tests: Use multi-row insert in test setup

Small performance benefit by just one db call instead of multiple
On insert the count of columns and order must the same for all rows,
so provide the missing fields with its default of null.

Change-Id: I3d79b9d17a2e28557b0ecb7ae429f05513e98ad5
4 files changed
tree: dd987e25ca703bf21906b623831eff6b48d5f508
  1. .phan/
  2. i18n/
  3. maintenance/
  4. schema/
  5. src/
  6. tests/
  7. .eslintrc.json
  8. .gitignore
  9. .gitreview
  10. .phpcs.xml
  11. .stylelintrc.json
  13. composer.json
  15. extension.json
  16. Gruntfile.js
  17. package-lock.json
  18. package.json
  19. quibble.yaml
  20. README.md


The purpose of the extension is to improve the Foundation’s existing workflows for child protection content.

More detail on this extension can be found at the MediaWiki Extension Page. For information about how this extension is used on Wikimedia Foundation projects, see the Wikitech Page.

Image credits