Charlie Cox voices Matt Murdock in animated Disney+ series on young Spider-Man
Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man is an upcoming animated superhero TV series created by Jeff Trammell for Disney+. It is based on the Marvel comics character of the same name and follows the origin story of a teenaged Peter Parker dealing with his newfound Spider-Man identity while mentored by Norman Osborne. The series is set in a separate reality from the main Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) timeline, where Norman Osborn assumes the role of Peter Parker's guide rather than Tony Stark. Trammell, known for his work on animated titles like Craig of the Creek and The Owl House, brings his expertise to Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. Collaborating with him once again is Stu Livingston, who has worked alongside Trammell on those very projects and directs on Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. A follow-up series titled Spider-Man: Sophomore Year is also in development.
Charlie Cox is part of the voice cast portraying the beloved Matt Murdock/Daredevil alongside Paul F. Tompkins as Bentley Wittman. Many celebrated characters within the Spider-Man universe are featured in the series including May Parker, Norman and Harry Osborne, Jean Foucault, Otto Octavius/Doctor Octopus and Stephen Strange/Doctor Strange, just to name a few.