Arab Region Data and Policy Support Hub

An AI-empowered policy making decision support tool
Total GDP
GDP per capita
Unemployment rate
Poverty Rate
Minimum 1 social benefit
General government gross debt
Essential Health Services
Overweight among adults
Children stunted/wasted/overweight
DTP vaccine
Under-5 mortality rate
Children violence
Female labor force participation
Women in parliament
Financial inclusiveness index
Maternal mortality rate
Female out of school
Adolescent Birth Rate
Youth NEET Rate
Learning Deprivation
Internet Users
Carbon Emissions
Safe drinking water
Safe Sanitation

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Computing and machine learning lab

Policy tools


The UN Regional Collaboration Platform (RCP) for Arab States Data & Policy Support Hub is a network of interconnected components that work together to capture, process, produce and use data to support decision-making and drive sustainable development in the Arab Region. The tool brings together data from key data producers in the region (UN, member States, and key international partners), on the basis of sound data governance mechanisms, and contextualizes this data and information in a way that facilitates the creation and sharing of high-quality digital policy support products by leveraging the latest developments in artificial intelligence, geospatial, and big data technologies to provide policymakers in the region with innovative decision-support tools and data analytical capabilities for evidence-based policymaking in the region.

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