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Impulse Purchasing: A Literature Overview
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ASA University Review, Vol. 4 No. 2, July–December, 2010
Impulse Purchasing: A Literature Overview
Wahida Shahan Tinne
Impulse purchasing behavior is a mystery in marketing and in literature. Consumers themselves
named it as the deviation from standard, which explains a big sale of different goods every year.
At present when market competition is high and all types of companies apply promotion in their
activities, stimulation of impulse purchasing in the market of consumer goods may become a
strong competitive advantage. Evolution of impulse purchasing, process of consumer’s impulse
purchasing behavior, theoretical framework of impulse purchasing and various factors that
affect impulse purchasing are discussed in this paper. Several research of impulse purchasing
had been conducted both in Developed and Developing countries. Based on those researches,
four factors (consumer characteristics, store characteristics, situational factors and product
characteristics) are revealed which activate the impulse purchasing behavior and a new
impulse purchasing process is developed with these four influencing factors in this paper. As
there is no adequate research on this phenomenon, there is a scope to do quantitative research
on impulse purchasing traits in Bangladeshi consumers. Hopefully this paper will be helpful for
different retail stores, marketing managers and marketing graduates of Bangladesh to
understand the implementation of impulse purchasing.
Keywords: Consumer Buying Behavior, Impulse Purchasing Process, Consumer
Characteristics, Store Characteristics, Situational Factors, Product Characteristics
1. Introduction
1.1 Background
Why people choose one product or brand over another, how they make these choices, and how
companies use this knowledge to provide value to consumers are interesting phenomena of
consumer behavior. Churchill and Peter (1998) generated a model of the consumer buying
process including five steps: need recognition, information search, alternative evaluation,
purchase decision, and post-purchase evaluation. This consumer buying process is influenced by
social, marketing, and situational Factors (Churchill and Peter, 1998). Culture, subculture, social
class, family, reference groups, marketing mix, physical surroundings (store location,
merchandise display, store interior/exterior design, etc.), social surroundings (people’s
characteristics and roles, the way they interact, etc.), time, task, monetary conditions, and
momentary moods, etc. influence the consumers’ thoughts, feelings and actions in the consumer
buying process (Belk, 1975; Iyer, Park, and Smith, 1989; Churchill and Peter, 1998). Although
useful in explaining planned purchase situations, Churchill’s and Peter’s (1998) model does not
lend itself to explaining the process of impulse purchasing.
* Lecturer, Faculty of Business, ASA University Bangladesh

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1.2 Definition
An impulse purchase or impulse buy is an unplanned or otherwise spontaneous purchase. One
who tends to make such purchases is referred to as an impulse purchaser or impulse buyer.
Impulse items can be anything, a new product, samples or well-established products at surprising
low prices. Parboteeah (2005; based on Piron, 1991:512) performed concept analysis of impulsive
buying presented by scientists and introduced comprehensive definition of impulse purchasing:
Impulse buying is a purchase that is unplanned, the result of an exposure to a stimulus, and
decided on-the-spot. After the purchase, the customer experiences emotional and/or cognitive
From this definition, the first characteristic of an impulse buying is that it is an unplanned
purchase. The consumer decides to purchase the object on the spur of the moment, not in
response to a previously recognized problem. The second characteristic of impulse buying is the
exposure to the stimulus. The stimulus can be considered to be the catalyst which makes the
consumer be impulsive. The stimulus can be a piece of clothing, jewelry, or candy. The third
characteristic of impulse buying is the immediate nature of the behavior. The consumer makes a
decision on the spur of the moment without any evaluation of the consequences of making such a
purchase. Finally, the consumer experiences emotional and/or cognitive reactions, which can
include guilt or disregard for future consequences.
2. Evolution of Impulse Purchasing
The need to understand impulse buying in retail stores was first identified in the marketing
literature over fifty years ago (Clover, 1950). Baum (1951) addressed that consumer was
stimulated to impulse buying after they came into the store. Stern (1962) was the first scholar to
suggest four distinct types of impulse purchases namely - pure, reminder, suggestion, and planned
impulse buying. Rook (1987) argued successfully that impulse buying should be depicted it as
extraordinary, exciting, hedonically complex and compelled buyer action. Over the years,
impulse buying has also been made easier by innovations, such as credit cards, telemarketing, and
home shopping networks (Rook, 1987). Thomas (1997) pointed to two emotional shifts that affect
the buying habits - an increase in stress levels because consumers are out of their daily routine
and an increase in levels of anticipation and excitement. Beatty and Ferrell (1998) argued that
situational variables - time available and money available and individual difference variables
were found to influence a set of endogenous variables, including positive and negative affect and
so on.
Hausman (2000) stated negative estimation of impulsive purchasing behavior that rise from
negative definition of impulsiveness in psychology such as immaturity and lack of behavior
control or irrationality, risk and waste. Hausman (2000) explained that consumers buy goods
because of non economic reasons, such as fun, fantasy, social and emotional satisfaction which
help them to ignore the negative consequences of impulse purchasing. Retailers realize the
importance of this phenomenon, and through store layouts, product packaging, and in-store

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Impulse Purchasing: A Literature Overview
promotions, they have tried to get consumers to be impulsive in stores (Dholakia, 2000). In the
last decade, there is preliminary evidence that impulse buying is rampant in an online context
(Greenfield, 1999; Li et al., 2000). With the Internet, consumers’ buying opportunities have
expanded; as a consequence, Internet shoppers can be more impulsive than traditional shoppers
(Donthu and Garcia, 2000).
Koski (2004) stated that impulsive purchasing recently is a frequent virtual environment. The
stimulating main factors are - anonymity, easy accessibility, wider range of goods, promotion of
buying and direct marketing as well as usage of credit cards; limiting factors are - deferred
satisfaction, easy accessibility, bigger self-control, poor feeing of purchase environment,
possibility to compare prices and goods easily. Wood (2005) proposed that retailers should not
only care about the purchasing behavior in retail environment, but also understand consumer’s
society (consumers purchasing experience and characteristics of shopping environment) and
discretionary income. To satisfy individual’s social needs, consumer would make more impulse
buying which make them feel excited and gratified.
Childers and Peck (2006) started to address the times of touching with people by people would
make more impulse buying, they found customers touch more with salesmen; they would increase
the possibility of impulse buying. Wu (2006) presented comparison of excessive buying,
compulsive and impulsive buying that allows to state that impulsive buying differs from
excessive and compulsive buying in a consumer‘s motivation (in case of impulsive buying a
consumer tries to reach a positive effect and to satisfy hedonistic demands) and psychological
processes (in case of impulsive buying a consumer feels positive effect, concentrates attention on
good proximity and loses self-control). Summarizing it can be stated that the most important
characteristic of impulsive purchasing is that the behavior of impulsive buying appears as a
consumer’s response to a stimulus, experienced in purchase environment and that is immediate
decision and after purchase a consumer feels emotional and/or cognitive reactions (Virvilaite et.
al., 2009).
3. Process of Impulse Purchasing
Considering the nature of impulse buying, Churchill’s and Peter’s (1998) model has been
modified by the Kim (2003) to describe the impulse buying process by omitting several steps,
such as need recognition, information search, and alternative evaluation, and reclassifying
influencing factors (Figure 1). The impulse buying process starts with product awareness.
Impulse buyers begin browsing without having an intention to purchase a certain item or visiting
a certain store. As consumers browse, they are exposed to the stimuli, which triggers customers’
urge to buy on impulse. When impulse buyers feel the desire to buy, they make a purchase
decision without searching for information or evaluating alternatives. Then, consumers may
experience positive or negative consequences by the post-purchase evaluation after the purchase
on impulse. In this process, consumers are influenced by internal (mood/need/desire, hedonic
pleasure, cognitive/affective evaluation) and external factors (visual merchandising, window
display, in-store form display, floor merchandising, promotional signage) that trigger their
impulse purchase behavior. These factors provide information regarding new products, fashion
trends or coordination tips.

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Figure 1: A Model of Impulse Purchasing Process
Source: Kim, 2003
4. Explaining Impulse Purchasing through Theoretical Framework
Researchers from economics and psychology have proposed theoretical models or frameworks to
explain the impulse buying behavior. The six theoretical models or frameworks are the reference
point model proposed by Hoch and Loewenstein (1991), a model of impulse buying proposed by
Beattie, Dittmar and Friese (1995), a theoretical model of impulse buying proposed by Dittmar et
al. (1996), the two-factor cost-benefit accessibility framework proposed by Puri (1996), a model
of environment-shopper relationships proposed by McGoldrick et al. (1999), and Dholakia’s
(2000) integrated model of consumption impulse formation and enactment.
a. The Reference Point Model: Hoch and Loewenstein (1991) proposed that people are
less concerned with absolute attainments than with attainments relative to some
psychologically relevant comparison point. The benefits of immediate gratification
outweigh any future considerations such as monetary issues. Different situations include
physical proximity, temporal proximity, and social comparisons uphold impulse
purchasing (Hoch and Loewenstein, 1991). This model emphasizes consumer’s
perceptions of the product as well as shift in the consumer’s reference point when
predicting impulse buying. It has a major limitation in that it does not explain why certain
product categories are bought impulsively, while others are not.
b. A Model of Impulse Buying: Dittmar et al. (1995) proposed a model of impulse buying
to address the limitation of the previous model. The main assumption of this model is that
consumers no longer buy products only for their functional benefits, but also for their
Impulse Purchasing Process
Internal Factors/Cues:
Hedonic Pleasure
External Factors/Cues:
Visual Merchandising
Window Display
In-store Form Display
Floor Merchandising
Promotional Signage

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Impulse Purchasing: A Literature Overview
symbolic meanings as they give an indication of the social standing, wealth, and social
status of an individual. It was also found that women who are impulsive buyers tend to
purchase products that express their emotional and appearance concerns, while men who
are impulsive buyers tend to buy products that are more functional.
c. A Theoretical Model of Impulse Buying: Dittmar et al. (1996) provided again a more
comprehensive theoretical model of impulse buying that draws from self-completion,
materialism and self-discrepancy theory. Individuals undergo self-discrepancy which is
the difference between how an individual sees his or her self (the actual self) and how he
or she would ideally wish to be (the ideal self). In order to compensate discrepancies or
shortcomings, individuals use product acquisition as a self-completion strategy. The
model predicts variables such as an individual’s materialism, degree of self-discrepancies
and compulsive shopping tendencies will help to predict what types of products this
individual would typically buy. But this model fails to consider the aspects of the
situation in which the individuals are impulsive.
d. The Two-Factor Cost-Benefit Accessibility Framework: Puri (1996) proposed a two-
factor cost-benefit accessibility framework which addresses this limitation. It draws from
research on impulsiveness, self-control, and time inconsistent preferences and builds on a
hedonic framework, according to which an individual feels an irresistible urge to buy a
product when he or she is exposed to it. In situations where the benefits outweigh the
costs, the temptation to succumb to the felt urge is high and increase impulsiveness. Puri
(1996) refers to those individuals as hedonic. In contrast, when the costs of impulsiveness
are more salient than the benefits, the individual resists the urge, which decreases the
likelihood of any impulsive behavior. These individuals are known as prudent. The
interplay between the situational factors and the consumer’s propensity to be impulsive
determines the likelihood of impulsiveness.
e. A Model of Environment-Shopper Relationships: McGoldrick et al. (1999) proposed a
model of environment-shopper relationships. According to the model, there are two
moderators of the relationship between the environment and the customer response,
namely the customer’s socio-demographic characteristics and his or her cognitive
characteristics. For instance, in the case of seasonal sales, some consumers will be
looking forward to the savings they can make, while other consumers will only think
about the inconveniences of shopping in the sales, such as long lines and the crowd.
Consumer may avoid the post-purchase dissonance by considering information that is
congruent with the decision, such as the savings from a sale. However, the study
proposed by McGoldrick et al. (1999) has one serious limitation - the proposed model
only applied to seasonal sales, which limits the generalization of the findings.
f. An Integrated Model of Consumption Impulse Formation and Enactment: Dholakia
(2000) proposed one of the most detailed theoretical frameworks of impulse buying
process where impulsive behavior consists of three antecedents, namely the marketing
stimuli, situational factors (environmental factors: money and personal factors: mood)
and the impulsivity trait. The presence of one or more of these three factors is sufficient
to bring about the urge to buy spontaneously. When the consumer experiences the urge to
buy spontaneously, certain constraining factors - current impediments (money and time),
consideration of long-term deleterious consequences, and anticipatory emotions (negative

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emotions such as regret) deter impulse purchasing. If these restraining factors are present,
the consumer will experience conflict. In contrast, if there are no identified restraining
constraints, the consumer will respond to the urge and buy the product on-the-spot.
5. Factors Affecting Impulse Purchasing
5.1 Context of Developed and Developing Countries
Several research on impulse purchasing had been conducted in developed countries like America,
Canada, England, Norway, etc and developing countries like Thailand, China, Philippines, Korea,
Poland, Lithuania, Indonesia, India, Pakistan, etc. In those researches, consumer behavior and
marketing researchers have mainly focused on identifying the general factors that increase
impulse buying. These factors can be classified in four general categories, namely consumer
characteristics, store characteristics, situational factors, and product characteristics.
a. Consumer Characteristics: Consumer characteristics include any individual
characteristic or trait that increases the consumer’s propensity to be impulsive. These
characteristics include the consumer’s age, gender, culture, mood, materialism, shopping
enjoyment, impulsive buying tendency, and the perceived degree of self-discrepancies.
Age: It has been found to be an important determinant in predicting impulse
buying. Younger people face fewer risks when spending money. Impulse
purchase is at a higher level between age 18 to 39 and at a lower level thereafter
(Wood, 1998).
Gender: Women tend to be more impulsive than men (Dittmar et al., 1995). Men
and Women relate the material possession differently. Women preference is for
items related to elemental values for emotional and relationship reasons, while
men preference is for items related to leisure and finance for functional
instrumental reasons.
Culture: It has an influence on impulse buying both at the regional and
individual levels (Kacen and Lee, 2002).
Mood: An individual’s affective state or mood has been found to be an important
determinant of impulse buying, in that if an individual is in a good mood, he or
she tends to reward himself or herself more generously and therefore, tend to be
more impulsive (Beatty and Ferrell, 1998).
Materialism: The notion of materialism indicates that individuals who use
product acquisition as a self-completion strategy tend to be more impulsive
(Dawson and Richins, 1992).
Shopping Enjoyment: It is another variable, whereby individuals consider
shopping as a form of recreation, do not stick to a buying list, and therefore, tend
to make many impulsive purchases (Beatty and Ferrell, 1998).
Impulse Buying Tendency: It determines an individual’s propensity to buy
impulsively (Rook, 1987). Several researchers have tested and found support for
the relationship between this consumer trait and impulse buying (Beatty and
Ferrell, 1998).

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Impulse Purchasing: A Literature Overview
Self-discrepancy: Individuals who perceive self-discrepancy try to use material
goods to compensate the discrepancy, have impulse buying tendencies (Dittmar
et al., 1996).
b. Store Characteristics: Store characteristics include the store layout, the presence of
salesperson, the store atmospherics, and the store type.
Store Layout: Marketers should promote a good store layout to maximize the
convenience of the consumer (Crawford and Melewar, 2003).
Presence of Salesperson: A well-trained salesperson can decrease frustration by
guiding and aiding the consumer in the purchase process and activate impulse
buying behavior.
Store Atmospherics: Store managers can look at a number of environmental
design variables to increase stimulation in their shops. For example, fast-tempo
and high-volume music increase arousal levels, warm colors such as orange,
yellow and red are associated with elated arousal, and ambient scents such as
grape fruit or other citrus fragrances also increase stimulation levels of buying.
Store Type: Consumers tend to be impulsive in different stores. For example, it
has been shown that many impulse purchases result in grocery shops (Ahlawat
and Iyer, 1987).
c. Situational Factors: Situational factor refer to both environmental and personal factors
that are present when the consumer makes the impulse purchase (Dholakia, 2000). These
include the time available, money available, the presence of others, and in-store
Time: The time a consumer has for shopping determines whether he or she will
be impulsive. The more time an individual has, the longer time he or she will
spend browsing the shopping environment (Beatty and Ferrell, 1998).
Money: The availability of money is a facilitator in the impulse buying process
(Beatty and Ferrell, 1998), since it increases the purchasing power of the
individual. If the individual does not have enough money, he or she will avoid
the shopping environment altogether.
The Presence of Others: It can increase the likelihood of an impulse purchase
(Luo, 2004). For example, when individuals are in a group, they tend to eat more.
On the other hand, the presence of others can have a deterring effect on the
consumer, when he or she feels that the behavior will be perceived as being
irrational (Fisher and Rook, 1995). In those cases, the consumer will choose to
make the purchase when he or she is alone.
In-store Browsing: It has been found to be an important component of the
impulse buying process (Beatty and Ferrell, 1998). Browsers usually make more
unplanned purchases than non-browsers.
d. Product Characteristics: Certain products are bought more impulsively than others. The
likelihood that a product will be purchased on an impulse depends on the product
category and the product price.
Product Category: The marketing literature has proposed two categories of
products: hedonic products or functional products. Hedonic products are mainly
consumed for their hedonic benefits, while functional products are consumed for
their utilitarian benefits (Babin et al., 1994). It has been found that impulse

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buying occurs more in the case of hedonic products because of the symbolic
meaning they convey.
Product Price: It is an important determinant of impulse buying (Wong and
Zhou, 2003). More specifically, consumers tend to be more impulsive when there
are sales or product discounts, low marginal need for the item, short product life,
smaller sizes, and ease of storage.
5.2 Context of Bangladesh
If quantitative research is conducted in Bangladesh, similar factors can be revealed which will
trigger impulse buying behavior of Bangladeshi consumers. These factors should be implemented
in a strategy to increase impulse sales in the retail environment. Considering these factors of the
impulse purchasing, Kim’s (2003) model has been modified by omitting internal and external
stimuli and reclassifying the influencing factors. Consumer characteristics, store characteristics,
situational factors, and product characteristics are the new influencing factors in the impulse
purchasing process.
Figure 2: A New Model of Impulse Purchasing Process
Source: Adapted from Kim, 2003
6. Conclusion
Impulse purchasing does not match with rational decision making model of a consumer: when
need emerges, a consumer buys impulsively and does not search for alternatives. Various factors
such as consumer characteristics, store characteristics, situational factors, and product
characteristics have strong influence on consumer’s impulse purchasing behavior. Although
recently impulse buying is considered to be an unethical appeal to the consumers, in perspective
of marketers, it brings revenues rather than blame. In perspective of consumers, it should not be
that much negative aspect, because who have purchasing power, can spend their money according
to their wish. But post purchase dissonance should not be occurred due to impulse purchase. In
fact consumers sometimes love to purchase impulsively. So we have to consider both sides of
impulse purchasing. In Bangladesh, impulse purchase is a common affair, but we do not have
sufficient research on this phenomenon. In future, quantitative research of impulse purchasing can
be conducted on Bangladeshi consumers.
Impulse Purchasing Process

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Impulse Purchasing: A Literature Overview
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