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Zo stránky Wikicitáty
Toto je účet bota, ktorého spravuje redaktor Martin Kozák (Diskusia).

Nejde o bábkový účet, ale o technický účet, ktorý slúži na automatické alebo poloautomatické úpravy stránok Wikipédie.
Správcovia: ak bot nepracuje správne alebo spôsobuje problémy zablokujte ho.

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This account is a bot operated by Martin Kozák.

It is not a sock puppet, but rather an automated account for making repetitive edits that would be extremely tedious to do manually. Administrators: if this bot is malfunctioning or causing harm, please block it; normal users may report it to them.

Bot currently isn't approved.

The bot currently runs using Python Wikipediabot Framework.

Current tasks here:

  1. Completing the interwiki links through Wikiquotes.

You can contact for the owner for requests, questions, and queries by either leaving a message (prefered) or emailing them. Please be aware I may deny requests at my discretion without giving any reason. I am also sometimes on IRC.

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