As a query writer I want to provide a title for my query in order to provide more context to my query and make it easier to understand.
Queries (and especially embedded queries) don't give enough context to the query that is being shared. Embedded queries are very often shared on Twitter for example. We also default to embedded mode when copying the short URL to the result.
We want to provide a new special syntax ( #queryTitle: foo ) that editors can add to their queries. The argument of this special syntax will then be used as the title of the query. We already have similar special syntax to influence the default view of the result.
AND the query contains a comment defining the query title
WHEN viewing the query result in embedded or non-embedded mode
THEN the title is displayed at the top of the query
Acceptance criteria:
- title is displayed if and only if it is defined in the query
Original report:
WDQS report results, and especially those from embedded queries, would benefit from the ability to provide a title describing the contents of the report.
This is especially the case given the availability of the 'Short URL to result', which provides a link to an embed.html version of the report.
Consider$ ... what is it a report of? If you know how to get to the SPARQL and can understand it, you're good. If not then the report, without context, is mostly useless.
So, this feature request is for the provision of a Title parameter that can be included with the WDQS SPARQL (e.g. #title= ), allowing a title string to be associated with the SPARQL such that the title is displayed on report output - both when the output is viewed within the WDQS editing screen, and when the output is viewed via an embed.html rendition.