[Wikimedia Chapters Reports] WMFR reports from April to June 2010

Bastien Guerry bastien.guerry at wikimedia.fr
Fri Aug 27 12:17:19 UTC 2010

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April 2010 

General figures and facts 

Some figures 

- At the end of April, Wikimedia France has 203 active members.

- In April, our website (http://www.wikimedia.fr) has been visited more
  than *9000* times and our blog (http://blog.wikimedia.fr) more than
  *2600* times.

- Our search portal http://www.wikipedia.fr has been improved to allow
  search to be performed on regional languages spoken in France (such as
  Breton).  This portal receives each month more than *20000* visits.
Strengthening regional groups 

New mailing lists have been created for regional groups - these groups
are a way for WMFR to encourage local initiatives.

  Regional group                # members   Mailling list                
  Non-Cabale de l'Ouest (NCO)           8   rennes at lists.wikimedia.fr    
  Cabale Toulousaine                    7   toulouse at lists.wikimedia.fr  
  Cabale ? la noix (Grenoble)           4   -                            
  Cabale d'?le de France               13   paris at lists.wikimedia.fr     

Skill-based groups 

Building up on the dynamics of our general assembly, skill-based groups
are being formed or reactivated.  WMFR wants to provide more autonomy to
these groups, and make sure they communicate smoothly with the rest of
the association.  The "photo" group has now its own mailing list.

  Skill-based group        # members                             
  Photo and reporting             13   photo at lists.wikimedia.fr  
  Conferences, workshops           3   -                         
  GLAM                             9   -                         
  Wikimedia projects               1   -                         
  Legal issues                     1   -                         
  Research                         1   -                         
  Communication                    1   -                         


Presentations, conferences, workshops 

- From March 31st to April 4th, WMFR participated to the Festival D?clic
  de Nanterre (http://www.nanterre.fr/Envies/Multim?dia/Declics.htm)

- April 8th, Christophe et Adrienne participated to a movie projection
  on free licenses in a cinema in Toulouse.

- April 9th, Julien gave a conference on Wikipedia in Viroflay.

- April 14th, Thierry Coudray presented the Wikimedia projects and
  Wikimedia France to the board of the "Fondation pour le Progr?s de
  l'Homme" in Paris

- April 17th, Julien held a workshop on Wikipedia in Viroflay.

- April 17th, several members participated to the Breizh Entropy
  Congress (http://www.breizh-entropy.org) and gave a conference on

- April 29th, Alexandre Moatti and Bastien gave a talk at the ? le
  num?rique ?ditorial et sa gouvernance ? conference at INHA

International presence in the Wikimedia sphere 

- From 2nd to 5th of April, Yves participated to the /Commons
  Photoworkshop Nyk?ping 2010/ in Sueden, an international meeting of
  wikimedians on photography.

- From 14th to 16th of April, S?bastien participated to the developers
  meeting in Berlin.

- From 14th to 18th of April, Florence and Delphine participated to the
  chapters meeting.


? Colloquium ? 2010 

A page on the wiki has been created to let everyone shares her thoughts
on what the program should be for this event.  A specific mailing list
has also been created.

Museum de Toulouse 

WMFR is actively working on this partnership.  WMFR will work with the
Museum to take pictures of paleographic objects and put them online on
Commons (http://snipurl.com/10tr9w).

University projects 

WMFR has been working with the University of Lille to let students
validate credits by editing Wikipedia articles.  This workshop started
in february and ended in April.

This projects in Lille is similar to the one that has been done with the
Plume! (http://www.plume.info) association in Toulouse (see the page on
the french Wikipedia: http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Projet:Wikipeplum)

News from the Wikimedia projects 

Wikisource: partnership with the French National Library (BnF) 

The partnership has been officially announced on April 7th (read the
press release - http://snipurl.com/10tra4).  Wikisource contributors are
working on 1400 books that the BnF sent to them.

May 2010 

News from the Wikimedia projects 

Wikisource: Partnership with the French National Library (BnF) 

After the partnership has been officially announced in April, the first
books are now getting published on Wikisource.

Wikimedia Commons: projects with the Museum of Toulouse 

The Museum of Toulouse wants us to wait for the local event of the city
of Toulouse (la Novela - http://novela.toulouse.fr) to be launched in
october 2010 before we publish the first pictures on Wikimedia Commons.
The details of the partnership are still being actively discussed.  We
hope that our careful approach for this first project will help build
new ones with the Museum in the next coming years.

New from the regional groups 


The Wikipeplum project (http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Projet:Wikipeplum)
is going on okay.  With the help of local Wikipedians and members of the
Plume! association, PhD students contribute to Wikipedia on topics
related to their PhD (and others if they want.)  AFter more than 400
contributions in a few weeks, some students have already been diagnosed
as "wikipediholic".

General activity 

Night of the Museum (May 15th) 

Five members of the regional NCO group (Brittany) have been taking
photographs during the [European Long Night of Museums].  See some of
their photographs in the [dedicated category on Commons].

[European Long Night of Museums]:

[dedicated category on Commons]:

Conferences et manifestations 

- May 15th-16th : NCO members participated to the Rencontres Bretonnes
  du Logiciel Libre (http://www.rbll.info).

- May 28th: Bapti animated a workshop on Wikipedia in Toulouse, together
  with the local Linux User Group (Toulibre - http://www.toulibre.org).

Meeting of WMFR's board 

WMFR's board spent two days in Paris to work.  The contract with Bastien
Guerry, our first employee, was signed after three months and a half of
probing period.

Groups activity 

"Photo" group: the biggest jump in the world 

Thesupermat took pictures of Ta?g Khris for his new worl record of the
highest jump.  Pictures where immediately published on [Commons], and an
article on [lepost.fr] and on [our blog] followed, a nice example of a
quick Wikimedia-Project/WMFR/press reactivity.

[Commons]: http://snipurl.com/10tr89
[lepost.fr]: http://snipurl.com/10tr4i
[our blog]: http://snipurl.com/10tqyw

Fundraising group 

After lengthy discussions on the fundraising mailing list, the donation
page of WMFR website has been improved: we now collect more rigorously
details of people donating to WMFR; we also keep a [public history of
donations (http://dons.wikimedia.fr/journal.php) for donors who accept
to appear online.

Internal communication group 

On May 7th, we held on IRL meeting two try to sort out internal
communication issues -- i.e. make sure everyone knows the tools, use
them efficiently, feel confident in communicating with the board and the
rest of the association.

We also had an IRC meeting during which we skimmed through the "ideas
box" -- a webpage on the internal wiki collecting ideas posted by the
members).  The goal was to discuss/rework ideas and restate them in a
more "activable" form so that those bottom-up suggestions come closer to
something that the board can actually take a decision on, and activate.

June 2010 

News from the Wikimedia projects 
Wikiversity and Wikibooks - what living space for each one? 

There is on ongoing [debate] on how to help the french Wikiversity and
the french Wikibooks projects better thrive by avoiding any overlap in
goals and content.

[debate]: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Xzapro4/WB_et_WV

WMFR Activity 

GLAM-WIKI event: December 3rd-4th at the National assembly, Paris 

We now have a date and a location for our GLAM-WIKI event: it will
happen on the *3rd and 4th of december* at the *National assembly*
(Victor Hugo's room).  The program is still under heavy construction.
We also need to find a catchy name for this event (as "GLAM" doesn't
give any clue of what it's all about in French.)

Projects with the City of Toulouse 

Bastien went to Toulouse and attended several meeting with officials of
Toulouse.  The first one with the Archives of Toulouse: they are willing
to publish some of their pictures from the [Eug?ne Trutat] archives on
Commons.  The other one with the Museum of Toulouse, where things are
going quite smoothly for the current project.  The last meeting with the
administration of Toulouse: all participants to the [Novela] event in
october (including universities, local associations, companies, etc.)
where meeting eachothers.  Bastien and Adrienne presented Wikimedia
France's mission and the ongoing projects with the Museum and the

Bastien went to Toulouse and attended several meeting with officials of
Toulouse.  The first meeting was with the Archives of Toulouse: they are
willing to publish part of their their [Eug?ne Trutat] funds to Commons.
The other meeting was with the Museum of Toulouse, where things are
going quite smoothly for the current project.  The last meeting was with
the administration of Toulouse: all participants to the [Novela] event
in october (including universities, local associations, companies, etc.)
where meeting eachothers.  Bastien and Adrienne presented Wikimedia
France's mission and the ongoing projects with the Museum and the

[Eug?ne Trutat]: http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eug?ne_Trutat
[Novela]: http://novela.toulouse.fr

Welcome to Elisabeth Coye 

June 16th, Florence announced that Elisabeth Coye, who has been of vital
help for processing all the 2009 donations, joined the assocation.  As
Elisabeth might progressively be involved in more tasks for the
fundraising, she wanted to know more about the association itself and to
be part of it.  Welcome Elisabeth!

On the blog this month 

A new textbooks publisher ignores copyright 

lelivrescolaire.fr (http://lelivrescolaire.fr) is a new textbooks
publisher who reused many pictures from Wikimedia Commons for its
paper-based and online manuals.  This is quite an original move in this
market and WMFR heavily encourages this publisher to explore this
possibility further.  But this publisher gave the wrong credit for the
pictures, only mentionning (c) Wikimedia...

Read more on the blog (in french):

Contribute to Wikip?dia and win 100? British Museum vouchers 

In March, WMFR announced that Liam Wyatt was going to be [a Wikipedian
in residence at the British Museum].  The Museum just announced it will
give 100? vouchers to the authors of the first five featured articles
about objects of the Museum's collections.  This offer is available for
all wikipedians and articles can be written in any language.

Read more on the blog (in french):

[a Wikipedian in residence at the British Museum]:

WMFR on twitter, identi.ca and Facebook 

Follow Wikim?dia France:

- Identi.ca users can follow us here: 

- Twitter users can follow us here: 

- Facebook users can subscribe to the Wikimedia France Facebook page:

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