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The Crusades (1935 film)

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The Crusades is a 1935 film about Richard I of England's attempt to re-capture Jerusalem after its fall to the Saracens in 1187.

Directed by Cecil B. DeMille. Written by Harold Lamb, Waldemar Young, and Dudley Nichols.
Wonders to dazzle the human imagination - in a flaming love story set in titanic world conflict!taglines
See 3rd Crusade for pertinent historical material.

Richard I of England

  • Why should I fear and pray for what I don't understand?

Saladin, Sultan of Islam

  • I offer peace to you, foes of Islam.
  • Islam does not accept a Christian marriage.
  • You shall see the foes of Islam swept like dust before the might of Allah.
  • He [Richard I] is the tempest that has shaken Islam.

The Hermit

  • The host of our Lord shall fall upon Islam...like a mighty wave of the sea.
  • Will ye fight over your petty kingdoms here? There is but one kingdom, the kingdom of God.


Berengaria, Princess of Navarre: We've been blind. We were proud dearest when we took the cross in our pride, we fought to conquer Jerusalem. We tried to ride through blood to the Holy Place of God. And now... now we suffer.
Saladin, Sultan of Islam: The Holy City of Allah.
Berengaria, Princess of Navarre: What if we call him Allah or God? Shall men fight because they travel different roads to him? There is only one God.

Berengaria, Princess of Navarre: [Resisting Richard pulling her into her father's room] Let go of my wrist! You're hurting it.
Richard, King of England: Well, stop pulling then.

Alice, Princess of France: [after being told she must vacate her cabin on the ship for another royal lady] I am Alice of France, betrothed to King Richard. Who are you?
Berengaria, Princess of Navarre: I'm his wife.


  • Wonders to dazzle the human imagination - in a flaming love story set in titanic world conflict!
  • The Flaming chapters of one woman's love, trapped by two worlds in terrific conflict!
  • Wonders that dazzle the imagination...the armies of Christendom redeeming the Holy Land!
  • You need ten eyes to see..ten ears to hear...ten hearts to feel...the tumultuous surge and glory of this mighty sepctacle, this shining romance...as impassioned now as when it first awed the world with its perfection!



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