Jun 22, 2024

Biblical Themes Series

The author is pleased to announce the release of two books, "Key Themes of the Old Testament" and "Key Themes of the New Testament" in the Biblical Themes Series. These books delve into the key theological themes present in both testaments, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of the underlying principles that shape the narratives and teachings found in the Bible
For those interested in exploring the theological significance of the Old and New Testaments, these books offer a valuable resource. Readers can purchase the books directly from Amazon by following the provided links, which will lead them to the respective pages where they can make their purchase and begin their journey into the rich theological themes that define these sacred texts
1. Key Themes of the Old Testament: A Survey of Major Theological Themes. Moncton, N.B.: Electronic Christian Media, 2013.

7 X 10 format, 366 pages. 
 Paperback Black & White  ISBN: 978-1478122692
Kindle Digital ASIN: B00GVYWVJC
For Further information SEE LINK.

2. The Key Themes of the New Testament: A Survey of Major Theological Themes. Moncton, N.B.: Electronic Christian Media, 2014

10 format, 441 pages. 
Paperback Black & White  ISBN: 978-1490922744
Kindle Digital ASIN: B00KP0UH94
For Further information SEE LINK.

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11. The Life of Jesus Christ. Updated and Revised Edition. Toronto, Ont.: Electronic Christian Media, 2016. Life of Biblical People Series 1. James M. Stalker Edited and Updated by David E. Graves.
6X9 format, 147 pages. 
Paperback Black & White. ISBN: 978-0994806062

For Further information SEE LINK

10. The Life of Saint Paul. Updated and Revised Edition. Toronto, Ont.:  Electronic Christian Media, 2016. Life of Biblical People Series 2. James M. Stalker Edited and Updated by David E. Graves.
6X9 format, 135 pages. 
Paperback Black & White. ISBN: 978-0994806055
Kindle Digital ASIN : ‎ B0CXPWSMBR

For Further information SEE LINK

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