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This is the Wiki99 list for topics about agriculture



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Wiki99 list


Basic concepts

Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1agriculturecultivation of plants and animals to provide useful products136Q11451255
2fruitbotanical term for the mature ovary or ovaries of one or more flowers. For foods commonly known as fruit, use Q3314483125Q1364132
3cereal grainfruits (grains) of cereal crops used for food and agricultural products105Q12117102
4farmerperson engaged in agriculture, raising living organisms for food or raw materials91Q131512142
5farmarea of land for farming, or, for aquaculture, lake, river or sea, including various structures84Q131596102
6tuberplant's underground storage organ formed by the swelling of an underground stem which produces buds and stores photosynthate metabolites/nutrients, forming a seasonal perennating organ, e.g. a potato67Q18331962
7rhizomeunderground stem in which various plants asexually reproduce via budding.69Q18420863
8tillagepreparation of soil by mechanical agitation63Q87833381
9soil fertilitythe ability of a soil to sustain agricultural plant growth40Q2020804
10seedembryonic plant enclosed in a protective outer covering (seed coat)101Q4076372
11transplantyoung plant produced from a seedling to be transplanted sur un autre sol9Q22750012
Σautolist gallery108738102836871017457102151075911810101092109231179494413531089681031013671011156281171124368113528831074791579610883181084881711241419278347115969936117102412115910275716192102890avg.:  5 \ 81
(50 %)

Specialized domains

Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1animal husbandrybranch of agriculture concerned with animals that are raised for meat, fiber, milk, or other products90Q80962111
2beekeepingcare and breeding of honey bees83Q17635392
3forestryscience and craft of creating, managing, using, conserving and repairing forests, woodlands, and associated resources for human and environmental benefits71Q38112153
4aquaculturefarming things in water, primarily intended as a food source58Q188989141
5fish farmingraising fish commercially in tanks or enclosures such as fish ponds, usually for food58Q209894101
6arboricultureall measures on tree and tree environment to avoid undesirable developments and to maintain the vitality of a tree30Q1272134
7market gardenrelatively small-scale production of fruits, vegetables and flowers as cash crops18Q1439703
Σautolist gallery764136453555213753157467661661713522545145511376133374511641421251152633246326236155433616154144355624522456408avg.:  3 \ 58
(36 %)

Plant crops

Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1maizespecies of grass cultivated as a food crop135Q11575273
2tomatotype of plant species with edible, often red, berry fruit127Q23501253
3ricestaple grain of Oryza and Zizania species125Q5090133
4garlicspecies of plant (for the food, use Q21546392)124Q23400223
5Allium cepaspecies of plant122Q23485202
6Citrus × limonnothospecies of plant119Q500214
7potatospecies of plant (for the food, use Q16587531)119Q10998263
8Hordeum vulgarespecies of plant117Q11577182
9Solanum melongenaspecies of plant114Q7540233
10watermelonspecies of plant113Q17507129263
11Cucumis sativusspecies of plant in the Cucurbitaceae gourd family114Q23425223
12Pisum sativumspecies of plant106Q25237223
13soybeanspecies of plant in the Fabaceae family106Q11006243
14Olea europaeaolive plant, species of plant used as food105Q37083223
15wheatwidely cultivated cereal grain108Q15645384143
16Prunus persicaspecies of fruit tree (for the fruit use Q13202263)104Q13189223
17Secale cerealespecies of plant98Q12099192
18radishspecies of plant96Q7224565213
19Foeniculum vulgarespecies of plant, fennel (for the herb use Q104005460)94Q43511213
20common sunflowerspecies of flowering plant in the family of Asteraceae95Q171497232
21Prunus armeniacaspecies of plant; the apricot90Q37453213
22carrotcommon vegetable and taproot of the species Daucus carota subsp. sativus and its associated cultivars.95Q81121
23Morusmedium-sized tree87Q44789152
24Lens culinarisspecies of plant86Q131226142
25Manihot Esculentaspecies of flowering plant in the spurge family Euphorbiaceae85Q83124212
26Cucumis melospecies of plant84Q81602203
27Brassica oleracea var. botrytisvegetable in the species Brassica oleracea commonly called cauliflower82Q7537162
28Fagopyrum esculentumspecies of flowering plant in the family Polygonaceae80Q132734182
29Camellia sinensisspecies of plant78Q101815213
30Fragariagenus of plants75Q745162
31turniproot vegetable74Q391695773
32Vitisgenus of grape-producing plants69Q191019132
33Juglans regiaspecies of plant69Q46871245
34Citrus sinensisplants of plant, cultivated sweet oranges67Q3355098173
35beetcultivar group of the beet plant (no colour indication)53Q165437132
36haydried grass, legumes or other herbaceous plants used as animal fodder71Q336989102
37Sorghum bicolorspecies of plant71Q332062202
38Musagenus of plants66Q8666090122
39Coffeagenus of flowering plants in the family Rubiaceae68Q156354132
40milletfood grain69Q25943851
41Mangifera indicaspecies of plant61Q3919027193
42Prunus domesticaspecies of plant in the rose family (Rosaceae)64Q44120173
43bell peppergroup of fruits of Capsicum annuum58Q154803092
44beanseed of one of several genera of the flowering plant family Fabaceae, which are used for human or animal food60Q37981391
45Nicotiana tabacumspecies of plant57Q181095173
46Pyrus communisspecies of plant56Q146281203
47zucchiniEdible summer squash, typically green in colour, vegetable45Q753351
48Cucurbita maximafamily of winter squash43Q161180172
49Prunus subg. Cerasussubgenus of fruit plants36Q2946681112
50mustard plantplants used for mustard33Q3007652
51leaf vegetableplant leaves eaten as a vegetable35Q2013461
52Malus pumilaspecies of apple tree16Q158657171
Σautolist gallery524132273651936244127394534024223249132282347253142481713646494749851347735073694518131919181441384526463119481622314525036285309325213249264523317944745303340232243225254429504639411392646352248274435114211927433164034121330452247303937274028344312412150333449423425442251046185164,324avg.:  27 \ 83
(51 %)


Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1horsedomesticated four-footed mammal from the equine family137Q726327
2sheepdomesticated ruminant bred for meat, wool, and milk129Q7368205
3cattlelarge, domesticated, cloven-hooved herbivores126Q830256
4goatdomesticated mammal raised for its meat and milk123Q2934182
5Camelusgenus of mammals122Q7375205
6pigdomesticated omnivorous even-toed ungulate121Q787207
7Rangifer tarandusspecies of deer91Q39624224
8Lama glamaspecies of mammal83Q42569223
9dromedarylargest living camelid76Q71516234
10livestockdomesticated animals raised in an agricultural setting to produce commodities such as food, fiber and labor80Q10345981
11donkeyequine with long ears2Q353777873
Σautolist gallery10997910596488101039710710386108891069101010103101026115971077234410910810981021091011098391610675610254691010998710386106101010337610971072191043453106101077810710897599105141089105792103751031021,090avg.:  7 \ 99
(61 %)

Poultry and barnyard species

Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1chickendomesticated bird kept by humans primarily as a food source131Q780236
2rabbitmammals of the family Leporidae96Q9394111
3Meleagrisgenus of large ground-feeding birds native to the Americas93Q43794142
4guinea pigdomesticated rodent from South America88Q79803194
5quailname for several genera of birds in the order Galliformes42Q607258442
6Struthiogenus of birds45Q257633761
7domesticated pigeonbreed of domesticated bird31Q20417981
8pheasantbird in family Phasianidae28Q21416932
Σautolist gallery86222823135235714472428244515765518418364431413476535525144616651338251142231654452616355661321445226314521244254425523637426258216438156141415271554avg.:  3 \ 69
(42 %)


Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1Apis melliferaspecies of insect68Q30034244
2sericultureprocess of silk production49Q864650112
Σautolist gallery22122212122112221222211112122112221112121111111121111211222221211111112221121122117avg.:  1 \ 59
(36 %)

Aquatic species

Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1troutnumber of species of freshwater fish59Q225888171
2oystersalt-water bivalve mollusc54Q107411113
3salmoncommon idea of a fish in the trout family47Q279676661
4shrimpdecapod crustaceans36Q1517781102
5musselmembers of several families of clams or bivalve mollusks20Q1304283452
6froginformal grouping of amphibians11Q311651051
Σautolist gallery56315132133611222413524521255332213215322431124113111121422213231121533111331141333215322415227avg.:  1 \ 38
(23 %)

Products for the global market

Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1cottonplant fiber from the genus Gossypium114Q11457103
2woodfibrous material from trees or other plants109Q287163
3silkfine, lustrous, natural fiber produced by the larvae of various silk moths, especially the species Bombyx mori97Q37681112
4woolnatural fibre from the soft hair of sheep or other mammals98Q4232982
5leatherdurable and flexible material created by the tanning of animal rawhide and skin82Q286101
6biofuelfuel that is produced through contemporary biological processes, as opposed to fossil fuel that was produced by prehistoric bio-geological processes77Q12899131
7ornamental plantplant that is grown for decorative purposes56Q19918251
8jutebast fiber from the genus Corchorus46Q10721192
9linentextile made from spun flax fiber42Q142632752
10natural rubberpolymers of the organic compound isoprene, with minor impurities of other organic compounds; refined from latex harvested from rubber trees42Q13187771
Σautolist gallery109724103627578857841867910789982108111047473342218975974104771095757931553429855104681837298611710837591057387337814951085524931966922517471102763avg.:  5 \ 76
(47 %)

Tools and equipment

Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1ploughtool and farm implement106Q11464114
2tractorengineering vehicle specifically designed to deliver a high tractive effort99Q3949582
3agricultural irrigationartificial application of water to cultivated land100Q11453102
4greenhousebuilding in which plants are grown79Q16504482
5combine harvestermachine that harvests grain crops61Q2688693
6silostructure for storing bulk materials46Q21364392
Σautolist gallery6631462514356434614624666665666624362311164655265566324362124533165255246326366326651636614535411462636433136264564463561491avg.:  3 \ 82
(50 %)

Attrezzo agricolo essenziale

(i) Attrezzatura per la lavorazione del terreno (i) Aratro: "Aratro" si riferisce a un attrezzo agricolo utilizzato per rivoltare e allentare il terreno, principalmente per prepararlo alla semina dei raccolti. Questi strumenti sono stati fondamentali per l’agricoltura per migliaia di anni e si sono evoluti in modo significativo nel tempo. Ecco alcune informazioni sugli aratri:

(1) Storia dell'aratro: l'aratro è la prima e più importante invenzione agricola della storia umana. Si ritiene che l'aratro sia stato sviluppato in Mesopotamia intorno al 3.000 a.C., sebbene strumenti simili potrebbero essere stati utilizzati prima in altre regioni. Inizialmente gli aratri erano normali bastoni da scavo o cani di legno trainati da uomini o animali da tiro.

(2) Tipi di aratri: nel corso dei secoli sono stati sviluppati diversi tipi di aratri per adattarsi a diversi terreni, tipi di terreno e pratiche agricole. Alcuni tipi comuni includono:

(a) Aratro a versoio: questo è uno dei tipi di aratro più comuni e tradizionali. È costituito da una piastra metallica curva (versoio) che rotola sul terreno e seppellisce le erbacce o i residui del raccolto mentre si sposta sul campo.

(b) Aratro a scalpello: gli aratri a scalpello hanno denti lunghi con lame affilate e appuntite che penetrano nel terreno senza girarlo completamente. Sono spesso utilizzati per rompere il terreno compattato e migliorare il drenaggio.

(c) Aratro a disco: un aratro a disco è costituito da una serie di dischi metallici concavi che tagliano e ruotano il terreno. È particolarmente utile in aree con detriti pesanti o terreno sassoso.

(d) Ripuntatore: i ripuntatori sono progettati per rompere gli strati duri sotto la superficie, migliorando la penetrazione delle radici e il drenaggio.

(e) Aratro di conservazione: questo aratro è progettato per ridurre l'erosione del suolo e conservare l'umidità. Disturbano meno il terreno rispetto agli aratri convenzionali e lasciano residui colturali sulla superficie.

(3) Importanza dell'aratro: l'aratro ha svolto un ruolo importante nell'aumento della produttività agricola nel corso della storia. Girando e aerando il terreno, creano letti di semina migliori per la semina, migliorano la disponibilità dei nutrienti e aiutano a controllare le erbe infestanti. Ciò, a sua volta, porta a rese agricole più elevate e a un uso più efficiente del territorio.

(4) Aratri moderni: nell'agricoltura moderna, gli aratri sono diventati più sofisticati e sono spesso montati su trattori o altre macchine agricole, aumentandone l'efficienza e la facilità d'uso. Alcuni aratri moderni sono dotati anche di tecnologia GPS, che consente operazioni sul campo precise ed efficienti.

(5) Aratro in contesti culturali: l'aratro è significativo non solo in agricoltura ma anche in contesti culturali e letterari. È spesso associato al duro lavoro, alla perseveranza e all'avvio della cultura. La frase "rompere il terreno con l'aratro" è talvolta usata metaforicamente per iniziare una nuova impresa o esplorare un nuovo territorio.

(6) Considerazioni ambientali: sebbene gli aratri siano fondamentali nell’agricoltura, le moderne pratiche agricole sostenibili spesso danno priorità al minimo disturbo del suolo per ridurre l’erosione e mantenere la salute del suolo. Di conseguenza, in alcuni sistemi agricoli stanno diventando sempre più popolari metodi di lavorazione conservativa che prevedono meno operazioni di lavorazione.

Nel complesso, l’aratro è stato parte integrante dello sviluppo dell’agricoltura e ha svolto un ruolo importante nel plasmare la civiltà umana consentendo una produzione alimentare efficiente.

Agricultural technics

Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1fertilizermaterial of natural or synthetic origin (other than liming materials) applied to soils or to plants to supply essential nutrients93Q8332361
2organic agricultureproduction methods that enable environmentally friendly primary production75Q16564772
3manureorganic matter, mostly derived from animal feces, used as agricultural fertilizer67Q18571681
4hydroponicsagricultural technics for growing plants without soil using nutrients in water63Q191667131
5compostrich, moist soil composted from food scraps64Q21225482
6graftinghorticultural technique whereby tissues of plants are joined so as to continue their growth together57Q22295831
7crop rotationpractice of growing a series of dissimilar or different types of crops in the same area in sequenced seasons52Q19125831
8cuttingpiece of a plant that is used in horticulture for vegetative (asexual) propagation36Q17698221
9polycultureform of agriculture which includes simultaneous planting of several crops on the same plot24Q27391333
Σautolist gallery985139231437532391842578899998938161884146942388555149154264255659237483459139267144452373738534191816841439531avg.:  3 \ 59
(36 %)

Science and applied technologies

Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1agronomyscience and technology of producing and using plants for food, fuel, fiber, and reclamation84Q17311391
2pesticidesubstance used to destroy pests82Q131656111
3artificial selectionprocess by which humans use animal and plant breeding to selectively develop particular phenotypic traits62Q99574551
4weather forecastingapplication of science and technology to predict the conditions of the atmosphere for a given location and time60Q18286852
5Green Revolution (1940–1960)period of high agricultural technology transfer in the 1950s and 1960s57Q18605091
6food preservationinhibition of microbial growth in food56Q17351472
7glyphosatechemical compound48Q407232161
8agricultural scienceacademic field37Q36068458
9plant nutritionphysiologic study of the chemical elements and compounds necessary for the metabolism and normal life of plants30Q9027334
10integrated pest managementapproach for economic control of pests26Q5253092
11genetically modified cropsplants used in agriculture, the DNA of which has been modified using genetic engineering techniques26Q15034772
Σautolist gallery1184211571456139211018116911881171013631895346112241094481210554437839157483381113925111258651583102102291482103391141710568avg.:  3 \ 52
(32 %)

Society and culture

Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1permacultureagriculture practices using few energy resources and human intervention55Q457262
2fair tradetrade arrangement prioritizing the well-being of workers54Q18848573
3intensive farmingvarious types of agriculture that involve higher levels of input and output per unit of agricultural land area49Q114848251
4history of agricultureaspect of history46Q95208082
5food securitycondition related to the supply and availability of food, and individuals' access to it43Q122991182
6Columbian Exchangebiological exchange across Atlantic Ocean37Q76725331
7urban agricultureagriculture in urban environments34Q119482692
8sustainable agriculturefarming relying on ecosystem services for maintenance35Q275105471
9agricultural economicsapplied field of economics30Q3963404
10environmental impacts of animal agricultureoverview about the environmental impact of animal agriculture, especially meat production24Q128846572
11environmental impact of agricultureagriculture's impact on the environment.20Q53812365
Σautolist gallery1164111142246111271349168115911911351287423511423109131191622621669115516115933133266612399110111511427avg.:  3 \ 39
(24 %)
Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1global warmingcurrent rise in Earth's average temperature and related large-scale shifts in weather patterns due to man-made gasocrine processes.98Q7942187
2floodoverflow of water that submerges land that is usually dry113Q8068188
3droughtextended period when a region notes a deficiency in its water supply90Q43059112
4wildfireuncontrolled fire of natural, accidental or criminal origin, which spreads over a natural or agricultural area covered by combustible vegetation63Q169950122
5deforestationremoval of forest and conversion of the land to non-forest use76Q169940155
6desertificationland degradation in which an area becomes a desert, losing its bodies of water, flora, and fauna, caused by climate change, overexploitation of soil, or other causes68Q18348181
7water pollutioncontamination of water bodies69Q183129112
8eutrophicationecosystem response to the introduction or addition of substances57Q15669841
9heat waveprolonged period of excessively hot weather56Q215864102
10soil salinizationSoil salinization happens when the salt content in soil increases above normal, naturally occurring levels37Q75483651
11effects of climate changedescribes the effects created by human caused climate change36Q143054873
12soil erosionwashing or blowing away of the top layer of soil26Q88950361
13land degradationprocess in which the value of the biophysical environment is affected by a combination of human-induced processes acting upon the land20Q349777851
14effects of climate change on agriculturea chance for advancements and challenges to African agriculture through its effects on precipitation and average temperatures, and its influence on the effectiveness of agricultural intensification measures.20Q46593231
Σautolist gallery141172314361837101022612151264813111013111112111104818235291186109313535101235781211175111379689369358511771371049123111111212177692269211711636158213661252941101141829avg.:  5 \ 59
(36 %)

Other challenges

Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1insectclass of arthropods130Q1390245
3pest controlgroup of methods to control some species that are harmful to health, economy or ecology37Q23060479
4mildewfungus habit18Q122020742
Σautolist gallery432124121312322141212123423423143131313111133212413122332213331133121122122123213132122124124123111131221232322122112423133221211213268avg.:  2 \ 67
(41 %)

See also
