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APG II (2003) je skraćenica za klasifikaciju skrivenosemenica koju je objavila 2003. godine grupa za istraživanje filogenije skrivenosemenica (Angiosperm Phylogeny Group, APG).

Klasifikaciona shema

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Bazalne grupe

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monokotiledone biljke (Monocots)

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Prave dikotiledone biljke (Eudicots)

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  • taksoni nepoznate pripadnosti
    • Aneulophus Benth.
    • Apodanthaceae van Tieghem ex. Takhtajan in Takhtajan (1997) [sa tri roda]
    • Bdallophyton Eichl.
    • Balanophoraceae Rich. (1822), nom. cons.
    • Centroplacus Pierre
    • Cynomorium L. [Cynomoriaceae Lindl. (1833),nom. cons.]
    • Cytinus L. [Cytinaceae A.Rich. (1824)]
    • Dipentodon Dunn [Dipentodontaceae Merr.(1941), nom. cons.]
    • Gumillea Ruiz & Pav.
    • Hoplestigma Pierre [Hoplestigmataceae Engl.&Gilg (1924), nom. cons.]
    • Leptaulus Benth.
    • Medusandra Brenan [Medusandraceae Brenan (1952), nom. cons.]
    • Metteniusa H.Karst. [Metteniusaceae H.Karst.ex. Schnizl. (1860–1870)]
    • Mitrastema Makino [Mitrastemonaceae Makino (1911), nom. cons.]
    • Pottingeria Prain [Pottingeriaceae (Engl.) Takht.1987)
    • Rafflesiaceae Dumort. (1829), nom. cons. [sa tri roda]
    • Soyauxia Oliv.
    • Trichostephanus Gilg


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  • Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (2003). An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG II. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 141: 399-436. Available online.