Preliminary data review indicates that all systems performed nominally

Sea Launch announced today that it has released preliminary “Quick Look” payload unit (PLU) telemetry information to Intelsat S.A. and Space Systems Loral on June 8, 2012. The data covered the full mission profile from lift off at 22:23 Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) on Thursday, May 31st (05:23 UTC/GMT, Friday, June 1) through Spacecraft separation. Sea Launch successfully inserted and separated the spacecraft into its predefined orbit, but it was later reported that the spacecraft failed to deploy one of its two solar arrays.

The Sea Launch Payload Unit, built by Boeing Commercial Space Company, is heavily instrumented with accelerometers, pressure sensors, and microphones located throughout. All telemetry data obtained from the instrumentation has been processed and is of high quality.

“The preliminary data review indicates that all systems performed nominally throughout the launch profile including fairing and spacecraft separation. All parameters are well within environmental requirements as defined in the Spacecraft Interface Control Document and the Sea Launch User’s Guide and there is no indication of any re-contact during fairing or spacecraft separation events said Energia Logistics (ELUS) Chief Operating Officer Kirk Pysher. “Boeing engineers did note one unexpected event during the time period 72-73 seconds as registered on microphones and pressure sensors. We have only seen this one other time out of the 31 flights and while it is premature to speculate on its origin until further analysis is complete, it bears a striking resemblance to a prior Space Systems Loral mission.”

The Telstar 14/Estrela do Sul 1 communications satellite, launched on January 10, 2004 also experienced a failed deployment of one its solar arrays. The investigation panel formed provided its findings to the satellite and insurance communities. Sea Launch went on to perform seven successful flights of the FS-1300 spacecraft since that time.

Per standard process, ELUS has declared an In-Flight Observation (IFO) for the unexpected event and will investigate fully to determine the possible source of the event. The investigation will be headed by Richard W. Pudil, ELUS chief systems engineer and will include independent subject matter experts. “Although so far all indications are that the launch vehicle systems performed well within family and requirements, we will continue our analysis of the telemetry in a thorough and methodological manner, characteristic of the Sea Launch approach to Mission Assurance” Pudil said. “We look forward to supporting Intelsat and Space Systems Loral in an expeditious review of the Intelsat 19 spacecraft issue.”

About Sea Launch AG

Sea Launch AG, headquartered in Bern, Switzerland, provides launch solutions to the industry’s satellite operator community based on the Zenit launch system. These services include the provision of all-inclusive launch services as well as schedule assurance, financing, risk management; insurance and creative contracting solutions to meet the changing demands of the commercial launch market. Sea Launch AG owns and manages the primary technology, patent and other intellectual property and tangible assets of the company. These include the launch platform Odyssey and the Sea Launch Commander vessels located in the Home Port facility in Long Beach, California, and the unique know-how associated with launching satellites from an ocean-based launch platform located directly on the equator. The Sea Launch system offers the most direct and cost-effective route to geostationary orbit for commercial communications satellites, providing diversity of supply, affordability and flexibility for the industry’s satellite operators. For more information, please visit the Sea Launch website at:

About ELUS

Energia Logistics Ltd. (“ELUS”) is a Long Beach, CA affiliate of Energia Overseas Limited of Moscow, Russian Federation. Sea Launch AG contracts directly and exclusively with Energia Logistics Ltd. as its technical partner for the delivery and execution of Sea Launch Zenit-3SL launch services. ELUS provides a suite of engineering services and management to Sea Launch AG in support of its Sea Launch Zenit-3SL launch system, launching from the ocean-based Odyssey launch platform, launching directly on the equator in international waters at 154 degrees West longitude.


Peter Stier, +1 562 499 4726, [email protected]

Media Contact: Peter Stier Sea Launch AG, +1 (562) 499-4726, [email protected]