
Antedon mediterranea

Mediterranean feather-star

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Antedon mediterranea

Etang de Thau, France, 5 meters, 2015, WBN


Antedon mediterranea is a feather-star of up to 20 cm in diameter. It has 10 feathery branched arms and between 25 to 30 cirri. Its color is variable: white, yellow, brown or red. It is attached temporarily to other invertebrates (sponges, sea-fans) or to hard substrata by means of its cirri, generally in current-swept areas where it can catch plankton with its extended arms.


Antedon mediterranea is present from surface to 80 m deep in the Mediterranean Sea.


Source : World Register of Marine Species
Dernière mise à jour 21-09-2024

Glossaire de la page

Cirri : articulated prehensive extensions arising from the lower surface of the central disc used to cling on hard substrata.


Text : Anne Bay-Nouailhat © 2007 - 2024.

Photos : © Wilfried Bay-Nouailhat. Published with his kind permission.
Websites and reference works : Consult bibliography

Image satellite: © Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community.

Données de distribution : Antedon mediterranea in GBIF Secretariat (2019). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2024-09-21.

Guide des Tuniciers


Source : World Register of Marine Species

Dernière mise à jour 21-09-2024

Guide des Tuniciers

Page glossary

Cirri : articulated prehensive extensions arising from the lower surface of the central disc used to cling on hard substrata.


Text : Anne Bay-Nouailhat © 2007 - 2024.

Photos : © Wilfried Bay-Nouailhat. Published with his kind permission.
Websites and reference works : Consult bibliography

How to cite this page

Bay-Nouailhat A., June 2007, Description of Antedon mediterranea, [On line], consulted on 2024 September 21.


Photographie de Anne Bay-Nouailhat

Anne Bay-Nouailhat

Project manager in marine environment
Professional diver - Naturalist

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