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Dhyworth Wikipedya, an godhoniador rydh
Efander menhesennow: 5–0.0037 Ma
Mamoth Columbia
Klassans bewoniethek
† Mammuthus

Brooks, 1828
  • M. africanavus
  • M. columbi (Mamoth Columbia)
  • M. creticus
  • M. exilis]]
  • M. lamarmorai
  • M. meridionalis
  • M. primigenius (Mamoth gwlanek)
  • M. rumanus
  • M. subplanifrons
  • M. trogontherii

Mamothow o eghennow a olifans blewek a'n kinda Mammuthus. Pub eghen a's teva dens hir kromm hag (yn eghennow an gogledh) blew hir. Trigys ens yn Europa, Amerika Gledh hag Afrika bys dhe nans yw 4,500 bledhen. Ladhys ens gans helghya ha chanj an hin.

I a driga y'n osow Pliocen ha Pleistocen. [1][2] Y'n Pleistocen, Europa north veu gorherys gans rew ha tundra. Yth esa kevres a osow rew, a asas an mamothow dhe lesa a-dreus an tir.

Mamothow o helghyes gans tus a-varr, a usya guwow ha'ga treghi gans bolyow leuv. Hwithroryon re dhielvennas aga hneus rag holyans DNA.[3][4][5]

Esplegyans an mamoth
  1. "Woolly Mammoth ('Mammuthus primigenius)". The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University. http://www.ansp.org/museum/jefferson/otherFossils/mammuthus.php#top. Kyrghys 2012-03-07.
  2. Guthrie R.D (2004). "Radiocarbon evidence of mid-Holocene mammoths stranded on an Alaskan Bering Sea island". Nature 429 (6993): 746–9. doi:10.1038/nature02612. PMID 15201907.
  3. Staff (2008). "Scientists sequence woolly-mammoth genome". Penn State Live. Penn State University. http://live.psu.edu/story/36123. Kyrghys 25 November 2008.
  4. Fox, Maggie (2008). "Mammoth genome sequence may explain extinction". Reuters. https://www.reuters.com/article/newsOne/idUSTRE4AI6DB20081119?pageNumber=1&virtualBrandChannel=0. Kyrghys 20 November 2008.
  5. Gilbert, Thomas P. (2007). "Whole-Genome Shotgun Sequencing of Mitochondria from Ancient Hair Shafts". Science (Washington DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science) 317 (5846): pp 1927–1930. doi:10.1126/science.1146971. ISSN 1095-9203. PMID 17901335. http://rw.mammoth.psu.edu/pubs/hair.pdf. Kyrghys 25 November 2008.