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Child's Play 2

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Child's Play 2 is a 1990 American horror film, the sequel to Child's Play, written by Don Mancini and directed by John Lafia (one of the original film's writers). It was released on November 9, 1990. Veteran actors Gerrit Graham and Emmy and BAFTA-winner Jenny Agutter, star as Andy's foster parents. The film also stars Christine Elise and Alex Vincent who returns as Andy Barclay as well as Brad Dourif as Chucky.


  • Why fight it, Andy? We're going to be very close. In fact, we're gonna be fucking inseparable.
  • Playtime's over.
  • Did you miss me, Andy? I sure missed you. I told you, we are gonna be friends to the end and now it's time to play. I've got a new game, sport. It's called "Hide the Soul", and guess what? You're it.
  • Peek-a-boo! Please, let me outta here, Andy. It's dark in here. I promise I won't kill anyone else. Okay? Now open the goddamn door! Let me out, you little dick! Let me the fuck out!
  • You've been very naughty, Miss Kettlewell.
  • [before murdering Phil] How's it hanging, Phil?
  • [before murdering Grace with a knife] Amazing, isn't it?
  • [Musing a knife that has just replaced his hand] I hate kids.
  • [Chucky and Andy enter the Good Guy factory] We're home.
  • No! I'm turning human again?! If I don't get out of this body soon I'm screwed!
  • Close your eyes and count to seven, when you wake you'll be in Heaven with your friends. [laughs evilly] This is it, world! From now on, no more Mr. Good Guy.
  • Andy! Please! I was only playing.


[Mattson's car. Chucky stole Mattson's cellphone while Mattson has parked.]
Sammy: I want to play Red Light.
Grace Poole: No, Sammy I don't want to play Red Light. Now, I want you to go to bed *right now*.
Sammy: But I'm scared.
Grace Poole: There's nothing to be scared of, it's just a storm.
(Picks up ringing telephone.)
Grace Poole: Grace Poole.
Chucky: Yes, I'm trying to reach Andy Barclay.
Grace Poole: Andy no longer lives with us. Who is this?
Chucky: This is his Uncle Charles.

Chucky: Don't move!
Mattson: Jesus! god. okay, wh-wh-what are you want?
Chucky: No questions. Just drive.
Mattson: Okay, okay.
Chucky: Keep going. Now, park this piece of shit. [Chucky holds Mattson at 'gun point'] Put your arms behind the seat.
Mattson: What?
Chucky: Do it!
Mattson: Okay. Take it easy! Take it easy! Please, don't, don't shoot. look, I don't carry cash. I got-- I got a gold card. I'll give you anything you want. Tell me what you want.
Chucky: Freeze asshole!
Mattson: Take my-- Take the car. And you can drop me off, but just, please, leave alone. Please!
Chucky: [Using a water gun] Bang! You're dead!

Joanne: I was thinking maybe we should get something for Andy to make him feel more at home.
Phil: How about some Valium?

Mr. Sullivan: Mattson I don't care what it takes. Put a lid on this.
Mattson: Yes sir. that's not a problem. I'll take care...
Mr. Sullivan: You listen to me. You smuggle this error out of here in 24 hours you got that.
Mattson: Yes, sir.
Mr. Sullivan: Now if you will excuse me... I've got a meeting I've got to get to. As far as the stockholders and I are concerned, this matter is finished.
Mattson: Yes sir. What do you want me to do with the doll?
Mr. Sullivan: Stick it up your ass.

Chucky: Shit.
Tommy: Hi, I'm Tommy.
Chucky: Shut up, you idiot.
[Chucky punches Tommy.]
Tommy: [Malfunctioning] I like to be hugged, I like to be hugged, I like to be hugged.
Chucky: Hug this!
[Bludgeons the doll with a figurine.]

[After Andy coughs when he tries Kyle's cigarette.]
Kyle: What the hell d'you think you're doing?
Andy: I wanted to taste it.
Kyle: Get real, it tastes like shit, ok? These things are very bad for you.
Andy: Then why do you do it?
Kyle: Because grown ups are allowed to do things that are bad for them.
Andy: You're not a grown up.

Chucky: Come on! Step on it!
Kyle: Fine! We'll just get pulled over again! [Latches her seat belt on.]
Chucky: Just shut up and drive before I kick your fuckin' teeth in!
[Kyle suddenly stops the car, and Chucky flies out of the car and breaks through the windshield; Kyle looks around for a few seconds.]
Chucky: [Pops out and pins the knife to the hood.] Raaaargh! [Kyle reacts and accelerates the car in high gear.] Unngh! You goddamn women drivers!

Grace Poole: Andy. what are you doing come on We've got to get out of the building. Kyle? what's going on here! You did this didn't you?
Kyle: He did it.
Grace Poole: Get into my office. Is this your idea of a joke? Oh, give me that.
Chucky: Amazing isn't it?

[Chucky stabs Grace three times]

Grace Poole: Aah! Aah! Aoah! Aaaaaooohhh!
Kyle: Come on!
Chucky: Okay, sport. We're gonna have a little game of Chucky Says. Chucky says move your ass. Snap out of it! Ya act like ya never seen a dead body before!

Andy: Where are we going?
Kyle: Home.
Andy: Where's home?
Kyle: Andy, I have no idea.
Chucky: [Chucky his very frustrated scream] Noooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You little shit! Do you know what you've done?

[Chucky gets angry at Andy] It's too late!! I'm spent too much time in the this body! I'm fucking trapped in here! [Kyle his boxes falling in Chucky] What the hell?

“Chucky’’: [Chucky his nose blood on her hand begins screaming voice echoes] NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! You little shit!!! Do you know what you’ve done? It’s too late!!! I’m spent too much time in the this body! I’m fuckin’ trapped in here. [Kyle pushes boxes falling hits Chucky is panicked] What the hell!??!


  • Sorry Jack...Chucky's back!
  • It's playtime... again.


Wikipedia has an article about:
  Child's Play (1988) · Child's Play 2 (1990) · Child's Play 3 (1991) · Bride of Chucky (1998) · Seed of Chucky (2004) · Curse of Chucky (2013) · Cult of Chucky (2017)