Andy Glew.
Wikipedia fan and supporter, although rarely an active participant, since got pissed off by wikipedia trolls deleting my stuff, replacing truth by marketing drivel.
Occasionally makes small edits, typos, references to publicly known information.
Reluctant to make edits to technology pages related to work, except for small matters well documented in public domain.
Professional information mentioned only to help you evaluate areas of expertise:
- Worked at Gould Electronics on Real Time UNIX and vector minisupercomputers.
- Worked at Intel on CPUs
- Worked on Intel P6 and MMX with Bob Colwell
- Worked on virtualization (VMX)
- Worked on Intel MPX
- Worked at AMD on CPUs
- Worked at Intellectual Ventures
- Worked at MIPS on CPUs, which was purchased by Imagination Technologies
- Currently (2017-) working at Nvidia on GPUs
Other interests include
- diversity: multi-ethnic and linguistic societies - Quebec, Canada
- information management, e.g. Memex.
Some of my websites: