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in Wikipedia, die vrye ensiklopedie

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Hierdie is die lys van mentors vir die Groeispan-kenmerke. As jy beskikbaar wil wees om nuwe gebruikers te help, lees asseblief die V&A hieronder, en besoek Special:EnrollAsMentor om jou naam by die lys te voeg.


[wysig bron]
Why mentorship?
When you arrive to a new place, it is always better to have a guide. Wikipedia is a complicated ecosystem, with its own set of technical subtleties, cultural habits and social interactions. Getting a mentor you can contact directly when you arrive helps you to make better first steps.
Who can become a mentor?
If you are sufficiently experienced to answer basic editing questions from new users, and enjoy helping people in a friendly and supportive manner, then you are an ideal person to be a mentor. Thank you!

You need to have at least 500 edits and have had an account for 90 days to sign up as a mentor. It is also expected that a significant proportion of those 500 edits will have been made in mainspace. If you don't yet meet this key requirement, please gain a bit more experience before signing up.

How do I sign up?
Visit Special:EnrollAsMentor to sign up. You will need to specify a short welcome message. Avoid mentioning your own subject interests in your welcome message, as you will appear as a mentor to new users with many different backgrounds. Full instructions are at Growth/Communities/How to introduce yourself as a mentor.

(If you wish, you may add the userbox {{User mentor}}, the topicon {{User mentor topicon}}, or 'Category:Wikipedians who mentor new users' to your own user page.)

What happens next?
Once you have signed up here, you will start to be randomly assigned users as 'mentees'. Their names will begin to appear in your new 'Mentor dashboard' after a few hours. You can reach it via a new link in your personal user menu at the top of every page. Each mentee assigned to you will see your welcome message in a 'Your mentor' box on their own 'Homepage' tab.

You do not need to proactively welcome your mentees – your invitation message simply invites them to ask you questions should they ever encounter difficulties and need help. However, if you wish to welcome your mentees anyway, you can use the Sjabloon:Tls or Sjabloon:Tls templates.

How will I know if a question comes from one of my mentees?
When someone clicks the "Ask your mentor a question" button on their 'Homepage', their question will appear on your talk page. It will always appear with the following subject heading:
"Question from [username]"
That username will always be hyperlinked, and the edit will be tagged in your page history as a 'Mentorship module edit' or 'Mentorship panel question'. (For further information see this FAQ)
Will I be swamped with questions?
This is unlikely to happen. A Mentor is given to each new account, but about 1 user over 500 new accounts contact their mentor (based on the average number of questions asked by newcomers at wikis where Mentorship is deployed). However, it is not yet the case at English Wikipedia, where only 50% of new accounts get a mentor (as of October 2023), due to a lack of mentors.

Bear in mind, the majority of new users will make just one edit. Of the remainder, most will be OK as they are. Of those needing help, some will find their way to the Teahouse or get solutions elsewhere. Only a small number will ever seek your help as a mentor, and we hope you will be there for them when they do. They might ask for things that are written on an help page or a policy page: don't forget that the vast majority of the world has no clue of how Wikipedia works.

  • For a list of every question asked of all mentors over the last 14 days, click here.
  • For a list of currently unanswered questions over the last 30 days, click here.
I respond to questions, and then the mentee doesn't return. It is quite unpleasant.
Most newcomers aren't like mentors: they don't visit Wikipedia everyday. Some will return the day after, some other the week after (Wikipedia can be a recreational activity for the weekend), some other months after. Consider this when you curate your talk page: some mentees won't contact you again as they can't find your archived response.
Can I set myself as Away from mentorship for a few days?
Yes: please visit your Mentor Dashboard and change your "Mentor status" in the "Settings" module to 'Away'. You will be asked to fill the length of your time off. You will be resumed as 'Active' automatically when the period of time you defined is over. You can return as active, or either shorten or extend this time off anytime by visiting your dashboard.

No new mentee will be assigned to you during your time off. Your mentees will be informed of your absence when they want to contact you, and they will be redirected to a different mentor. However, some newcomers who already started a conversation with you, or the ones that contact you by directly visiting your user talk page, may still leave you a message.

If you plan to be off for more than a few weeks, please consider to leave mentorship instead (and return!).

How are newcomers filtered at my mentor dashboard?
By default, the Dashboard filter only displays users who've made at least one edit. Choosing a time period to show only those who've edited in the last day shortens it further.
Can I choose who I want to be a mentor to?
In general, no. However, you can claim a mentee using Special:ClaimMentee (see How To Claim A Mentee). This tool can be used if you find a mentee who works on similar topics to you, or if you have an ongoing conversation with them.

If you only want to act as mentor to a few specific users (e.g. course participants/editathon attendees), you can sign up as a mentor following the above process, then visit Special:MentorDashboard and set the "Number of mentees assigned to me" dropdown to "None". You can still use Special:ClaimMentee but no new accounts will automatically be assigned to you.

How can I leave mentorship?
If you want to leave mentorship for good and stop receiving new messages from your mentees, please visit Special:QuitMentorship. If you plan to return after a short absence, consider pausing mentorship instead.

Administrators may manage the list of mentors and their settings at Special:ManageMentors.

Where can I leave feedback? Where can I know more about mentorship and Growth features?
You may leave comments about the Mentor list at Wikipedia talk:Growth Team features/Mentor list, or give broader feedback and suggestions at Wikipedia talk:Growth Team features. You can also visit Growth's FAQ.

Die lys

[wysig bron]
Mentorship is currently turned off. Administrators can turn on Mentorship via Spesiaal:CommunityConfiguration/Mentorship.

Mentors automatically assigned to new accounts

When a newcomer registers their Wikipedia account, one of the following users is automatically assigned as their mentor.

# Username Laas aktief Number of newcomers assigned Status Message for newcomers
1 Oesjaar (besprekings | bydraes) 06:31, 27 Oktober 2024 Gemiddeld (die verstek) Aktief Ek het meer as 16,000 artikels op die Arikaanss Wikipedia geskep..
2 Rooiratel (besprekings | bydraes) 12:53, 25 Oktober 2024 Gemiddeld (die verstek) Aktief Hallo en welkom by Wikipedia! Ek is Rooiratel, en ek is hier om enige vrae wat jy mag hê oor die redigering van Wikipedia te beantwoord.

Mentors who manually select their mentees

New accounts aren’t automatically assigned to these mentors. Mentors in this list will only mentor accounts they personally select, making this feature ideal for workshop hosts who wish to continue mentoring participants.
