02 - Proton-K/D - M-69 s/n 522 - First stage - 1 x RD-253 fire beginning at T+ 0.02 sec, rocket crashed near pad.

1969-03-27 - Proton-K/D - M-69 s/n 521 - T+51s payload shroud failed. Second stage continued but third stage failed to ignite.

1969-02-21 - N-1 11A52 - N1 3L launch - First stage failure.

1969-02-19 - Proton-K/D - Ye-8 s/n 201 + Lunokhod s/n 201 - first stage malfunction - First-stage engine failure caused the rocket to crash 15 km from the pad.

1969-02-01 - Vostok 8A92M - Meteor - Upper stage failure.

1969-01-25 - Tsiklon-2A - US-A Mass Model - Payload propulsion system failed; no orbit.

1969-01-20 - Proton-K/D - Soyuz 7K-L1 s/n 13L - Second stage - One RD-0210 engine fails at T+510 sec, resulting in flight path deviation, automatic shutoff of launch vehicle.

1968-11-29 - Europa I - STV 1 / Europa F-7 - Third stage exploded.

1968-09-19 - Thor Delta M - Intelsat-3 F-1 - Control system failure; destroyed by range safety.

1968-08-16 - Atlas Burner 2 - LCS 3 - Failure

1968-06-15 - Kosmos 11K65 - Strela-2 - Launch vehicle failed to orbit - unknown cause.

1968-06-04 - Kosmos 11K65M - Sfera s/n 12L - Launch vehicle failed to orbit - unknown cause.

1968-05-18 - Thorad SLV-2G Agena D - Nimbus B - Failure

1968-04-22 - Proton-K/D - Soyuz 7K-L1 s/n 7L - Second stage shut-off prematurely due to short-circuit in Zond control system.

1968-03-06 - Kosmos 11K63 - DS-U1-Ya s/n 1 - Second stage failed 216 seconds after launch.

1968-02-07 - Molniya 8K78M - E-6LS s/n 112 - At T+524.6 sec Stage 3's engine 11D55 cut off prematurely because it ran out of fuel due to an excessive fuel consumption rate through the gas-generator.

1967-11-22 - Proton-K/D - Soyuz 7K-L1 s/n 5L - Second stage - 1 x RD-0210 failure, shutoff of stage 4 seconds after ignition. Launcher crashed downrange.

1967-09-27 - Kosmos 11K65M - Tsiklon GVM - Launch vehicle exploded on pad.

1967-09-27 - Proton-K/D - Soyuz 7K-L1 s/n 4L - First stage -1 RD-253 failed, resulting at T+67 sec in deviation from flight path.

1967-09-01 - Voskhod 11A57 - Zenit-2 11F61 s/n 51 - Failure of Block I stage at 296 seconds. Remnants of spacecraft and stage fell near Novaya Zemlya.

1967-07-21 - Voskhod 11A57 - Zenit-4 - Failure

1967-06-26 - Kosmos 11K65M - Tselina-O GVM - Launch vehicle failed to orbit - unknown cause.

1967-06-20 - Voskhod 11A57 - Zenit-4 - Failure

1967-05-30 - Scout B - ESRO 2A - Third stage failure.

1967-04-26 - Titan IIIB - OPS 4243 - Stage 2 engine lost thrust.

1967-04-13 - Lambda 4S - Ohsumi 3 - Fourth stage failed to ignite.

1967-01-31 - Scout B - OV3-05 - Failure.

1966-12-20 - Lambda 4S - Ohsumi 2 - Fourth stage failed to ignite.

1966-12-14 - Soyuz 11A511 - Soyuz 7K-OK s/n 2 - Erroneous firing of launch escape tower ignited launch vehicle on the pad.

1966-11-16 - Kosmos 11K65 - Strela-2 - Launch vehicle failed to orbit - unknown cause.

1966-09-26 - Lambda 4S - Ohsumi 1 - Fourth stage attitude control failed.

1966-09-16 - Vostok 8A92 - Zenit-2 11F61 s/n 40 - Launch vehicle destroyed. Failure of Block D core stage.

1966-08-26 - Titan IIIC - IDCSP (8) ... IDCSP (14) - Payload fairing broke up 78 seconds after launch.

1966-05-17 - Atlas SLV-3 Agena D - Gemini 9 Agena Target - Control system failure.

1966-05-17 - Voskhod 11A57 - Zenit-4 - Failure

1966-05-03 - Thor SLV-2A Agena D - KH-4A 1032 - Failure

1966-03-27 - Molniya 8K78 - Molniya-1 s/n 5 Failure - The booster failed during ascent. The launcher and payload broke up on impact with the ground.

1966-03-24 - UR-500 - N-4 s/n 3 - Second stage malfunction.

1966-02-21 - Kosmos 63S1 - DS-K-40 s/n 2 - First stage failed 83 seconds after launch.

1966-01-08 - Thor Burner 1 - DMSP-Block-4A F5 - Second stage failed.

1965-12-28 - Kosmos 63S1 - DS-K-40 s/n 1 - First stage failed.

1965-10-25 - Atlas SLV-3 Agena D - Gemini 6 Agena Target - Exploded 6 minutes after takeoff. Failure.

1965-09-02 - Thor SLV-2 Agena D - Starfish Radiation 2 - Agena-D failed; destroyed by range safety.

1965-08-25 - Thor Delta C - OSO C - Premature third stage ignition.

1965-07-13 - Vostok 8A92 - Zenit-2 11F61 s/n 28 - Second stage guidance failure.

1965-07-12 - Atlas SLV-3 Agena D - KH-7-20 - Failure

1965-05-28 - Atlas D - OV1-03 - Failure.

1965-04-10 - Molniya 8K78 - Luna failure - stage 3 engine failure. - Stage 3's engine 8D715K failed due to depressurization of the nitrogen pipeline of the LOX tank pressurization system of Block I.

1965-03-05 - R-36O 8K69 - First attempted launch of Fractional Orbital Bombardment System booster. - Second stage propellant leak led to a fire in the silo.

1965-03-02 - Atlas Centaur - Surveyor SD-1 - Failure

1965-02-20 - Kosmos 63S1 - DS-A1 s/n 6 - First stage failed 64 seconds after launch.

1965-02-12 - Kosmos 63S1 - DS-P1-Yu s/n 2 - Second stage failed.

1965-01-21 - Atlas D - OV1-01 - Failure

1964-12-01 - Kosmos 63S1 - DS-2 s/n 2 - Payload shroud did not separate.

1964-10-23 - Kosmos 65S3 - Strela-1 - Launch vehicle failed to orbit - unknown cause.

1964-10-08 - Atlas SLV-3 Agena D - KH-7 12 - Failure

1964-09-01 - Titan IIIA - Titan 3A Transtage 1 - Transtage pressurization failure caused premature shutdown.

1964-06-30 - Atlas Centaur - Centaur AC-3 - Centaur hydraulics failure.

1964-06-25 - Scout X-4 - ESRS - Second stage exploded.

1964-06-04 - Molniya 8K78 - Molniya-1 s/n 2 Failure - At T+104 sec the tank draining of core Block A failed due to jamming of the servo-motored throttle and break down of the motor's circuit The launcher was destroyed on impact downrange from the pad.

1964-04-21 - Thor Ablestar - Transit 5BN-3 - Failure

1964-04-20 - Molniya 8K78 - Luna failure - Power failure caused upper stage shutdown at T+340 seconds.

1964-03-24 - Thor SLV-2A Agena D - KH-4A 1003 - Failure

1964-03-21 - Molniya 8K78 - Luna failure - Failure

1964-03-19 - Thor Delta B - Explorer (20) - Insufficient third stage thrust.

1964-02-19 - Molniya 8K78 - 3MV-1A - Second stage failure.

1963-11-28 - Vostok 8A92 - Zenit-2 11F61 s/n 14 - Failure of block E upper stage. Spacecraft liquidated by APO destruct system.

1963-11-09 - Thor SLV-2 Agena D - KH-4 9060 - Failure

1963-10-24 - Kosmos 63S1 - DS-A1 s/n 4 - Second stage failed 353 seconds after launch.

1963-09-27 - Scout X-2B - P 35-5 - Failure.

1963-08-22 - Kosmos 63S1 - DS-A1 s/n 3 - First stage failed.

1963-07-10 - Vostok 8A92 - Zenit-2 11F61 s/n 12 - Shutdown of Block B strap-on engine stage 1.9 seconds after liftoff. Pad damaged.

1963-06-12 - Atlas Agena B - Midas 8 - Failure

1963-06-01 - Kosmos 63S1 - DS-MT s/n 1 - First stage failed 4 seconds after launch.

1963-04-26 - Scout X-2M - P 35-4 - Failure.

1963-04-26 - Thor Agena D - KH-5 9055A - Attitude sensors were misaligned. No orbit.

1963-04-06 - Kosmos 63S1 - DS-P1 s/n 2 - First stage failed.

1963-04-05 - Scout X-3 - Transit 5A-2 - Failure.

1963-03-18 - Thor SLV-2A Agena D - KH-6 8001 - Failure

1963-02-28 - Thor SLV-2A Agena D - KH-4 9052 - Failure

1963-02-03 - Molniya 8K78 - E-6 s/n 2 failure. - Upper stage gyro platform failure.

1962-12-17 - Atlas Agena B - Midas 6 - Failure

1962-10-25 - Kosmos 63S1 - 1MS - Launch vehicle failed to orbit - unknown cause.

1962-07-22 - Atlas Agena B - Mariner 1 - Destroyed by range safety.

1962-06-01 - Vostok 8A92 - Zenit-2 11F61 s/n 3 - Shutdown of Block B strap-on engine stage 1.8 seconds after liftoff. The booster crashed 300 m from the pad. Pad damaged.

1962-05-24 - Scout X-2M - P 35-1 - Failure.

1962-05-10 - Thor Ablestar - Anna 1A - Able-Star failed to ignite.

1962-04-26 - Scout X-2 - Solrad 4B - Failure.

1962-01-24 - Thor Ablestar - Lofti 2 - Failure

1962-01-13 - Thor Agena B - Discoverer 37 - Failure

1961-12-21 - Kosmos 63S1 - DS-1 s/n 1 - Second stage failed 354 seconds after launch.

1961-12-11 - Vostok 8K72K - Zenit-2 11F61 s/n 1 - RO-7 engine of block E upper stage cutoff prematurely. Spacecraft liquidated by self destruct system APO in 407th second of flight. Debris landed 100 km north of Vilyuisk.

1961-11-22 - Atlas Agena B - Samos 4 - Failure.

1961-11-01 - Blue Scout II - Mercury MS-1 - Failure

1961-10-27 - Kosmos 63S1 - DS-2 s/n 1 - First stage failed.

1961-10-23 - Thor Agena B - Discoverer 33 - Failure

1961-09-09 - Atlas Agena B - Samos 3 - Exploded on launch pad.

1961-08-04 - Thor Agena B - Discoverer 28 - Failure

1961-07-21 - Thor Agena B - Discoverer 27 - Failure

1961-06-30 - Scout X-1 - Explorer (13) S 55 - Third stage did not ignite, and the vehicle was destroyed.

1961-06-08 - Thor Agena B - Discoverer 24 - Failure

1961-05-24 - Juno II - Explorer S-45A - Second Stage failed to ignite.

1961-04-25 - Atlas D - Mercury MA-3 - Destroyed by range safety.

1961-03-30 - Thor Agena B - Discoverer 22 - Failure

1961-02-25 - Juno II - Explorer - Third Stage failed to ignite.

1960-12-22 - Vostok 8K72K - Korabl-Sputnik - The third stage engine RO-7 failed just after ignition, 425 seconds in to flight.

1960-12-15 - Atlas Able - Pioneer (P 31) - Atlas exploded 70 seconds after liftoff.

1960-12-04 - Scout X-1 - Explorer (9) S 56 - Second stage malfunction.

1960-11-30 - Thor Ablestar - Transit 3A - Failure

1960-10-26 - Thor Agena B - Discoverer 16 - Failure

1960-10-14 - Molniya 8K78 - Mars probe 1M s/n 2 failure. - At T+290 sec Stage 3's engine 8D715K failed to ignite because a LOX leak froze kerosene in the fuel inlet to the pump on the launch pad due to a faulty LOX valve seal.

1960-10-11 - Atlas Agena A - Samos 1 - Second stage failure.

1960-10-10 - Molniya 8K78 - Mars probe 1M s/n 1 failure. - At T+300.9 sec, the launcher went out of control and the destruct command was given at T+324.2 sec - the engine of Stage 3 cut off after 13.32 s of burning.

1960-09-25 - Atlas Able - Pioneer (P 30) - Second stage exploded.

1960-08-18 - Thor Ablestar - Courier 1A - Exploded 2.5 minutes after launch.

1960-07-28 - Vostok 8K72 - Korabl-Sputnik - At ignition one of the combustion chambers in strap on Block B or G burned through. The strap on separated from the core at 17 seconds into the flight and the launch vehicle exploded at 28.5 seconds.

1960-06-29 - Thor Agena A - Discoverer 12 - Failure

1960-05-13 - Thor Delta - Echo 1 - Second stage attitude control failure.

1960-04-16 - Vostok-L 8K72 - Luna failure at lift-off - Strap-on B reached only 75 percent of thrust at ignition. Four tenths of a second after liftoff it broke away from the core.

1960-04-15 - Vostok-L 8K72 - Luna failure - third stage insufficient delta V - The third stage RO-5 engine either did not reach full thrust or shut down early.

1960-03-23 - Juno II - Explorer S-46 - Upper stage failed to ignite. Third stage failed to ignite due to loss of radio contact.

1960-02-26 - Atlas Agena A - Midas 1 - Second stage failed to separate.

1960-02-19 - Thor Agena A - Discoverer 10 - Failure

1960-02-15 - Atlas Able - Pioneer (P 31) - Vehicle exploded in static firing.

1960-02-04 - Thor Agena A - Discoverer 9 - Failure

1959-11-26 - Atlas Able - Pioneer (P 3) - Payload shroud failed after 45 sec, broke away prematurely.

1959-09-24 - Atlas C Able - Atlas C Able explodes on pad during static test. - Vehicle exploded on pad.

1959-09-17 - Thor Able II - Transit 1A - Third stage failed.

1959-08-15 - Juno II - Beacon 2 - First stage shut down too early; no attitude control for upper stages.

1959-07-16 - Juno II - Explorer S-1 - Control lost after 5.5 sec. Destroyed by range safety.

1959-06-25 - Thor Agena A - Discoverer 4 - Insufficient stage 2 velocity.

1959-06-22 - Vanguard - Vanguard 3B - Stage 2 propulsion malfunction.

1959-06-18 - Vostok-L 8K72 - Luna failure - inertial system failed at T+153 seconds - Inertial system failed at 153 seconds after launch. Vehicle destroyed by range safety.

1959-06-03 - Thor Agena A - Discoverer 3 - No telemetry after Agena ignition.

1959-04-14 - Vanguard - Vanguard 3A - Stage 2 damaged at separation.

1959-01-21 - Thor Agena A - Thor Agena test - Launch vehicle failure.

1958-12-04 - Vostok-L 8K72 - Luna failure - booster core shut down at T+245 seconds - Core engines shut off at 245 seconds into the flight. Cause was a loss of lubrication to the hydrogen peroxide pump.

1958-11-08 - Thor Able I - Pioneer 2 - Third stage ignition unsuccessful.

1958-10-23 - Jupiter C - Beacon 1 - Upper stages separated prior to burnout. Structural failure after 149 sec due to vibration disturbances generated by the spinning payload.

1958-10-11 - Vostok-L 8K72 - Luna failure - booster disintegrated at T+104 seconds - Launcher disintegrated 104 seconds after launch due to longitudinal resonance of strap-ons.

1958-09-26 - Vanguard - Vanguard 2D - Insufficient 2nd stage thrust - unknown cause.

1958-09-23 - Vostok-L 8K72 - Luna failure - booster disintegrated at T+92 seconds - Launcher disintegrated 93 seconds after launch due to longitudinal resonance of strap-ons.

1958-08-28 - Project Pilot - Pilot 6 - One first stage motor failed to ignite, causing structural failure.

1958-08-26 - Project Pilot - Pilot 5 - Stage failed to ignite, vehicle fell into Pacific.

1958-08-25 - Project Pilot - Pilot 4 - Vehicle exploded after 0.75sec.

1958-08-24 - Jupiter C - Explorer 5 - First Stage collided with upper stages. Second Stage ignited in wrong direction.

1958-08-22 - Project Pilot - Pilot 3 - Radio contact lost; possibly reached orbit.

1958-08-17 - Thor Able I - Pioneer (1) - Thor exploded after 77 sec.

1958-08-12 - Project Pilot - Pilot 2 - Vehicle exploded at ignition.

1958-07-25 - Project Pilot - Pilot 1 - Radio contact lost; possibly reached orbit.

1958-06-26 - Vanguard - Vanguard 2C - Premature second stage cutoff. Unknown cause.

1958-05-28 - Vanguard - Vanguard 2B - Improper third stage trajectory - unknown cause.

1958-04-29 - Vanguard - Vanguard 2A - Third Stage failed to ignite.

1958-04-27 - Sputnik 8A91 - Sputnik failure - Launch vehicle disintegrated 88 seconds after liftoff.

1958-03-05 - Jupiter C - Explorer 2 - Fourth Stage failed to ignite.

1958-02-05 - Vanguard - Vanguard 1B - Control system malfunction - control lost after 57 sec.

1957-12-06 - Vanguard - Vanguard 1A - Vehicle lost thrust and exploded after 2 seconds.

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