Appendix:Proto-Sahaptian reconstructions

Proto-Sahaptian reconstructions:[1]

Rude (2012)



  • Proto-Sahaptian
    • Nez Perce
    • Sahaptin
      • Columbia River
      • Northern
        • Northwest
        • Northeast


Abbreviation Language/Dialect
PS Proto-Sahaptian
NP Nez Perce
S Sahaptin
CR Columbia River Sahaptin
NE Northeast Sahaptin
N Northern Sahaptin
NW Northwest Sahaptin
WS Warm Springs Sahaptin
K Klikitat Sahaptin
Y Yakima Sahaptin


No. Proto-Sahaptian Nez Perce Sahaptin Columbia River Sahaptin Northeast Sahaptin other Sahaptin dialects notes
1 *kí kíi /kí/ ‘this’ čí
2 *kút kúut /kut/ ‘going, doing’ kút
3 táhay /tahay/ ‘hardened snow’
4 téhey /tehey/ ‘fur’
5 *pké pke /pke/ pčá ‘mother’
6 *skáwn cikáawn /ckáwn/ skáwn ‘fear’
7 *pohóš póhos, pohós- /pohos/ ‘mountain mahogany, Cercocarpus ledifolius’ púuš ‘juniper, Juniperus occidentalis’ puʔúš
8 *puhúš púhs , puhús- /puhs/ ‘inner side of hide’ púuš puʔúš
9 *núšnu núusnu, nusnúu- /nusnu/ ‘nose’ núšnu
10 *tam̓ám táam̓am, tam̓áam- /tam̓am/ ‘egg’ tamám
11 súʔum, suʔúm- /suʔum/ ‘master, pet’
12 tóhon, tohón- /tohon/ ‘leggings’
13 kúy /ku-y/ ‘go!’ or ‘do!’ cf. kúuse /ku-sen-s/ ‘I am going’
14 hiʔníye /hi-ʔni-e/ ‘he gave’ cf. ʔin̓ise /ʔni-sen-s/ ‘I am giving’
15 hiinúʔ /hi-hn-úʔ/ ‘he will say’
16 peepúʔ /pe-hp-úʔ/ ‘we shall eat’
17 *kéweš kúus ‘water’ čúuš čúuš K čáwaš
18 *miyáwax̣(ato) miyóox̣at ‘chief’ miyúux̣ miyúux̣ NW miyáwax̣
19 *k̓ʷalalí k̓ʷalalí NW k̓ʷaalí ‘dangerous being’
20 *-twenen -twana ‘together with’ -twaa
21 *kkéye kikéeye /kkeye/ ččáa ‘serviceberry’ Y ččáya
22 *x̣̓ayamá x̣ʷaamá ‘golden eagle’ WS & N x̣̓ayamá
23 weecéeye /weyece-e/ ‘I danced’; weyéeces /weyece-s/ ‘I have danced’
24 *naʔámn /laʔámn/ náamn ‘wear out, fade away’ naʔámn
25 *kuʔúš kuʔús /kuʔús/ kúuš ‘thusly’ kuʔúš
26 *yeʔémeš yeʔémes /yeʔemes/ ‘black-tailed doe’ yáamaš ‘mule deer doe’
27 ʔeexnúʔ /ʔe-hekn-úʔ/ ‘I will see it’; ʔehékin /ʔe-hekn-s/ ‘I have seen it’
28 hitoosíca /hi-tohosn-sen-s/ ‘the fire is dying down’; hitohósin /hi-tohosn-s/ ‘the fire has died down’
29 *páhap páhap /pahap/ páp ‘man’s daughter’
30 *pínepehem pilepáhem /pilepehem/ pínapam ‘four times’
31 *tenén tanán NW tíin ‘person’
32 *kéweš K čáwaš; Y číiš ‘water’
33 *x̣ʷeyémi x̣ʷáami x̣ʷayám NW x̣ʷíimi ‘up, above, high, up high’
34 *wéseʔes (< *wése ‘ride’ + purpose nominalizer *-ʔes) wásas Y wásiis ‘canoe’
35 čmáakʷ ‘very black’ (čmɨ́kʷ < čmúk ‘black’) cf. NP símux /smuk/ ‘charcoal’
36 šáatɨm ‘all summer’ (šɨ́tɨm < šátɨm ‘summer’)
37 tehéem ‘dark, empty (of a house)’ cf. /tehémn/ ‘be dark (from smoke, fog)’
38 tohóos ‘dim, dimming (of fire)’ cf. /tohosn/ ‘be extinguished (of fire)’
39 qaʔáan (NP /qaʔán̓is/) ‘respectful, well behaved’ cf. S qaʔánn (NP /qaʔánn/) ‘respect, treat respectfully’
40 /tehéem/ ‘dark, empty (of a house)’ cf. NP /tehémn/ ‘be cloudy’.
41 /x̣ʷysn/ ‘slip on the ice’; x̣uysx̣úys /x̣ʷysx̣ʷ´ys/ ‘slippery’ x̣ʷiʔíił ‘slippery’ cf. S x̣ʷíiłn (NE x̣ʷiʔíłn) ‘slip on the ice’
42 /tohóos/ ‘dim’ cf. NP /tohosn/ ‘die out (of fire)’
43 puʔúuł ‘blind’ cf. S púułn (NE puʔúłn) ‘be blind’
44 péeʔniye /pé-ʔni-e/ ‘he gave it to him’; hiʔníyuʔ /hi-ʔni-uʔ/ ‘he will give it’
45 páamc̓iya /pé-mc̓i-e/ ‘he heard him’; hi-mc̓íyoʔ /hi-mc̓i-uʔ/ ‘he will hear’
46 wáaličanwi ‘run downhill’ < *weyélikenwi
47 wáalikalwi ‘sled downhill’ < *wayálikanwi
48 łamtɨ́x̣ ‘head’; łamtx̣mí ‘of the head’ NW łamtɨ́x̣ ‘head’
49 ʔɨníkaaš ‘I put it away’; paʔníka ‘they put it away’
50 *pnéy píley /pley/ ‘pestle’ pnáy
51 *šwé síwe /swe/ ‘forehead’ šwá
52 *ʔɨmá ʔáma /ʔma/ ‘island’ ɨmá
53 *pyóš páyos /pyos/ ‘snake’ pyúš
54 *mɨ́qeʔ méqeʔ /mqeʔ/ ‘paternal uncle!’ mɨ́x̣a mɨ́x̣aʔ
55 *qɨpqɨ́p qápqap /qpqp/ ‘cottonwood’ x̣px̣ɨ́p
56 núkt /nkʷt/ ‘meat’ nɨkʷɨ́t
57 súqu /squ/ ‘river bank’ šx̣ú
58 k̓ócac /k̓ʷcc/ ‘pointed’ k̓ʷsɨ́s
59 tók̓o /tk̓o/ ‘tule’ tk̓ú
60 *skáwn ‘fear, be afraid’ cikáawn /ckáwn/ skáwn
61 *ky̓éwnu ‘gill, salmon gill’ kiy̓éewnu /ky̓ewnu/ čyáwnu
62 *pawáy ‘niece!’ (‘woman’s brother’s daughter’) póoy /póoy/ pawáy
63 *ʔéyq ‘white salmon’ ʔéeyx̣ /ʔeyq/ áyx̣
64 *ʔíwš ‘urine’ ʔíiws /ʔíws/ íwš
65 *tɨmšóy/*tamšóy ‘ant’ támsoy, tamsóoy- /tmsoy/ tamšúy
66 *ʔúykn̓ik ‘further, yet more’ ʔúykin̓ix /ʔúykn̓ik/ úykni N úyknik
67 *tuy̓é tuy̓é, tuy̓ée- /tuy̓é/ ‘blue grouse, Dendragapus obscurus’ tuyá tuyá
68 *yákaʔ yáakaʔ, yáakaʔ- /yákaʔ/ ‘black bear, Ursus americanus’ yáka
69 *núšnu núusnu, nusnúu- /nusnu/ ‘nose’ núšnu
70 *tam̓ám táam̓am, tam̓áam- /tam̓am/ ‘egg’ tamám
71 *pyóš páyos, payóos- /pyos/ ‘snake’ pyúš
72 *x̣ɨ́x̣uš x̣áx̣us, x̣ex̣úus- /x̣x̣us/ ‘green’ x̣ɨ́x̣uš
73 *twé tíwe, tiwée- /twe/ ‘tepee pole’ twá
74 *tk̓ó tók̓o, tok̓óo- /tk̓o/ ‘tule, Schoenoplectus acutus’ tk̓ú
75 *šqú súqu, suqúu- /squ/ ‘river bank’ šx̣ú
76 ʔaláwa, ʔalwáa- /ʔalwa/ ‘bison yearling’
77 siléq̓is, silq̓íis- /silq̓is/ ‘wet’
78 himíyu, himyúu- /himyu/ ‘relative’
79 *hat̓ɨ́kʷ(-ʔic) hatók̓ic, hatk̓íic- /hatk̓ʷic/ ‘difficult’ at̓úk
80 ʔistúk̓es, ʔistuk̓ées- /ʔistk̓ʷes/ ‘guest, visitor’
81 qúʔnes, quʔnées- /quʔnes/ ‘condor’
82 háaslam, hasláam- /haslam/ ‘flea’
83 *pápš páaps, papás- /paps/ ‘Douglas fir’ pápš
84 *téqt téeqt, teqét- /teqt/ ‘northern flicker’ táx̣t
85 *pípš píips, pipís- /pips/ ‘bone’ pípš
86 tátx, tatóx- /ttkʷ/ ‘spotted fawn’
87 *puhúš púhs, puhús- /puhs/ ‘meaty side of hide’ púuš puʔúš
88 qiláasx̣, qilasáx̣- /qilasq/ ‘otter’
89 kikéʔt, kikeʔét- /kikeʔt/ ‘blood’
90 tewlíikt, tewlikít- /tewlikt/ ‘tree’
91 nacóʔx̣, nacoʔóx̣- /nacoʔq/ ‘salmon’
92 silúuqs, siluqús- /siluqs/ ‘saliva’
93 itkʷáta /i-tkʷáta/ ‘he has eaten’
94 pátkʷata /pá-tkʷáta/ ‘he has eaten it’
95 patkʷatałá /pá-tkʷáta-łá/ ‘cannibal’
96 hipáayna /hi-páyn-e/ ‘he arrived’
97 hiʔnáhpayka /hi-ʔnák-páy-k-e/ ‘he brought (it)’
98 paʔnahpaykóoya /pá-ʔnák-páy-k-úu-e/ ‘he brought it to him’
99 mác̓is /mc̓i-s/ ‘I have heard’; himc̓ya /hi-mc̓i-e/ ‘he heard’
100 w̓c̓es /wc̓e-s/ ‘I have become’; hiwc̓éeye /hi-wc̓e-e/ ‘he became’
101 lamális /lamli-s/ ‘it (snow) has melted’; lamlíisa /lamli-sen-s/ ‘it (snow) is melting’
102 ten̓íwes /ten̓we-s/ ‘I have spoken’; ten̓wéese /ten̓we-sen-s/ ‘I am speaking’
103 hewtúk̓is /hewt-i-s/ ‘I have overtaken’; hewtuk̓íise /hewtk̓ʷi-sen-s/ ‘I am overtaking’
104 nekíse /nek-sen-s/ ‘I am thinking’; néeke /nek-e/ ‘I thought’
105 misemíse /msem-sen-s/ ‘I am lying’; miséeme /msem-e/ ‘I lied’
106 watikíse /watik-sen-s/ ‘I am stepping’; watíika /watik-e/ ‘I stepped’
107 mic̓íise /mc̓i-sen-s/ ‘I hear’ cf. mác̓is /mc̓i-s/ ‘I have heard’
108 *kí kíi /kí/ čí ‘this’
109 *pɨké píke /pke/ pčá ‘mother’
110 *kkéye kikéeye /kkeye/ ččáa ‘serviceberry, Amelanchier utahensis’ Y ččáya
111 *ken̓ɨ́wit ken̓íwit /ken̓wit/ čanúwit ‘weaving’
112 *kéweš kúus /kúus/ čúuš ‘water’ Y číiš; K čáwaš
113 *hének̓e héenek̓e /hének̓e/ ánč̓a ‘again’ NW ánač̓a
114 *łk̓épe łč̓ápa ‘rose hip’ cf. S šk̓apášway ‘rose bush’ < PS *šk̓apášway
115 *sk̓étn cik̓éetin /ck̓étn/ sc̓átn ‘be dark, be night’
116 *k̓ɨswín k̓icwíin /k̓cwín/ c̓swín ‘curve around, turn back’
117 keléemet /kelemet/ čalámat ‘pipe’ (from Canadian French calumet)
118 *yákaʔ yáakaʔ /yákaʔ/ yáka ‘bear’
119 kúumkum /kumkum/ kúmkum ‘salmon head or jaw cartilage’
120 *k̓áššɨyno k̓assáyno /k̓assyno/ k̓ášinu ‘elbow’
121 *k̓úxsteyn k̓úuxsteyn /k̓úxsteyn/ k̓uštáyn ‘guess wrong (in bone game)’
122 anwíčt ‘year’ N anwíkt
123 /hwik/ ɨwíč ‘cut up for drying’ N ɨwík
124 tin̓eynéekt /tin̓eynékt/ tináynačt ‘sunset, moonset’ N tináynakt
125 weʔníikt /weʔnikt/ waníčt ‘name’ N waníkt
126 /wéyik/ wáyč ‘cross’ N wáyk
127 wapsíc ‘braid (rope)’ Y wapsík
128 *kɨ́mti kímti /kmti/ čɨ́mti ‘new’
129 *ʔɨškɨ́t ʔískit /ʔskt/ ɨščɨ́t ‘trail, road’
130 *kɨkɨ́m, *kɨkmɨ́m kakmám /kkm´m/ kkɨ́m ‘full’
131 *k̓ɨ́plač k̓áplac /k̓plac/ k̓ɨ́plač ‘war club’
132 *čmúk ‘charcoal’ símux /smuk/ ‘charcoal’ čmúk ‘black’
133 *qčéqn /qseqn/ qčáqn ‘open the mouth’
134 *(č)čɨ́w(n) /s´wn/ ‘be silent, absent’ ččúu ‘quiet, still’
135 *č̓č̓ɨ́l/*č̓č̓áal c̓ic̓ál /c̓c̓´l/ čč̓áal ‘noisy’
136 *č̓éyn /weyec̓éyn/ č̓áyn ‘jump’
137 *č̓ɨ́x̣ɨx̣/*č̓x̣íix̣ c̓ax̣ax̣c̓áx̣ax̣ /c̓x̣x̣c̓´x̣x̣/ č̓x̣íix̣ ‘curly, kinky’
138 cɨ́mti ‘brand new’ cf. čɨ́mti ‘new’
139 cimúuxcimux /cmuk-cmuk/ ‘black’ cf. símux /smuk/ ‘charcoal’
140 *šíš síis /s̓s/ šíš ‘mush’
141 *šɨ́šeʔe /s´c̓e/ šɨ́šaa ‘freeze’
142 *šɨ́šaʔaš sác̓as /sc̓as/ šɨ́šaaš ‘porcupine, Erethizon dorsatum’
143 *šíkiʔ síikiʔ /síkiʔ/ šíki ‘badger, Taxidea taxus’
144 *šq̓íš/*šq̓íiš sáq̓is /sq̓is/ šq̓íiš ‘shade’
145 *šɨ́šeʔe síwe /swe/ šwá ‘forehead’
146 *šw̓ét- siw̓éetsiw̓et /sw̓étsw̓et/ ‘dark, twilight’ šwát̓aš ‘cloud’
147 *šúkwen /šúkwen/ šúkʷa ‘know’ cf. S šúk & NP /suk/ ‘recognize’
148 *šwáqo ciwáaqo /cwáqo/ šwáx̣ ‘opposite sex cross-generational in-law’
149 *ʔáš /ʔác/ áš ‘enter’
150 *sawítk cawíitx /cawitk/ sawítk ‘yampah, Perideridia gairdneri’
151 *síwsiw cíiwciw /ciwciw/ síwsiw ‘Lewis’ woodpecker, Melanerpes lewis’
152 *sɨ́mey címey /cmey/ sɨ́may ‘whitefish, Prosopium williamsoni’
153 *sk̓ét- cik̓éetin /ck̓étn/ sc̓át ‘night’
154 *skáwn /ckáwn/ skáwn ‘fear’
155 *sklín /ckl´yn/ sklín ‘turn, return’ sclín
156 *łáhay sáhay /sahay/ ‘sore, measles’ łayłáy ‘impetigo, boil’
157 *łiʔítk síit /síit/ łíitk ‘nasal mucus’ łiʔítk Y łíit̓k
158 *łłéwn /sséwn/ łłáwn ‘leak, drip’
159 *łp̓úł síp̓us /sp̓us/ łp̓úł ‘tears’
160 *ʔɨm̓ʔíł ʔim̓íis /ʔm̓-ʔís/ íł ‘your mother’
161 *-wéekuʔł -wéekuʔs /-wéekuʔs/ -wáakuł ‘similar to’
162 saháywit /saháywit/ ‘smallpox’ łáyłayit ‘sores, measles, pox, small pox’
163 *łahayłáhay cahaycáhay /cahaycáhay/ ‘measles’ łayłáy ‘impetigo, boil’
164 *mɨ́ł mác /m´c/ mɨ́ł ‘how many/much?’
165 *qʷɨłqʷɨ́ł qócqoc /qʷcqʷc/ x̣ʷɨ́łx̣ʷł ‘meadowlark, Sturnella neglecta’
166 *łk̓íw/*łk̓ʷí /ck̓w/ ‘day or night’ (bound) łk̓ʷí ‘day’
167 *łq̓óp /c´q̓op/ ‘cling’ (Aoki 1994:51) łq̓úp ‘move about, wriggle’ (Jacobs 1937:31.32.3, pg. 77)
168 *ʔíłeʔ ʔíiceʔ /ʔíceʔ/ NE íłaʔ ‘mother!’
169 łéepłep /łepłep/ ‘butterfly’
170 łíik̓is /łik̓is/ ‘dirty’
171 łit̓áan ‘bitterroot, Lewisia rediviva’
172 łit̓eʔł̓t̓eʔ /łt̓eʔł´t̓eʔ/ ‘flat’
173 łił̓płiłip /łił´płiłp/ ‘ribbon’ U łił̓płiłip
174 q̓ełq̓éł /q̓łq̓´ł/; k̓ałk̓áł /k̓łk̓´ł/ q̓ɨłq̓ɨ́ł ‘crackers’
175 táaqmaał /táqmaał/ táqmaał ‘hat’ Klamath daqmil (Barker 1963); from Jargon
176 pisák̓is /psk̓is/ ‘spicy, hot’; písqu /psqu/ ‘leaf’; písx̣ /psq/ ‘deer tick’ pƛɨ́k ‘spicy, hot’; płɨ́x̣ ‘medicine’; p̓ísx ‘sour’
177 caycayál̓as /caycayl̓as/ ‘rattlesnake rattles’ ƛayƛáy ‘jingling, ringing’; cáycay (sound of rattlesnake)
178 łmáma ‘old woman’ šmaawíš; asmaawitúma (plural)
179 q̓úx̣ł ‘knee’; k̓uxsk̓úxs ‘ankle’
180 ƛamáy ‘hidden, covert’ (Jacobs 1937:16.9.4, pg. 30); łáamay ‘lost, disappeared, vanished’; łamáyn ‘be lost, disappear’
181 *ƛ̓ɨ́kn /c̓´kn/ (Aoki 1994:58) ƛ̓ɨ́kn ‘be cut, split, cracked’
182 *ƛ̓wéyn /cwáyn/ (Aoki 1994:75) ƛ̓wáyn ‘be stiff, rigid’
183 *ƛ̓ín /c̓ill´yn/ ƛ̓ín ‘fall dead or unconscious’
184 *ƛaʔyáwi/*ƛʔayáwi /caʔyáwi/ ‘die’ (Aoki 1994:13) ƛ̓iyáwi ‘die’
185 /t̓´wn/ ƛ̓ún ‘guess right in stick game’
186 kú ‘do’ cf. S qú ‘heavy’
187 kikéʔt /kkeʔt/ ‘blood’ cf. NP qeqéʔt /qqeʔt/ ‘comb’
188 kahál /kahál/ ‘that long’ cf. NP qáhas /qahas/ ‘milk’
189 kéetis /ketis/ ‘leister spear’ cf. NP qéetqet /qetqet/ ‘duck’
190 kíi /kí/ ‘this’ cf. NP qíiwn /qíiwn/ ‘old man’
191 kóox̣ /ku-qa/ ‘I do’ cf. NP qóotqot /qotqot/ ‘short feather, down’
192 kúus /kúus/ ‘water’ cf. NP quusqúus /quusqúus/ ‘blue gray’
193 *čmúk s̓mux /smuk/ ‘charcoal’ čmúk ‘black’
194 *ʔítk ʔíitx /ʔítk/ ‘woman’s sister’s son’ ítt N ítk
195 *ʔéyq ~ *ʔéyx̣ ʔéeyx̣ /ʔeyq/ ‘chum, dog or white salmon, Oncorhynchus keta; postspawning salmon’ áyx̣ cf. NP ʔeyq̓in /ʔeyq-iins/ ‘having chum salmon’
196 *šɨ́m̓q ~ *šɨ́m̓x̣ sám̓x̣ /sm̓q/ ‘shirt, clothing’ šɨ́mx̣ ‘shirt, shell dress, buckskin dress’ cf. NP sam̓qíin /sm̓q-iins/ ‘having a shirt’
197 héexne /hekn-e/ ‘I saw’; héekin /hekn-s/ ‘I have seen’
198 c̓íix̣ne /c̓íqn-e/ ‘I spoke’; c̓íiqin /c̓íqn-s/ ‘I have spoken’
199 *qétqet qéetqet /qetqet/ ‘generic duck, mallard, Anas platyrhynchos’ x̣átx̣at
200 qóqoq qóoqox̣ /qoqoq/ ‘raven, Corvus corax’ x̣úx̣ux̣
201 *ʔɨšqí ʔísqi /ʔsqi/ ‘pine pitch’ ɨšx̣í
202 *šqú súqu /squ/ ‘river bank’ šx̣ú
203 *x̣lɨ́p x̣aláp /x̣l´p/ ‘open’ x̣lɨ́p
204 *x̣ɨ́x̣uš x̣éx̣us /x̣x̣us/ ‘green’ x̣ɨ́x̣uš
205 *x̣ɨ́x̣eš/*x̣éeš (perhaps these relate to one another via ablaut and reanalysis) x̣éx̣es /x̣´x̣es/ ‘greedy’ x̣áaš
206 *x̣ɨmt̓úy x̣émt̓uy /x̣mt̓uy/ ‘caddisfly larva (Trichoptera)’ x̣ɨmt̓úy
207 *wéx̣puš wéex̣pus /wex̣pus/ ‘rattlesnake’ wáx̣puš
208 *páx̣at páax̣at /páx̣at/ ‘five’ páx̣at cf. NP paqáham /paqáham/ ‘five times’
209 qaʔánn ‘respect’ cf. NP /qaʔánn/
210 qaʔáx̣n ‘have a sore throat, laryngitis’ cf. NP /qaʔáqn/
211 qalámqalam ‘lodgepole pine, Pinus contorta’ cf. NP qalámqalam /ql´mqlm/
212 qáap ‘wild cat, bobcat, Lynx rufus’ cf. NP qéhep /qehep/
213 U qúʔiš ‘wealthy’ cf. NP qúuy̓s /qúʔis/
214 káł ‘maternal grandmother’ cf. NP /qác/
215 lákas ‘mouse’ cf. NP láaqac /laqac/
216 lak̓isá ‘out on the end’ cf. S náq̓i ‘finish, complete’ (bound root)
217 ciq̓áamqal /cq̓ám-qal/ ‘dog’ cf. NP sík̓em /sk̓em/ ‘horse’
218 kʷáy ‘in that direction’
219 k̓ʷáy ‘that’
220 qʷɨ́tni ‘stuck’
221 q̓ʷáaš ‘obstinate, bull headed’
222 xʷɨ́saat ‘old man’
223 x̣ʷáami ‘above’
224 sayáykʷ ‘sand’
225 k̓ʷmɨ́l ‘too late’
226 qʷninqʷninłá ‘peddler’
227 q̓ʷłtɨ́p ‘strong’
228 sɨ́t̓xʷs ‘wild hyacinth, Triteleia hyacinthina’
229 ƛ̓áax̣̓ ‘all’
230 tukelíixne /tkʷelíkn-e/ ‘I hunted (big game)’; hitkulíixne /hi-tkʷelíkn-e/ ‘he hunted’
231 tukéeyiye /tkʷéyi-e/ ‘mine lay there’; hitkúuyiye /hi-tkʷéyi-e/ ‘it lay there’ tkʷáyi
232 tukepelikéeceye /tkʷepelikéce-e/ ‘I signed/voted’; hitkupelikéeceye /hi-tkʷepelikéce-e/ ‘he signed/voted’ tkʷapaničáša
233 tuk̓méene /t-mén-e/ ‘mine lay inert’; hitk̓uméene /hi-t-mén-e/ ‘it lay inert’
234 ʔiyóox̣oʔya /ʔyáx̣ʷaʔa-e/ ‘I waited’; náac̓yax̣oʔya /nás-ʔyáx̣ʷaʔa-e/ ‘I waited for you (plural)’ yáx̣ʷ̓a iyáx̣ʷa
235 cam̓óqam /cam̓qʷam/ ‘corner’; cam̓oqáampa /cam̓qʷam-pe/ ‘in the corner’
236 tin̓úxne /tn̓kʷn-e/ ‘I died’; tin̓kíce /tn̓kʷn-sen-s/ ‘I am dying’
237 súqt, suqút- /sqʷt/ ‘stump’
238 tátx, tatóx- /ttkʷ/ ‘spotted fawn’
239 suk̓úysuk̓uy /s-k̓ʷ´ysk̓ʷy/ ‘dark complexioned, dark horse’ šk̓ʷíšk̓ʷi
240 cóqoy, coqóy- /cqʷy/ ‘tepee top’
241 q̓óyn /q̓ʷ´yn/ ‘have diarrhea’ q̓úy ‘colon’
242 xuysxúys /xʷysxʷ´ys/ ‘slippery’
243 kʷɨ́ma ~ kúma ‘those’
244 k̓ʷɨ́nč ~ k̓únč ‘black pine lichen’
245 NW qʷɨ́- ~ qú- ‘with a pack’ (Jacobs 1931:169)
246 taxʷɨ́s ~ taxús ‘dogbane’
247 x̣̓ɨ́tutay ~ x̣útutay ‘pillow’
248 *čɨ́kʷš súxs /s´kʷs/ čɨ́kʷš ~ čúkš ‘obsidian’
249 k̓ʷsɨ́s ~ k̓usɨ́s ‘pointed’; k̓ócac /k̓ʷcc/ ‘pointed’S k̓ʷsɨ́s
250 *qʷɨ́salat qósalat /qʷ´salat/ ‘male mountain goat’ xʷɨ́sanat ~ xúsanat ‘old man’
251 *qʷɨ́łqʷł qócqoc, qocqóc- /qʷcqʷc/ x̣̓ɨ́łx̣̓ł ~ x̣úłx̣uł ‘meadowlark, Sturnella neglecta’
252 *héy̓uks héey̓uxc, hey̓úuxc- /hey̓uxc/ áykʷs ~ áyuks ‘cottontail rabbit’
253 *čmúk s̓mux, simúux- /smuk/ čmɨ́kʷ ~ čmúk ‘black’
254 *k̓úxsteyn k̓úuxsteyn /k̓úxsteyn/ k̓ʷštáyn ~ k̓uštáyn ‘guess wrong (in stick game)’
255 *(ʔɨ)šéqunkt ʔiseqúulkt /ʔseqúlkt/ šáqʷɨnkt ~ šáqunkt ‘decapitating’
256 *ʔék̓ek < ʔek-ʔek ʔéek̓ex /ʔek̓ek/ ‘magpie, Pica pica’ áč̓ay N áč̓ak
257 *šɨ́šeʔe /s´ce/ ‘freeze’ šɨ́šaa
258 téep̓es /tep̓es/ < /tep-ʔes/ ‘night fishing torch’ táp̓aš ‘Ponderosa pine’ cf. NP /tep/ & S táp ‘spear fish by torchlight’ (purpose nominalizer is *-ʔeš)
259 ʔenéecniye /ʔe-nés-ʔni-e/ ‘I gave it to them’ cf. NP /ʔni/ ‘give’
260 qoq̓áalq̓ayn /qoq̓álq-ʔayn/ ‘for bison’ (Aoki 1994:595) cf. NP qoq̓áalx̣ /qoq̓álq/ ‘bison’
261 kex ʔ̓in ~ kek̓íin /ke-k ʔín/ ‘I who...’
262 *qeʔeyík q̓ayík ‘calf, elk calf, colt’ cf. NP qeʔéyix /qeʔeyik/
263 *(ʔá/há)qoʔopaš áq̓paš ‘stomach, tripe’ cf. NP qoʔópas /qoʔopas/
264 *keʔéšn/*keʔéšwi /k̓ésn/ ‘admire, envy’ cf. NE čaʔášwi ‘flirt’
265 *héwšl̓ikš héwsil̓iks /héwsl̓iks/ ‘throw down mat or bedding’ N áwšnikš
266 *tɨm̓né tim̓íne /tm̓ne/ ‘heart, seed’ tɨmná
267 *ken̓ɨ́wit ken̓íwit /ken̓wit/ ‘weaving’ čanúwit
268 *waw̓ałám waw̓áałam /waw̓ałam/ ‘cutthroat trout’ wawałám ‘rainbow trout’
269 *tuy̓é tiy̓é /tiy̓é/ ‘blue grouse, Dendragapus obscurus’ tuyá
270 /kál̓amk/ < /ké-laʔámn-k/ ‘eat up, devour’; /ké-/ ‘in eating’; /laʔámn/ ‘be used up’
271 *qmeʔeš qém̓es /qm̓es/ ‘camas, Camassia quamash’ x̣máaš
272 *tnuʔunn tin̓úun, tin̓unín- /tn̓unn/ ‘male bighorn, Ovis canadensis’ tnúun ‘bighorn sheep’
273 ʔew̓níy /ʔew-ʔni-i/ ‘give it to him’NP /ʔew-/ ‘him’; /ʔni/ ‘give’; /-i/ imperative
274 mamáy̓ac /m-myaʔac/ ‘children’ cf. NP miyáʔc /myaʔac/ ‘child’
275 /qy̓áwn/ ‘be dry’ (Aoki 1994:591) < /qʔyáwn/ < /qyáʔawn/ Y xyáaw ‘dry’ (reflecting an earlier *qyáʔaw cf. /qʔyáwn/ ‘be thirsty’ (Aoki 1994:593)
276 lamt̓áy̓ /lamt̓´y-ʔ/ ‘last, final’ cf. /lamt̓´yn/ ‘be the last’
277 ʔikúuytim̓ew /ʔikúuytm-ʔew/ ‘truthful, honest’ cf. /ʔkúuytm/ ‘speak the truth’
278 cikáaw̓aw /ckáw-ʔew/ ‘easily scared’ cf. /ckáwn/ ‘fear’
279 cikáaw̓is /ckáw-ʔis/ ‘fierce, ferocious’ cf. /ckáwn/ ‘fear’
280 hamóol̓ic /hamol-ʔic/ ‘cute’ cf. /hamóln/ ‘consider cute (such as a baby)’
281 qaʔán̓is /qaʔán-ʔis/ ‘modest, respectable’ cf. /qaʔánn/ ‘honor, respect’
282 hóopl̓al /hópl̓al/ ‘October’; /húpn/ ‘fall (of conifer needles)’
283 hekín̓es /hekn-t-ʔes/ ‘in order to see’; /hekn/ ‘see’
284 hanyíin, hanyíis- /hani-iʔins/ ‘made’
285 cúukwenin̓, cúukweniʔs- /cúkwen-iʔins/ ‘known, spirited’
286 k̓oy̓am̓á /k̓ʷay̓am̓á/ ‘cougar, Felix concolor’ k̓ʷayaw̓ k̓ʷayamá NW k̓ʷayaw̓
287 tim̓áay̓ /tm̓áy̓/ ‘maiden’ tmáy
288 p̓ísx ‘sour’ cf. pƛɨ́k ‘spicy, hot’; płɨ́x̣ ‘medicine’
289 q̓im̓úuyn /q̓m̓úyn-t/ ‘copulating’ cf. kim̓úuynin̓ /km̓úyn-iʔns/ ‘humped’
290 *ʔawít ʔáawit /ʔawit/ ‘levirate in-law after relating kin is dead’ awít
291 *ʔítk ʔíitx /ʔítk/ ‘woman’s sister’s son’ ítt N ítk
292 *ʔɨškɨ́t ʔískit /ʔskt/ ‘road, path’ ɨščɨ́t
293 *ʔúyit ʔúyit /ʔúyit/ ‘beginning, first’ úyit
294 /ʔac/ ‘enter’ ášša ‘he is entering’; paʔášša ‘they are entering’
295 *naʔámn /laʔámn/ náamn naʔámn; ‘wear out, fade away’
296 *kuʔúš kuʔús /kuʔús/ kúuš kuʔúš ‘thusly’
297 síikiʔ /síkiʔ/ šíki ‘badger’
298 tilípeʔ /tl´peʔ/ tlɨ́pa ‘fox’
299 qeqépeʔ /qq´peʔ/ x̣ɨ́pa ‘cornhusk storage bag’
300 yáakaʔ /yákaʔ/ yáka ‘bear’
301 čná iwačáʔ ‘was he here?’
302 tóotaʔ /tótaʔ/ túta tútaʔ ‘father!’ (vocative)
303 *mahál mahál /mahál/ máal maʔál ‘how long? how tall?’
304 *pohóy póhoy /pohoy/ ‘fine snow’ púuy ‘snow’ puʔúy
305 *páhap páhap /pahap/ páp ‘man’s daughter’
306 *sahaysáhay cahaycáhay /cahaycáhay/ saysáy ‘worms, maggots’
307 *wíhnen /wíhnen/ wína ‘go’
308 héeyey, heyéey- /hey-hey/ ‘rainbow trout’
309 hóopop, hopóop- /hop-hop/ ‘edible pine lichen, Bryoria fremontii’
310 /hésn/ háašn ‘breathe’ haʔášn S may be a reduplication borrowed from NP (e.g., /hehéšn/)
311 héhen /héhen/ hahán ‘root top’
312 /héwlekn/ hawláak ‘invisibility, empty space, the spirit realm, air, thin air’
313 hawlapáwlap /hawlph´wlap/ hawlɨpáwlɨp ‘energetic, spry, lively, willing, eager’
314 hawál̓is /hawl̓is/ < /hawl + -ʔis/ hawɨ́liš ‘mean, ornery’
315 /héwtn/ háwtn ‘be a landslide’
316 haywáanin̓ /haywániʔns/ haywáni ‘peaceful’
317 hotóoto /hotohoto/ hutuhútu ‘kinnikinnick, Arctostaphylos nevadensis’
318 ʔict̓iyehé /ʔct̓iyehé/ ɨst̓iyahá ‘Sasquatch’

Other cognate sets

Gloss (Sahaptin) Sahaptin Nez Perce Gloss (Nez Perce)
‘burn’ lún líwn ‘burn’
‘be gathered’ k̓ún k̓íwn ‘split apart’
‘shine (sun)’ ičún yik̓íwn ‘shine (sun)’
‘youngest’ láymut laymíwt ‘youngest’
‘see’ q̓ínun q̓ílawn ‘turn head, look back’
‘be bald’ q̓lún q̓aláwn ‘bead’
‘whisper’ súsun t̓áwn ‘be quiet’
‘guess in stick game’ ƛ̓ún t̓áwn ‘guess in stick game’
‘turn over, turn back’ sklín ciklíyn ‘turn over, turn back’
‘go around’ nknín liklíyn ‘go around’
‘bend (elbow, knee)’ k̓lín k̓illíyn ‘be bent, bend’
‘watch’ tk̓ín tak̓áyn ‘watch’
‘twist (dogbane)’ tknín takláyn ‘exchange’
‘elbow’ k̓ášinu k̓assáyno ‘elbow’
‘go upstream’ tunín toláyn ‘go upstream’
‘drain, ooze’ p̓ín p̓áyn ‘drain, ooze’
‘needle, awl, metal’ ɨstí ʔástay ‘needle, awl, metal’
‘cow-parsnip’ íiš ʔáys ‘cow-parsnip’
‘wash’ íix.n ʔayq (bound) ‘wash’
‘Equisetum spp.’ siikʷsíikʷ sáyxsayx ‘Equisetum spp.’
‘wing’ alɨ́xalx /helqhelq/
‘back’ N ának /hélek/
‘nit, louse egg’ asás /hasas/
‘boy’ áswan /hácwal/
‘flea’ ášnam /haslam/
‘slave’ ašwaníya /haswal´ya/
‘bitter cherry’ ašnɨ́pí /hesl´ps/
‘valuable’ átaw /hetéʔew/
‘rainbow trout’ ayáy /heyey/
‘cottontail’ áykʷs /hey̓uxc/
‘eye matter’ ɨqɨ́š /hqs/
‘chest’ ɨní /hni/
‘mouth’ ɨ́m /hm̓/
‘pregnant’ N iyák /hiyék/
‘make’ aní /hani/
‘be clear’ aykáatn /haykáatn/
‘scratch’ áya /háy̓a/
‘spawn’ áya /héy̓e/
‘win’ íšn /hísn/
‘dream’ NW ɨwákt /hwékt/
‘say, tell’ ɨ́nn /hn/


  1. ^ Rude, Noel. 2012. Reconstructing Proto-Sahaptian Sounds. In Papers for the 47th International Conference on Salish and neighbouring languages, 292-324. Working Papers in Linguistics (UBCWPL). Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.
Vocabulary lists of Amerindian languages
North America

Amerindian • p-Amerind • p-Eskimo • p-Na-Dene • p-Athabaskan • p-Algonquian • Beothuk • p-Iroquoian • p-Siouan • Caddoan • Yuchi • Kutenai • Chinook • p-Sahaptian • p-Takelman • p-Kalapuyan • Alsea • p-Wintun • Klamath • Molala • Cayuse • Coos • Lower Umpqua • p-Utian • p-Yokuts • p-Maidun • p-Salishan • p-Wakashan • p-Chimakuan • p-Hokan • p-Palaihnihan • Chimariko • Shasta • Yana • p-Pomo • Esselen • Salinan • p-Chumash • Waikuri • p-Yuman • p-Yukian • Washo • p-Kiowa-Tanoan • p-Keresan • Coahuilteco • Comecrudo • Cotoname • Karankawa • Tonkawa • Maratino • Quinigua • Naolan • p-Muskogean • Natchez (Swadesh) • Atakapa • Adai • Timucua

Central America

p-Oto-Manguean • p-Oto-Pamean • p-Central Otomian • p-Otomi • p-Popolocan (p-Mazatec) • p-Chinantec • p-Mixtec • p-Zapotec • p-Uto-Aztecan • p-Aztecan • Purépecha (Swadesh) • Cuitlatec • p-Totozoquean • p-Totonacan • p-Mixe-Zoquean • Highland Chontal • Huamelultec • Tequistlatec • p-Huave • p-Mayan (Swadesh) • Xinca • p-Jicaque • p-Lencan • Lenca • p-Misumalpan

South America

p-Cariban • p-Taranoan • p-Chibchan • p-Barbacoan • Páez • p-Pano-Takanan • p-Panoan • p-Makú • Hupda • p-Tukanoan • p-Arawan • Harákmbut–Katukinan • p-Cahuapanan • p-Choco • p-Guahiban • p-Shuar • Candoshi • p-Shuar-Candoshi • Achuar • p-Nambikwaran • Tinigua • Timote • p-Lule-Vilela • Vilela • Chamacoco • Allentiac • Chaná • Arutani-Sape • p-Bora-Muinane • Bora • p-Witotoan • Witoto • p-Macro-Daha • Sáliba • Piaroa • Ticuna • Yuri • Caraballo • Andoque • p-Mataguayo • p-Guaicurú • Guachí • Payagua • Mura • Pirahã • Matanawi • Quechumaran • Quechuan • p-Zaparoan • p-Peba-Yagua • Iquito • p-Chapacuran • Andaqui • Guamo • Betoi • Kamsá • Otomacoan • Jirajaran • Hibito-Cholon • Cholón • Sechura-Catacao • Sechura • Culli • Mochica • Esmeralda • Taushiro • Urarina • Aiwa • Canichana • Guató • Irantxe • Aikanã • Kanoé (Swadesh) • Kwaza • Mato Grosso Arára • Munichi • Omurano • Puinave • Leco • Puquina • Ramanos • Warao • Yaruro • Yuracaré • Yurumangui

South America (NE Brazil)

Katembri • Taruma • Yatê • Xukurú • Natú • Pankararú • Tuxá • Atikum • Kambiwá • Xokó • Baenan • Kaimbé • Tarairiú • Gamela

South America (Arawakan)

p-Arawakan • p-Japurá-Colombia • p-Lokono-Guajiro • Wayuu • p-Mamoré-Guaporé • p-Bolivia • p-Mojeño • p-Purus

South America (Macro-Jê)

p-Macro-Jê • Rikbaktsa • p-Jê • Jeikó • p-Jabuti • p-Kamakã • Kamakã • Maxakali • Chiquitano • Dzubukua • Oti • p-Puri • p-Bororo

South America (Tupian)

p-Tupian • Puruborá • Karo • p-Tupari • p-Maweti-Guarani • p-Tupi-Guarani • Guaraní