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Nox stellans

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Nox stellans.

Nox stellans est pictura olearia in textili facta a Vincentio van Gogh, pictore postimpressionistico Nederlandico. Quae, mense Iunio 1889 picta, prospectum depingit ex artificis orientali conclavis fenestra apud valetudinarium psychiatricum Sancti Regimii Provinciali in Comitatu Provinciae paulo ante solis ortum, vico commenticio addito.[1][2] Hoc opus in perpetua Musei Artis Modernae collectione Novi Eboraci ex 1941 conservatur, per legatum Lillie P. Bliss acceptum. Tabula, inter maxima pictoris opera saepe censum,[3] est una e tabulis in historia culturae Occidentalis quae latissime agnoscuntur.[4][5]

Monasterium Sancti Pauli de Mausole, ubi Van Gogh moratus est ut convalesceret.

Post debilitatem diei 23 Decembris 1888, e qua mutilatio suae auriculae laevae consecuta est,[6][7] van Gogh in asylum insanorum apud Sanctum Paulum Mausole die 8 Maii 1889 sponte intravit.[8][9] Quod valetudinarium, antehac monasterium Christianum, hominibus divitibus indulgebat, et minus quam semiplenum erat cum van Gogh adveniret,[10] ut ipse non solum cubiculum in tabulario secundo, sed etiam conclave in tabulario primo, ad officinam pingendi adhibendum, possideret.[11]

Van Gogh in asylo commorante, fructus artis quos Arelate in urbe coeperat pergebant.[12] Hoc tempore nonnulla ex eius operibus notissimis produxit, inter quae Irides e Maio 1889, nunc in Museo J. Paul Getty, et Imago sui caerulea e Septembri 1889, nunc in Museo Orsay. Nox stellans facta erat ante 18 Iunii fere, diem cum litteras Theodoro fratri scripsit ut renuntiaret se novum opus caeli stellantis confecisse.[1][13][14]

Imagines eiusdem temporis

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Singula tabulae

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Nox stellans super Rhodano, 1888, oleum in textili.
Adumbratio Cypressi noctu stellante, exemplar a Van Gogh calamo harundineo effecta ex pictura anno 1889. Primum in Kunsthalle Bremen conservata, hodie disputatae Collectionis Baldin pars,[15][16]
  1. 1.0 1.1 Pickvance 1986: 103.
  2. Naifeh et Smith 2011: 747, 760.
  3. Vincent van Gogh Biography, Art, and Analysis of Works. . The Art Story 
  4. Moyer, Edward (14 Februarii 2012). Interactive canvas lets viewers stir Van Gogh's 'Starry Night'. . CNET News 
  5. Kim, Hannah (27Maii 2010). Vincent van Gogh’s The Starry Night, now pocket-sized!. . MoMA 
  6. Naifeh et Smith 2011: 701–707.
  7. Pickvance 1984: 159.
  8. Naifeh et Smith 2011: 741–743.
  9. Pickvance 1986: 25–26.
  10. Naifeh et Smith 2011: 746.
  11. Naifeh et Smith 2011: 754.
  12. Naifeh et Smith 2011: 592, 778.
  13. Whitney 1986: 356.
  14. Naifeh et Smith 2011: 759–61/
  15. The Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute: Cypressesin Starry Night. Formula:Webarchive in Arte Amissa, collectione digitali.
  16. Boudreaux 1995.


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  • Boime, Albert. 1984. Van Gogh's Starry Night: A History of Matter and a Matter of History. Arts Magazine, Decembri. [1][nexus deficit]
  • Boudreaux, Richard. 1995. Ex-Soviet Officer Tried to Return Art Found in Cellar. Los Angeles Times, 20 Martii.
  • De La Faille, Jacob Baart. 1970. The works of Vincent van Gogh. Ed. 3a. Amstelodami: Meulenhoff.
  • Ives, Colta, Susan Alyson Stein, Sjraar van Heugten, et Marije Vellekoop. 2005. Vincent Van Gogh: The Drawings. Novi Eboraci: Metropolitan Museum of Art. ISBN 978-1588391650.
  • Hulsker, Jan. 1986. The Complete Van Gogh: Paintings, Drawings, Sketches. Novi Eboraci: Harrison House / Harry N. Abrams, Distributed by Crown Publishers, Random House. ISBN 051744867X.
  • Jirat-Wasiutynski, Vojtech. 1993. Vincent van Gogh's Paintings of Olive Trees and Cypresses from St.-Remy. Art Bulletin 75 (4). JSTOR 3045988.
  • Loevgren, Sven. 1971. The Genesis of Modernism: Seurat, Gauguin, Van Gogh, and French Symbolism in the 1880s. Bloomingtoniae: Indiana University Press. ISBN 978-0253325600.
  • Naifeh, Steven, et Gregory White Smith. 2011. Van Gogh: The Life. New York: Random House. ISBN 9780375507489.
  • Pickvance, Ronald. 1984. Van Gogh in Arles. Novi Eboraci: Metropolitan Museum of Art. ISBN 0870993763.
  • Pickvance, Ronald. 1986. Van Gogh in Saint-Rémy and Auvers. Libellus exhibitionis. Novi Eboraci: Metropolitan Museum of Art, Abrams. ISBN 0870994778.
  • Soth, Lauren. 1986. Van Gogh's Agony. Art Bulletin 68 (2): 301.
  • Thomson, Richard. 2017. Van Gogh: the starry night. Ed. 2a. Novi Eboraci: Museum of Modern Art. ISBN 9781633450424.
  • Whitney, Charles A. 1986. The Skies of Vincent van Gogh. Art History 9(3).
  • Yonghui Zhao, Roy S. Berns, Lawrence A. Taplin, et James Coddington. 2008. An Investigation of Multispectral Imaging for the Mapping of Pigments in Paintings. Proc. SPIE 6810, Computer Image Analysis in the Study of Art, 681007, 29 Februarii.

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