Pergi ke kandungan


Daripada Wikikamus
local export = {}

local U = mw.ustring.char
local lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode("fa")
local m_IPA = require("Module:IPA")
local m_table = require("Module:table")
local m_qual = require("Module:qualifier")
local all_consonants = "bptTjčhxdDðrzžsšʔğGfqkglmnŋhɦwvy\'" --needed for syllables
local stop_cons = "bptTjčdDðqkg" 
local non_stopc = "hxrzžsšʔğGflmhɦwvy'"

local rsplit = mw.text.split
local rsubn = mw.ustring.gsub
local ulen = mw.ustring.len
local pitchaccent = U(0x301)
local devoice = U(0x325)
local dtack = U(0x31E)
local gstop = U(0x027)
local dental = U(0x32A)

-- version of rsubn() that discards all but the first return value
local function rsub(term, foo, bar)
	local retval = rsubn(term, foo, bar)
	return retval

export.all_styles = {"cls", "prs", "kbl", "haz", "fa", "teh", "tg"}
export.all_style_groups = {
	all = export.all_styles,
	cls = {"cls"},
	dari = {"prs", "kbl", "haz"},
	ir = {"fa", "teh"},
	tg = {"tg"}

export.all_style_descs = {
	cls = "Parsi Klasik",
	prs = "Parsi Dari",
	kabul = "Kabul",
	haz = "Hazarajat",
	fa = "Parsi Iran",
	teh = "Teheran",
	tg = "Tajik"

local function flatmap(items, fun)
	local new = {}
	for _, item in ipairs(items) do
		local results = fun(item)
		for _, result in ipairs(results) do
			table.insert(new, result)
	return new

local common_consonants = {
	['j'] = 'd͡ʒ',
	['\''] = 'ʔ',
	['ḍ'] = 'z',
	['D'] = 'd',--these are here for Hazaragi
	['T'] = 't',--they are retroflexes in haz
	['ğ'] = 'ɣ',
	['G'] = 'ɣ',
	['ḥ'] = 'h',
	['r'] = 'ɾ',
	['ṣ'] = 's',
	['š'] = 'ʃ',
	['ṯ'] = 's',
	['ṭ'] = 't',
	['y'] = 'j',
	['ž'] = 'ʒ',
	['ẓ'] = 'z',
	['č'] = 't͡ʃ',
	['g'] = 'ɡ',
	['`'] = 'ˈ'

local iranian_persian_short_vowels = {['a'] = 'æ', ['i'] = 'e', ['u'] = 'o'}

local iranian_persian_long_vowels = {
	['ā'] = 'ɒː',
	['ī'] = 'iː',
	['ū'] = 'uː',
	['ō'] = 'uː',
	['ē'] = 'iː'

local iranian_persian_consonants = {['ḏ'] = 'z', ['q'] = 'ɢ', ['ğ'] = 'ɢ', ['k'] = 'c', ['g'] = 'ɟ'}

local dari_persian_short_vowels = {['a'] = 'ä', ['i'] = 'ɪ', ['u'] = 'ʊ'}

local dari_persian_long_vowels = {
	['ā'] = 'ɑː',
	['ī'] = 'iː',
	['ū'] = 'uː',
	['ō'] = 'oː',
	['ē'] = 'eː'

local dari_persian_consonants = {['ḏ'] = 'z', ['v'] = 'w'}

local tajik_short_vowels = {['a'] = 'ä', ['i'] = 'i', ['u'] = 'u'}

local tajik_long_vowels = {
	['ā'] = 'ɔ',
	['ī'] = 'i',
	['ū'] = 'u',
	['ō'] = 'ɵ',
	['ē'] = 'e'

local tajik_vowels = "aieuɵɔ"

local tajik_consonants = {['ḏ'] = 'z', ['ɣ'] = 'ʁ', ['x'] = 'χ'}

local classical_persian_short_vowels = {['a'] = 'a', ['i'] = 'i', ['u'] = 'u'}

local classical_persian_long_vowels = {
	['ā'] = 'ɑː',
	['ī'] = 'iː',
	['ū'] = 'uː',
	['ō'] = 'oː',
	['ē'] = 'eː'

local classical_persian_consonants = {['ḏ'] = 'ð', ['v'] = 'w'}

local vowels = "aiuāīūēōːʷ" 
--ʷ and ː are counted as vowels to prevent them from being put in the next syllable
local consonant = "[^" .. vowels .. ". -]"
local vowel = "[" .. vowels .. "]"
local syllabify_pattern = "(" .. vowel .. ")(" .. consonant .. ")(" .. consonant .. "?)(" .. vowel .. ")"

local function syllabify(text)
	text = rsubn(text, "%-(" .. consonant .. ")%-(" .. consonant .. ")", "%1.%2")
	text = rsubn(text, "(["..all_consonants..vowels.."])`", "%1.`")

	-- Add syllable breaks.
	for _ = 1, 2 do
		text = rsubn(
				function(a, b, c, d)
					if c == "" and b ~= "" then
						c, b = b, ""

					return a .. b .. "." .. c .. d
	-- syllable boundry consonants
	text = rsubn(text, "([" .. non_stopc .. "])([" .. stop_cons .. "])([" .. non_stopc .. "]+ʷ?)(["..all_consonants..vowels.."])", "%1.%2ᵊ.%3%4")
	text = rsubn(text, "([" .. all_consonants .. "])([" .. all_consonants .. "])([" .. all_consonants .. "])", "%1%2.%3")
	-- ALL syllables are CV- so vowels NEED an intial consonant (ʔ)
	text = rsubn(text, "(["..all_consonants.."])([.])i#", "%1i#") --exclude izafa/ezafe
	text = rsubn(text, "([.])(["..vowels.."])", "%1ʔ%2")
	text = rsubn(text, "#([" .. vowels .. "])", "#ʔ%1")

	return text

local function remove_glottal_c(text) --only for regional dialects
	-- remove glottal consonants with appropriate glide
	text = rsubn(text, "([aā](%.?))([hɦ'])([uū])", "%1w%4")
	text = rsubn(text, "([iī])(%.?)([hɦ'])([auāēōū])", "i%2y%4")
	text = rsubn(text, "([auāēōū](%.?))([hɦ'])([iīē])", "%1y%4")
	text = rsubn(text, "([ē](%.?))([hɦ'])([auāēōū])", "%1y%4")
	text = rsubn(text, "([uū])(%.?)([hɦ'])([aāiīēō])", "u%2w%4")
	text = rsubn(text, "([ō](%.?))([hɦ'])([aāiīēō])", "%1w%4")
	--completely delete GC if both vowels are the either the same or similar
	text = rsubn(text, "(["..all_consonants.."])([uū])`([h'])([uū])", "`%1ū")
	text = rsubn(text, "(["..all_consonants.."])([iī])`([h'])([iī])", "`%1ī")
	text = rsubn(text, "(["..all_consonants.."])([aā])`([h'])([aā])", "`%1ā")
	--Else, turn GC into majhul long vowels
	text = rsubn(text, "([aā])((%.?)[h'])", "ā")
	text = rsubn(text, "([iī])((%.?)['])", "ē")
	text = rsubn(text, "([uū])((%.?)['])", "ō")
	text = rsubn(text, "(['h])", "")
	-- lastly, remove all remaning GC
	return text

local function con_assimilation(text)  --DONT USE THIS ON CLASSICAL
	-- assimilation/placement of certain consonants
	text = rsubn(text, "l((%.?)[ʈɖ])", 'ɭ%1') --retroflexes are only in hazaragi
	text = rsubn(text, "([nl])((%.?)[td])", '%1''%2')
	text = rsubn(text, "n((%.?)[ʈɖ])", 'ɳ%1')
	text = rsubn(text, "([td])", '%1''')
	text = rsubn(text, "n((%.?)[kg])", 'ŋ%1')
	text = rsubn(text, "n((%.?)[cɟy])", 'ɲ%1')
	text = rsubn(text, "n((%.?)[mbpw])", 'm%1')
	text = rsubn(text, "n((%.?)[qɢ])", 'ɴ%1')
	text = rsubn(text, "([nm])((%.?)[fv])", 'ɱ%2')
	text = rsubn(text, "([āʌɑɒäæeēīioɔōuūʊɪ](%"..dtack.."?)(%"..pitchaccent.."?)(%ː?)(%.?))([h])", '%1ɦ')
	text = rsubn(text, "r([tdszšlž])", 'ɹ%1')
	-- formally, f only assimiates in the same syllable
	text = rsubn(text, "f([bjdžğ])", 'v%1')
	text = rsubn(text, "ɾ(%.?)ɾ", "#r%1r")
	text = rsubn(text, "ä("..pitchaccent..")", "æ%1")
	text = rsubn(text, "([ɦ])#", "ʱ#")
	text = rsubn(text, "([h])#", "ʰ#")
	return text

function export.fa_IPA(text)
	text = rsubn(text, "a%-", "e-")
	text = rsubn(text, "ˈ", "`")
	text = rsubn(text, "[-]", ".")
	text = rsubn(text, " | ", "# | #")
	text = "##" .. rsubn(text, " ", "# #") .. "##"
	text = rsubn(text, "v", "w")
	-- Replace xwa with xu
	text = rsubn(text, "xwa", "xu")
	-- Replace xwā with xā
	text = rsubn(text, "xwā", "xā")
	-- Replace xwē with xē
	text = rsubn(text, "xwē", "xē")
	--automatically denote syllables
	text = syllabify(text)
	-- then do pitch accent mark
	text = rsubn(text, "`(["..all_consonants.."])(["..vowels.."])", "%1%2"..pitchaccent.."")
	-- Replace diphthong
	text = rsubn(text, "a([wy])()", function(semivowel, position)
		local consonant = mw.ustring.sub(text, position, position)
		if consonant == "" or consonant:find(consonant) then
			if semivowel == "w" then
				return "uw"
				return "ey"
	-- Replace iy with Ey (temp change)
	text = rsubn(text, "([iī](%"..pitchaccent.."?))(%.?)y", "E%2y")
	-- Replace w with v
	text = rsubn(text, "w([" .. vowels .. "])", "v%1")
	-- Replace final w with v
	text = rsubn(text, "(" .. consonant .. ")w#", "%1v#")
	text = rsubn(text, "([ptkč](%""?))(["..vowels.."])", "%1ʰ%3")
	text = rsubn(text, "(["..vowels.."](%.?))q", "%1ʁ")
	-- Replace final a with e (can be overwritten by entering æ)
	text = rsubn(text, "([a])(%"..pitchaccent.."?)#", "e%2#")
	-- Replace short vowels
	text = rsubn(text, ".", iranian_persian_short_vowels)
	-- Replace long vowels
	text = rsubn(text, ".", iranian_persian_long_vowels)
	-- Replace Ey with iy
	text = rsubn(text, "E(%.?)y", "i%1y")
	-- Replace jj with dj
	text = rsubn(text, "jj", "dj")
	-- Replace čč with tč
	text = rsubn(text, "čč", "tč")
	-- Allephones
	text = rsubn(text, "([gbdjl](%""?))#", "%1"..devoice.."#")
	-- Replace consonants
	text = rsubn(text, ".", iranian_persian_consonants)
	text = rsubn(text, "cʰ([ɒuo])", "kʰ%1")
	text = rsubn(text, "ɟ(%"..devoice.."?)([ɒuo])", "g%1%2")
	text = con_assimilation(text)
	text = rsubn(text, "#(g)", "%1"..devoice.."")
	text = rsubn(text, ".", common_consonants)
	text = rsubn(text, "ɾ", "ɹ")
	--fix the pitch accent on long vowels
	text = rsubn(text, "([ɒiu])ː"..pitchaccent.."", "%1"..pitchaccent.."ː")
	text = rsubn(text, "([ɢʁ])(%.?)t", "x%2t")
	text = rsubn(text, "([ʁɢ])#", "q#")
	text = rsubn(text, "w#", "v#")
	text = rsubn(text, "#([ʁɢ])", "#q")
	text = rsubn(text, "#g", "#k")
	text = rsubn(text, "#", "")

	return text

function export.prs_IPA(text) --based on formal speech URBAN kabul
	text = rsubn(text, "[-]", ".")
	text = rsubn(text, "ˈ", "`")
	text = rsubn(text, " | ", "# | #")
	text = "##" .. rsubn(text, " ", "# #") .. "##"
	text = rsubn(text, "v", "w")
	-- Replace xwa with xu
	text = rsubn(text, "xwa", "xu")
	-- Replace xwā with xā
	text = rsubn(text, "xwā", "xā")
	-- Replace xwē with xē
	text = rsubn(text, "xwē", "xē")
	text = rsubn(text, "xwē", "xē")
	text = rsubn(text, "([iī](%`?))(%.?)y", "i%2y")
	--automatically denote syllables
	text = syllabify(text)
	--pitch accent mark
	text = rsubn(text, "`(["..all_consonants.."])([ʷ]?)(["..vowels.."])", "%1%2%3"..pitchaccent.."")
	-- Replace ih, īh, i\', ī\' by ēh, ē\'
	text = rsubn(text, "i((%.?)[ɦh'])", "e"..dtack.."%1")
	text = rsubn(text, "ī((%.?)[ɦh'])", "ē%1")
	-- Replace uh, ūh, u\', ū\' by ɵh, ɵ\'
	text = rsubn(text, "u((%.?)[hɦ'])", "o"..dtack.."%1")
	text = rsubn(text, "ū((%.?)[hɦ'])", "ō%1")
	text = rsubn(text, "([ptkč])(["..vowels.."])", "%1ʰ%2")
	-- Replace short vowels
	text = rsubn(text, ".", dari_persian_short_vowels)
	-- Replace long vowels
	text = rsubn(text, ".", dari_persian_long_vowels)
	-- Replace jj with dj
	text = rsubn(text, "jj", "dj")
	-- Replace čč with tč
	text = rsubn(text, "čč", "tč")
	--fix the pitch accent on long vowels
	text = rsubn(text, "([ʌɑeiou])ː"..pitchaccent.."", "%1"..pitchaccent.."ː")
	-- Allephones
	text = con_assimilation(text) 
	-- Replace consonants
	text = rsubn(text, ".", common_consonants)
	text = rsubn(text, "f([bjdžğ])", 'v%1')
	text = rsubn(text, ".", dari_persian_consonants)
	text = rsubn(text, "ɾ(%.?)ɾ", "r%1r")
	text = rsubn(text, "ɪ(%.?)j", "i%1j")
	text = rsubn(text, "#ɾ", "#r")

	text = rsubn(text, "#", "")

	return text

function export.prs_kbl_IPA(text) --Colloquial dialect of Kabul
	text = rsubn(text, "[-]", ".")
	text = rsubn(text, "ˈ", "`")
	text = rsubn(text, " | ", "# | #")
	text = "##" .. rsubn(text, " ", "# #") .. "##"
	text = rsubn(text, "v", "w")
	-- Replace xwa with xu
	text = rsubn(text, "xwa", "xu")
	-- Replace xwā with xā
	text = rsubn(text, "xwā", "xā")
	-- Replace xwē with xē
	text = rsubn(text, "xwē", "xē")
	text = rsubn(text, "xwē", "xē")
	text = rsubn(text, "([iī](%`?))(%.?)y", "i%2y")
	--pitch accent mark
	text = rsubn(text, "`(["..all_consonants.."])(["..vowels.."])", "%1%2"..pitchaccent.."")
	-- remove glottal consonants for some dialects
	text = remove_glottal_c(text)
	--automatically denote syllables
	text = syllabify(text)
	-- universal aspiration
	text = rsubn(text, "([ptkč])(["..vowels.."])", "%1ʰ%2")
	-- Replace short vowels
	text = rsubn(text, ".", dari_persian_short_vowels)
	-- Replace long vowels
	text = rsubn(text, ".", dari_persian_long_vowels)
	-- Replace jj with dj
	text = rsubn(text, "jj", "dj")
	text = rsubn(text, "āw", "aw") -- lost colloquially
	-- Replace čč with tč
	text = rsubn(text, "čč", "tč")
	-- Allephones
	text = con_assimilation(text)
	-- Replace consonants
	text = rsubn(text, ".", dari_persian_consonants)
	text = rsubn(text, "f((%.?)[bjdžğ])", 'v%1')
	text = rsubn(text, ".", common_consonants)
	--fix the pitch accent on long vowels
	text = rsubn(text, "([ʌɑeiou])ː"..pitchaccent.."", "%1"..pitchaccent.."ː")
	text = rsubn(text, "ɾ(%.?)ɾ", "#r%1r")
	text = rsubn(text, "ɪ(%.?)j", "i%1j")
	text = rsubn(text, "#ɾ", "#r")

	text = rsubn(text, "#", "")

	return text

function export.prs_haz_IPA(text) --Hazaragi
	text = rsubn(text, "[-]", ".")
	text = rsubn(text, "ˈ", "`")
	text = rsubn(text, " | ", "# | #")
	text = "##" .. rsubn(text, " ", "# #") .. "##"
	text = rsubn(text, "([iī](%`?))(%.?)y", "i%2y")
	--these conversions need to happen BEFORE EVERYTHING ELSE
	--pitch accent mark
	text = rsubn(text, "`(["..all_consonants.."])(["..vowels.."])", "%1%2"..pitchaccent.."")
	--Vowel Harmony 
	text = rsubn(text, "ē("..pitchaccent.."?)(["..all_consonants.."])([ūiī])", '%3%1%2%3')
	text = rsubn(text, "ē("..pitchaccent.."?)(["..all_consonants.."])(["..all_consonants.."])([ī])", '%4%1%2%3%4')
	text = rsubn(text, "i("..pitchaccent.."?)(["..all_consonants.."])([ouū])", '%3%1%2%3')
	text = rsubn(text, "ī("..pitchaccent.."?)(["..all_consonants.."])([ēōuūiī])", '%3%1%2%3')
	text = rsubn(text, "ō("..pitchaccent.."?)(["..all_consonants.."])([uū])", '%3%1%2%3')
	text = rsubn(text, "ō("..pitchaccent.."?)(["..all_consonants.."])([i])", 'u%1%2%3')
	text = rsubn(text, "ō("..pitchaccent.."?)(["..all_consonants.."])([ī])", 'ū%1%2%3')
	-- Replace xwa with xu
	text = rsubn(text, "xwa", "xu")
	-- Replace xwā with xā
	text = rsubn(text, "xwā", "xā")
	-- Replace xwē with xē
	text = rsubn(text, "xwē", "xē")
	text = rsubn(text, "xwē", "xē")
	text = rsubn(text, "v", "w")
	-- remove glottal consonants for some dialects
	text = remove_glottal_c(text)
	--automatically denote syllables
	text = syllabify(text)
	-- universal aspiration
	text = rsubn(text, "([ptkč])(["..vowels.."])", "%1ʰ%2")
	--delete certain consonant clusters and dipthongs
	text = rsubn(text, "āy", "ay")
	text = rsubn(text, "āw", "aw")
	--retroflex consonants
	text = rsubn(text, "D", 'ɖ')
	text = rsubn(text, "T", 'ʈ')
	-- Replace short vowels
	text = rsubn(text, ".", classical_persian_short_vowels)
	--approximate vowels
	text = rsubn(text, "ā", 'ɔː')
	text = rsubn(text, "ō", 'ʊː')
	text = rsubn(text, "a", 'ä')
	-- Replace long vowels
	text = rsubn(text, ".", dari_persian_long_vowels)
	--fix the pitch accent on long vowels
	text = rsubn(text, "([ɔeiʊu])ː"..pitchaccent.."", "%1"..pitchaccent.."ː")
	-- Replace jj with dj
	text = rsubn(text, "jj", "dj")
	-- Replace čč with tč
	text = rsubn(text, "čč", "tč")
	text = con_assimilation(text)
	text = rsubn(text, "([gbdjl](%""?))#", "%1"..devoice.."#")
	--Terminal voicing in not phonetic
	text = rsubn(text, "([gbdj])#", "%1"..devoice.."#")
	-- Replace consonants
	text = rsubn(text, ".", dari_persian_consonants)
	text = rsubn(text, "f((%.?)[bjdžğ])", 'v%1')
	text = rsubn(text, ".", common_consonants)
	text = rsubn(text, "ɾ(%.?)ɾ", "#r%1r")
	text = rsubn(text, "#ɾ", "#r")

	text = rsubn(text, "#", "")

	return text

function export.tg_IPA(text)
	text = rsubn(text, "[-]", ".")
	text = rsubn(text, "ˈ", "`")
	text = rsubn(text, " | ", "# | #")
	text = "##" .. rsubn(text, " ", "# #") .. "##"
	text = rsubn(text, "v", "w")
	-- Replace xwa with xu
	text = rsubn(text, "xwa", "xu")
	-- Replace xwā with xā
	text = rsubn(text, "xwā", "xā")
	-- Replace xwē with xē
	text = rsubn(text, "xwē", "xē")
	text = rsubn(text, "xwē", "xē")
	--automatically denote syllables
	text = syllabify(text)

	--pitch accent mark
	text = rsubn(text, "`(["..all_consonants.."])(["..vowels.."])", "%1%2"..pitchaccent.."")
	-- Replace jj with dj
	text = rsubn(text, "jj", "dj")
	-- Replace čč with tč
	text = rsubn(text, "čč", "tč")
	text = rsubn(text, "w([" .. vowels .. "])", "v%1")
	-- universal aspiration
	text = rsubn(text, "([ptkč])(["..vowels.."])", "%1ʰ%2")
	-- Replace ih, īh, i\', ī\' by ēh, ē\'
	text = rsubn(text, "([iī])(%"..pitchaccent.."?)([h'ʔɦ])([^" .. tajik_vowels .. "])", "e%2%3%4")
	-- Replace uh, ūh, u\', ū\' by ɵh, ɵ\'
	text = rsubn(text, "([uū])(%"..pitchaccent.."?)([hʔ'ɦ])([^" .. tajik_vowels .. "])", "ɵ%2%3%4")
	text = rsubn(text, "([ptkč](%""?))(["..vowels.."])", "%1ʰ%3")
	-- Replace short vowels
	text = rsubn(text, ".", tajik_short_vowels)
	-- Replace long vowels
	text = rsubn(text, ".", tajik_long_vowels)
	text = con_assimilation(text)
	-- Replace consonants
	text = rsubn(text, ".", common_consonants)
	text = rsubn(text, ".", tajik_consonants)
	text = rsubn(text, "([aä])("..pitchaccent..")", "æ%2")

	text = rsubn(text, "#", "")

	return text

function export.fa_cls_IPA(text)
	text = rsubn(text, "[-]", ".")
	text = rsubn(text, "ˈ", "`")
	text = rsubn(text, " | ", "# | #")
	text = "##" .. rsubn(text, " ", "# #") .. "##"
	text = rsubn(text, "([iī](%`?))(%.?)y", "i%2y")

	text = rsubn(text, "v", "w")
	-- Replace xwa with xʷa
	text = rsubn(text, "xwa", "xʷa")
	-- Replace xwā with xʷā
	text = rsubn(text, "xwā", "xʷā")
	-- Replace xwē with xʷē
	text = rsubn(text, "xwē", "xʷē")
	--automatically denote syllables
	text = syllabify(text)
	-- Replace short vowels
	text = rsubn(text, ".", classical_persian_short_vowels)
	-- Replace d with ḏ after vowels
	text = rsubn(text, "([" .. vowels .. "]+.?)(%`?)([d])", "%1%2ḏ")
	text = rsubn(text, "([" .. vowels .. "]+.?)(%`?)([b])", "%1%2β")
	-- Replace long vowels
	text = rsubn(text, ".", classical_persian_long_vowels)
	-- Replace jj with dj
	text = rsubn(text, "jj", "dj")
	-- Replace čč with tč
	text = rsubn(text, "čč", "tč")
	-- Replace consonants
	text = rsubn(text, ".", common_consonants)
	text = rsubn(text, ".", classical_persian_consonants)
	text = rsubn(text, "#", "")

	return text


function export.romanize_fa_cls(text, script, options)
	if type(text) == "table" then
		options = {}
		text, script = text.args[1], text.args[2]
	text = rsubn(text, "`", "")
	text = rsubn(text, "ˈ", "")
	text = rsubn(text, "[,]", ", ")
	text = rsubn(text, " | ", "# | #")
	text = "##" .. rsubn(text, " ", "# #") .. "##"
	text = rsubn(text, "([iī])(%.?)y", "iy")
	--kill incorrect characters
	text = rsubn(text, "([""ʰ])", "")
	text = rsubn(text, "([ɴŋ])", "n")
	--remove v
	text = rsubn(text, "v", "w")
	--ensure vowels are paired to a consonant
	text = rsubn(text, "([.])(["..vowels.."])", "%1'%2")
	text = rsubn(text, "([.])", "")
	text = rsubn(text, "([" .. vowels .. "])([dḍ])", "%1ð")
	text = rsubn(text, "([" .. vowels .. "](%-?))b", "%1β")
	text = rsubn(text, "ḏ", "ð")
	text = rsubn(text, "ðd", "ðð")
	text = rsubn(text, "βb", "ββ")
	text = rsubn(text, "G", "ğ")
	text = rsubn(text, "ḍ", "z")
	text = rsubn(text, "ṭ", "t")
	text = rsubn(text, "ṯ", "s")
	text = rsubn(text, "ṣ", "s")
	text = rsubn(text, "ḥ", "h")
	-- remove Hazaragi retroflexes
	text = rsubn(text, "D", "d")
	text = rsubn(text, "T", "t")
	text = rsubn(text, "ɖ", "d")
	text = rsubn(text, "ʈ", "t")
	text = rsubn(text, "#(['])", "")
	text = rsubn(text, "#", "")
	return text

function export.romanize_prs(text, script, options)
	if type(text) == "table" then
		options = {}
		text, script = text.args[1], text.args[2]
	text = rsubn(text, "`", "")
	text = rsubn(text, "ˈ", "")
	text = rsubn(text, "[,]", ", ")
	text = rsubn(text, " | ", "# | #")
	text = "##" .. rsubn(text, " ", "# #") .. "##"
	text = rsubn(text, "([iī](%.?))y", "i%2y")
	text = rsubn(text, "i(['h])", "e%1")
	text = rsubn(text, "u(['h])", "o%1")
	--kill incorrect characters
	text = rsubn(text, "([""ʰ])", "")
	text = rsubn(text, "([ɴŋ])", "n")
	text = rsubn(text, "v", "w")
	-- Replace xw clusters
	text = rsubn(text, "xw([āē])", "x%1")
	text = rsubn(text, "xwa", "xu")
	-- for rare exceptions
	text = rsubn(text, "ʷ", "w")
	--ensure vowels are paired to a consonant
	text = rsubn(text, "([.])(["..vowels.."])", "%1'%2")
	text = rsubn(text, "([.])", "")
	text = rsubn(text, "ḍ", "z")
	text = rsubn(text, "ḏ", "z")
	text = rsubn(text, "ṯ", "s")
	text = rsubn(text, "ṭ", "t")
	text = rsubn(text, "G", "ğ")
	text = rsubn(text, "ṣ", "s")
	text = rsubn(text, "ḥ", "h")
	-- remove Hazaragi retroflexes
	text = rsubn(text, "D", "d")
	text = rsubn(text, "T", "t")
	text = rsubn(text, "ɖ", "ḍ")
	text = rsubn(text, "ʈ", "ṭ")

	-- remove unnecessary marks
	text = rsubn(text, "#(['])", "")
	text = rsubn(text, "#", "")
	return text

function export.romanize_ira(text, script, options)
	if type(text) == "table" then
		options = {}
		text, script = text.args[1], text.args[2]
	text = rsubn(text, "`", "")
	text = rsubn(text, "ˈ", "")
	text = rsubn(text, "[,]", ", ")
	text = rsubn(text, " | ", "# | #")
	text = "##" .. rsubn(text, " ", "# #") .. "##"
	--kill incorrect characters
	text = rsubn(text, "([""ʰ])", "")
	text = rsubn(text, "([ɴŋ])", "n")
	text = rsubn(text, "v", "w")
	text = rsubn(text, "w(["..vowels.."])", "v%1")
	-- Replace xw clusters
	text = rsubn(text, "xv([āē])", "x%1")
	text = rsubn(text, "xva", "xu")
	text = rsubn(text, "ʷ", "")
	--ensure vowels are paired to a consonant
	text = rsubn(text, "([.])(["..vowels.."])", "%1'%2")
	text = rsubn(text, "([.])", "")
	text = rsubn(text, "iy", "īy")
	text = rsubn(text, "ay", "ey")
	text = rsubn(text, "aw", "ow")
	text = rsubn(text, "ḍ", "z")
	text = rsubn(text, "ḏ", "z")
	text = rsubn(text, "ṭ", "t")
	text = rsubn(text, "G", "ğ")
	text = rsubn(text, "ṯ", "s")
	text = rsubn(text, "ṣ", "s")
	text = rsubn(text, "ḥ", "h")
	text = rsubn(text, "(["..vowels.."])q", "%1ğ")
	text = rsubn(text, "âq", "âğ")
	text = rsubn(text, "ğ#", "q#")
	text = rsubn(text, "ğq", "ğğ")
	text = rsubn(text, "ā", "â")
	text = rsubn(text, "u", "o")
	text = rsubn(text, "i", "e")
	-- remove Hazaragi retroflexes
	text = rsubn(text, "D", "d")
	text = rsubn(text, "T", "t")
	text = rsubn(text, "ɖ", "d")
	text = rsubn(text, "ʈ", "t")
	-- Tajik does not have vowel length
	text = rsubn(text, "([ēī])", "i")
	text = rsubn(text, "([ūō])", "u")
	text = rsubn(text, "w#", "v#")
	text = rsubn(text, "a#", "e#")
	text = rsubn(text, "a%-", "e-")
	text = rsubn(text, "æ", "a")
	text = rsubn(text, "#(['])", "")
	text = rsubn(text, "#", "")
	return text

function export.romanize_tg(text, script, options)
	if type(text) == "table" then
		options = {}
		text, script = text.args[1], text.args[2]
	text = rsubn(text, "[,]", ", ")
	text = rsubn(text, " | ", "# | #")
	text = "##" .. rsubn(text, " ", "# #") .. "##"
	text = rsubn(text, "i(['h])", "ē%1")
	text = rsubn(text, "u(['h])", "ō%1")
	--kill incorrect characters
	text = rsubn(text, "([""ʰ])", "")
	text = rsubn(text, "([ɴŋ])", "n")
	text = rsubn(text, "w", "v")
	-- Replace xw clusters
	text = rsubn(text, "xv([āē])", "x%1")
	text = rsubn(text, "xva", "xu")
	text = rsubn(text, "ʷ", "")
	--ensure vowels are paired to a consonant
	text = rsubn(text, "([.])(["..vowels.."])", "%1'%2")
	text = rsubn(text, "([.])", "")
	text = rsubn(text, "ḍ", "z")
	text = rsubn(text, "ḏ", "z")
	text = rsubn(text, "ṯ", "s")
	text = rsubn(text, "ṭ", "t")
	text = rsubn(text, "(['])", "ʾ")
	text = rsubn(text, "ṣ", "s")
	text = rsubn(text, "ḥ", "h")
	text = rsubn(text, "G", "ġ")
	text = rsubn(text, "ğ", "ġ")
	text = rsubn(text, "ē", "e")
	text = rsubn(text, "ō", "ü")
	text = rsubn(text, "ā", "o")
	-- remove Hazaragi retroflexes
	text = rsubn(text, "D", "d")
	text = rsubn(text, "T", "t")
	text = rsubn(text, "ɖ", "d")
	text = rsubn(text, "ʈ", "t")
	-- Tajik does not have vowel length
	text = rsubn(text, "([iī])", "i")
	text = rsubn(text, "`(["..all_consonants.."])i#", "%1ī#")
	text = rsubn(text, "([ūu])", "u")
	text = rsubn(text, "`", "")
	text = rsubn(text, "ˈ", "")
	text = rsubn(text, "#([ʾ])", "")
	text = rsubn(text, "#", "")
	return text

local function one_term_ipa(text, style)

	if style == "cls" then
		text = export.fa_cls_IPA(text)
	elseif style == "prs" then
		text = export.prs_IPA(text)
	elseif style == "kbl" then
		text = export.prs_kbl_IPA(text) or export.prs_IPA(text) --should ignore conversion if specified
	elseif style == "haz" then
		text = export.prs_haz_IPA(text)
	elseif style == "fa" then
		text = export.fa_IPA(text)
	elseif style == "teh" then
		text = export.fa_IPA(text)
	elseif style == "tg" then
		text = export.tg_IPA(text)

	return text

-- style == one of the following:
-- "cls": Classical Persian
-- "prs": Dari Persian
-- "kbl": Kabuli
-- "haz": Hazaragi
-- "fa": Iranian Persian
-- "teh": Tehrani
-- "tg": Tajik
function export.IPA(text, style)

	local variants = {text}

	local function apply_sub(from, to1, to2)
		return function(item)
			if rfind(item, from) then
				if to2 then
					return {rsub(item, from, to1), rsub(item, from, to2)}
					return {rsub(item, from, to1)}
				return {item}

	local function call_one_term_ipa(variant)
		local result = {{
			phonemic = one_term_ipa(variant, style, false, err),
		local function apply_sub(item, from, to1, qual1, to2, qual2)
			if rfind(item.phonemic, from) or rfind(item.phonetic, from) then
				return {
						phonemic = rsub(item.phonemic, from, to1),
						qualifiers = qual1,
						phonemic = rsub(item.phonemic, from, to2),
						qualifiers = qual2,
				return {item}

		return result

	return flatmap(variants, call_one_term_ipa)

function export.express_styles(inputs, args_style)
	local pronuns_by_style = {}
	local expressed_styles = {}

	local function dostyle(style)
		pronuns_by_style[style] = {}
		for _, val in ipairs(inputs[style]) do
			local pronuns = export.IPA(val, style)
			for _, pronun in ipairs(pronuns) do
				table.insert(pronuns_by_style[style], pronun)

	local function all_available(styles)
		local available_styles = {}
		for _, style in ipairs(styles) do
			if pronuns_by_style[style] then
				table.insert(available_styles, style)
		return available_styles

	local function express_style(hidden_tag, tag, styles, indent)
		indent = indent or 1
		if hidden_tag == true then
			hidden_tag = tag
		if type(styles) == "string" then
			styles = {styles}
		styles = all_available(styles)
		if #styles == 0 then
		local style = styles[1]

		-- If style specified, make sure it matches the requested style.
		local style_matches
		if not args_style then
			style_matches = true
			local or_styles = rsplit(args_style, "%s*,%s*")
			for _, or_style in ipairs(or_styles) do
				local and_styles = rsplit(or_style, "%s*%+%s*")
				local and_matches = true
				for _, and_style in ipairs(and_styles) do
					local negate
					if and_style:find("^%-") then
						and_style = and_style:gsub("^%-", "")
						negate = true
					local this_style_matches = false
					for _, part in ipairs(styles) do
						if part == and_style then
							this_style_matches = true
					if negate then
						this_style_matches = not this_style_matches
					if not this_style_matches then
						and_matches = false
				if and_matches then
					style_matches = true
		if not style_matches then

		local new_style = {
			tag = tag,
			represented_styles = styles,
			pronuns = pronuns_by_style[style],
			indent = indent,
		for _, hidden_tag_style in ipairs(expressed_styles) do
			if hidden_tag_style.tag == hidden_tag then
				table.insert(hidden_tag_style.styles, new_style)
		table.insert(expressed_styles, {
			tag = hidden_tag,
			styles = {new_style},

	for style, _ in pairs(inputs) do

	local function diff(style1, style2)
		if not pronuns_by_style[style1] or not pronuns_by_style[style2] then
			return true
		return not m_table.deepEquals(pronuns_by_style[style1], pronuns_by_style[style2])

	local fa_teh_different = diff("fa", "teh")
	local prs_kbl_different = diff("prs", "kbl")
	local prs_haz_different = diff("prs", "haz")

	-- Classical Persian
	express_style("[[w:Bahasa Parsi Klasik|Parsi Klasik]]",
				  "[[w:Bahasa Parsi Klasik|Parsi Klasik]]", "cls")

	-- Dari Persian
	express_style("[[w:Bahasa Parsi Dari|Dari, formal]]/[[w:Kabul|KBL]]",
				  "[[w:Bahasa Parsi Dari|Dari, formal]]/[[w:Kabul|KBL]]", "prs")
	if prs_kbl_different then
		express_style("[[w:Bahasa Parsi Dari|Dari, formal]]/[[w:Kabul|KBL]]", "Kabuli", "kbl", 2)
	if prs_haz_different then
		express_style("[[w:Bahasa Parsi Dari|Dari, formal]]/[[w:Kabul|KBL]]", "[[w:Hazaragi|Hazarajat]]/[[WT:HAZ#Sebutan|anngaran]]", "haz", 2)
	end --"approx" because there are still a few small kinks to be worked out

	-- Iranian Persian
	express_style("[[w:Bahasa Parsi Iran|Iran, formal]]/[[w:Teheran|TEH]]",
				  "[[w:Bahasa Parsi Iran|Iran, formal]]/[[w:Teheran|TEH]]", "fa")
	if fa_teh_different then
		express_style("[[w:Bahasa Parsi Iran|Iran, formal]]/[[w:Teheran|TEH]]", "[[w:Loghat Teheran|Teheran]]", "teh",

	-- Tajik
	express_style("[[w:Bahasa Tajik|Tajik, formal]]/[[w:Dushanbe|DUS]]",
				  "[[w:Bahasa Tajik|Tajik, formal]]/[[w:Dushanbe|DUS]]", "tg")

	return expressed_styles

	-- Create parameter specs
	local params = {
		[1] = {}, -- this replaces style group 'all'
		["pre"] = {},
		["post"] = {},
		["ref"] = {},
		["style"] = {},
		["bullets"] = {type = "number", default = 1},
	for group, _ in pairs(export.all_style_groups) do
		if group ~= "all" then
			params[group] = {}
	for _, style in ipairs(export.all_styles) do
		params[style] = {}

	-- Parse arguments
	local parargs = frame:getParent().args
	local args = require("Module:parameters").process(parargs, params)

	-- Set inputs
	local inputs = {}
	-- If 1= specified, do all styles.
	if args[1] then
		for _, style in ipairs(export.all_styles) do
			inputs[style] = args[1]
	-- Then do remaining style groups other than 'all', overriding 1= if given.
	for group, styles in pairs(export.all_style_groups) do
		if group ~= "all" and args[group] then
			for _, style in ipairs(styles) do
				inputs[style] = args[group]
	-- Then do individual style settings.
	for _, style in ipairs(export.all_styles) do
		if args[style] then
			inputs[style] = args[style]
	-- If no inputs given, set all styles based on current pagename.
	if not next(inputs) then
		local text = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text
		for _, style in ipairs(export.all_styles) do
			inputs[style] = text

	for style, input in pairs(inputs) do
		inputs[style] = rsplit(input, ",")
	local expressed_styles = export.express_styles(inputs,

	local lines = {}

	local function format_style(tag, expressed_style, is_first)
		local pronunciations = {}
		local formatted_pronuns = {}
		for _, pronun in ipairs(expressed_style.pronuns) do
			table.insert(pronunciations, {
				pron = "[" .. pronun.phonemic .. "]",
				qualifiers = pronun.qualifiers,
			local formatted_phonemic = "[" .. pronun.phonemic .. "]"
			if pronun.qualifiers then
				formatted_phonemic = "(" .. table.concat(pronun.qualifiers, ", ") .. ") " .. formatted_phonemic
			table.insert(formatted_pronuns, formatted_phonemic)
		-- Number of bullets: When indent = 1, we want the number of bullets given by `args.bullets`,
		-- and when indent = 2, we want `args.bullets + 1`, hence we subtract 1.
		local bullet = string.rep("*", args.bullets + expressed_style.indent - 1) .. " "
		-- Here we construct the formatted line in `formatted`, and also try to construct the equivalent without HTML
		-- and wiki markup in `formatted_for_len`, so we can compute the approximate textual length for use in sizing
		-- the toggle box with the "more" button on the right.
		local pre = is_first and args.pre and args.pre .. " " or ""
		local pre_for_len = pre .. (tag and "(" .. tag .. ") " or "")
		pre = pre .. (tag and m_qual.format_qualifier(tag) .. " " or "")
		local post = is_first and (args.ref or "") .. ( and " " .. or "") or ""
		local formatted = bullet .. pre .. m_IPA.format_IPA_full(lang, pronunciations) .. post
		local formatted_for_len = bullet .. pre .. "IPA(key): " .. table.concat(formatted_pronuns, ", ") .. post
		return formatted, formatted_for_len

	for i, style_group in ipairs(expressed_styles) do
		if #style_group.styles == 1 then
			style_group.formatted, style_group.formatted_for_len =
				format_style(style_group.styles[1].tag, style_group.styles[1], i == 1)
			style_group.formatted, style_group.formatted_for_len =
				format_style(style_group.tag, style_group.styles[1], i == 1)
			for j, style in ipairs(style_group.styles) do
				style.formatted, style.formatted_for_len =
					format_style(style.tag, style, i == 1 and j == 1)

	local function textual_len(text)
		text = rsub(text, "<.->", "")
		return ulen(text)

	local maxlen = 0
	for i, style_group in ipairs(expressed_styles) do
		local this_len = textual_len(style_group.formatted_for_len)
		if #style_group.styles > 1 then
			for _, style in ipairs(style_group.styles) do
				this_len = math.max(this_len, textual_len(style.formatted_for_len))
		maxlen = math.max(maxlen, this_len)

	for i, style_group in ipairs(expressed_styles) do
		if #style_group.styles == 1 then
			table.insert(lines, "<div>\n" .. style_group.formatted .. "</div>")
			local inline = '\n<div class="vsShow" style="display:none">\n' .. style_group.formatted .. "</div>"
			local full_prons = {}
			for _, style in ipairs(style_group.styles) do
				table.insert(full_prons, style.formatted)
			local full = '\n<div class="vsHide">\n' .. table.concat(full_prons, "\n") .. "</div>"
			local em_length = math.floor(maxlen * 0.68) -- from [[Module:grc-pronunciation]]
			table.insert(lines, '<div class="vsSwitcher" data-toggle-category="pronunciations" style="width: ' .. em_length .. 'em; max-width:100%;"><span class="vsToggleElement" style="float: right;">&nbsp;</span>' .. inline .. full .. "</div>")
	-- major hack to get bullets working on the next line
	return table.concat(lines, "\n") .. "\n<span></span>"

return export