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{{Infoboks politiker}}
{{Infoboks politiker}}
'''Miloš Vučević''' {{efn|serbiskː Милош Вучевић}}, født 1974, er en serbisk advokat og politiker som fra 2. mai 2024 har vært [[Serbia]]s statsminister. Han er også leder i [[Serbias progressive parti (2008)|Serbias progressive parti]]. Han var tidligere visestatsminister og forsvarsminister (fra 2022 til 2024). Fra 2012 til 2022 var han ordfører i landets nest største by [[Novi Sad]].

== Biografi ==
Vučević ble født 10. desember 1974 i Novi Sad i den daværende Sosialistiske autonome provinsen Vojvodina i det tidligere [[Jugoslavia]].<ref name=":0">{{kilde www |tittel=Miloš Vučević |url=https://www.istinomer.rs/akter/milos-vucevic/ |utgiver=Istinomer |språk=serbisk |arkiv-dato=16. august 2022 |arkiv-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20220816122604/https://www.istinomer.rs/akter/milos-vucevic/ |url-status=live }}</ref> Vučević fullførte sin utdanning ved det juridiske fakultet ved Universitetet i Novi Sad i 2002.<ref name=":2">{{kilde www |tittel=Biografija {{!}} Novi Sad |url=http://www.novisad.rs/lat/biografija-0 |utgiver=www.novisad.rs |arkiv-dato=28. oktober 2021 |arkiv-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20211028141416/http://www.novisad.rs/lat/biografija-0 |url-status=live }}</ref> Han arbeidet ved familievernkontoret fram til 2012.<ref name=":0" />

==Political career==
Vučević innledet sin politiske karriere i det sterkt høyreorienterte partiet [[Srpska radikalna stranka|Serbias radikale parti]] (CPC) hvor hans far var et framstående medlem. CPC ble delt i 2008 og Vučević fulgte med utbryterne i Serbias progressive parti som ble ledet av [[Tomislav Nikolić]] og [[Aleksandar Vučić]].<ref name=":1">{{Cite web |date=10 March 2021 |title=Čovek bez svojstava – Portret savremenika – Miloš Vučević, gradonačelnik Novog Sada i potpredsednik SNS-a – Nedeljnik Vreme |url=https://www.vreme.com/vreme/covek-bez-svojstava/ |access-date=16 August 2022 |website=www.vreme.com |language=sr-RS |archive-date=16 August 2022 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20220816122911/https://www.vreme.com/vreme/covek-bez-svojstava/ |url-status=live }}</ref> He is a close associate and confidant of Aleksandar Vučić and his brother [[Andrej Vučić|Andrej]].

===Mayor of Novi Sad (2012–2022)===
Following the [[2012 Serbian local elections|2012 local elections]], Vučević was elected [[List of mayors of Novi Sad|mayor of Novi Sad]] by a new SNS-led majority, even though the SNS only won 16.44% of the popular vote.<ref name=":1" /><ref>{{Cite web |title=Miloš Vučević novi gradonačelnik Novog Sada |url=https://balkans.aljazeera.net/news/balkan/2012/9/13/milos-vucevic-novi-gradonacelnik-novog-sada |access-date=16 August 2022 |website=balkans.aljazeera.net |language=bs |archive-date=16 August 2022 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20220816122602/https://balkans.aljazeera.net/news/balkan/2012/9/13/milos-vucevic-novi-gradonacelnik-novog-sada |url-status=live }}</ref> He was a member of the board of directors of the [[National Alliance for Local Economic Development]] (NALED) from 2015 to 2016.<ref name=":2" /> He was re-elected mayor following the [[2016 Serbian local elections|2016]]<ref>{{Cite web |date=1 July 2016 |title=Novi Sad: Miloš Vučević ponovo gradonačlenik |url=https://rs.n1info.com/vesti/a173444-Novi-Sad-Milos-Vucevic-ponovo-gradonaclenik/ |access-date=16 August 2022 |website=N1 |language=sr-RS |archive-date=16 August 2022 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20220816122912/https://rs.n1info.com/vesti/a173444-novi-sad-milos-vucevic-ponovo-gradonaclenik/ |url-status=live }}</ref> and [[2020 Serbian local elections|2020 local elections]].<ref>{{Cite web |title=Miloš Vučević ponovo izabran za gradonačelnika Novog Sada |url=https://www.ekspres.net/vesti/milos-vucevic-ponovo-izabran-za-gradonacelnika-novog-sada |access-date=16 August 2022 |website=Ekspres.net |language=sr-Latn |archive-date=16 August 2022 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20220816122603/https://www.ekspres.net/vesti/milos-vucevic-ponovo-izabran-za-gradonacelnika-novog-sada |url-status=live }}</ref>

In November 2021, he was elected vice-president of the party at the SNS party assembly.<ref>{{Cite web |date=27 November 2021 |title=Vučić predsednik SNS do izbora, izabrani novi potpredsednici – Politika – Dnevni list Danas |url=https://www.danas.rs/vesti/politika/vucic-predsednik-sns-do-izbora-izabrani-novi-potpredsednici/ |access-date=16 August 2022 |language=sr-RS |archive-date=16 August 2022 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20220816122959/https://www.danas.rs/vesti/politika/vucic-predsednik-sns-do-izbora-izabrani-novi-potpredsednici/ |url-status=live }}</ref>

===Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence (2022–2024)===
On 23 October 2022, the president of the Serbian Progressive Party Aleksandar Vučić announced that his party would recommend Miloš Vučević as the next [[Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia|deputy prime minister]] and [[Minister of Defence of Serbia|minister of defence of Serbia]].<ref>{{Cite web |url=https://nova.rs/vesti/politika/ovo-je-nova-vlada-srbije/ |title=Ovo je nova Vlada Srbije, Nova.rs, 2022-10-23 |date=23 October 2022 |access-date=23 October 2022 |archive-date=23 October 2022 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20221023152949/https://nova.rs/vesti/politika/ovo-je-nova-vlada-srbije/ |url-status=live }}</ref> He resigned as the Mayor of the City of Novi Sad on 24 October, and was succeeded by [[Milan Đurić (politician)|Milan Đurić]] two days later.<ref>{{Cite web |url=https://rs.n1info.com/vesti/vucevic-podneo-ostavku-i-najavio-kandidata-za-naslednika-na-celu-novog-sada/ |title=Vučević podneo ostavku i najavio kandidata za naslednika na čelu Novog Sada, N1, 2022-10-24 |date=24 October 2022 |access-date=24 October 2022 |archive-date=24 October 2022 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20221024204212/https://rs.n1info.com/vesti/vucevic-podneo-ostavku-i-najavio-kandidata-za-naslednika-na-celu-novog-sada/ |url-status=live }}</ref><ref>{{Cite web |date=26 October 2022 |title=Milan Đurić novi gradonačelnik Novog Sada |url=http://www.rts.rs/page/stories/sr/story/9/politika/4998054/novi-sad-gradonacelnik.html |access-date=26 October 2022 |website=Radio Television of Serbia |language=sr |archive-date=26 October 2022 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20221026152902/https://www.rts.rs/page/stories/sr/story/9/politika/4998054/novi-sad-gradonacelnik.html |url-status=live }}</ref> Vučević was sworn in as deputy prime minister and minister of defence on 26 October as part of the [[third cabinet of Ana Brnabić]].<ref>{{Cite web |title=Polaganjem zakletve počeo mandat nove vlade Srbije |url=https://beta.rs/vesti/politika-vesti-srbija/170606-polaganjem-zakletve-poceo-mandat-nove-vlade-srbije |access-date=3 November 2022 |website=Novinska agencija Beta |language=sr |archive-date=3 November 2022 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20221103210356/https://beta.rs/vesti/politika-vesti-srbija/170606-polaganjem-zakletve-poceo-mandat-nove-vlade-srbije |url-status=live }}</ref> It has been speculated that Vučević will succeed Vučić as the president of the Serbian Progressive Party following his potential resignation.<ref>{{Cite web |date=3 November 2022 |title=Počela je metamorfoza Vučevića u Vučića, gledali smo prvi čin |url=https://nova.rs/vesti/politika/pocela-je-metamorfoza-vucevica-u-vucica-gledali-smo-prvi-cin/ |access-date=3 November 2022 |website=NOVA portal |language=sr-RS |archive-date=3 November 2022 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20221103201532/https://nova.rs/vesti/politika/pocela-je-metamorfoza-vucevica-u-vucica-gledali-smo-prvi-cin/ |url-status=live }}</ref>

In April 2023, following the [[2023 Pentagon document leaks|Pentagon document leaks]], documents alleging that Serbia had agreed to sell weapons to the Ukrainian Army to fight Russian forces were leaked.<ref>{{Cite web |date=12 April 2023 |title=Tajni dokumenti Pentagona: Srbija šalje oružje Ukrajini; Ministarstvo negira – Rat u Ukrajini – Nedeljnik Vreme |url=https://www.vreme.com/vesti/tajni-dokumenti-pentagona-srbija-salje-oruzje-ukrajini-ministarstvo-negira/ |access-date=22 April 2023 |website=www.vreme.com |language=sr-RS |archive-date=22 April 2023 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20230422112855/https://www.vreme.com/vesti/tajni-dokumenti-pentagona-srbija-salje-oruzje-ukrajini-ministarstvo-negira/ |url-status=live }}</ref> Vučević denied the allegations, calling them "a lie". He stated that Serbia had not sold and would not sell arms to either Ukraine or Russia, and suggested that someone was trying to "destabilize his country and involve it in a conflict it did not want to participate in". He also did not rule out the possibility that some Serbian weapons had ended up in the conflict zone by other means.<ref>{{Cite web |title=Vučević: Laž je da je Srbija slala oružje Ukrajini |url=https://www.klix.ba/vijesti/regija/vucevic-laz-je-da-je-srbija-slala-oruzje-ukrajini/230412048 |access-date=22 April 2023 |website=www.klix.ba |language=hr |archive-date=22 April 2023 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20230422112854/https://www.klix.ba/vijesti/regija/vucevic-laz-je-da-je-srbija-slala-oruzje-ukrajini/230412048 |url-status=live }}</ref>

===President of the Serbian Progressive Party (2023–present)===
On 27 May 2023, Vučević was elected president of the SNS.<ref>{{Cite web |last=Marić |first=Dunja |date=27 May 2023 |title=Miloš Vučević novi predsednik SNS |url=https://nova.rs/vesti/politika/milos-vucevic-novi-predsednik-sns/ |access-date=27 May 2023 |website=NOVA portal |language=sr-RS |archive-date=3 June 2023 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20230603132710/https://nova.rs/vesti/politika/milos-vucevic-novi-predsednik-sns/ |url-status=live }}</ref> He also confirmed that the SNS would join Vučić's announced [[People's Movement for the State]] (NPZD) in late June.<ref>{{Cite web |last=Nicović |first=Boško |date=27 May 2023 |title=Miloš Vučević zvanično izabran za novog predsednika SNS |url=https://n1info.rs/vesti/milos-vucevic-zvanicno-izabran-za-novog-predsednika-sns/ |access-date=27 May 2023 |website=N1 |language=sr-RS |archive-date=27 May 2023 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20230527123933/https://n1info.rs/vesti/milos-vucevic-zvanicno-izabran-za-novog-predsednika-sns/ |url-status=live }}</ref> Journalist Ana Lalić characterised the change as "cosmetic".<ref>{{Cite web |last=Mitkovski |first=Ivan |date=27 May 2023 |title=Ana Lalić: Vučević samo kozmetička promena, SNS ostaje u rukama porodice Vučić |url=https://n1info.rs/vesti/ana-lalic-vucevic-samo-kozmeticka-promena-sns-ostaje-u-rukama-porodice-vucic/ |access-date=4 June 2023 |website=N1 |language=sr-RS |archive-date=29 May 2023 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20230529053812/https://n1info.rs/vesti/ana-lalic-vucevic-samo-kozmeticka-promena-sns-ostaje-u-rukama-porodice-vucic/ |url-status=live }}</ref>

=== Prime Minister of Serbia (2024–present) ===
{{See also|Cabinet of Miloš Vučević}}
Vučević led the SNS coalition to yet another victory in the [[2023 Serbian parliamentary election|2023 parliamentary election]]. On 30 March 2024, Vučević was given a mandate by President Vučić to form the new government of Serbia.<ref>{{Cite news |last=Evropa |first=Radio Slobodna |date=2024-03-31 |title=Miloš Vučević mandatar za sastavljanje nove Vlade Srbije |url=https://www.slobodnaevropa.org/a/milos-vucevic-mandatar-vlada-srbije/32884543.html |access-date=2024-06-25 |work=Radio Slobodna Evropa |language=sh}}</ref> On 2 May, the [[National Assembly (Serbia)|National Assembly of Serbia]] elected Vučević as [[Prime Minister of Serbia]].<ref>{{Cite web |date=2024-04-30 |title=Izabrana nova Vlada Srbije, Miloš Vučević premijer |url=https://www.bbc.com/serbian/lat/srbija-68927828 |access-date=2024-06-25 |website=BBC News na srpskom |language=sr-latn}}</ref>

In July 2024, Vučević tested positive for the [[coronavirus]]. Vučević was placed on home treatment, and he continued to perform his duties as prime minister from home.<ref>{{Cite web |date=2024-07-29 |title=Premijer Srbije zaražen korona virusom |url=https://www.danas.rs/vesti/politika/premijer-srbije-korona/ |url-status=live |access-date=2024-07-30 |language=sr-RS}}</ref>

==Political positions==
===Foreign policy===
Vučević is in favour of [[Accession of Serbia to the European Union|Serbia's accession to the European Union]], at the same time claiming that Serbia cannot become its member by "being humiliated and ashamed, because then it will never be a good member of the EU".<ref>{{Cite web |last=Vojvodine |first=Javna medijska ustanova JMU Radio-televizija |title=Vučević: Srbiji mesto u EU, ali ne kao ponižena i postiđena |url=https://rtv.rs/sr_lat/politika/vucevic-srbiji-mesto-u-eu-ali-ne-kao-ponizena-i-postidjena_1347028.html |access-date=16 August 2022 |website=JMU Radio-televizija Vojvodine |archive-date=16 August 2022 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20220816130954/https://rtv.rs/sr_lat/politika/vucevic-srbiji-mesto-u-eu-ali-ne-kao-ponizena-i-postidjena_1347028.html |url-status=live }}</ref> On 24 March 2019, Vučević stated that the [[NATO bombing of Yugoslavia]] was a war crime.<ref>{{Cite web |date=24 March 2019 |title=Vučević: NATO bombardovanje je bilo ratni zločin |url=https://rs.n1info.com/vesti/a470617-Vucevic-NATO-bombardovanje-je-bilo-ratni-zlocin/ |access-date=16 August 2022 |website=N1 |language=sr-RS |archive-date=16 August 2022 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20220816131418/https://rs.n1info.com/vesti/a470617-vucevic-nato-bombardovanje-je-bilo-ratni-zlocin/ |url-status=live }}</ref> He opposes [[Sanctions involving Russia|sanctioning Russia]] due to its [[2022 invasion of Ukraine]].<ref>{{Cite web |last=Colic |first=Nina |date=22 May 2022 |title=Vučević: Problemi zbog neuvođenja sankcija Rusiji sve veći – Politika – Dnevni list Danas |url=https://www.danas.rs/vesti/politika/vucevic-problemi-zbog-neuvodjenja-sankcija-rusiji-sve-veci/ |access-date=16 August 2022 |language=sr-RS |archive-date=16 August 2022 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20220816131437/https://www.danas.rs/vesti/politika/vucevic-problemi-zbog-neuvodjenja-sankcija-rusiji-sve-veci/ |url-status=live }}</ref>

===Kosovo question===
{{See also|Political status of Kosovo}}
Vučević is against the [[International recognition of Kosovo|recognition of independence]] of [[Kosovo]], adding that Kosovo is the "state-forming DNA of our people and our country".<ref>{{Cite web |last=Vojvodine |first=Javna medijska ustanova JMU Radio-televizija |title=Vučević: Kosovo i Metohija su duhovni i državotvorni DNK našeg naroda i države |url=https://rtv.rs/sr_lat/politika/vucevic-kosovo-i-metohija-su-duhovni-i-drzavotvorni-dnk-naseg-naroda-i-drzave_1356261.html |access-date=16 August 2022 |website=JMU Radio-televizija Vojvodine |archive-date=16 August 2022 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20220816131917/https://rtv.rs/sr_lat/politika/vucevic-kosovo-i-metohija-su-duhovni-i-drzavotvorni-dnk-naseg-naroda-i-drzave_1356261.html |url-status=live }}</ref>

==Personal life==
Vučević's father Zoran was a lawyer and high-ranking member of the SRS who served as [[president of the City Assembly of Novi Sad]] from 2004 to 2007. His father died in 2021.<ref>{{Cite web |last=Vojvodine |first=Javna medijska ustanova JMU Radio-televizija |title=Preminuo Zoran Vučević nekadašnji predsednik Skupštine grada Novog Sada |url=https://www.rtv.rs/sr_lat/vojvodina/novi-sad/preminuo-zoran-vucevic-nekadasnji-predsednik-skupstine-grada-novog-sada_1265986.html |access-date=16 August 2022 |website=JMU Radio-televizija Vojvodine |archive-date=16 August 2022 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20220816123840/https://www.rtv.rs/sr_lat/vojvodina/novi-sad/preminuo-zoran-vucevic-nekadasnji-predsednik-skupstine-grada-novog-sada_1265986.html |url-status=live }}</ref> He is of paternal [[Montenegrin Serb]] descent and his family hails from the village of Bezjovo near [[Podgorica]] and belongs to the [[Kuči (tribe)|Kuči]] tribe. His paternal great-grandfather died fighting in [[World War I]], while his paternal grandfather died fighting in [[World War II]].<ref>{{Cite web |title=VUČEVIĆ ponosan na CRNOGORSKO porijeklo: SRBIJA JE SPREMNA DA POMOGNE OPŠTINAMA U CRNOJ GORI |url=https://mondo.me/Info/EX-YU/a966885/VUCEVIC-ponosan-na-CRNOGORSKO-porijeklo-SRBIJA-JE-SPREMNA-DA-POMOGNE-OPSTINAMA-U-CRNOJ-GORI.html |access-date=17 May 2023 |website=Mondo Crna Gora |language=en-US |archive-date=17 May 2023 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20230517134642/https://mondo.me/Info/EX-YU/a966885/VUCEVIC-ponosan-na-CRNOGORSKO-porijeklo-SRBIJA-JE-SPREMNA-DA-POMOGNE-OPSTINAMA-U-CRNOJ-GORI.html |url-status=live }}</ref>

Vučević is married and has two sons.<ref name=":2" />

== Fotnoter ==
== Fotnoter ==
Linje 46: Linje 84:
#[[Han Duck-soo]] - statsm. Sør-Korea
#[[Han Duck-soo]] - statsm. Sør-Korea
#[[Hussein Arnous]] - statsm. Syria
#[[Hussein Arnous]] - statsm. Syria
#[[Phumtham Wechayachai]] - fung. statsmin. Thailand
#[[Keith Rowley]] - statsm. Trinidad og Tobago
#[[Keith Rowley]] - statsm. Trinidad og Tobago
#[[Mahamat Déby]] - pres. Tsjad
#[[Mahamat Déby]] - pres. Tsjad

Sideversjonen fra 14. aug. 2024 kl. 18:42


Miloš Vučević [a], født 1974, er en serbisk advokat og politiker som fra 2. mai 2024 har vært Serbias statsminister. Han er også leder i Serbias progressive parti. Han var tidligere visestatsminister og forsvarsminister (fra 2022 til 2024). Fra 2012 til 2022 var han ordfører i landets nest største by Novi Sad.


Vučević ble født 10. desember 1974 i Novi Sad i den daværende Sosialistiske autonome provinsen Vojvodina i det tidligere Jugoslavia.[1] Vučević fullførte sin utdanning ved det juridiske fakultet ved Universitetet i Novi Sad i 2002.[2] Han arbeidet ved familievernkontoret fram til 2012.[1]

Political career

Vučević innledet sin politiske karriere i det sterkt høyreorienterte partiet Serbias radikale parti (CPC) hvor hans far var et framstående medlem. CPC ble delt i 2008 og Vučević fulgte med utbryterne i Serbias progressive parti som ble ledet av Tomislav Nikolić og Aleksandar Vučić.[3] He is a close associate and confidant of Aleksandar Vučić and his brother Andrej.

Mayor of Novi Sad (2012–2022)

Following the 2012 local elections, Vučević was elected mayor of Novi Sad by a new SNS-led majority, even though the SNS only won 16.44% of the popular vote.[3][4] He was a member of the board of directors of the National Alliance for Local Economic Development (NALED) from 2015 to 2016.[2] He was re-elected mayor following the 2016[5] and 2020 local elections.[6]

In November 2021, he was elected vice-president of the party at the SNS party assembly.[7]

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence (2022–2024)

On 23 October 2022, the president of the Serbian Progressive Party Aleksandar Vučić announced that his party would recommend Miloš Vučević as the next deputy prime minister and minister of defence of Serbia.[8] He resigned as the Mayor of the City of Novi Sad on 24 October, and was succeeded by Milan Đurić two days later.[9][10] Vučević was sworn in as deputy prime minister and minister of defence on 26 October as part of the third cabinet of Ana Brnabić.[11] It has been speculated that Vučević will succeed Vučić as the president of the Serbian Progressive Party following his potential resignation.[12]

In April 2023, following the Pentagon document leaks, documents alleging that Serbia had agreed to sell weapons to the Ukrainian Army to fight Russian forces were leaked.[13] Vučević denied the allegations, calling them "a lie". He stated that Serbia had not sold and would not sell arms to either Ukraine or Russia, and suggested that someone was trying to "destabilize his country and involve it in a conflict it did not want to participate in". He also did not rule out the possibility that some Serbian weapons had ended up in the conflict zone by other means.[14]

President of the Serbian Progressive Party (2023–present)

On 27 May 2023, Vučević was elected president of the SNS.[15] He also confirmed that the SNS would join Vučić's announced People's Movement for the State (NPZD) in late June.[16] Journalist Ana Lalić characterised the change as "cosmetic".[17]

Prime Minister of Serbia (2024–present)

Vučević led the SNS coalition to yet another victory in the 2023 parliamentary election. On 30 March 2024, Vučević was given a mandate by President Vučić to form the new government of Serbia.[18] On 2 May, the National Assembly of Serbia elected Vučević as Prime Minister of Serbia.[19]

In July 2024, Vučević tested positive for the coronavirus. Vučević was placed on home treatment, and he continued to perform his duties as prime minister from home.[20]

Political positions

Foreign policy

Vučević is in favour of Serbia's accession to the European Union, at the same time claiming that Serbia cannot become its member by "being humiliated and ashamed, because then it will never be a good member of the EU".[21] On 24 March 2019, Vučević stated that the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia was a war crime.[22] He opposes sanctioning Russia due to its 2022 invasion of Ukraine.[23]

Kosovo question

Vučević is against the recognition of independence of Kosovo, adding that Kosovo is the "state-forming DNA of our people and our country".[24]

Personal life

Vučević's father Zoran was a lawyer and high-ranking member of the SRS who served as president of the City Assembly of Novi Sad from 2004 to 2007. His father died in 2021.[25] He is of paternal Montenegrin Serb descent and his family hails from the village of Bezjovo near Podgorica and belongs to the Kuči tribe. His paternal great-grandfather died fighting in World War I, while his paternal grandfather died fighting in World War II.[26]

Vučević is married and has two sons.[2]


Type nummerering
  1. ^ serbiskː Милош Вучевић


  1. ^ a b «Miloš Vučević» (serbisk). Istinomer. Arkivert fra originalen 16. august 2022. 
  2. ^ a b c «Biografija | Novi Sad». www.novisad.rs. Arkivert fra originalen 28. oktober 2021. 
  3. ^ a b «Čovek bez svojstava – Portret savremenika – Miloš Vučević, gradonačelnik Novog Sada i potpredsednik SNS-a – Nedeljnik Vreme». www.vreme.com (serbisk). 10 March 2021. Arkivert fra originalen 16 August 2022. Besøkt 16 August 2022.  Sjekk datoverdier i |arkivdato=, |besøksdato=, |dato= (hjelp)
  4. ^ «Miloš Vučević novi gradonačelnik Novog Sada». balkans.aljazeera.net (bosnisk). Arkivert fra originalen 16 August 2022. Besøkt 16 August 2022.  Sjekk datoverdier i |arkivdato=, |besøksdato= (hjelp)
  5. ^ «Novi Sad: Miloš Vučević ponovo gradonačlenik». N1 (serbisk). 1 July 2016. Arkivert fra originalen 16 August 2022. Besøkt 16 August 2022.  Sjekk datoverdier i |arkivdato=, |besøksdato=, |dato= (hjelp)
  6. ^ «Miloš Vučević ponovo izabran za gradonačelnika Novog Sada». Ekspres.net (serbisk). Arkivert fra originalen 16 August 2022. Besøkt 16 August 2022.  Sjekk datoverdier i |arkivdato=, |besøksdato= (hjelp)
  7. ^ «Vučić predsednik SNS do izbora, izabrani novi potpredsednici – Politika – Dnevni list Danas» (serbisk). 27 November 2021. Arkivert fra originalen 16 August 2022. Besøkt 16 August 2022.  Sjekk datoverdier i |arkivdato=, |besøksdato=, |dato= (hjelp)
  8. ^ «Ovo je nova Vlada Srbije, Nova.rs, 2022-10-23». 23 October 2022. Arkivert fra originalen 23 October 2022. Besøkt 23 October 2022.  Sjekk datoverdier i |arkivdato=, |besøksdato=, |dato= (hjelp)
  9. ^ «Vučević podneo ostavku i najavio kandidata za naslednika na čelu Novog Sada, N1, 2022-10-24». 24 October 2022. Arkivert fra originalen 24 October 2022. Besøkt 24 October 2022.  Sjekk datoverdier i |arkivdato=, |besøksdato=, |dato= (hjelp)
  10. ^ «Milan Đurić novi gradonačelnik Novog Sada». Radio Television of Serbia (serbisk). 26 October 2022. Arkivert fra originalen 26 October 2022. Besøkt 26 October 2022.  Sjekk datoverdier i |arkivdato=, |besøksdato=, |dato= (hjelp)
  11. ^ «Polaganjem zakletve počeo mandat nove vlade Srbije». Novinska agencija Beta (serbisk). Arkivert fra originalen 3 November 2022. Besøkt 3 November 2022.  Sjekk datoverdier i |arkivdato=, |besøksdato= (hjelp)
  12. ^ «Počela je metamorfoza Vučevića u Vučića, gledali smo prvi čin». NOVA portal (serbisk). 3 November 2022. Arkivert fra originalen 3 November 2022. Besøkt 3 November 2022.  Sjekk datoverdier i |arkivdato=, |besøksdato=, |dato= (hjelp)
  13. ^ «Tajni dokumenti Pentagona: Srbija šalje oružje Ukrajini; Ministarstvo negira – Rat u Ukrajini – Nedeljnik Vreme». www.vreme.com (serbisk). 12 April 2023. Arkivert fra originalen 22 April 2023. Besøkt 22 April 2023.  Sjekk datoverdier i |arkivdato=, |besøksdato=, |dato= (hjelp)
  14. ^ «Vučević: Laž je da je Srbija slala oružje Ukrajini». www.klix.ba (kroatisk). Arkivert fra originalen 22 April 2023. Besøkt 22 April 2023.  Sjekk datoverdier i |arkivdato=, |besøksdato= (hjelp)
  15. ^ Marić, Dunja (27 May 2023). «Miloš Vučević novi predsednik SNS». NOVA portal (serbisk). Arkivert fra originalen 3 June 2023. Besøkt 27 May 2023.  Sjekk datoverdier i |arkivdato=, |besøksdato=, |dato= (hjelp)
  16. ^ Nicović, Boško (27 May 2023). «Miloš Vučević zvanično izabran za novog predsednika SNS». N1 (serbisk). Arkivert fra originalen 27 May 2023. Besøkt 27 May 2023.  Sjekk datoverdier i |arkivdato=, |besøksdato=, |dato= (hjelp)
  17. ^ Mitkovski, Ivan (27 May 2023). «Ana Lalić: Vučević samo kozmetička promena, SNS ostaje u rukama porodice Vučić». N1 (serbisk). Arkivert fra originalen 29 May 2023. Besøkt 4 June 2023.  Sjekk datoverdier i |arkivdato=, |besøksdato=, |dato= (hjelp)
  18. ^ Evropa, Radio Slobodna (31. mars 2024). «Miloš Vučević mandatar za sastavljanje nove Vlade Srbije». Radio Slobodna Evropa (serbokroatisk). 
  19. ^ «Izabrana nova Vlada Srbije, Miloš Vučević premijer». BBC News na srpskom (serbisk). 30. april 2024. Besøkt 25. juni 2024. 
  20. ^ «Premijer Srbije zaražen korona virusom» (serbisk). 29. juli 2024. Besøkt 30. juli 2024. 
  21. ^ Vojvodine, Javna medijska ustanova JMU Radio-televizija. «Vučević: Srbiji mesto u EU, ali ne kao ponižena i postiđena». JMU Radio-televizija Vojvodine. Arkivert fra originalen 16 August 2022. Besøkt 16 August 2022.  Sjekk datoverdier i |arkivdato=, |besøksdato= (hjelp)
  22. ^ «Vučević: NATO bombardovanje je bilo ratni zločin». N1 (serbisk). 24 March 2019. Arkivert fra originalen 16 August 2022. Besøkt 16 August 2022.  Sjekk datoverdier i |arkivdato=, |besøksdato=, |dato= (hjelp)
  23. ^ Colic, Nina (22 May 2022). «Vučević: Problemi zbog neuvođenja sankcija Rusiji sve veći – Politika – Dnevni list Danas» (serbisk). Arkivert fra originalen 16 August 2022. Besøkt 16 August 2022.  Sjekk datoverdier i |arkivdato=, |besøksdato=, |dato= (hjelp)
  24. ^ Vojvodine, Javna medijska ustanova JMU Radio-televizija. «Vučević: Kosovo i Metohija su duhovni i državotvorni DNK našeg naroda i države». JMU Radio-televizija Vojvodine. Arkivert fra originalen 16 August 2022. Besøkt 16 August 2022.  Sjekk datoverdier i |arkivdato=, |besøksdato= (hjelp)
  25. ^ Vojvodine, Javna medijska ustanova JMU Radio-televizija. «Preminuo Zoran Vučević nekadašnji predsednik Skupštine grada Novog Sada». JMU Radio-televizija Vojvodine. Arkivert fra originalen 16 August 2022. Besøkt 16 August 2022.  Sjekk datoverdier i |arkivdato=, |besøksdato= (hjelp)
  26. ^ «VUČEVIĆ ponosan na CRNOGORSKO porijeklo: SRBIJA JE SPREMNA DA POMOGNE OPŠTINAMA U CRNOJ GORI». Mondo Crna Gora (engelsk). Arkivert fra originalen 17 May 2023. Besøkt 17 May 2023.  Sjekk datoverdier i |arkivdato=, |besøksdato= (hjelp)

Statsledere uten artikkel

  1. Raymond Ndong Sima - statsm. Gabon
  2. Bernardo Arévalo - pres. Guatemala
  3. Bah Oury - statsm. Guinea
  4. Rui Duarte de Barros - statsm. Guinea-Bissau
  5. Edgard Leblanc Fils - pres. Haiti
  6. Garry Conille - statsm. Haiti
  7. Ahmad Awad bin Mubarak - statsm. Jemen
  8. Hun Manet - statsm. Kambodsja
  9. Judith Suminwa - statsm. Den demokratiske republikken Kongo
  10. Mishal al-Ahmad al-Jaber al-Sabah - emir Kuwait
  11. Ahmad al-Abdullah al-Sabah - statsm. Kuwait
  12. Joseph Boakai - pres. Liberia
  13. Nangolo Mbumba - pres. Namibia
  14. Christopher Luxon - statsm. New Zealand
  15. Bola Tinubu - pres. Nigeria
  16. Gustavo Adrianzén - statsm. Peru
  17. Jeremiah Manele - statsm. Salomonøyene
  18. Carlos Vila Nova - pres. i São Tomé og Príncipe
  19. Patrice Trovoada - statsm. i São Tomé og Príncipe
  20. Bassirou Diomaye Faye - pres. i Senegal
  21. Ousmane Sonko - statsm. i Senegal
  22. Miloš Vučević - statsm. i Serbia
  23. David Sengeh - statsm. i Sierra Leone
  24. Tharman Shanmugaratnam - pres. i Singapore
  25. Lawrence Wong - statsm. i Singapore
  26. Dinesh Gunawardena - statsm. i Sri Lanka
  27. Abdel Fattah al-Burhan - form. for uavhengighetsrådet Sudan
  28. Osman Hussein - statsm. Sudan
  29. Han Duck-soo - statsm. Sør-Korea
  30. Hussein Arnous - statsm. Syria
  31. Phumtham Wechayachai - fung. statsmin. Thailand
  32. Keith Rowley - statsm. Trinidad og Tobago
  33. Mahamat Déby - pres. Tsjad
  34. Allamaye Halina - statsm. Tsjad
  35. Ahmed Hachani - tidl. statsm. i Tunisia
  36. Kamel Madouri - statsm. i Tunisia
  37. Feleti Teo - statsm. Tuvalu
  38. Robinah Nabbanja - statsm. Uganda
  39. Tô Lâm - pres. Vietnam
  40. Cho Jung-tai - statsm. Republikken Kina
  41. David Tiva Kapu - gen.guvernør Salomonøyene