Category:Stream pools

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<nowiki>Piletón; mouille; Võrendik; Osin; плёс реки; Йылға ятыуы; Қарасу; آبگیر جریان; Sėitova; Sietuva; tolmun; 淵; gorg; ლუბრმა; Плесо; evje; evje; 溪流池; akarsu havuzu; рачны плёс; Авăр (юхлăх сыпăкĕ); suvanto; stream pool; зылинты; ploso; Otuors; akar halde bulunan bir suyun sessiz ve yavaş şekilde hareket eden kısmı; su derinliğinin ortalamanın üzerinde ve hızının ise ortalamanın oldukça altında olduğu bir nehir ya da derenin gergin olduğu yer; 河川の流水が緩やかで深みのある場所; кавалак рачнога рэчышча; jednostka morfologiczna rzeki; Участок русла реки; leveä ja syvä kohta virtavedessä, kuten esimerkiksi joessa tai purossa; stretch of a river or stream in which the water depth is above average and the water velocity is quite below average; quiet slow-moving portion of a stream; odsek reke ali potoka, v katerem je globina vode nadpovprečna, hitrost vode pa precej podpovprečna; mirni, počasi tekoči del potoka; àrea d'un curs d'aigua que es caracteritza per un pendent poc profund, un nivell d'aigua més elevat que el llit del rierol, amb una velocitat més baixa de l'aigua, és a dir la profunditat de l'aigua és superior a la mitjana del curs; Плёс речной; Плес речной; Плёс; nehir havuzu; dere havuzu; ırmak havuzu; akış havuzu; river pool; Pileton; rečni tolmun; плёс ракі</nowiki>
stream pool 
stretch of a river or stream in which the water depth is above average and the water velocity is quite below average; quiet slow-moving portion of a stream
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  • section of watercourse
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This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.

Media in category "Stream pools"

The following 5 files are in this category, out of 5 total.