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Ji Wîkîpediya, ensîklopediya azad.
Gilejehr an gilezehr (Dioscorea communis)

Dioscoreales komeke riwekan e, li ser yekqalikan (Liliopsida) tê hejmartin. Kêm ji riwekên vê komê, kêrbar in, ango ji aliyê mirovan tên sûdjêgirtin.

Formûla kulîlka wan:

Di vê komê de, 3 famîle hene:

  • Agahiyên li ser koma riwekan Dioscoreales di APWebsite.
  • Andreas Bresinsky, Christian Körner, Joachim W. Kadereit, Gunther Neuhaus, Uwe Sonnewald: Strasburger - Lehrbuch der Botanik, Begründet von Eduard Strasburger, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg 2008, 36. Aufl.. ISBN 978-3827414557: Dioscoreales: S. 856. (almanî)
  • Mark W. Chase, Michael F. Fay, Dion S. Devey, Oliver Maurin, Nina Rønsted, T. Jonathan Davies, Yohan Pillon, Gitte Petersen, Ole Seberg, M. N. Tamura, Conny B. Asmussen, Khidir Hilu, Thomas Borsch, Jerrold I. Davis, Dennis W. Stevenson, J. Chris Pires, Thomas J. Givnish, Kenneth J. Sytsma, Marc A. McPherson, Sean W. Graham & Hardeep S. Rai: Multigene analyses of monocot relationships : a summary., di Aliso, c. 22, 2006, r. 63-75.
  • Thomas J. Givnish, J. Chris Pires, S. W. Graham, M. A. McPherson, L. M. Prince, T. B. Patterson, H. S. Rai, E. H. Roalson, T. M. Evans, W. J. Hahn, K. C. Millam, A. W. Meerow, M. Molvray, P. J. Kores, H. E. O'Brien, J. C. Hall, W. J. Kress & K. J. Sytsma:. Phylogeny of the monocots based on the highly informative plastid gene ndhF : Evidence for widespread concerted convergence, di Aliso, 22, 2006, r. 28-51.
  • P. Schols, C. A. Furness, Vincent Merckx, P. Wilkin & E. Smets: Comparative pollen development in Dioscoreales, di Internat. J. Plant Sci., 166, 2005, r. 909-924.
  • Lizabeth R. Caddick et al.: Yams and their allies: Systematics of Dioscoreales., in: K. L. Wilson & D. A. Morrison (Weşanger): Monocots: Systematics and Evolution., Melbourne, 2000, r. 475-487.
  • Lizabeth R. Caddick, Paul Wilkin, Paula J. Rudall, Terry A. J. Hedderson & Mark W. Chase: Yams reclassified: a recircumscription of Dioscoreaceae and Dioscoreales., di Taxon, 51 (1), 2002, r. 103-114.

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