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Bahasa Breton

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Basa Breton joda da salah osay basa Keltik say dituturko Jolma Breton di nagara Prancis.

Letter Kerneveg Leoneg Tregiereg Gwenedeg
A a [ä, a, ɑː]
â [ɑː]


ae [ae̯~aj] [ɛa] [ɛː]
an [ɑ̃n]
ao [ao̯~aw] [ɔː] [ao̯~aw]
aou [ɔʊ̯~ɔw]
B b [b], [p]


Ch ch [ʃ], [ʒ]


Cʼh cʼh [h]

,[4] [x]


,[5] [ɣ~ɦ] ,[6] [x] [7]


,[8] [x]

[h, x]


cʼhw [xw~f] [xw] [hw~(hɥ)]


D d [d], [t]


E e [ɛ, ɛ̞, e, eː]


[ɛ, ɛ̞, e, eː]

,[13] [ə] [14]

ê [ɛː]


ei [ɛi̯~ɛj]
eeu [eø̯~ew]
eo [eː] [eɔ] [eː] [eː, ə]
eu [œ, œ̞, ø, øː]


[ɛɥ, e(v)y]
eue [ø̯e~ɥe]
F f [f], [v]


'f [v~ɸ]
G g [ɡ, k]


[ɡ~(ɟ), k~(c)]


gn [ɲ]


gw [ɡw]




H h [h]


I i [i, iː, j]


ilh [(i)ʎ]


J j [ʒ], [ʃ]


K k [k] [k~(c)]


L l [l]

,[29] [ɬ] [30]

M m [m]
N n [n]

,[31] [ŋ] [32]

ñ [◌̃]
ñv [◌̃v]
O o [ɔ, ɔ̞, o, oː]


oa [ɔ̯a~wa, ɔ̯ɑː~wɑː] [ɔ̯a~wa, ɔ̯ɑː~wɑː, ɔa, oːa] [ɔ̯a~wa, ɔ̯ɑː~wɑː] [ɔ̯ɛ~wɛ, ɔ̯eː~weː]
ôa [oːa]


oe [ɔ̯ɛ(ː)~wɛ(ː)]
on [ɔ̃n]
ou [u, uː, w] [u, uː, w~(ɥ)]


[38] [u] [o] [ø, ow, aw, aɥ, ɔɥ]
[oy̆, oːy]
P p [p]
R r [ʀ~ʁ~r~ɾ~ɹ]

,[39][40] [χ~r̥~ɾ̥~ɹ̥] [41]

S s [s, z]
sh [s] [h]
sk [sk] [sk~(sc~ʃc)]


st [st] [ʃt]
T t [t]
U u [y, yː, ɥ]


ui [ɥi, ɥiː]
ul, un, ur[44] [ɔl, ɔn, ɔʀ] [œl, œn, œr] [œl, œn, œɾ] [yl, yn, yʁ]
V v [v]


vh [f]
W w [w]




Y y [j]
Z z [z]

, Ø,[48] [s] [49]

[z, ʒ/ʃ]



, Ø[52][53]


, Ø,[54] [ð] [55]

zh [z]




Cuntuh Tulisan

[dandani | Sunting sumbor]
  • UDHR pasal 1;

Dieub ha par en o dellezegezh hag o gwirioù eo ganet an holl dud. Poell ha skiant zo dezho ha dleout a reont bevañ an eil gant egile en ur spered a genvreudeuriezh.

Kaunyin jolma tilahirko mardeka rik uwat pi'il rik hak-hak sai goh-goh. Tiyan tiunjuk akal pikiran rik hati nurani mari tiyan dapok nyampur rik sai barihna dilom semangat bukolpah.


  1. ^ Partikol Vokatif: â Vreizh "O Brittany".
  2. ^ Pangkal kata.
  3. ^ Uncuk kata.
  4. ^ Mak titulis lanisi ch, cʼh, f, s rik spiralisasi p > f [v]


  1. ^ Unstressed e, eu, o represent [ɛ, œ, ɔ]
in Leoneg but [e, ø, o]
in the other dialects. The realisations [ɛ̞, œ̞, ɔ̞]
appear mainly before rr (also less often before cʼh), semivowels [j, w]

, consonant clusters beginning with r or l. Stressed long e, eu, o represent [eː, øː, oː] .

  1. ^ In Gwenedeg velars are palatalized before e and i, i.e. k, g, kw/kou, cʼhw/cʼhou, gw/gou, w/ou, sk represent [c~tʃ, ɟ~dʒ, cɥ, hɥ, ɟɥ, ɥ, sc~ʃc]

. In the case of word-final g and k palatalization to [c]

also occurs after i.
  1. ^ Before a vowel other than i the digraph ni is written instead of gn, e.g. bleniañ
"to drive", radical blegn

, 1PS preterite blegnis , 3PS preterite blenias .

  1. ^ Silent in words such as ha(g)

, he(cʼh) , ho(cʼh) , holl , hon , hor

and hol

. Always silent in Gwenedeg and Leoneg.

  1. ^ i is realized as [j]
when it precedes or follows a vowel (or when between vowels), but in words such as lien

, liorzh , rakdiazezañ

it represents [iː]
(in orthography ï may be used: lïen

, lïorzh , rakdïazezañ ).

  1. ^ ilh represents [ʎ]
when it follows a vowel, after a consonant it represents [iʎ]

. But before a vowel other than i, li is written instead of ilh, e.g. heuliañ

"to follow", radical heuilh

, 1PS preterite heuilhis , 3PS preterite heulias . In some regions [j]

may be heard instead of [ʎ]


  1. ^ Word-finally after a cluster of unvoiced consonants.
  2. ^ In front of k, g.
  3. ^ The digraph ou is realized like w when preceded or followed by a vowel (or when between vowels), but in words such as Doue

, douar , gouarn

it represents [uː]


  1. ^ The digraph represents plural endings. Its pronunciation varies by dialect: [u, o, ø, ow, aw, aɥ, ɔɥ]
rating geographically from Northwest Leon to Southeast Gwened.
  1. ^ v usually represents [v]

, but word-finally (except in word-final ñv) it represents [w]

in KLT, [ɥ]
in Gwenedeg and [f]
in Goëlo. The pronunciation [v]
is retained word-finally in verbs. In words bliv

, Gwiskriv , gwiv , liv , piv , riv

it represents [u]
in KLT, [ɥ]
in Gwenedeg and [f]
in Goëlo. Word-finally following r, l, n, z it represents [o]


  1. ^ But silent in words such as gouez

, bloaz , goaz , ruziañ , kleiz , rakdïazez , bez , Roazhon , dezh , kouezh , 'z , az , ez , da' z , gwirionez , enep(g)wirionez , moneiz , falsvoneiz , karantez , kengarantez , nevez , nevezcʼhanet , nadozioù , abardaez , gwez , bemdez , kriz , bleiz , morvleiz , dezhi . z is generally silent in Kerneweg, Tregerieg and Gwenedeg, but in Leoneg z(h) is always pronounced.

  1. ^ Used to distinguish words such as stêr
"river", hêr
"heir", kêr
"town" (also written kaer

) from ster

"sense", her
"bold", ker
  1. ^ Used to distinguish trôad
"circuit/tour" from troad
  1. ^ In northern dialects (mainly in Leoneg), there is a tendency to voice cʼh between vowels. [ɣ]
also appears as the lenition of g, cʼh and mixed mutation of g.
  1. ^ The lenition of d and the spirantization of t are both represented by z is mainly pronounced [z]
although in certain regions [s]
(especially for the spirantization of t in Cornouaille) and [ð]
(in some Haut-Vannetais varieties)31 also occur.
  1. ^ The pronunciation of r varies by dialect, nowadays uvular [ʀ]
(or [ʁ]

) is standard; [r]

occurs in Leoneg, [ɾ]
or [ɹ]
in Tregerieg, and [ʀ], [ʁ], [r], and [ɾ]
in Gwenedeg.
  1. ^ In Gwenedeg an unstressed e often represents [ə]


  1. ^ Lenited varieties of r, l, n may appear word-initially in case of soft mutation.
  2. ^ In Leoneg [u(ː)]
in front of a nasal.
  1. ^ In Leoneg w represents [v]
before e, i.
  1. ^ In Leoneg z(h) represents [ʃ]
or [ʒ]
before i.
  1. ^ In Leoneg gwr represents [ɡr]


  1. ^ Before a vowel.
  2. ^ Forms of the indefinite article.
  3. ^ A conservative realisation of the initial mutation of d and t, used in certain parts of the Vannes country.