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IRC office hours/Office hours 2012-11-06

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

[18:30:28] <Denny_WMDE> hello
[18:30:30] <Lydia_WMDE> welcome everyone
[18:30:32] <Wiki13> hi
[18:30:36] <Lydia_WMDE> who's here for the wikidata office hour?
[18:30:48] <Denny_WMDE> o/
[18:31:11] -*- Risker waves
[18:31:12] <Wiki13> well, I´m intrested in Wikidata
[18:31:21] <Wiki13> So, me
[18:31:23] <jubo2> I am also interested in Wikidata
[18:31:23] <Wiki13> I guess
[18:31:30] <Lydia_WMDE> great!
[18:31:35] <Lydia_WMDE> then let's get started
[18:31:45] <Lydia_WMDE> i'll be taking questions and then Denny_WMDE and i will answer them
[18:31:50] <Lydia_WMDE> so who has the first question?
[18:32:10] <rindolf> Hi all.
[18:32:14] <rindolf> Lydia_WMDE: I kinda am.
[18:32:14] <be> hi
[18:32:23] <rindolf> I mean here for the office hour.
[18:32:43] <filceolaire> What is the current status of wikidata?
[18:33:03] <Risker> Hi Lydia_WMDE, I admit that I haven't followed all the twists and turns but I did take some time after the Metrics and Analytics meeting to look more closely
[18:33:33] <Lydia_WMDE> Risker: great!
[18:33:33] <Risker> I am wondering why Wikidata will be turned on for English Wikipedia before German Wikipedia?
[18:34:01] <Lydia_WMDE> Risker: put on list
[18:34:13] <Denny_WMDE> filceolaire: What is the current status of Wikidata?
[18:34:37] <Denny_WMDE> we have launched a wiki at wikidata.org, where language links can be centrally collected
[18:34:43] <Denny_WMDE> these are not used anywhere yet
[18:35:08] <Denny_WMDE> the wikidata client — the piece of software that actually lets a Wikipedia use the language links — is currently in review and will be tested then
[18:35:13] <Lydia_WMDE> everyone else: feel free to post questions to me - i'll add them to the list
[18:35:18] <Denny_WMDE> and then switched on on the Hungarian Wikipedia
[18:35:29] <Denny_WMDE> and then on one Wikipedia after the other
[18:35:37] <be> when will that happen?
[18:35:43] <Denny_WMDE> in parallel, we are working on Phase 2 of the software
[18:35:54] <Denny_WMDE> where we want to collect other data than language links in Wikidata
[18:36:13] <Denny_WMDE> we expect to have some nice and very visible progress in the coming 2-3 weeks
[18:36:22] <Denny_WMDE> filceolaire: does this answer your question?
[18:36:38] <YairRand> Q: are the various multilingualifying cool stuff part of the wikidata project, or is wikidata just being used as a testing ground?
[18:36:42] <aude> hi folks
[18:36:42] <filceolaire> I think so.
[18:36:47] <Lydia_WMDE> next one: [18:33:33] <Risker> I am wondering why Wikidata will be turned on for English Wikipedia before German Wikipedia?
[18:37:04] <Denny_WMDE> filceolaire: feel free to ask follow up questions
[18:37:22] <filceolaire> When do you expect to be ready to switch Hungarian WP on?
[18:37:39] <be> thats my question too
[18:37:57] <Denny_WMDE> Risker: we presented Wikidata at Wikimania, and the Wikipedias that want to use it first approached us. This was the Hungarian Wikipedia.
[18:38:38] <Denny_WMDE> Risker: From those that approached us afterwards (especially Italian and Hebrew) we choose then Hebrew, due to them being RTL and thus potentially having more errors to find
[18:39:02] <Wiki13> so, other ones will use it later, even if they want to use on their Wikipedia?
[18:39:05] <Scott_WUaS> Hello ...
[18:39:11] <Denny_WMDE> Risker: English was chosen as third, because it is the biggest one. We basically think that most errors should be discovered with Hu and He.
[18:39:25] <Denny_WMDE> Risker: German will be switched on with the other Wikipedias after English.
[18:40:07] <Lydia_WMDE> Wiki13: hopefully there'll not be too much of a delay between it
[18:40:10] <Denny_WMDE> We do not expect to learn anything from German, which we wouldn't have learned before, so we saw no need to go for one more Wiki for testing.
[18:40:19] <Denny_WMDE> Risker: does this answer your question?
[18:40:29] <filceolaire> So When?
[18:40:37] <Wiki13> ok, that´s clear to me now. Thanks Lydia
[18:40:51] <Lydia_WMDE> filceolaire: that'd have been the next question ;-)
[18:40:52] <Lydia_WMDE> [18:35:37] <be> when will that happen? and [18:37:22] <filceolaire> When do you expect to be ready to switch Hungarian WP on?
[18:40:58] <Risker> I think you are probably right, Denny_WMDE about finding errors on Hu and He. However, as a long time ENWP editor, I know that we are brutal on new software...and we aren't even sure we like infoboxes. Yes, we're big, but so is DEWP
[18:41:46] <Risker> I'd just like this new project to have plenty of time to sort out on more friendly projects; you've all worked so hard on it.
[18:41:51] <Denny_WMDE> be: filceolaire: the Hungarian Wikipedia will be switched on after we had the client running on test2 for a week or so
[18:42:10] <Denny_WMDE> we will deploy to test2 in the deployment window after the security review is finished
[18:42:18] <Denny_WMDE> i cannot give dates
[18:42:28] <be> security review?
[18:42:30] <Lydia_WMDE> YairRand: i'll push your question one back so we can finish this part
[18:42:46] <YairRand> Lydia_WMDE: ok
[18:42:53] <Wiki13> ah, I just wanted to ask when, but you did answer my question already Denny :P
[18:42:58] <Denny_WMDE> be: yes, software deployed to the WMF clusters undergo security review
[18:43:19] <Lydia_WMDE> [18:40:58] <Risker> I think you are probably right, Denny_WMDE about finding errors on Hu and He. However, as a long time ENWP editor, I know that we are brutal on new software...and we aren't even sure we like infoboxes. Yes, we're big, but so is DEWP
[18:43:19] <Lydia_WMDE> [18:41:46] <Risker> I'd just like this new project to have plenty of time to sort out on more friendly projects; you've all worked so hard on it.
[18:43:26] <be> are they checking it yet?
[18:43:55] <Denny_WMDE> Risker: we are talking only about Phase 1. Doesn't have to do anything with infoboxes, only language links
[18:44:35] <marktraceur> be: FYI, the relevant wiki pages are linked from https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Writing_an_extension_for_deployment#Code_review
[18:44:42] <Lydia_WMDE> be: we sent it out today so maybe but probably not yet
[18:44:44] <Risker> fair enough, Denny_WMDE.
[18:44:59] <Denny_WMDE> Risker: re infoboxes, the deployment will be very gradual
[18:45:05] <Denny_WMDE> basically, if you do not like it, do not use it
[18:45:21] <Denny_WMDE> we won't put infoboxes automatically there where there have been none
[18:45:32] <Denny_WMDE> the local wikipedia community has to actively decide to use them, and integrate them
[18:45:40] <aude> for the language links, they can also be overridden by wikitext ones
[18:45:49] <Denny_WMDE> Risker: sounds good?
[18:46:10] <aude> in cases where you want something different than the one from wikidata, such as de:article#subsection
[18:46:16] <Sebleouf> I have an easy question: is wikidata only for wikipedia, or also for other projects?
[18:46:23] <Lydia_WMDE> [18:36:38] <YairRand> Q: are the various multilingualifying cool stuff part of the wikidata project, or is wikidata just being used as a testing ground?
[18:46:49] <Scott_WUaS> I'm interested in this too, Sebleouf. Thanks for asking this.
[18:47:02] <Denny_WMDE> YairRand: both :) We really like the work that the l10n and i18n team is doing with ULS.
[18:47:14] <Denny_WMDE> The data in Wikidata is from ground up built to be multilingual
[18:47:16] <Risker> it's fine, Denny_WMDE. I just know how hard we are on anything new
[18:47:25] <Denny_WMDE> ULS came at the right time to be used here
[18:47:34] <Denny_WMDE> it has been tested before, but we are still cutting new ground here
[18:47:48] <Denny_WMDE> actually, right now i am just writing an email about the interplay of ULS and caching on Wikimedia servers
[18:47:53] <Denny_WMDE> because there are still some issues
[18:47:56] <YairRand> so is it likely that it will be improved to wikidata's needs?
[18:48:07] <Denny_WMDE> depends
[18:48:28] <Denny_WMDE> you have an idea what you'd like to see improved?
[18:48:59] <Denny_WMDE> in the end, the ULS team wants to deploy to all WMF projects
[18:49:27] <Denny_WMDE> YairRand: send a follow up question, if you have more. let's take the next one?
[18:49:37] <Lydia_WMDE> [18:46:16] <Sebleouf> I have an easy question: is wikidata only for wikipedia, or also for other projects?
[18:49:42] <YairRand> wd is a multilingual wiki, and it seems to be trying to actually do it right, unlike meta or commons, but it's still missing a lot
[18:50:02] <YairRand> there was a comment in the PC about other-language aliases for English-named namespaces
[18:50:03] <Lydia_WMDE> YairRand: i'd love to see a list of things you think could still be improved
[18:50:12] <Denny_WMDE> Sebleouf: indeed easy. Wikidata will eventually be usable by all kind of external projects.
[18:50:19] <Denny_WMDE> Sebleouf: for now, it is Wikipedia only.
[18:50:21] <Lydia_WMDE> YairRand: maybe as a page on wikidata.org to collect it?
[18:50:29] <Denny_WMDE> We are looking only at the language links between wikipedia articles
[18:50:38] <Denny_WMDE> that is rather boring for most external projects
[18:50:52] <YairRand> Lydia_WMDE: yeah, that'll work.
[18:50:59] <Sebleouf> Denny_WMDE: I thought of other Foundation's projects
[18:51:10] <Lydia_WMDE> YairRand: great :)
[18:51:15] <Denny_WMDE> We will concentrate on Wikipedias first
[18:51:26] <Denny_WMDE> and hope we will get that right
[18:51:35] <Denny_WMDE> other projects can then be tackled afterwards
[18:51:47] <Denny_WMDE> but we have to go step by step with the resources we have
[18:52:03] <Scott_WUaS> Denny_WMDE, My main questions for this office hours focus on how to begin to start developing World University and School in Wikidata / Wikibase, and on what schedule - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Subjects ; WUaS is like Wikipedia with MIT OCW. I tried the wikidata demo possibly 6 weeks ago, but it didn't seem to be working correctly, and I read recently that you've begun phase 2 of the deployment process with Hungarian Wikipedia. A
[18:52:03] <Scott_WUaS> idea of when Wikipedia will be open to other projects?
[18:52:19] <Denny_WMDE> once it works smoothly on the Wikipedias, I think that other WMF projects will have an easy time to also become part of the party
[18:52:30] <Denny_WMDE> Sebleouf: sounds good?
[18:52:35] <Scott_WUaS> thnx
[18:52:50] <Sebleouf> Denny_WMDE: good thank you :)
[18:53:12] <Lydia_WMDE> Denny_WMDE needs to quickly answer a question here in the office :D
[18:53:17] <Lydia_WMDE> back in a sec
[18:53:25] <Lydia_WMDE> you can in the meantime send me more questions for later
[18:53:31] <Lydia_WMDE> Scott_WUaS: you're next
[18:53:51] <Lydia_WMDE> [18:52:03] <Scott_WUaS> Denny_WMDE, My main questions for this office hours focus on how to begin to start developing World University and School in Wikidata / Wikibase, and on what schedule - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Subjects ; WUaS is like Wikipedia with MIT OCW. I tried the wikidata demo possibly 6 weeks ago, but it didn't seem to be working correctly, and I read recently that you've begun phase 2 of the deployment process with Hungarian Wikipedia. A
[18:53:51] <Lydia_WMDE> [18:52:03] <Scott_WUaS> idea of when Wikipedia will be open to other projects?
[18:53:53] <Lydia_WMDE> Denny_WMDE: ^
[18:53:56] <Scott_WUaS> Thanks ... Denny already answered ...
[18:53:59] <Scott_WUaS> :)
[18:54:06] <Denny_WMDE> ok :)
[18:54:21] <Denny_WMDE> was this the list?
[18:54:32] <Lydia_WMDE> jep
[18:54:36] <Lydia_WMDE> moaaaaaaaar questions!
[18:54:42] <Scott_WUaS> Looking forward to communicating further :)
[18:55:13] <Scott_WUaS> What's Wikipedia's vision 5 years out, in terms of languages?
[18:55:19] <Denny_WMDE> YairRand: re "wd is a multilingual wiki, and it seems to be trying to actually do it right, unlike meta or commons, but it's still missing a lot
[18:55:20] <Denny_WMDE> there was a comment in the PC about other-language aliases for English-named namespaces"
[18:55:31] <Denny_WMDE> i actually think we are not doing much better than the other wiki projects
[18:55:44] <Denny_WMDE> for talk and project pages we are just as bad as meta or commons
[18:56:00] <Denny_WMDE> only our structured content really can deal with multlinguality
[18:56:01] <YairRand> yeah, that's true
[18:56:27] <Denny_WMDE> the only advantage is that people had experience with meta and commons
[18:56:39] <Denny_WMDE> and are bringing this to wikidata when they start it
[18:56:51] <Denny_WMDE> so we will hopefully miss some historical errors
[18:56:54] <YairRand> any chance we'll see some kind of framework for multilingual discussions?
[18:57:09] <Denny_WMDE> i wish we will. but it won't come from us
[18:57:14] <Denny_WMDE> at least not in this year
[18:57:19] <jeblad_WMDE> oh, that would be cool!
[18:57:22] <Soapy> hm
[18:57:22] <jeblad_WMDE> ;)
[18:57:36] <Sannita> when the translation extension will be functioning on WD? :p
[18:57:39] <Soapy> have all discussions on meta always been ENglish-only?
[18:57:49] <Ajraddatz> Sannita, it is online.
[18:57:52] <Scott_WUaS> (The Ethnologue now lists 7,413 langauges - with primary names of all these languages accessible)
[18:57:55] <Scott_WUaS> http://www.ethnologue.com/
[18:57:58] <Ajraddatz> It isn't working too well for imported pages though :s
[18:58:05] <Qcoder00> Is there a way to request a specfic project for Wikidata yet?
[18:58:18] <Lydia_WMDE> Denny_WMDE: next one: [18:55:13] <Scott_WUaS> What's Wikipedia's vision 5 years out, in terms of languages?
[18:58:22] <Lydia_WMDE> Qcoder00: project?
[18:58:35] <Qcoder00> As in a very specfic use of Wikidata
[18:59:05] <Denny_WMDE> Scott_WUaS: that's easy for me to answer: it's up to the language committee of Wikimedia :)
[18:59:11] <Lydia_WMDE> Qcoder00: there is meta:Wikidata/Future but I am not sure that it was you mean
[18:59:19] <Scott_WUaS> :) Here's World University and School's beginnings of an Universal Translator - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/WUaS_Universal_Translator - with all 7, 413 languages in mind.
[18:59:39] <Denny_WMDE> Scott_WUaS: that is very nice, but for WMF project it is up to the language committee
[18:59:48] <Scott_WUaS> thanks
[18:59:59] <Qcoder00> I had plenty of ideas on what Wikidata could be used for
[19:00:17] <Lydia_WMDE> Qcoder00: then please check the page I mentioned and add :)
[19:00:19] <Qcoder00> (not least infobox field conversion)
[19:00:47] <aude> Qcoder00: also, i think the more that volunteers help out with stuff, the more that is possible
[19:00:48] <Lydia_WMDE> Qcoder00: if it doesn't fit there i guess the best thing after that is sending an email to the mailing list
[19:00:55] <Lydia_WMDE> indeed
[19:01:12] <Denny_WMDE> Qcoder00: I have sooooo many ideas what to do with Wikidata once it is there :)
[19:01:20] <aude> it's good to keep in mind all future use cases now but only so much we can do initially
[19:01:50] <Lydia_WMDE> we have 30 mins left
[19:01:55] <Lydia_WMDE> more questions please :D
[19:01:57] <Denny_WMDE> did we miss a question? anyone having follow ups?
[19:02:11] <Soapy> so wait
[19:02:23] <Soapy> is this a non-"English-only" project?
[19:02:24] <Scott_WUaS> Are there any other Wikipedia / Wikimedia Universal Translator projects that might build, -for example, on Google + ... And are there any other Universal Translator 'out there' which people know of?
[19:02:26] <Soapy> that's the only question I have
[19:02:32] <Lydia_WMDE> Soapy: yes
[19:02:39] <Soapy> in the sense that meta and Commons are English-only because all discussions are in English
[19:03:06] <Lydia_WMDE> there are discussions happening in german at least atm
[19:03:11] <Lydia_WMDE> and probably a few more
[19:03:22] <Denny_WMDE> Soapy: the content - i.e. the structured data — should really be non english-only
[19:03:24] <Lydia_WMDE> but then again - let's not fool ourselves
[19:03:30] <Lydia_WMDE> most will likely happen in english in the end
[19:03:49] <Lydia_WMDE> (that is not the structured data itself)
[19:04:05] <GorillaWarfare> There's not much you can do about the language of discussions
[19:04:15] <GorillaWarfare> But structuring the data to be flexible is wise, I think
[19:04:17] <Scott_WUaS> Is Wikidata developing in any specific ways for Android / iPhone?
[19:04:37] <Denny_WMDE> GorillaWarfare: thanks
[19:04:39] <Soapy> OK another question
[19:04:46] <aude> Soapy: there probably are language specific discussion places for commons
[19:04:49] <aude> e.g. http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Forum
[19:04:56] <aude> http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Caf%C3%A9
[19:04:57] <Soapy> now please forgive me because Ive read basically nothing about Wikidata unti;l just a few minutes last night
[19:05:15] <Lydia_WMDE> Soapy: that's what we're doing these office hours for ;-)
[19:05:18] <Denny_WMDE> Scott_WUaS: We have a RESTful API where a mobile App could build on top of. But we will not develop such an app ourselves (within the first year of development). Hopefully someone else will.
[19:05:20] <aude> i suppose we could have something like that on wikidata but might not be perfect
[19:05:28] <Soapy> but is it possible that large infoboxes, such as climate data, could be exported to Wikidata and somehow transcluded within the pages of various wikis, instead of maintaining separate tables on every wiki?
[19:05:38] <Lydia_WMDE> we already do have those
[19:05:50] <Denny_WMDE> Soapy: that is pretty much the idea
[19:06:07] <Soapy> so it can do tables then?
[19:06:11] <Denny_WMDE> not yet
[19:06:13] <Soapy> ok
[19:06:17] <Denny_WMDE> but that is what we plan for phase 3
[19:06:19] <Denny_WMDE> i.e. for spring
[19:06:20] <Scott_WUaS> :)
[19:06:27] -*- aude thinks a mobile app is something a volunteer is well-suited to create
[19:06:30] <Soapy> yeah I meant 'table', not 'infobox'
[19:06:51] <aude> who knows what people will come up with but expect people will come up with cool stuff like apps
[19:07:38] <Denny_WMDE> we did something wrong if we don't get surprised
[19:07:47] <aude> :)
[19:08:29] <Scott_WUaS> Are there any differential Wikidata developments in possible mobile apps, for example, between Android and iPhone?
[19:08:51] <Denny_WMDE> yes, absolutely
[19:08:54] -*- YairRand waits for a wolfram|alpha alternative based all on wikidata data
[19:09:14] <Denny_WMDE> YairRand: me too :) that would be soo cool.
[19:09:30] <Denny_WMDE> take a look at Evi, and i think there's an open source thingy similar to that too
[19:09:48] <JeroenDeDauw> !nyan
[19:09:55] <JeroenDeDauw> :( Lydia_WMDE please fix!
[19:10:28] -*- Lydia_WMDE knows nothing about this :D
[19:11:03] <Benoit-Rochon> I have a question for the DEV team about the post phase 3 of Wikidata: I have a database of Monuments Board of Canada, 12000 entries ... Will it be possible to import and manage such data in Wikidata to build multilangual lists like: http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liste_des_lieux_patrimoniaux_de_Qu%C3%A9bec
[19:11:13] <Benoit-Rochon> Official government lists are full of mistakes, and I'm sure the department responsible of monuments would be very interested to collaborate with Wikidata.
[19:12:11] <Risker> I'm sorry I must leave, but I wish you all the best as you deploy. Thank you all for working on this exciting new project.
[19:12:13] <aude> Benoit-Rochon: i'd say the "wikidata community"
[19:12:14] <Denny_WMDE> Benoit-Rochon: yes, it should be. I don't see a reason why not
[19:12:20] <Lydia_WMDE> Risker: bye! :)
[19:12:20] <Denny_WMDE> Risker: thanks
[19:12:34] <Denny_WMDE> Benoit-Rochon: so, as aude says: technically it is feasible
[19:12:37] <aude> it'll be up to the community to decide but techncially stuff like lists is definitely possible
[19:12:43] <Stryn> In the future, do we see all interwiki edits only in Wikidata? And it's only place where we can edit interwikilinks?
[19:12:45] <Denny_WMDE> it would be up to the community to decide if they want this data in or not
[19:13:12] <Denny_WMDE> Stryn: the language link edits will also be shown in the recent changes of the Wikipedias, if you want so
[19:13:18] <Denny_WMDE> so that you get notified something happened
[19:13:28] <Stryn> ok good
[19:13:34] <Denny_WMDE> you can have wikipedia links locally still
[19:13:46] <Denny_WMDE> they would augment those from wikidata, which you can suppress on a per page basis
[19:13:50] <aude> Stryn: we're working on adding widgets for editing site links in wikipedia
[19:13:55] <Denny_WMDE> and that :)
[19:14:02] <aude> i'm sure people will come up with gadgets and other stuff too
[19:14:08] <aude> to do other stuff
[19:14:12] <Denny_WMDE> so we would have the data in Wikidata, but the editing would happen directly on the Wikipedia
[19:14:17] <Denny_WMDE> no reasone to ever visit Wikidata
[19:14:22] <aude> already there's one for showing the related wikidata link in the wikipedia toolbox
[19:14:30] <Benoit-Rochon> Yes I mean the community... currently, the community is already working on these lists, but there doing this on both English and French WP.... it would make more sense to do it here once, then bring those data in "WP multilangual"
[19:14:35] <aude> enwiki only i think, but easily adapted for other wikipedia
[19:15:19] <Scott_WUaS> Are there any certifications at Wikidata / Wikipedia / Wikimedia, or emergent ones, yet?
[19:15:21] <Denny_WMDE> Benoit-Rochon: yes once phase 2 is deployed, this should be technically possible
[19:15:28] <jeblad_WMDE> I wonder if it could be possible to make a special page that takes a data entry like wbsetitem, that would be cool
[19:15:37] <Denny_WMDE> Scott_WUaS: i do not understand the question. please rephrase.
[19:15:40] <Scott_WUaS> Certifications for developers, etc?
[19:15:51] -*- aude looks for the script
[19:16:10] <Lydia_WMDE> Benoit-Rochon: sounds doable, yes
[19:16:21] <Denny_WMDE> we do open source. we do not certify. if you want someone to take your money to say that you can do x, i am pretty sure there will be such institutions some day. :)
[19:16:25] <Lydia_WMDE> Benoit-Rochon: but it is up to the community of wikidata.org in the end to say yay or nay to that
[19:16:52] <aude> http://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Project_chat#A_script_to_have_a_link_to_Wikidata_in_Wikipedia_pages
[19:17:04] <aude> not a gadget yet but could be
[19:17:07] <Scott_WUaS> For example, if someone learns this body of knowledge, and gets a certification, then they can develop this aspect of Wikidata.
[19:17:09] <Scott_WUaS> I see.
[19:17:21] <Dereckson> Scott_WUaS: we currently don't have any certification program, I would suggest you start a page on meta. about the concept if you're interested someone (the community, the fundation or another interested organization) develop a certification program.
[19:17:22] <jeblad_WMDE> aude: http://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Project_chat#A_script_to_have_a_link_to_Wikidata_in_Wikipedia_pages
[19:17:30] <aude> heh :)
[19:17:54] <Scott_WUaS> It could be a MIT OCW certification at World University and School, for example :)
[19:18:26] <Scott_WUaS> member:identifier:dereckson: Thanks ... good idea
[19:19:18] <YairRand> aude: how is that better than just directly linking to itembytitle?
[19:19:47] <Benoit-Rochon> Ok thank you all... I really hope this can be done, it would same a massive amount of work! Anyway great job DEV team, can't wait your online presentation you've done at Wikimania ! (not the panel, the other one). I'll keep on working on this amazing project.
[19:20:01] <Lydia_WMDE> thanks Benoit-Rochon!
[19:20:03] <Benoit-Rochon> **same=save
[19:20:10] <Denny_WMDE> Benoit-Rochon: yeah, I also wish the presentation was there already. aude ? :)
[19:20:14] <Denny_WMDE> any news on that? ;)
[19:20:20] <Scott_WUaS> (My focus is elsewhere at Wikidata and WUaS at present, but I'd be happy to work with someone on certifications).
[19:20:46] <aude> YairRand: i think the script tells you if there is an associated wikidata item or not
[19:21:01] <YairRand> oh
[19:21:10] <aude> a link to item by title won't tell you that
[19:21:38] <aude> when the client is enabled, we can have a link to invite people to create the item (and add links)
[19:22:04] <Denny_WMDE> sooooooooo......
[19:22:09] <Lydia_WMDE> 8 mins left
[19:22:18] <Lydia_WMDE> any other questions?
[19:22:25] <Benoit-Rochon> Denny_WMDE: Yeah I was doing a presentation in the same time in another room, I couldn't be there... would be good to have it on YouTube...
[19:22:27] <Denny_WMDE> anyone having more questions? our food in the office has not arrived yet, so we can't even leave early...
[19:22:27] <aude> Benoit-Rochon: soon i hope!
[19:22:36] -*- aude shall poke harej
[19:22:37] <Scott_WUaS> In moving from wikia to wikidata / wikibase eventually ...
[19:22:51] <Denny_WMDE> Scott_WUaS: No, I don't think so.
[19:22:51] <aude> the rest of the videos are still being processed, as far as i know
[19:23:05] <Denny_WMDE> Wikia offers you your own Wiki instance
[19:23:09] <Scott_WUaS> will there be a way to 'import' or will it be a 'by hand' process?
[19:23:21] <Denny_WMDE> Wikibase is a software, it does not offer you a Wiki instance
[19:23:31] <Denny_WMDE> and Wikidata is a single instance, with its own community and goal
[19:24:06] <Denny_WMDE> what you want is either to setup your own Wikibase instance, or find someone who will host one for you
[19:24:14] <YairRand> I think this might have been asked before, but wikidata will be capable of generating images, right?
[19:24:16] <Scott_WUaS> WUaS has abt 535 pages up and working, in English, but is planning for all 7413 languages and 205 countries, and would like potentially to explore wikidata for this.
[19:24:26] <JeroenDeDauw> Question: where is the damn food? :|
[19:24:27] <Denny_WMDE> YairRand: of generating charts and such, yes
[19:24:37] <Scott_WUaS> thanks
[19:24:52] <YairRand> Denny_WMDE: what about things like maps?
[19:24:56] <Scott_WUaS> And will there be a way to articulate the two ?
[19:24:58] <Denny_WMDE> Scott_WUaS: I do not think you want to explore Wikidata for this. I am pretty sure you want to explore "using your own Wikibase instance" for this
[19:25:07] <Denny_WMDE> YairRand: Yes, maps too.
[19:25:08] <Scott_WUaS> ok ... thanks
[19:25:13] <YairRand> yay :)
[19:25:13] <JeroenDeDauw> en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Search?search=where+is+the+damn+food%3F => Sarah Kofman has it?
[19:25:16] <Stryn> and coordinates?
[19:25:37] <YairRand> how about cool 3-d objects?
[19:25:39] <aude> Stryn: coordinates can be in wikidata in phase 2
[19:25:48] <Stryn> ok, nice
[19:25:50] <Denny_WMDE> YairRand: Not planned for the first year.
[19:25:52] <aude> as a property of the item (e.g. berlin)
[19:26:05] <Denny_WMDE> YairRand: But should be reasonably easy to add later.
[19:26:20] <aude> not sure if/how they will integrate with the geocoordinates templates yet (they are not really infoboxes, but sometimes infoboxes have them)
[19:26:21] <JeroenDeDauw> YairRand: but the system is extendable, so if you have your own Wikibase instance you can always add it (if you have programming skills)
[19:26:35] <Scott_WUaS> At present the Subject Template is central to WUaS - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/SUBJECT_TEMPLATE - and it would be great to turn any entry at Wikipedia, for example, potentially into a MIT OCW-centric subject.
[19:26:37] <Denny_WMDE> yes, what JeroenDeDauw says
[19:26:38] <filceolaire> Scott:Have you looked at Omegawiki.org? they are working on a similar universal dictionary
[19:26:47] <YairRand> O_O I'm suspicious that you guys are just wizards or something
[19:26:55] <Scott_WUaS> Might this be possible in a WUaS Wikibase?
[19:27:06] <Scott_WUaS> thanks filceolaire
[19:27:12] <Lydia_WMDE> YairRand: shhhhhhh
[19:27:18] <Lydia_WMDE> don't tell anyone!
[19:27:19] <Lydia_WMDE> :D
[19:27:38] <Denny_WMDE> YairRand: I prefer to play a fool to a wizard, but you are right, many systems don't offer that class
[19:27:43] <Denny_WMDE> oh sorry, dropped context
[19:27:56] -*- Benoit-Rochon stand up and applause DEV team, good job you have done. Enjoy your meal guys. Guten Abend, Bonsoir.
[19:28:02] <jeblad_WMDE> I'm no wizzard, but he is ...-> Denny_WMDE
[19:28:08] <Lydia_WMDE> :)
[19:28:10] <Denny_WMDE> Benoit-Rochon: thanks. but the food is not there yet …. grummel
[19:28:14] <Denny_WMDE> so much for wizardship
[19:28:14] <YairRand> Lydia_WMDE: showing all sorts of blatantly magical powers to the whole world kind of gives it away :)
[19:28:14] <Scott_WUaS> Great job, DEV team!
[19:28:31] <Lydia_WMDE> YairRand: damn! we should have thought this through earlier....
[19:29:02] <Denny_WMDE> any last questions?
[19:29:03] <JeroenDeDauw> jeblad_WMDE: yeah, the evil wizard of N.O.
[19:29:03] <JeroenDeDauw> /me hides
[19:29:35] <Denny_WMDE> JeroenDeDauw: i know where your server is...
[19:30:06] <Denny_WMDE> ah
[19:30:09] <Denny_WMDE> food is there
[19:30:10] <Denny_WMDE> so
[19:30:11] <Lydia_WMDE> thanks everyone for joining! as always you can find us in #wikimedia-wikidata, on wikidata.org and on the mailing list if you have more questions
[19:30:20] <Denny_WMDE> bye all!
[19:30:25] <Benoit-Rochon> Ciao
[19:30:29] <Scott_WUaS> Bye and thank you!
[19:30:29] <Stryn> bye and thanks for the answers