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Welcome To Kafr Saba - كفر سابا (כפר סאבא)

District of Tulkarm
Ethnically cleansed days ago


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Picture for Kafr Saba Village - Palestine: : Backside of Kafr Saba's School, now municipality building
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Statistic & Fact Value
Occupation Date May 15, 1948
Distance From District 16.5 (km) Southeast of Tulkarm
Elevation 50 (meters)
Before & After Nakba, Click Map For Detailswhat's new
Pre-Nakba Map showing before and after destruction
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Pre-Nakba Aerial View
Map Location See location #17 on the map

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Military Operation Coastal Clearing
Attacking Units Alexandroni Brigade
Defenders Local militia & Arab Liberation Army
Exodus Cause Military assault by Zionist troops
Village Temains Kafr Saba was completely defaced with the exception of its two shrines, the school, and ruins of the village cemetery.
Ethnically Cleansing Kafr Saba inhabitants were completely ethnically cleansed.
Land Ownership
Ethnic Group Land Ownership (Dunums)*
Arab 6,019
Jewish 3,144
Public 525
**Total 9,688
*Sourced from British Mandate's Village Statisitics
**Town Lands' Demarcation Maps
Land Usage
As of 1945
Land Usage Arab (Dunum)* Jewish (Dunum)*
Citrus Groves 1,026 1,199
Irrigated & Plantation 355 224
Olive Groves 30 0
Planted W/ Cereal 4,662 1,675
Built up 26 0
Arable 6,043 3,098
Non-Arable 475 46
*Sourced from British Mandate's Village Statisitics
Year Population*
19th century 800
1922 546
1931 765
1945 1,270
1948 1,473
Est. Refugees 1998 9,047
*Sourced from British Mandate's Village Statisitics
Number of Houses In (1931): 169 (includes 'Arab al-'Ubaydat)
Near By Townswhat's new

Town's Name Through History The Crusades referred to Kafr Saba by Caphar Saba, and the Romans called it Kapharseb.
Schools Kafr Saba had one elementary school for boys which remain standing.
Shrines / Maqams The village has two shrines: the 1st is for al-Nabi Yamin and the 2nd for al-Nabi Yahya (John the Baptist, see 'Ayn Karim, Jerusalem for more details). Both shrines remain standing, see Pictures section for details.
Archeological Sites One Mosque
Exculsive Jewish Colonies
Who Usurped Village Lands
Newe Yamin, Nir Eliyyahu, & the Israeli City of Kefar Sava.
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Village Today

According to the Palestinian historian Walid Khalidi, the village remaining structures on the village land are:
The village site has been used for the construction of new residential quarters within an industrial area that is part of the settlement of Kefar Sava. Some of the old village houses have survived destruction and are located today within the settlement; a number of them are used as commercial buildings. The two shrines, the school, and the ruins of the village cemetery remain
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