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Yorkshire byleid

Frae Wikipedia, the free beuk o knawledge

The Yorkshire byleid is a byleid o Inglis spak in the coontie o Yorkshire in the north o Ingland. It is descendit fae Northumbrian Auld Inglis an is gey similar tae Scots in monie weys. It is aft cried "Tyke" or "braid Yorkshire" bi hameborn spaekers.

Exemples o the Yorkshire byleid whaun compared tae Scots an Inglis

[eedit | eedit soorce]
Scots West Riding Yorkshire English
The bairns wis oot playin. T'bairns wor aat laikin /bɛːnz wəɾ aːt leːkɪn/. The children were out playing.
Whit time wull it be? What time is it /wat taːɪ̯m ɪz ɪt/? What time is it?
It wis a rare day. It wor a grand day /ɪt wəɾ ə ɡɾand deː/. It was a great day.