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<nowiki>Buque de salvamento y rescate; canot de sauvetage; redningsbåd; σωστική λέμβος; спасательная шлюпка; Rettungsboot; bad achub; lancha salva-vidas; lifeboat; чамац за спасавање; Lifeboat; чамац за спасавање; motorni reševalni čoln; 救難艇; rescue boat; bergingsbåt; sjöräddningsbåt; Łódź ratownicza; рятівна шлюпка; motorreddingboot; သက်ကယ်လှေ; Motorrettungsboot; bergingsbåt; 구조선; bote salvavidas; قارب نجاة; záchranná loď; čamac za spasavanje; bateau conçu à sa construction pour porter assistance aux équipages des navires en difficulté ou en perdition; mindee fartyg; rescue craft designed to attend a vessel in distress; моторное судно, предназначенное для спасения людей; Wasserfahrzeug zur Personenrettung und Hilfeleistung; rescue craft designed to attend a vessel in distress; قارب يُلحق بالسُفُن لإنقاذ الرُكَّاب عند اللزوم; loď určená k asistenci lodím nacházejících se v nouzi; buque destinado ao rescate de persoas; rescue lifeboat; lifeboat; шлюпка; шлюпка; motorreddingsboot</nowiki>
Łódź ratownicza 
rescue craft designed to attend a vessel in distress
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Wikidane Q1361551
identyfikator BabelNet: 00051078n
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 Zobacz też kategorie: Life rafts, Search and Rescue boats i MOB boats.
 Zobacz też kategorię: Ships' boats.

Categorisation help on ships' lifeboats versus ships' boats versus search and rescue boats versus rescue lifeboats

  • Shore-based rescue boats were commonly called "lifeboats" in the 19th and early 20th centuries. In the United Kingdom "search and rescue boats" are still named "lifeboats". Where this term is used, shore-based rescue boats may be classified as "rescue lifeboats".
  • Not every ships' boat is a Ships' lifeboat. A "lifeboat" generally has survival gear, is built to survive rough water, and can carry more than a few people. Lifeboats carried on ships, to provide for evacuation of personnel in the event of sinking or fire, should be classified as "ships' lifeboats". "Ships' lifeboats" may double as tenders. "MOB (man overboard) boats" are rescue boats carried on ships. They are generally small, fast, and equipped with rescue gear.

Please, use the specific categories where possible!


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