Vascular Plants

APC: Isolepis marginata
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(old) current version.

APC (version 51786049) published 19/9/24 by amonro
APC Dist.
WA (naturalised), SA (naturalised), NSW (naturalised), ACT (naturalised), Vic (uncertain origin), Tas
APC Comment
The status of this taxon in Vic is uncertain, with at least some populations likely to be native.
Plantae / Charophyta / Equisetopsida / Magnoliidae / Lilianae / Poales / Cyperaceae / Isolepis
0 sub taxa
Isolepis marginata (Thunb.) A.Dietr., legitimate Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2012), Australian Plant Census Scirpus marginatus Thunb., legitimate (1794) nomenclatural synonymIsolepis cartilaginea R.Br., legitimate (27 March 1810) taxonomic synonymScirpus cartilagineus (R.Br.) Poir., legitimate (1 November 1817) taxonomic synonymScirpus cartilaginea Poir., orth. var. (1 November 1817) taxonomic synonymScirpus cartilagineus (R.Br.) Spreng., isonym (1824) taxonomic synonymIsolepis cartilaginea R.Br. var. cartilaginea, legitimate (1846) taxonomic synonymIsolepis cartilaginea R.Br. subvar. cartilaginea, legitimate (1846) taxonomic synonymScirpus cartilagineus (R.Br.) Spreng. var. cartilagineus, legitimate (March 1878) taxonomic synonymScirpus bergianus Spreng., legitimate (1824) taxonomic synonymIsolepis bergiana (Spreng.) Schult., legitimate (1827) taxonomic synonymIsolepis cartilaginea var. elatior Nees, legitimate (1846) taxonomic synonymIsolepis cartilaginea subvar. minor Nees, legitimate (1846) taxonomic synonymIsolepis cartilaginea var. parva Nees, legitimate (1846) doubtful taxonomic synonymIsolepis cartilaginea subvar. pauciflora Nees, legitimate (1846) taxonomic synonymIsolepis notata Nees, legitimate (1846) taxonomic synonymCyperus modestulus Steud., legitimate (1854) taxonomic synonymIsolepis semipedunculata Boeckeler, legitimate (14 July 1858) taxonomic synonymScirpus antarcticus L., legitimatemisapplication by Gardner, C.A. (1930), Part I. Pteridophyta-Proteaceae. Enumeratio Plantarum Australiae OccidentalisScirpus antarcticus L., legitimatemisapplication by Blackall, W.E. & Grieve, B.J. (1954), How to know Western Australian wildflowers: a key to the flora of the temperate regions of Western Australia 1Scirpus antarcticus L., legitimatemisapplication by Blake, S.T. (1969), Studies in Cyperaceae. Contributions from the Queensland Herbarium 8Scirpus antarcticus L., legitimatemisapplication by Beard, J.S. in Beard, J.S. (ed.) (1970), Descriptive Catalogue of West Australian Plants Edn. 2Scirpus antarcticus L., legitimatemisapplication by Willis, J.H. (1970), A Handbook to Plants in Victoria Edn. 2, 1Scirpus antarcticus L., legitimatemisapplication by Jessop, J.P. in Black, J.M. (1978), Flora of South Australia Edn. 3, 1

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