Leaders in Community Wikipedia training

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Revision as of 16:43, 4 October 2017 by Richard Nevell (WMUK) (talk | contribs) (Don't need contact details here any more)
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Basic information

  • Date: Postponed due to a problem with the venue
  • Twitter details: @wikimediauk
  • Participants: About 10 young people aged 15 to 18

Trainee information

Leaders in Community is a voluntary organisation aimed at young people in Tower Hamlets. The charity seeks to "empower young people in leadership and governance through creative learning in project development, management, fundraising and leadership skills".

The course will be run by experienced Wikipedians who will provide all the necessary instruction to get you going. The workshop agenda has not been finalised yet, but will follow the outline below:

  • Basics of editing
  • User space: user page; talk page; sandbox; edit summaries
  • Practical work - 1-on-1 and small group work (sandbox)
  • Plenary discussion - making and editing articles
  • Sources, referencing, WP:V
  • Wikipedia, Commons, WikiProjects
  • Practical work - 1-on-1 and small group work
  • Plenary discussion - What's next; Help!

This should be an extremely interesting and entertaining workshop, which will give you greater insight into how Wikipedia works and is put together and provide new skills for working with Wikipedia.

Trainer information


If you are interested in attending this workshop please sign up below:


  • There will be about 10 trainees present
  • Expenses will be covered by the host organisation.
  • Venue is an IT suite with - Wifi, computers, projector and an interactive board