Service intended
����All Stainless Steel Vibration-proof Pressure gauge could measure the pressure of the corrosion gas and
liquid or be applied to the occasion with dynamic load and vibration.
����General Vibration-proof Pressure gauge is applied to the occasion with dynamic load and vibration or to
measure the pressure of gas and liquid which can not corrode copper alloy.
����All Stainless Steel Inside bayonet Corrosion-proof pressure gauge could measure the pressure of the
corrosion gas and liquid or be applied to the corrupt occasion.
ִ�б� GB/T1226-2001
�DZ�����ֱ�� 100mm��150mm
���ȵȼ� 1.5%����1%��ѡ��
������Χ -0.1MPa -100 MPa (�ͺ�ѡ������̴����)
�����ȼ� IP55
�������������¶� -40�桫70��, +200�棻
�������� M20 (M20X1.5) ������ѡ�ͱ�
�DZ���� SUS304 ��ɫ�����ѡ�����ڿ�ʽ�ֿ�
�DZ���ͷ SUS316 ��ɫ��22x22������Ͳģ�
���ǹ� SUS316 벻�����
�DZ���о 304�����
�DZ����� �DZ�ƽ�岣����˫�㰲ȫ������ѡ��
YTH-63. AO. 501 (YTF-63H)
YTH-63. AH. 501 (YTF-63H)
YTH-63. BO. 501 (YTF-63H)
YTH-63. BT. 501 (YTF-63H)
YTH-100. AO. 501 (YTF-100H)
YTH-100. AH. 501 (YTF-100H)
YTH-100. BO. 501 (YTF-100H)
YTH-100. BT. 501 (YTF-100H)
YTH-150.AO. 501 (YTF-150H)
YTH-150.AH. 501 (YTF-150H)
YTH-150.BO. 501 (YTF-150H)
YTH-150.BT. 501 (YTF-150H)