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Welcome To al-Qubayba - القبيبه (אל-קובייבה)

District of Jerusalem
Occupied days ago


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Picture for al-Qubayba Village - Palestine: : An old general view, disregard what is written on the picture. This is not Emmous. Matson Collection.
Gallery (73)
Statistic & Fact Value
Distance From District 12 km northwest Jerusalem
Elevation 783 meters
Before & After Nakba, Click Map For Detailswhat's new
Pre-Nakba Map showing before and after destruction
Land Ownership
Ethnic Group Land Ownership (Dunums)*
Arab 3,181
Jewish 0
Public 3
**Total 3,184
*Sourced from British Mandate's Village Statisitics
**Town Lands' Demarcation Maps
Land Usage
As of 1945
Land Usage Arab (Dunum)*
Irrigated & Plantation 534
Olive Groves 34
Planted W/ Cereal 1,032
Built up 22
Arable 1,566
Non-Arable 1,596
*Sourced from British Mandate's Village Statisitics
Lands usurped within armistice area 10 Dunums
Year Population*
1922 236
1931 316
1945 420
1961 701
1982 688
1987 1,298
1997 1,533
2005 2,008
2007 1,915
*Sourced from British Mandate's Village Statisitics
Near By Townswhat's new
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Bayt Ijza
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