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Mungkin maksud Anda adalah: world history middle eastern empire
  • earlier phases of their national history as being under dynasties comparable to the dynasties of the later empires, and of such early "Emperors" as Menes...
    43 KB (7.553 kata) - 24 April 2024 02.10
  • idea of a great union of the Greek states in Europe to dominate the Eastern world; and he knew, too, how incapable was the Athenian democracy, because...
    62 KB (11.056 kata) - 6 Mei 2024 07.51
  • interests of commerce. China laid no claim to eastern Formosa, all trace of which was omitted from maps of the "Middle Kingdom." In the spring of 1873, Soyejima...
    49 KB (7.302 kata) - 13 Desember 2023 10.43
  • of commerce. China laid no claim to eastern Formosa, all trace of which was omitted from the maps of the “Middle Kingdom.” In the spring of 1873, Soyejima...
    66 KB (11.428 kata) - 15 Desember 2023 04.15
  • revolutions of human grandeur, ever made a distinguished figure in the history of the world (for the Achinese, though powerful in the sixteenth century, were...
    1 KB (180.867 kata) - 1 April 2023 11.35