Aa Acca Study Hub Resources
Aa Acca Study Hub Resources
Aa Acca Study Hub Resources
Visual Overview
Key Point
The objective of an external audit is to express an opinion (in terms of truth and
fairness) on whether the financial statements are prepared, in all material
respects, in accordance with an identified reporting framework (e.g. International
Financial Reporting Standards) and the relevant law.
Statutory audits (i.e. carried out according to statutory provisions) became mandatory for
companies in the UK in 1900. The auditor was required to be independent of the company,
hence an external auditor.
Initially, the purpose of an audit was to detect fraud, technical errors and errors of principle.
However, as the size and complexity of companies grew, case law developed the principle
that it was unreasonable to expect auditors to detect all aspects of fraud, even though they
were expected to exercise reasonable skill and care.
As companies grew, with many becoming international organisations, it became
impracticable for auditors to verify the 100% accuracy of financial records. So the audit of
financial statements became an attestation (substantiation, testimony) of their credibility (i.e.
Key Point
The general provisions for external audit typically contained in company law are
discussed in Chapter 2.
1.2.0 Introduction
2.0 Introduction
An external audit provides confidence in the integrity of corporate reporting for the
benefit of stakeholders and society by providing an external and objective view of the
statutory financial statements. Specifically, the audit enhances the degree of confidence
of the shareholders in the financial statements.
Exam advice
2.2.1 Stewardship
Stewardship is the practice of managing another person's property. Directors and other
managers of an entity have the responsibility of stewardship for the property of that
entity, which the shareholders own.
Activity 1 Stewardship
2.3.5 Materiality
The auditor is not responsible for detecting misstatements that are not
material to the financial statements.
Key Point
Key Point
The auditor should plan and perform (i.e. conduct) the audit with an attitude
of professional scepticism, recognising that circumstances may exist that
will cause a material misstatement in the financial statements.
The phrases “present fairly, in all material respects” and “give a true and
fair view” are equivalent.
Sign auditor's After the directors have approved the financial statements,
report the auditor signs the auditor's report. The audit opinion will
usually be unmodified but may need to be modified.
Chapter 30
The framework defines and describes the elements and objectives of assurance
engagements, including audits and reviews of historical financial information and other
assurance engagements.
In a review engagement, the evidence obtained is through enquiry and analytical review.
This is sufficient to enable only limited assurance to be given.
There is a wide range of limited assurance engagements:
Reviews of historical financial information (e.g. providing assurance on the reported
receivables figure of an acquisition target);
Providing assurance on non-financial matters (e.g. environmental performance indicators in
a company’s annual report).
Activity 4 Assurance
State and explain the form of assurance that could be given on a company's code of
business ethics.
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
The procedures used to gather evidence and the reports issued will vary depending on
the level of assurance required.
Key point
Key point
Although the standards for review engagements are not examinable documents,
you should understand the concept of reviews within the general assurance
Review Report To . . .
We have reviewed the accompanying statement of financial position of
ABC Company at 31 December 20X1, and the related statements of
comprehensive income and cash flows for the year then ended.
These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's
management. Our responsibility is to issue a report on these financial
statements based on our review.
We conducted our review in accordance with the International Standard on
Review Engagements 2400 Engagements to Review Financial
Statements. This standard requires that we plan and perform the review to
obtain moderate assurance as to whether the financial statements are free
of material misstatement. A review is limited primarily to inquiries of
company personnel and analytical procedures applied to financial data,
and thus provides less assurance than an audit.
We have not performed an audit and, accordingly, we do not express an
audit opinion.
Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to
believe that the accompanying financial statements do not present fairly, in
all material respects (give a true and fair view of) in accordance with
International Financial Reporting Standards.
Signature Date Address
1 Syllabus Coverage
Syllabus Coverage
1 Technical Articles
Technical Articles
ACCA provide technical articles and other resources to guide and help students.
There are no technical articles available at the time of writing (November 2022) related
to this chapter.
For more recent articles and other resources please visit the ACCA global website.
2.1.2 Mechanisms
1.2 Mechanisms
2.3.1 IAASB
The International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) is an independent
standard-setting body that serves the public interest by setting high-quality international
standards for auditing, assurance, and other related areas.
The objective of the IAASB is to improve the uniformity of auditing practices and related
services throughout the world by issuing pronouncements (e.g. ISAs) on audit and
assurance functions and promoting their acceptance worldwide.
2.3.2 IESBA
The International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA) is an independent
standard-setting body that serves the public interest by setting robust ethics standards
for professional accountants worldwide, including auditor independence requirements.
The IESBA has two objectives:
To develop guidance on professional ethics and promote its understanding and acceptance
by member bodies.
To continually monitor and stimulate debate on a wide range of ethical issues to ensure that
IFAC's ethical guidance (issued by the IESBA) is responsive to the expectations and
challenges of individuals, businesses, financial institutions and others relying on
accountants' work.
2.3.3 IAESB
The objective of the International Accounting Education Standards Board (IAESB) is to
develop guidance, conduct research and facilitate the exchange of information to
ensure that accountants are adequately trained to meet their responsibilities.
2.3.4 IPSASB
The International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (IPSASB) works to
improve public sector financial reporting worldwide by developing international accrual-
based accounting standards for use by governments and other public sector entities.
2.3.1 Structure
3.1 Structure
Exam advice
The Code of Ethics, most ISAs and ISAE 3000 Assurance Engagements Other
Than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information are examinable
documents (see Chapter 00).
Ethical Requirements Relating to an Audit of Financial Statements
Professional Skepticism
Professional Judgment
Sufficient Appropriate Audit Evidence and Audit Risk
Conduct of an Audit in Accordance with ISAs
Application and Other Explanatory Material
An Audit of Financial Statements
Ethical Requirements Relating to an Audit of Financial Statements
Professional Skepticism
Professional Judgment
Sufficient Appropriate Audit Evidence and Audit Risk
......................................................................................................................................................... A30
Conduct of an Audit in Accordance with ISAs
........................................................................................................................................................ A55–
2.3.3 Development
3.3 Development
Because of the importance of the company's external auditor and his relationships with
directors and shareholders, the role of audit and duties of the auditor are often explicitly
laid down in statute. Hence, the external auditor is often referred to as a statutory
Statutory regulations cover, for example:
Requirement for audited accounts and audit exemption.
Eligibility and requirements to become and remain statutory auditors.
Appointment, removal or resignation of auditors.
Auditors' reports, duties and rights.
Monitoring of auditors.
Rights of shareholders to raise audit concerns at the company's annual general
meeting of shareholders (AGM).
Liability of auditors.
Requirement of specific reports (e.g. for annual audits, interim financial statements
for listed companies and accounts of small companies).
In many jurisdictions the requirements for entities (listed, private, public, etc) to be
audited are set out in statute.
Suggest FOUR reasons why a small company may require an audit and provide
counter-arguments to those reasons.
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
Argument for audit Counter-argument
Exam advice
Although statutes lay down requirements for external auditors, the RSBs
implement them.
Accounting records:
the records of initial accounting entries and supporting records (e.g. records of
electronic fund transfers, invoices, contracts);
the general and subsidiary ledgers, journal entries and other adjustments to
the financial statements that are not reflected in formal journal entries; and
records such as work sheets and spreadsheets supporting cost allocations,
computations, reconciliations and disclosures.
4.5.2 Rights
An auditor cannot fulfil statutory duties without commensurate rights (which must also
be legislated). For example:
To have access to the books, accounts, and vouchers at all times.
To require from company officers any information and explanations considered necessary
for the audit.
To have unrestricted access to persons within the entity from whom the auditor determines it
necessary to obtain audit evidence.
To receive notice of, attend and be heard at the general meeting of the company on
business which concerns them as an auditor (e.g. a resolution to remove them from office).
Also, the auditor may have rights associated with his vacation of office (e.g. by
resignation or removal) to bring matters to the attention of shareholders and creditors
(e.g. if the auditor is removed because he gives a qualified audit opinion or if he resigns
because he is not given access to necessary information).
The shareholders are ultimately responsible for the appointment of the external
In most jurisdictions, auditors are appointed by the shareholders to whom they report.
The process may be delegated to directors (or, under corporate governance, to a
supervisory or audit committee) and then approved by the shareholders.
Typically, the appointment is for one year. The auditors will then offer themselves for re-
appointment (e.g. at the AGM) to be voted on by the shareholders. Re-appointment is
not automatic.
The auditor's remuneration is generally fixed by whoever makes the appointment. In
practice, the shareholders usually delegate the negotiation of this to the directors or,
under corporate governance procedures, to be recommended by the audit committee
(see Chapter 3).
The audit appointment process is detailed later in Chapter 5.
Exam advice
In addition to the statutory audit, many jurisdictions place statutory duties upon
auditors in other areas related to companies (e.g. reporting on internal controls,
reporting on directors' remuneration statements, reporting on the ability to
distribute reserves, reporting on the ability to buy back shares). Apart from the
statutory audit, all other statutory duties of the auditor are beyond the scope of the
4.7.2 At Point of Re-election
If for whatever reason, an auditor no longer wishes to act for a client after the end of a
current appointment, he simply does not stand for re-election after completing the
annual audit.
As a matter of professional courtesy, the auditor will usually have discussed with
management the decision not to seek re-appointment in good time to allow a
replacement to be proposed for appointment at the AGM.
Exam advice
The auditor cannot provide absolute assurance in an audit because of the inherent
limitations of external audits. These inherent limitations arise from:
the nature of financial reporting;
the nature of audit procedures; and
the need for the audit to be conducted within a reasonable period and at a reasonable cost.
2 Syllabus Coverage
Syllabus Coverage
2 Technical Articles
Technical Articles
ACCA provide technical articles and other resources to guide and help students.
There are no technical articles available at the time of writing (November 2022) related
to this chapter.
For more recent articles and other resources please visit the ACCA global website.
Exam advice
Identify FOUR stakeholders (participants), their relationship and their needs for a
distinct business entity.
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
1. Shareholders make an equity investment in the company and expect share investment
growth and dividend distributions.
2. Banks provide loans and expect to be repaid.
3. Executive management and employees provide services to an entity and expect to be
paid for the services and to receive various employee benefits.
4. Suppliers provide goods and services and expect to be paid for them.
5. Other companies with cross-holding interests have a vested interest and can significantly
influence the corporate behaviour of the entity.
6. National and local governments provide services to the entity and society and need to
receive revenue through taxation.
3.1.2 Objective
1.2 Objective
3.1.3 Relevance
1.3 Relevance
Virtually all corporate governance regulations are aimed at listed companies, where the
separation of ownership and control/management have, in several notorious cases (e.g.
Enron, Royal Bank of Scotland, Lehman Brothers), caused severe losses to the
shareholders through mismanagement of company resources, missed opportunities and
poor decision-making or fraudulent activities (including misleading and dishonest
financial reporting).
3.1.4 Importance
1.4 Importance
Research has shown that entities that take good corporate governance practice
seriously are more prosperous over the long term than entities which do not.
Analysts and policymakers agree that improving corporate governance is crucial to a
company's ability to generate sustainable growth in the future.
There is a risk that weak corporate governance will lead to financial losses, both for
entities and shareholders. Strong corporate governance helps reduce this risk.
The mission of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
is to promote policies designed to improve the economic and social well-being of people
around the world.
In 1999, the OECD released its Principles of Corporate Governance. The Principles are
an international corporate governance benchmark. They were last revised in 2015 to
account for recent developments in the corporate sector and capital markets.
The Principles focus on publicly-traded companies but can be used to improve
corporate governance in all companies.
These non-binding Principles provide a reference point for developing legal and
regulatory frameworks for corporate governance and corporate governance policies by
market participants.
Exam advice
The following is an extract from Tesco PLC Annual Report and Financial
Statements 2022:
The Group is led by an effective and committed Board, with a culture of openness
and transparency at Board meetings. As at the date of this report, the Board
comprises 13 Directors with a wide range of knowledge and experience from a
variety of sectors. Our values and leadership behaviours are a vital part of our
culture, helping us ensure that through our conduct we do the right thing for the
business and our stakeholders.
Key Point
NEDs should:
have sufficient time to meet their board responsibilities;
provide constructive challenge and strategic guidance, offer specialist advice, and hold
management to account.
The board, supported by the company secretary (the most senior compliance officer),
should ensure that it has the policies, processes, information, time, and resources to
function effectively and efficiently.
All Board and senior management appointments are viewed through a diversity
lens and are based on merit and objective criteria, which focus on the skills and
experience required for the Board’s effectiveness and the delivery of the Group
strategy. Board appointments are made following a rigorous and transparent
process facilitated by the Nominations Committee, with the aid of an external
search consultancy firm.
The composition of the Board, Board Committees and the Group Executive
Committee (ExCo) is regularly reviewed by the Nominations Committee. It
frequently considers the skills required for the Board, its Board Committees
and the ExCo, identifying the core competencies, diversity and experience
required. This, along with the annual effectiveness evaluation, helps to
refresh the thinking on Board, Board Committee and ExCo composition
and to determine a timeline for proposed new appointments.
2.4.5 Remuneration
Remuneration policies and practices should support strategy and promote long-term
success. Executive remuneration should be:
aligned to company purpose and values; and
linked to the successful delivery of the company’s long-term strategy.
A formal and transparent procedure for developing policy on directors’ remuneration
and senior management remuneration should be established through a remuneration
committee of independent NEDs. (Again, with a minimum membership of three, or only
two for smaller companies.)
No director should be involved in deciding their remuneration outcome.
Directors should exercise independent judgment and discretion when authorising
remuneration outcomes, considering company and individual performance and wider
Even with the growing prevalence of corporate governance codes designed to reduce
the risk of corporate governance failure that leads to significant shareholder losses,
there are still incidences of failure to adequately control and manage a corporation.
The responsibility for good corporate governance lies with TCWG, usually the board of
High profile corporate governance failure should lead to lessons learnt in the continuing
development of corporate governance codes. There should be a reduction of the risk of
corporate failure with increased compliance with applicable governance codes.
The following is an extract from the article “Thomas Cook was brought down by
incompetence, not boardroom greed” published in The Guardian 29 September
Almost a week after the collapse of Thomas Cook, the cost of failure looks as
severe as feared. Repatriating 150,000 holidaymakers could mean a bill of
£100m. Hoteliers have to be compensated, probably to the tune of tens of millions
of pounds. And the biggest cost involves refunding customers for future bookings.
Exhibit 7 Thomas Cook Collapse
The whole bundle could run to £500m. The travel industry has an insurance
scheme, but taxpayers could still be on the hook for a shortfall.
Auditors also need to be aware of their critical role in corporate governance and
maintain the necessary independence to carry out duties with sufficient levels of
scepticism and professional judgement.
Exhibit 8 Carillion Collapse
The following is an extract from the Financial Times article “KPMG sued for
£1.3bn over Carillion audit”, February 2022:
KPMG has been sued for £1.3bn by the liquidators of Carillion, who claim the
auditor missed “red flags” that the UK outsourcer’s accounts were misstated and
that the group was insolvent more than two years before it collapsed.
Exam advice
The following is an extract from the Executive Summary of the FRC’s “Review of
Corporate Governance Reporting”, November 2021:
One of our major concerns last year was that companies were failing to disclose
non-compliance with the Code. As a result, we issued Improving the quality of
“comply or explain” reporting. This guidance confirmed that the comply or explain
approach supports non-compliance when accompanied with an effective
During the audit of a new client, you listed the following corporate governance practices
used by your client.
Yes/No Recommendation:
8. Management is required to
assess the effectiveness of internal
controls on an annual basis. 9.
3.3.1 Introduction
3.1 Introduction
For a listed company, an audit committee is how the board establishes "formal and
transparent arrangements" to meet the corporate reporting and risk management and
internal control principles. It is also best practice for unlisted and other entities.
An audit committee should comprise at least three independent NEDs (two for a
smaller company).
At least one member must have recent and relevant financial experience.
As a whole, the committee must have competence relevant to the sector in which
the company operates.
Key Point
The following is an extract from the Annual Report and Accounts 2021 of
The Sage Group plc:
The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) Guidance on Audit Committees supports the
Code by providing examples of best practices concerning audit committees.
Of the four committees mentioned explicitly by the Code – audit, nominations,
remuneration and risk – the audit committee is probably the most central to the
appropriate functioning of corporate governance.
The audit committee should have competence relevant to the company’s sector.
3.3.3 Role and Responsibilities
3.3 Role and Responsibilities
The primary role and responsibilities of the audit committee, which must be set out in
published written terms of reference, are to:
Monitor the integrity of the financial statements and review significant financial
reporting judgments contained in them.
Advise the board on whether the annual report is fair, balanced and understandable
and provides the information necessary for users to assess the company's
performance, business model and strategy.
Review the internal financial controls, internal control and risk management systems
unless expressly addressed by:
o a separate board risk committee composed of independent NEDs; or
o the board itself.
Monitor and review the effectiveness of the internal audit function. If there is no
internal audit, consider annually if there is a need for internal audit and make that
recommendation to the board. The role of internal audit in corporate governance is
explored in Chapter 14.
Make recommendations to the board to put to the shareholders for their approval in
general meeting regarding the appointment, re-appointment and removal of the
external auditor.
Review and monitor the external auditor's independence and objectivity and the
effectiveness of the audit process.
Develop and implement policy on the external auditor's engagement to supply non-
audit services, taking into account relevant ethical guidance (see Chapter 4).
Key Point
3.4.1 Benefits
Audit committees:
Provide effective and informed oversight in helping to ensure market, public and
stakeholder confidence in high-quality financial reporting. Effective audit committees:
o need to be able to investigate issues on their initiative, rather than as directed by
the CEO;
o must be clear about what they need to know and determined to receive the
information they require;
o should act as a significant deterrent and minimise the opportunities for fraud to
be carried out undetected.
Enable the board to delegate a thorough and detailed review of audit matters, both internal
and external, to enhance external confidence in the entity.
Enable NEDs to contribute independent judgment on issues of critical importance in running
the business (e.g. investment decisions, risk analysis) and play a positive role in areas for
which their skills are particularly fitted.
Offer the external and internal auditors a direct, formal link with NEDs. It also results in
informal communications with the NEDs.
3.4.2 Limitations
Audit committees may be seen as an unnecessary legal or regulatory burden placed upon
the board: "We know how to run the company without anybody else telling us what to do".
The demands and expectations on the time and expertise of NEDs are such that suitable
candidates are harder to find. The audit committee is expected to meet regularly and
provide a high-level oversight function that may lead to detailed work (e.g. if there is unease
about management's accounting estimates, the committee may need to seek external
The risks and burden of responsibility placed on audit committee members may result in a
sense that the "reward is not worth the effort" or rather that the risks are too high. The
overall ability of the audit committee may therefore be less than what is required.
Audit committees come at a price. The advantages of having one must be effectively used
to ensure appropriate cost benefit (e.g. enhancing public credibility or providing an
experienced "sounding board" for the executive directors).
Audit committees will only be effective where they can operate as intended by the various
governance codes. Anything less than respect and understanding of their role by the board
of directors, together with unfettered access to all information, will diminish that
3 Syllabus Coverage
Syllabus Coverage
This chapter covers the following Learning Outcomes.
3 Technical Articles
Technical Articles
ACCA provide technical articles and other resources to guide and help students.
There are no technical articles available at the time of writing (November 2022) related
to this chapter.
For more recent articles and other resources please visit the ACCA global website
Objective: To explain the ACCA Code of Ethics and Conduct, which students and
members of ACCA must comply with.
1.1 Complying with the Code
Key Point
Activity 1 Integrity
Key Point
Key Point
Key Point
The framework requires professional accountants to consider the threats they face and
to match those threats with the appropriate action. It is not a set of rigid rules in a fixed
If identified threats are not at an “acceptable level”, the professional accountant must
implement safeguards to eliminate the threats or reduce them to an acceptable level so
that compliance with the fundamental principles is not compromised.
1. Breuger Co has offered the auditor an additional fee for issuing an unmodified
audit opinion for the current reporting year.
Example 1 Self-interest Threats
2. Douglas Lu, the auditor of Ayeland Bank, is also a customer of the bank.
Ayeland Bank has offered Douglas Lu preferential rates on his loan and
overdraft facilities.
3. Tucker Chartered Accountants, a relatively new audit firm, is conducting the
audit for Tubbletown Co. During a recent conversation, Tubbletown’s CEO
wished Tucker success in its future ventures and promised to take up the offer
of non-audit services from Tucker if an unmodified audit opinion is issued on
completion of the audit.
1. Dregger & Co, currently appointed as the auditor of Turnbally Co, was
previously engaged by Turnbally Co to design and implement its digitalised
financial control system.
2. Mariana, the audit manager for the statutory audit of Ruger Co, was previously
engaged as a non-executive director of Ruger and the chair of Ruger’s audit
1. Pally & Co has been asked to make representations supporting its audit client,
Baroo Co, in applying for loan facilities from a consortium of banks because
Pally & Co had issued unmodified opinions on Baroo’s financial statements for
a few years.
2. Balsyer Co, impressed with the quality of work performed by TT Chartered
Accountants on its statutory audit, has invited TT to be its reporting
accountants for its upcoming initial public offering (IPO) and accompanying
promotions to institutional investors.
Key Point
1. The CEO of Rublus Co is also the wife of the engagement partner for the
company’s statutory audit.
2. Patrick, a former partner in Delim & Co has joined Pack Co as finance
director. Patrick was the audit engagement partner of Pack Co in previous
years and Delim & Co is still Pack Co’s auditor this year.
1. The finance director of Belmont Co has informed the auditor that the company
might start looking for a new auditor in the event of an unfavourable audit
2. Balsi Co’s management has informed the auditor, Truf & Co, that it would hold
Truf & Co liable for any drop in share price if the audit opinion is unfavourable.
Key Point
A circumstance might create more than one threat, and a threat might affect
compliance with more than one fundamental principle.
Independence is a requirement for all professional accountants and their firms when
performing audit engagements.
Key Point
2.2 Fees
Key Point
A firm must not charge directly or indirectly a contingent fee for an audit
Contingent fees are also prohibited for non-assurance services (NAS) to audit clients if:
the fee is material (or expected to be material) to the firm; of
the outcome of the NAS, and therefore the amount of the fee, depends on a future or current
judgment related to the audit of a material amount in the financial statements.
2.2.4 Total Fees – Proportion of Fees for Other Services (410.11)
The level of the self-interest threat might be increased when a large proportion of fees is
generated from other services to an audit client, due to concerns about the potential
loss of either the audit engagement or other services. Such circumstances might also
create an intimidation threat.
Factors that are relevant in evaluating the level of such threats include:
the ratio of fees for other services to the audit fee;
the length of time during which a high ratio has existed;
the nature, scope and purposes of the other services (e.g. whether they are recurring).
Examples of safeguards include:
Having an appropriate reviewer who was not involved in the audit or the other services
review the relevant audit work;
Reducing the extent of other services provided to the audit client.
When a significant part of the fees due from an audit client remains unpaid for a
long time, the Firm must determine whether:
the overdue fees might be equivalent to a loan to the client (see s.2.7); and
it is appropriate for the firm to be re-appointed or continue the audit
When for each of two consecutive years, the total fees from a PIE client represent more
than 15% of the firm’s total fees, the firm must:
determine whether, prior to issuing the audit opinion on the second year’s financial
statements, a “pre-issuance review” (equivalent to an engagement quality review) might be
a safeguard to reduce the threats to an acceptable level; and
if so, apply it.
(Engagement quality reviews are described in Chapter 5.)
Key Point
If these circumstances continue for five consecutive years, the firm must cease to
be the auditor after the audit opinion for the fifth year is issued.
Key Point
Actual or threatened litigation typically involves the issue (or threat) of a writ against the
firm for negligence or failure to conduct activities professionally resulting in a breakdown
of trust.
When litigation with an audit client occurs or appears likely, self-interest and intimidation
threats are created.
The firm and client may be placed in adversarial positions, therefore:
the auditor may be unable to report impartially; and/or
the client may be unwilling to disclose relevant information.
The significance of the threat will depend on:
the materiality of the litigation;
whether the litigation relates to a prior audit engagement.
Safeguards that may be applied include:
independent review of the work carried out and subject to the litigation; and
if the litigation involves a member of the audit team, removing that individual from
the audit team.
Financial interests may be held and controlled directly (e.g. personal shareholdings) or
indirectly (e.g. through a pension fund).
Holders of a relevant interest (e.g. direct interest or material indirect interest) in an
assurance client are at risk, and the self-interest threat should be assessed.
The threat depends on whether the relevant interest is held by:
a partner (regardless of any involvement in the audit);
an employee; or
an immediate or close family member.
Many firms require all professional employees not to hold any interest in any audit
client. Where an immediate family holds an interest, the employee should not be
assigned to that audit.
Suggest how the threats arising in each of the following situations should be addressed:
1. A trainee's uncle is a director of an assurance client.
2. A trainee's friend from university is the credit controller of an audit client.
3. An audit manager's fiancée is the credit controller of an audit client.
4. A partner's sister is a director of a company.
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
1. The trainee should not be a member of the assurance team.
2. If the trainee remains on the team, he cannot be involved in auditing sales or receivables.
3. The manager should not be involved with the audit as he would be responsible for directing
and reviewing the audit work on receivables carried out by trainees.
4. The firm should not provide assurance services to the company. If requested to tender for
the audit, the firm should decline. If the sister is recruited as a director by the company,
which is already an audit client, the firm should resign from the audit.
Loans and guarantees to an audit client by a firm, audit team member or immediate
family are prohibited unless immaterial to both:
the firm (or individual) making the loan or guarantee; and
the client.
Loans and guarantees from an audit client that is not a bank (or similar institution) are
similarly prohibited.
Where the client is a bank (or similar institution), loans (including mortgages, bank
overdrafts and credit card balances) and guarantees cannot be accepted unless made
under routine lending procedures, terms and conditions. Even in this situation, a self-
interest threat may arise if the loan is material to the loan recipient.
Where such loans are material, safeguards are required to address the self-interest
threat (e.g. an independent review of audit work).
Many firms prohibit their partners (and the firm) from having any material loan from
financial institution clients. This is particularly the case for the engagement partners.
Where a loan is material to an employee (which is likely to be the case), that employee
would not be assigned to the audit of the financial institution concerned.
Key Point
Where the Code expressly prohibits the provision of a NAS to an audit client,
that is regardless of the materiality of the outcome or results of the NAS on the
financial statements.
2.8.3 Prohibition on Assuming Management Responsibilities
(R400.13 and R600.17)
Key Point
This includes ensuring that a designated individual (preferable senior management) with
suitable skill, knowledge and experience is responsible for the client’s decisions and
overseeing the services.
Activity 3 Management Decisions
Identify three areas, when preparing financial statements, that the accountant could be
considered to have made a management decision.
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
Note: Only three were required.
1. Determining or changing journal entries (e.g. bad debt allowance) or the classifications for
accounts or transaction or other accounting records.
2. Determining accounting policies or estimates (e.g. useful lives of non-current assets).
3. Authorising or approving transactions.
4. Preparing source documents or making changes to such documents.
2.8.4 Accounting and Bookkeeping Services – Self-review Threat
Examples of accounting and bookkeeping services include:
Preparing accounting records and financial statements;
Recording transactions;
Payroll services.
Key Point
Such services cannot be provided to an audit client that is not a PIE unless:
The services are of a “routine or mechanical” nature (i.e. requiring little or no professional
judgment); and
Any threats that are not at an acceptable level are addressed. For example:
o Using professionals who are not audit team members to perform the service.
o Independent review of the audit work or service performed.
A firm must not assist in the resolution of any tax dispute which involves:
Acting as an advocate for the audit client before a tribunal or court;
Amounts which are material to the financial statements.
The following recruiting services are prohibited for any audit client for the positions of
director, officer or senior management in a position to exert significant influence over
the accounting records or financial statements:
Searching for candidates;
Undertaking reference checks;
Recommending who to appoint;
Advising on terms of employment, remuneration or benefits of a particular candidate.
The following corporate finance services are prohibited for any audit client:
Those involving promoting, dealing in or underwriting an audit client's shares.
Those whose effectiveness depends on a particular accounting treatment
which is in doubt and material.
A familiarity threat arises when senior staff have been involved with an audit
engagement for a significant time.
A self-interest threat might be created due to an individual’s concern about losing a
long-standing client or interest in maintaining a close personal relationship with a
member of senior management or TCWG. Such threats might influence the individual’s
judgment impairing objectivity and reducing professional scepticism.
Key Point
A close business relationship between a firm (or an audit team member or his
immediate family) and the audit client (or its management) will involve a commercial or
common financial interest and may create self-interest and intimidation threats.
Examples of close business relationships include:
financial interests in joint ventures with a client, directors, officers or employees who
perform managerial functions;
combining one or more products or services of the firm with one or more products or
services of the client; and
distribution or marketing arrangements between the firm and a client for a joint
product or the other's products and services.
In such circumstances, unless the financial interest is immaterial and the relationship
insignificant, no safeguards would be able to reduce the risk to an acceptable level,
Therefore, the auditor must:
terminate such business relationships already established;
decline any such business relationships offered; or
decline the audit assignment.
An audit team member who recently served as a director, officer or employee of the
audit client might create a self-interest, self-review or familiarity threat. Therefore, an
audit team should not include an individual who served with the audit client during the
period covered by the audit report.
Key Point
Key Point
Providing a second opinion to an entity that is not an existing client may threaten
compliance with the fundamental principles, unless the advice sought is
Key Point
During the current year's interim audit, the auditor becomes aware that the
client has misrepresented its sales tax return to the tax authorities,
resulting in an underpayment of sales tax. The client refuses to accept the
auditor's advice to notify the tax authorities and negotiate and correct the
The auditor informs the client that he is no longer prepared to act for them
in any professional capacity. He also tells the client that he will be informing
the taxation authorities that he no longer acts for the client. Because of
client confidentiality, he should not disclose to the tax authorities why he
has resigned (unless the client gives permission for him to do so, which is
highly unlikely).
In addition, in certain jurisdictions (e.g. the UK), the deliberate
underpayment of taxation is classified as proceeds of crime and possibly
money laundering. Therefore, the auditor is under a legal duty to report his
suspicions to the appropriate authorities (dealing with proceeds of crime),
giving full details, even though he does not provide a complete report to the
taxation authorities.
It is essential for professional accountants to seek legal advice in such
A conflict of interest creates threats to compliance with the principle of objectivity (and
might threaten compliance with the other fundamental principles). Such threats might
arise when there is a conflict between:
1. the professional accountant's interests and the client's interests.
2. the interests of two or more clients
Key Points
Key points
The firm's work should be managed to avoid the interests of one client
adversely affecting those of another.
Where the acceptance or continuance of an engagement would, even with
safeguards, materially prejudice the interests of any client, the appointment
should not be accepted or continued.
All reasonable steps should be taken to ascertain whether there are any conflicts of
interest between clients (both new and existing) or are likely to arise in the future.
Relationships with existing clients must be considered before accepting a new appointment
and regularly after that.
A relationship that ended more than two years ago is unlikely to lead to conflict.
A material conflict of interest between existing or potential clients should be sufficiently
disclosed to all clients involved so that they may make an informed decision on whether to
engage or continue their relationship with the firm.
Safeguards include:
Separate engagement teams are provided with clear policies and procedures for
maintaining confidentiality.
Appropriate reviewer, who is not involved in providing the service or otherwise affected by
the conflict, reviews the work performed to assess whether the critical judgments and
conclusions are appropriate.
Where a conflict of interest poses a threat to one or more of the fundamental principles
that cannot be eliminated or reduced to an acceptable level, the professional accountant
should conclude that it is not appropriate to accept a specific engagement or resign
from one or more conflicting engagements. When disengagement is necessary, the
process should be done as speedily as is compatible with the interests of the clients
All of the current Big Four firms were formed through the mergers of major
firms (originally referred to in the 1980s as the "Top 10"). As the number of
audit and assurance firms reduced, it was not uncommon for two major
competitor companies to find that they became clients of the same firm.
Despite assurances given concerning the confidentiality of the information
and being able to minimise and control conflicts of interest, many
Example 7 Conflicts of Interest
4 Syllabus Coverage
Syllabus Coverage
ACCA provide technical articles and other resources to guide and help students.
There are no technical articles available at the time of writing (November 2022) related
to this chapter.
For more recent articles and other resources please visit the ACCA global website.
CHAPTER 5: Visual Overview
Visual Overview
Suggest FOUR reasons why an entity may wish to change its auditor.
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
1. The entity seeks to obtain better value for money for audit and other professional services
and/or a more comprehensive range of services (one-stop shopping).
2. On change of ownership of an entity (e.g. as a result of takeover, merger or management
buyout (MBO)).
3. When audit firms merge (e.g. a conflict of interests arises or the entity considers that the
new firm is too large to give a "personal service").
4. Where an audit firm ceases to operate.
5. Users of the financial statements and finance providers (e.g. banks) expect organisations of
significant size or status (e.g. being listed on a recognised stock exchange) to have
multinational accountancy firms as auditors.
6. The entity has an auditor rotation policy (e.g. every 10 years).
7. Current auditors do not seek reappointment.
8. If a vacancy arises through the death or incapacity of the auditor (where auditor is a sole
Note: Only four reasons were required.
The prospective auditor may have been:
recommended directly to the potential client; or
asked to compete against other firms as part of a tendering process (see s.3).
There are three main stages in the auditor appointment process:
1. Client screening and acceptance;
2. Engagement acceptance;
3. Professional appointment.
Key point
In all three stages, the prospective auditor should determine if there are any
threats to complying with relevant fundamental principles.
Although the syllabus refers specifically to the auditor, the procedures are equally
applicable to any assurance or other professional engagement (e.g. as an accountant).
Key point
The procedure for communication with the existing/predecessor auditor is set out in
section R320 of the ACCA Code of Ethics and Conduct (2022)
The auditor should ask the prospective client:-
to write to the existing auditor about the proposed change and to give them
permission to discuss the client's affairs with the proposed auditor.
for permission, in writing, to communicate with the existing auditor.
If either of these permissions is refused, the appointment must be declined.
Once permission has been obtained, the auditor should write to the existing auditor
requesting information relevant to deciding whether to accept the appointment (e.g. if
there has been any action by the client which would, on ethical grounds, mean declining
to accept the appointment).
If the current auditor does not respond within a reasonable time, a final letter should be
sent by recorded delivery stating that "no matters" will be assumed unless advised
otherwise and, if there still is no reply, the auditor should:
Seek to obtain information about potential threats from other sources (e.g. enquiries
to third parties and TCWG). This may also require the potential client's permission.
Report the current auditor to the relevant professional body (e.g. ACCA) for
unprofessional behaviour.
Any information supplied by the existing auditors should be considered carefully before
deciding whether to accept or reject the appointment.
Prospective auditors should try to find out the reason for the change of auditors. They
should be careful that they are not assisting clients to act improperly or unlawfully by
accepting an appointment.
If there is a conflicting view between the client and the current auditor, which has led to
the potential replacement of the auditor, discuss this with the client to be satisfied that:
the client's view can be accepted as reasonable; and
the client will accept that the prospective auditor may express a similar opinion to the
current auditor.
If not satisfied on these points, the appointment must be declined.
If the client fails or refuses to supply the existing auditor with the necessary information,
the client will likely do the same to the new auditor.
Key point
This is effectively a limitation on the scope applied by the client, and the
prospective auditor should decline the appointment.
Unlawful acts or defaults by the client (e.g. defrauding taxation authorities) place the
prospective auditor on guard as to the integrity of the client. Such matters must be
discussed with the client to establish whether it is prepared to accept the advice offered.
If not, decline the appointment.
The existence of unpaid/overdue fees is not a reason for declining nomination (nor the
current auditor refusing to cooperate with the prospective auditor). However, as it may
signpost similar problems in the future for the prospective auditor, the reason for not
paying the fees needs to be established.
It is a matter of discussion between the auditors as to how much assistance the new
auditor will give to recover the fees of the old auditor.
Prospective auditors normally would be expected to draw the attention of their client to
the fact that fees are due and unpaid and to suggest that they should be paid.
A member may be invited to undertake work in addition to the continuing work being
carried out by the client's existing auditor, who is not being replaced. Before accepting
the work, the member should notify the existing auditor of the work he has been asked
to undertake. By doing so, the existing auditor will be able to provide relevant
information needed for the proper conduct of the work.
5.2.1 Response
2.1 Response
Obtain the client's permission to discuss all relevant matters with the prospective
auditor. (But, there may be a legal requirement to reply, even if the client withholds
The existing auditor should answer without delay, stating, as relevant:
that the client's permission has not been given for communication;
that there are no matters of which the prospective auditor should be aware; or
those factors of which the prospective auditor should be aware.
It is not sufficient to state that “[unspecified] factors exist”. However, legal advice may
need to be taken in some circumstances (e.g. suspicions of money laundering) before
providing details.
If the existing auditor is approached by a proposed auditor without prior notification from
the client, the client should be notified. The prospective auditor cannot be given any
information (other than stating that the client’s permission has not been given).
The former auditor should transfer the client's books and papers to the successor
auditor or to the client promptly.
If the auditor claims a right to possess the client's books and records to secure unpaid
fees for work done (a "lien"), care must be taken to comply with the law. For example,
no lien can be claimed over books and records which by law must be kept at a client's
registered office.
Any completed documents which are the subject of the engagement (e.g. financial
statements, tax returns, etc) must be transferred to the client.
Working papers and drafts prepared by the auditor belong to the auditor.
The former auditor should provide the new auditor with all "reasonable transfer
information" (lack of which might prejudice the client's interest) promptly. No charge
should be made unless a significant amount of work is involved.
"Transfer information" is defined as:
a copy of the last set of accounts formally approved by the client; and
a detailed trial balance in agreement with the accounts.
In most jurisdictions, clients and the successor auditor have no right to demand access
to documents and working papers that belong to the previous auditor.
However, the previous auditor may allow a new auditor to review some or all of his
working papers, especially concerning opening balances.
Key point
In the UK, it is a legal requirement for the previous auditor to allow the incoming
auditor reasonable access to working papers. This does not mean access
to all working papers or budgets, fee calculations, time records, etc.
Key point
Key point
The engagement letter aims to help avoid misunderstandings between client and
auditor. This is done by documenting and confirming:
management's and auditor's acceptance of their respective responsibilities;
auditor's acceptance of the appointment;
identification of the applicable reporting framework;
objective and scope of the work (audit); and
form and content of any reports, circumstances in which the form and content
may differ (e.g. modifications), limitation of such reports and to whom reports
will be delivered.
3.2.1 Importance
There are many reasons why the engagement letter is essential.
It is the contract that defines the scope of the auditor's responsibilities and obligations.
It establishes communication that sets the tone for the engagement.
It is often the first formal correspondence that the client receives, and the client should feel
that it is of value.
It is a risk management tool that should protect the auditor against litigation that might
otherwise arise through misunderstandings.
Refer to s.3.5 for an example letter and note the following required content:
The objective and the scope of the audit, including reference to applicable
legislation, regulations, ISAs, and ethical and other pronouncements of the
professional bodies to which the auditor adheres.
The responsibilities of the auditor.
Management's responsibility for the financial statements and for establishing and
maintaining effective internal control.
Identification of the applicable financial reporting framework adopted by
management in preparing the financial statements.
The form of any reports or other communication of results of the engagement.
A statement that there may be circumstances in which a report may differ from its
expected form and content.
The requirement that the auditor will communicate key audit matters in the auditor's
In addition to the above, the letter may make reference to the following:
The fact that there is an unavoidable risk that some material misstatement may
remain undiscovered.
Expectation of receiving from management written confirmation concerning
representations made in connection with the audit (see Chapter 20).
Unrestricted access to whatever records, documentation and other information is
required in connection with the audit.
Agreement that management will inform the auditors of any material subsequent
events affecting the financial statements between the date of the auditor's report and
the issue of the financial statements.
The basis on which fees are computed and any billing arrangements (see s.3.6).
A request that the client confirms, in writing, that the terms of the engagement are
understood by signing and returning a copy of it.
When relevant, the following arrangements may be included concerning:
the work of others (e.g. internal auditors and experts);
any restrictions on the auditor's liability (if allowed by law);
any obligations (legal or regulatory) to report to other third parties;
any obligations to provide audit working papers to other parties (e.g. external quality
management reviews, regulatory requirements).
Key point
The engagement letter is not a mere formality, and signing is not just a
matter of compliance.
5.3.4 Recurring Audits
3.4 Recurring Audits
3.4.1 Reappointment
The appointment of an entity's auditor is usually just for one year. After completing the
audit, the auditors will usually "offer themselves for reappointment" at the annual
general meeting (AGM).
Before doing so, the auditor must carry out similar procedures to those needed for an
initial appointment (see s.1.1):
From the work carried out during the audit just completed and audit findings, reassess their
understanding of the business, etc (see s.1.1.1).
Reassess the specific requirements for the continuing engagement and the purpose, nature
and scope of the work to be performed (these may well change compared to the prior audit).
The updated understanding of the business enables the auditor to assess whether he can
continue to service the client.
Reassess the risks to compliance with the fundamental principles, fees, availability of audit
staff and timing of services.
Assess the risk to the auditor of continuing to be associated with the client (e.g. recovery of
fees, the integrity of management, risk of business failure).
Based on their experience and findings and expected changes, the auditor determines
whether they are still fit and proper, willing and able to continue their relationship with
the client.
Suggest FIVE factors that may make it appropriate for the engagement letter to be revised.
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
1. Identification that the entity has misunderstood the objective and the scope of the audit.
2. Revised terms of the engagement.
3. Changes in senior management (e.g. new directors).
4. Significant change in the nature or size of the business.
5. Change in legal or regulatory requirements, including references to legislation in the letter
which are no longer appropriate (e.g. Companies Act 1985 superseded by Companies Act
6. Change in the financial reporting framework.
7. Change in other reporting requirements.
Note: Only five factors were asked for.
ISA 220 (Revised 2020) Quality Management for an Audit of Financial Statements deals
with quality management at the "engagement level" for an audit of financial statements
and the related responsibilities of the engagement partner.
Exam advice
Key Point
4.3.1 Direction
The engagement partner provides direction to the engagement team by informing
engagement team members of:
their responsibilities including the need to comply with ethical requirements and to plan and
perform the audit with professional scepticism;
the objectives of the work to be performed;
nature of the business;
risk-related issues;
problems that may arise; and
the detailed approach to the performance of the engagement.
Direction is provided using the following communication tools:
Team briefing;
Audit programme;
Time budgets;
Overall audit strategy and plan.
Discussion between members of the engagement team enhances communication
because it allows more experienced team members to provide direction to less
experienced team members.
4.3.2 Supervision
Key Point
Supervision is closely related to direction and review and may involve elements of
4.3.3 Review
More experienced team members review work performed by a team member.
Reviewers consider whether:
work has been performed in accordance with professional standards, regulatory and legal
work has been performed following the audit programme;
there is a need to revise the nature, timing and extent of work performed;
work performed and results obtained are adequately documented;
all significant audit matters have been resolved, raised for further consideration or are
reflected in audit conclusions;
objectives of audit procedures have been achieved;
audit evidence is sufficient and appropriate to support the audit opinion; and
conclusions expressed are consistent with the results of the work performed and support the
audit opinion.
The following must be reviewed on a timely basis:
overall audit plan and the audit programme;
assessments of inherent risk and control risk (see Chapter 8);
documentation of audit evidence obtained from substantive procedures; and
financial statements, proposed audit adjustments and the proposed auditor's report.
It is, for example, too late for the audit partner to review the audit strategy after the audit
has been carried out.
Where the audit involves high risk and subjective matters, a second partner would
usually be involved at all key review stages.
4.3.4 Engagement Quality Review
An effective system of quality management will include a monitoring process that will
provide reasonable assurance that the quality management system is relevant,
adequate and effective.
A deficiency in quality management does not necessarily indicate that an audit was not
performed as required by professional standards and regulatory requirements or that
the auditor's report is inappropriate.
5 Syllabus Coverage
Syllabus Coverage
ACCA provide technical articles and other resources to guide and help students.
There are no technical articles available at the time of writing (November 2022) related
to this chapter.
For more recent articles and other resources please visit the ACCA global website
CHAPTER 6: Visual Overview
Visual Overview
6.1.2 Purpose
1.2 Purpose
6.1.3 Importance
1.3 Importance
Both the definition and the purposes of working papers encompass their importance.
Initially, they provide a framework for planning the audit, then for conducting and
recording the audit and finally for showing the evidence that supports the conclusions
reached and the audit opinion. Without working papers, auditors would find it very
difficult to justify in a court of law their audit approach, the work carried out, and the
conclusions reached.
Key point
Clara is an audit senior engaged on the audit of RQB Co. She is currently
working on the audit of plant and equipment.
On a particular day:
1. She refers to the audit plan and audit programme to determine the
procedures she needs to perform and the applicable materiality levels.
She notes if there are any significant risks to be aware of.
2. She records her computation of the materiality or provision and any risk
analysis on a mandatory working paper. This ensures audit quality and
that risk and materiality levels are appropriately assessed.
3. In performing the procedures, she records the details of the procedure,
the outcomes of applying the procedure, and the conclusion reached on
a working paper. She also highlights any significant issues that she had
encountered during the procedure.
Included in the working paper are the detailed tests performed and
procedures used to select samples.
4. At the end of the day, she forwards the working papers to her
supervisor for review.
5. Her supervisor reviews her work and the conclusions reached. If there
is a need for further procedures, her supervisor will discuss them with
the team.
6. After the supervisor has signed off the working paper, the final copy is
filed in the current audit file for subsequent final review by the
engagement partner and assembly of the final audit file.
6.2.1 Extent
2.1 Extent
In determining the form, content and extent of audit documentation, the following factors
(not inclusive) should be considered:
The nature of the engagement (e.g. listed, private or public sector entity) and
procedures to be performed to support the report given (e.g. audit, review).
The nature, size and complexity of the entity, its environment and controls.
The identified risks of material misstatement in the financial statements.
The reliance to be placed on control effectiveness.
The extent of judgment required to carry out the work and evaluate the results.
The audit methodology and tools used (e.g. computer-assisted audit techniques).
The extent of schedules, analyses and other documentation prepared by the entity.
The significance of the evidence obtained.
The nature and extent of exceptions identified.
The need to document a conclusion or the basis for a conclusion not readily
determinable from the documentation of work performed or audit evidence obtained.
The need and extent for direction, supervision and review of tasks assigned to
The need to direct, supervise and review the audit team (see Chapter 7).
2.3 Standardisation
It is common for audit firms to use standard pre-printed audit documentation. For
Audit completion disclosure and other checklists.
Internal Control Questionnaires/Evaluation Questionnaires.
Audit programs.
Specimen letters (e.g. written representations from management – see Chapter 20).
Indices for the standard organisation of working papers.
Example 3 Audit Standardisation
Most audit firms employ audit software to help manage the audit, ensure
significant risk areas are appropriately covered, and save time and costs.
Most audit programmes include standardised audit working papers, with
templates and procedures built into the working papers. These audit
programmes may also include guidance that might be useful to
inexperienced auditors on how to conduct the audit procedures properly.
Audit programmes may also contain specialised modules with working
papers that cover audit areas that might require more scrutiny due to their
nature, complexity, or risk.
Activity 1 Standardisation
6.2.5 Use of IT
2.5 Use of IT
Electronic working papers (EWP) software refers to any program that auditors can use
to compile and store audit documentation. Its core functionality is the ability to upload
work directly into the program, where it can be organised, reviewed and approved with
electronic signatures and date stamps and backed up.
The audit work is created using familiar tools like word processing, spreadsheets and
scanned documents, which can be enhanced by digital cross-referencing tools and tick
Most EWP software has additional capabilities, such as:
email alerts to clients and members of the audit team;
importing and rolling forward general ledger account balances;
audit budget creation and time tracking tools, etc.
For recurring audits, the working papers are usually split between two main files – the
permanent audit file (PAF) and the current audit file (CAF).
The PAF contains documents of a permanent nature related to the audit and the client's
business, are of continuing importance to the audit process and provide a history of
significant audit-related matters.
The CAF contains information directly relevant to the current audit (at whatever stage).
There will be only one PAF and a CAF for each stage of the audit (interim, year end, final)
for each year.
Activity 2 Working Papers
Suggest the audit working papers you would expect to be filed as "permanent" and
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
Permanent Audit File
Permanent audit files are usually broken into sections, for example:
General business information
Systems and control documentation
Accounts and financial statements information
Statutory and legal documentation
Job administration
Planning documentation
The content includes:
Information concerning the entity’s legal structure (e.g. Memorandum and Articles of
Major shareholders, debentures, debt structure, investments.
Details of the business environment, the operating industry, nature and history of the client's
business, locations, products, key suppliers, key customers, subcontractors, and
Organisational and management structure. Governance structure including audit committee.
Primary contacts in management and other key staff related to the audit.
Structure of critical departments (e.g. finance, treasury, internal audit).
Major suppliers, customers – turnover, terms of trade, imports, exports.
Detail, evaluation and analysis of:
o control environment;
o risk assessment procedures;
o information systems; and
o control activities and control monitoring.
Rolling analysis of risks, key performance indicators and risk management.
Main accounting and other vital records, showing where they are kept and of what type (e.g.
hand-written, computerised).
Major assets and liabilities.
Previous financial statements, auditor's reports and supporting details if opinion modified.
Principal accounting policies and any IFRS Standards not applicable.
New client checklist, other legal/regulatory documents for accepting a new client.
Major laws and regulations under which the entity operates, including regulatory reporting
requirements (e.g. charities, banks, environmental, health and safety).
Previous partner review notes and matters for the partner’s attention.
Previous reports to management (of deficiencies found in the accounting system).
Previous reports and minutes of discussions with TCWG.
Management representations.
Insurance cover details, including claims history.
Significant ratios, trends and performance indicators over the last (say) 10 years.
Rotational control schedule (e.g. location visits, inventory observation, document
examination, controls tested).
Other documents of continuing importance:
o terms of o mortgages and
engagement charges
o letters of
authority (e.g. bank
mandate) o title deeds
o annual filing
returns o royalty agreements
o debenture deeds
Other professional advisers (bankers, lawyers, brokers).
Past administration (e.g. budgets, costings).
Current Audit File
Financial statements audited (evidenced as agreed to accounting records, cross-referenced
to supporting schedules with comparatives, accounting policies, notes and disclosures, all
evidenced as audited).
Completion checklists:
o Compliance with statutory requirements and IFRS disclosures.
o Partner sign off completion, including confirmation of auditor's report.
o Second partner review (as necessary).
o Audit completion checklists (partner, manager, senior).
o Written representations.
o Report to management (final and interim) plus responses from the client.
o Matters for the attention of the partner (final and interim).
o Minutes of meetings with directors and audit committee.
o Minutes of board meeting approving financial statements.
o Schedule of corrected and uncorrected misstatements.
o Queries raised during the audit and subsequent clearance.
o Review notes (partner, manager, senior) and how cleared.
o Analytical review and performance indicators.
o Going concern and subsequent events.
o Ethical matters (e.g. proposed acceptance to continue as auditor).
o Confirmation of continued independence.
o Audit team assessments and reviews.
o Initial planning for the next audit.
Job administration:
o Engagement team and relevant experience.
o Budget and fee estimates.
o Actual time/cost summaries and variance analysis.
o Fee notes.
o Ethical matters (e.g. client acceptance, independence, competence).
o Minutes of meetings with client, audit committee and audit team.
o Initial audit strategy, audit plan and tailored work programmes.
o Updated plans with explanations.
o Understanding of entity and its environment.
o Design of internal control and its implementation.
o Risk assessments, analytical review, materiality, sampling approach.
o Direction, supervision and review of the audit team.
Audit sections:
o Final audit lead schedule showing the makeup of key figures in the financial
statements (cross-referenced to financial statements and supporting schedules).
o Work programmes (interim and final).
o Supporting schedules detailing the objective of the test, testing approach,
sampling, work done, matters arising, action taken and conclusion.
o Supporting work schedules detailing the actual work carried out, including
balances, transactions and evaluation of control effectiveness.
o Supporting internal and external documentation (e.g. bank letters, receivable
confirmations, expert valuations).
o Evidence of review, review notes and clearance of review point.
Standard indices may be used for both permanent and current audit files. These are
usually tailored (e.g. by circling the references used).
A1 Financial statements
A3 Review schedules
C Intangible assets
E Investments
F Inventories
G Receivables
H Cash
J Payables
L Taxation
P Revenue
Q Purchases
Alternative referencing systems might include separate sections for interim audit
working papers, systems work or analytical procedures.
The work performed has been carried out according to the audit strategy
and audit plan (as adjusted).
The work performed and the results obtained have been adequately
Any revision to the audit plan, risk assessments and materiality have been
detailed on Schedule XX and approved by the partner.
Matters outstanding have been detailed on Schedule XX for action by the
In my (audit assistant's) opinion, this audit section is fairly stated subject to
the matters noted on Schedule XX.
Motor cars
$10,800 d 331⁄3% α (3,600)
Fixtures and fittings
$2,124 d @ 10% α (210)
Difference (immaterial) 330
Y/e 31 Dec 20X4 Charge 79,100
α Agreed to prior year
✔ Per schedule of additions
d Per schedule of disposals
All significant matters must be recorded, including the detail of discussions with
appropriate client personnel. Where such detail is to be relied upon in concluding a
significant matter, a written representation from the client must be obtained
(see Chapter 20).
Examples of significant matters include:
matters that result in material risks (revenue is always considered a significant risk,
so detailed notes on the sales system and the risks involved must always be made);
details indicating that the financial statements may be materially misstated;
the need to revise previous assessments of risks and material misstatements;
factors that cause difficulty in applying ISA;
findings that could result in a modification to the audit opinion or the inclusion of an
Emphasis of Matter paragraph in the auditor’s report, and the reasons why or why
not the opinion was modified;
audit matters communicated to TCWG from which key audit matters will be included
in the auditor's report (see Chapter 30); and
concerns about the entity’s ability to continue as a going concern (see Chapter 31).
Where the auditor is aware of information that contradicts or is inconsistent with
conclusions reached on a significant matter, details of how that contradiction or
inconsistency was dealt with must be recorded.
Any necessary departure from applying ISAs must be recorded, including why and how
the audit objective was achieved under the circumstances.
It is usual for details of significant matters and how they were addressed to be recorded
in a summary document (e.g. completion memorandum, partner review notes –
see Chapter 29).
All matters that support the audit opinion must be on file, and the file reviewed and
signed off before the auditor signs the auditor's report. Any issues of an administrative
nature should typically be concluded within 60 days of the date of the auditor's report.
Such matters include:
deleting or discarding superseded documentation;
sorting, collating and cross-referencing working papers;
signing off on completion of checklists relating to the file assembly process; and
documenting audit evidence that the auditor has obtained, discussed and agreed
with the relevant members of the engagement team before the auditor’s report.
After the final assembly, the auditor should not delete audit documentation until the
completion of the retention period (see next section). If modification is required (after
final assembly), the following must be documented:
the specific reasons for modification; and
when and by whom they were made and reviewed.
If it is necessary after the date of the auditor's report for the auditor to perform further
procedures or revise the original conclusion (e.g. facts affecting the auditor's report
became known after the report was signed), the following must be recorded in the file:
the circumstances encountered;
the new or additional audit procedures performed, audit evidence obtained,
conclusions reached, and their effect on the auditor’s report; and
when and by whom the resulting changes to audit documentation were made and
Working papers should be retained for a period sufficient to meet the needs
of the audit practice and in accordance with legal and professional
requirements. The IAASB requires at least five years.
6.4.2 Retention
4.2 Retention
Key point
ISA 230 only sets out general principles. It does not suggest a minimum or
maximum period for retention nor how ownership is determined.
6 Syllabus Coverage
Syllabus Coverage
ACCA provide technical articles and other resources to guide and help students.
This chapter includes the relevant content of the following related technical articles
available at the time of writing (November 2022):
Audit working papers
For more recent articles and other resources please visit the ACCA global website.
Objective: To describe the process of establishing the audit strategy and plan – the
objectives, scope and critical aspects of an audit.
7.1.1 Overall Objectives of the Auditor
1.1 Overall Objectives of the Auditor
Key point
The auditor must conduct the audit in compliance with all relevant ISAs.
The auditor cannot report compliance with the ISAs in the auditor's report
unless all ISAs that are relevant to the audit have been complied with.
The auditor can only depart from a relevant requirement of an ISA
in exceptional circumstances (i.e. when the performance of the procedures would be
ineffective in achieving the purpose of the requirement). In this case, the auditor should
perform alternative procedures.
7.2.1 Objective
2.1 Objective
Key point
The objective of the auditor is to plan the audit (applying professional judgement
and scepticism) so that it will be performed effectively and efficiently.
Professional judgement and scepticism, which were discussed in Chapter 1, are applied
throughout the audit process, not only in planning.
The relevant standard for audit planning is ISA 300 Planning an Audit of Financial
Statements. The auditor requires a thorough understanding of the entity, its
environment and the risk of material misstatement in the financial statements
(see Chapter 8) to effectively plan. Planning sets the tone and direction of the audit. It
ensures that the right resources are allocated to the right areas (e.g. high risk, material)
at the right time.
Glardie & Co is currently planning the audit of BRZ Co. Glardie & Co had
also audited the financial statements of BRZ Co for the prior year.
In discussions with management and their knowledge of the actions in the
current year of BRZ, the engagement partner has found the following to be
of significance to the audit of BRZ:
1. BRZ’s revenue has increased significantly compared to the previous
year, since it launched its purchase financing programme.
Glardie is facing a shortage of experienced audit staff in the industry
that BRZ is operating in.
2. There have been significant changes in the financial control system of
BRZ, addressing certain deficiencies found by Glardie and
communicated to BRZ in completing BRZ’s statutory audit last year.
To raise finance to fund its expansion plans, BRZ had initiated a rights
issue, a full subscription of which will raise its equity capital by 30%.
3. For the first time in Glardie’s knowledge of BRZ operations
7.2.3 Scope
2.3 Scope
Performing preliminary engagement activities helps to ensure that the auditor has
considered events or circumstances that may adversely affect his ability to perform the
audit engagement.
These activities help the auditor plan to ensure that:
the necessary independence and ability to perform the engagement are maintained;
there are no issues with management integrity which may affect the continuation of
the engagement; and
there are no misunderstandings with the client regarding the terms of the
As part of the audit completion procedures, the auditor confirms that no matters arose
during the audit to cast doubt over his ability to conclude the audit and sign the auditor's
report (e.g. independence, technical competence).
This approach is "rolled forward" to planning the following audit assignment. This
includes consideration of any factors arising during the last audit (and since the
completion of that audit), which would cast doubt on the ability to re-accept appointment
(e.g. loss of essential expertise specific for that client or in management integrity).
In many jurisdictions, the auditor decides whether to stand for reappointment at the
company's AGM. To do so, the auditor must demonstrate the ability to continue to act
as the auditor.
As previously discussed in Chapter 5 Auditor Appointment, preliminary activities
reassessing the client relationship and management's integrity (e.g. does the auditor
wish to continue to act for the client);
evaluating compliance with ethical requirements, including independence, of the
firm, partners and proposed assignment staff;
assessing threats to the fundamental principles; and
reviewing the terms of the engagement to ensure that they are up to date and reflect
any changes in the entity's circumstances, business, legal or regulatory
Key Point
The overall audit strategy sets the scope, timing and direction of the audit, and
helps guide the development of the detailed audit plan.
Establishing the audit strategy helps the auditor to ascertain the nature, timing and
extent of resources necessary to perform the engagement. For example:
The use of appropriately experienced team members for high-risk areas or the
involvement of experts on complex matters.
The number of team members assigned to observe the inventory count at material
The hours to allocate to high-risk areas, material areas, the planning process itself,
control testing, review and completion.
When these resources are deployed at the interim audit (e.g. pre-year-end
circularisation), the year end (e.g. inventory observation) and final audit.
How such resources are managed, directed and supervised. For example:
o timing of team briefing and debriefing meetings;
o timing and location of senior, manager and partner reviews of the audit
process; and
o the need for engagement quality reviews (e.g. second partner review
before audit completion).
7.4.3 Timetable
4.3 Timetable
A "traditional audit" generally has three discrete phases: interim, year-end and final.
4.3.1 Interim Audit
ISA 330 The Auditor’s Responses to Assessed Risks considers the timing of audit
procedures and using audit evidence obtained during an interim period.
Interim audit procedures are performed before the year end. An interim audit is not
required, but may be performed:
to reduce the workload and time pressure of the final audit;
to better understand if reliance can be placed on internal controls to help plan the year-end
Interim procedures are more effective when the risk of material misstatement is low and
less effective when the risk of material misstatement is high. This is due to the auditor's
understanding of the effectiveness of the control environment (more confidence in
internal control effectiveness would allow more interim procedures to be performed).
Interim audit procedures may include:
Planning procedures (e.g. documenting systems and updating the understanding of the
Tests of controls (i.e. tests to assess their operating effectiveness), where this is more
efficient when the evidence is available, and the audit team is less busy.
Substantive procedures (i.e. tests to detect material misstatement) on audit areas
assessed as low risk.
Key point
Substantive procedures must be performed at or near the year end when the risk
of material misstatement is high.
Suggest three audit procedures typically carried out at a year-end audit visit.
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
For clients holding material amounts of inventories (e.g. retailers, manufacturers), there will
usually be a physical counting of inventory at the year end. The auditor must attend this.
Where a year-end count is not practicable, it may be conducted before the end of the
reporting period and supplemented with "roll forward" tests (see Chapter 23).
While attending the year-end physical count, several other procedures also may be carried
out (e.g. tangible non-current asset inspection confirming existence at the end of the
reporting period and cash counts where material).
Bank confirmation letters (see Chapter 26) will be organised shortly before or after the year
end to ensure that replies are received before the final audit.
Other external confirmations also may be organised (e.g. receivable circularisation sent with
the client's month-end statements, see Chapter 24) to ensure replies are received before the
final audit.
4.3.4 Stages of an Audit Summary
Interim Audit Final Audit
Required No Yes
Interim Audit Final Audit
7.5.0 Introduction
5.0 Introduction
Key point
The auditor should develop an audit plan for the audit to reduce audit risk
to an acceptably low level. The plan will include a description of:
The nature, timing and extent of risk assessment procedures, as
determined under ISA 315 (see Chapter 8).
The nature, timing and extent of audit procedures at the assertion level
to address identified risks, as determined under ISA 330 (see Chapters
Other audit procedures that must be carried out so that the engagement
complies with ISAs.
7.5.1 Rationale
5.1 Rationale
The audit plan should be developed once the audit strategy has been established. It will
address the various matters identified in the audit strategy, considering the need to
achieve the audit objectives through the efficient use of the auditor's resources.
It is more detailed than the audit strategy. It includes the nature, timing and extent of
audit procedures to be performed by the engagement team members to obtain sufficient
appropriate audit evidence to reduce audit risk to an acceptably low level. Also called
audit work programme, separate audit plans cover all stages of the audit; interim, year
end and final.
7.5.2 Content
5.2 Content
Planning is a continuous process. The results of the interim audit will affect the plan for
the year-end work, the results of which (together with the interim audit) will affect the
final audit strategy and plan.
The auditor also will need to change the audit strategy and plan to take events into
account as they unfold. For example:
unexpected events (e.g. loss of a key member of the client's management team);
changes in the entity's environment (e.g. a regulator's report requiring changes to be
made to the entity's procedures); and
unexpected results from audit procedures (e.g. the results of substantive procedures
contradict the evidence obtained through testing the operating effectiveness of
As a result of such events, materiality and the risk of material misstatement may need to
be reassessed and the planned nature, timing and extent of audit procedures
7.6.0 Introduction
6.0 Introduction
Key point
Direction is the means through which the members of the engagement team are
informed of:
their responsibilities;
the nature of the business;
risk-related issues;
the detailed approach to the performance of the engagement;
the objectives of the tasks they are to undertake;
problems that may arise; and
matters which may affect the nature, timing and extent of audit procedures.
Communication tools (which are integral to the working papers) include:
engagement team briefing, which must be documented (e.g. in a planning memo);
overall audit strategy and plan;
audit programme; and
staffing and time budgets.
Example 4 Direction
7.6.2 Supervision
6.2 Supervision
Supervision includes monitoring progress and recording such progress in the working
papers to ensure that:
assistants have the skills and competence necessary;
assistants understand and follow their instructions;
work is being done following the overall audit plan, audit programme and time
significant accounting and auditing issues are identified and acted on (e.g. by
modifying the audit programme; noting for partner attention and action); and
differences of professional judgement between members of the audit team are
resolved, including the use of (internal and/or external) consultation procedures.
7.6.3 Review
6.3 Review
Example 5 Supervising
7.7.0 Introduction
7.0 Introduction
Key point
The auditor should document the overall audit strategy and plan,
including any significant changes made during the audit engagement.
Documenting the overall audit strategy records the key decisions necessary to properly
plan the audit and to communicate significant matters to the engagement team. The
overall audit strategy may be summarised in a “planning memorandum”, which sets out
the overall scope, timing and conduct of the audit.
The documentation of the audit plan must be sufficient to demonstrate the planned
nature, timing and extent of:
the risk assessment procedures (see Chapter 8);
the audit procedures (e.g. tests of controls, substantive tests, analytical review
procedures, going concern, review and completion) to be carried out on each
material class of transaction, account balance and disclosures in response to the
assessed risks; and
the planning procedures themselves.
Standard, pre-printed audit programmes and audit completion checklists are often used.
However, such programmes and checklists must be tailored to each client's
When the original audit strategy and audit plan are updated, the reasons for the
changes and the auditor's response to the events, conditions, or results of audit
procedures that resulted in such changes, must be documented to update the strategy
and plan.
For example, when the testing of control procedures is no longer considered necessary
or additional audit tests are added to the work programme because of the discovery of a
material misstatement, the reasons for these changes must be documented.
The audit file has to support the audit opinion.
7 Syllabus Coverage
Syllabus Coverage
7 Technical Articles
Technical Articles
ACCA provide technical articles and other resources to guide and help students.
There are no technical articles available at the time of writing (November 2022) related
to this chapter.
For more recent articles and other resources please visit the ACCA global website.
Visual Overview
Objective: To describe how the auditor, through understanding the entity, aims to
minimise audit risk.
8.1.0 Introduction
1.0 Introduction
The relevant standard is ISA 315 (Revised 2019), Identifying and Assessing the Risks
of Material Misstatement.
Key point
The auditor must identify and assess the risks of material misstatement, whether
due to fraud or error, at the financial statement and assertion levels, thereby
providing a basis for designing and implementing responses to the assessed risks
of material misstatement.
8.1.1 Steps
1.1 Steps
The steps required in identifying and assessing the risks of material misstatements can
be summarised as follows:
1. Design and perform risk assessment procedures to obtain an understanding of:
the entity and its environment;
the applicable financial reporting framework and the entity’s accounting policies;
inherent risk factors.
The auditor obtains an understanding of the entity and its environment and the
applicable financial reporting framework by performing risk assessment procedures.
Example 1 Inquiries
Discussions should be held between the senior and key members of the engagement
team (at least) about the susceptibility of the financial statements to material
misstatement, including fraud risk (see Chapter 11).
Key Point
Discussions must be documented along with the decisions made and the
implications for the audit approach.
Bladd & Co holds an initial risk assessment meeting for the audit of WWQ
Co, a client for which the firm has been the auditor for a few years.
There were certain factors identified during the year that have been
identified as accompanying risks of material misstatement to this year’s
audit, and the engagement partner wants senior members of the
engagement team to be fully aware of these risks.
There has been an observed worsening of WWQ’s current and quick ratios,
accompanied by rapid growth in revenues. The engagement team feels this
has significant risk, both for material misstatement and potential going
concern issues.
The engagement partner also shared with the team that he was informed
by the board of WWQ that they would be expanding and diversifying the
business to include real estate development and sale and had acquired
land and broken ground for the construction of a property. The engagement
partner informs his team that this is an area of significant risk due to the
issue of revenue recognition and capitalisation of assets since the project
has been financed by debt. It is also unclear what operational and financial
controls WWQ has over this division.
Suggest examples of information that might be obtained from each of the following
a. Audit client;
b. Auditor;
c. Other sources.
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
(c) Other
(a) Client (b) Auditor sources
operating personnel
Internal audit and Predecessor
Governance auditor
Website Previous relevant Legal
Visit premises and plant experiences advisers
facilities Specialist Industry
Specific employees publications (e.g. regulators
involved in the process on hotel audits) Government
Minutes of meeting Technical experts data
Documents sent to (e.g. IS, extractive Customers
shareholders/filed with industries) Suppliers
authorities In-house Competitors
Financial budgets and knowledge base Trade
management reports Permanent audit journals
Chart of accounts and file Financial
job descriptions Business process press
Procedures manuals templates Websites
Key Point
The auditor’s understanding of the entity and its environment and the
applicable financial reporting framework:
Key Point
assists the auditor in understanding the events and conditions that are
relevant to the entity;
assists the auditor in identifying how inherent risk factors affect the
susceptibility of assertions to misstatement in the preparation of the
financial statements; and
informs how the auditor plans and performs further audit procedures.
The auditor uses an understanding of the entity and its environment to:
Identify and assess risks of material misstatement;
Determine materiality levels and judge whether they remain appropriate
as the audit progresses (see Chapter 10);
Perform procedures to help identify non-compliance with laws and
regulations that may have a material effect on the financial statements
(see Chapter 11);
Evaluate whether the financial statements provide adequate
Consider the appropriateness of the selection and application of
accounting policies and the adequacy of financial statement
Develop expectations for use in analytical procedures (see Chapter 16);
Identify areas where special audit consideration may be necessary (e.g.
the appropriateness of the going concern assumption);
Design and perform further audit procedures to reduce audit risk to an
acceptably low level;
Evaluate the sufficiency and appropriateness of audit evidence (see
Chapter 15), including management representations (see Chapter 20);
Recognise conflicting information and unusual circumstances and
effectively apply professional scepticism;
Make informed enquiries and assess the reasonableness of responses;
Provide better service to clients and be responsive to their needs.
Suggest, under the following headings, the information you will require to enable you to
obtain a sufficient understanding of the entity and its environment:
General economic factors
Management and ownership
Financial performance
Reporting environment
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
General Economic
Factors Industry
Growth Market/competition
Interest rates Costs of entry
Sources of finance Cyclical/seasonal trade
Inflation Technology/fashion
Government policy (e.g. Key ratios and performance measures
monetary, fiscal, trade) Specific accounting practices, GAAP
Investment incentive Regulatory/environmental requirements
(e.g. regional Energy supply and costs
development grants) Workforce skills
Foreign exchange (rates
and controls)
Availability and
education of the
Management and
Ownership Business
Corporate structure
Local/foreign Nature (manufacturer, exporter)
Capital structure Locations (office/production/storage)
Organisational structure Employment (union contracts)
Philosophy and strategic Products/services/markets
plans Conduct of operations (e.g. service
Acquisitions and logistics, production, segments)
disposals Major/dependent suppliers/customers
Sources of finance (delivery methods such as JIT)
Board of directors and Outsourced activities
governance Inventors (type, location, quantities)
Operating management Research and development
Internal audit Information systems and use of
Attitude to internal ecommerce (nature and dependency)
control environment Debt structure (including covenants)
For entities audited in prior years, historic key information required for planning will be
available in the working papers and other files (e.g. computer knowledge bases).
Key Point
Previous experience and audit procedures may provide the auditor with information
about such matters as:
Past misstatements and whether they were corrected on a timely basis;
The nature of the entity and its environment and its system of internal control;
Complex transactions and other events or account balances and related disclosures;
Significant changes that the entity or its operations may have undergone since the prior
financial period.
Where changes are identified, their effects on the entity, its business and the financial
reporting environment must be understood. Changes that will affect the business in a
future financial period cannot be ignored. What risk arises from these changes? Does
that risk affect the current financial statements? For example, known future changes in
regulations may create a going concern risk.
Activity 3 Changes to be Documented
For an existing client, identify the internal and external changes (compared to the
previous year) that must be documented to understand the entity and its environment.
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
3.1 Concept
Audit risk – the risk that the auditor expresses an inappropriate audit
opinion when the financial statements are materially misstated. It is a
function of the risks of material misstatement and detection risk. (ISA 200)
An audit in accordance with ISAs is designed to provide reasonable assurance that the
financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement. The concept of
"reasonable assurance" implies a risk that the audit opinion may be inappropriate.
This risk may be reduced to an acceptable level through the risk-based approach to
identifying and assessing risks of material misstatement at the financial statement
and assertion levels (ISA 315);
designing and performing audit procedures to obtain sufficient appropriate audit
evidence to draw reasonable conclusions on which to base the audit opinion (ISA
The assessment of audit risk is a matter of professional judgment (rather than a matter
capable of precise measurement) and encompasses two types of risk:
the risk of material misstatement in the financial statements (i.e. before audit); and
the risk that the auditor may not detect such material misstatement (i.e. detection
The auditor must consider whether the risks of material misstatement identified exist at:
the financial statement level (i.e. affecting the financial statements overall or as a whole);
the assertion level for classes of transactions, account balances and disclosures (i.e.
existence, completeness, occurrence, valuation, presentation, etc of line items in the
financial statements).
Risks at the financial statement level are pervasive and therefore affect many
assertions. For example, if there is a risk that the going concern basis of preparation is
inappropriate, this could result in overvalued assets, omitted liabilities and omitted
Risks at the assertion level are assessed to determine the nature, timing and extent of
further audit procedures necessary to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence.
Activity 4 Inherent Risk Factors
Should each of the following factors be evaluated at the financial statement level or at
the assertion level?
statement Assertion
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
Financial statement level
1 (see the following discussion), 2, 4, 5 and 9.
Per ISA 315 and 330, factors concerning the nature of an entity's business (5, 7 and 10)
are also relevant to the assertion level.
Assertion level
3, 5, 6, 7 (see discussion), 8 and 10.
1. Consider doubts about the integrity of management: could that inherent risk affect the
financial statements as a whole or just a few individual account balances? Suppose
management wanted to overstate profit (to pay themselves bonuses, say). To increase
profit, management could:
o overstate revenue (e.g. through a deliberate cut-off error by bringing forward next
year's revenue from contracts with customers into the current year);
o understate costs (e.g. by suppressing purchase and expense invoices).
Because every DR has a CR, there are then implications for the statement of
financial position:
o overstatement of trade receivables (because they do not owe the money at the
o understatement of trade payables (because liabilities are not recorded).
Profit could also be increased by understating allowances against assets:
o obsolescence allowances against inventory;
o depreciation allowances against tangible long-term assets;
o credit loss allowances against trade receivables.
In conclusion, doubt about management integrity has a pervasive effect on the
financial statements so this risk is assessed at the financial statement level.
7. Consider cash balances (i.e. physical money rather than bank balances). These
balances may be minimal in relation to the assets as a whole (e.g. cash floats in the
till/register of a shop). At the financial statement level, the auditor may take no
account of these and ignore them in the overall audit plan. However, cash is
inherently risky (because it can be stolen if safeguards are inadequate) and cannot
be overlooked at the account balance level.
However, in a cash-based business (i.e. with cash revenue; purchases and assets
paid for in cash), this would be considered at the financial statement level (i.e. in the
preparation of the overall audit plan) because it has a pervasive effect.
Key point
No one audit risk model is used by all auditors. The main features of a risk-
based model are:
the auditor's concern for material misstatement in the financial statements;
audit risk is reduced to an acceptably low level by the exercise of professional
judgment; and
audit procedures are designed to ensure that audit risk is at an acceptable
Example 4 Audit Response to Audit Risks
There will be inventory counts at all The audit team should attend the
four regional warehouses shortly inventory counts at all four warehouses
after the year end. If inventory and document details of inventory
movements are not completely and movements (goods
accurately controlled, year-end received/despatched) to ensure recorded
inventory could be under or in the correct accounting period.
overstated. (See Chapter 23.)
Exam advice
Always answer risk questions from the auditor’s perspective (as shown in
this example). Answers from the client’s perspective concerning business
risks (that are not examinable in AA) rather than audit risks earn no marks.
If asked to identify audit risks, you should identify the risk, refer to the
related account balance and describe the possible misstatement in the
financial statements.
If asked to describe the auditor's response to identified audit risks, you
should describe the auditor’s approach to assess whether the balance or
Exam advice
The "traditional" audit risk model considers the essential components of audit risk to be:
inherent risk (IR);
control risk (CR); and
detection risk (DR).
Although IR and CR are separately assessed, their combined effect is the risk of
material misstatement (i.e. the risk that controls will not detect misstatements that arise
due to inherent risk). DR is then often referred to as the "residual risk".
An overall acceptable level of audit risk may be quantified as a matter of the audit firm’s
policy (e.g. 5% means that there is a 5% chance that a material misstatement goes
undetected or, conversely, that the auditor obtains 95% assurance that there are no
undetected material misstatements). This percentage may provide the basis for a
mathematical derivation of detection risk and sample sizes.
Alternatively, IR and CR may be expressed qualitatively as high, medium or low, with
DR being the inverse of this relationship. For example, where IR and CR are high, DR
must be minimised (rendered low) by the audit procedures performed.
Key Point
The auditor determines significant risks to focus more attention on them through
the performance of required responses, including:
The identification and evaluation of related controls (see s.3.5)
Substantive procedures that are specifically responsive to the risk;
Obtaining more persuasive audit evidence;
Communication to TCWG (see Chapter 3);
Determining key audit matters (see Chapter 30).
Control risk – the risk that a misstatement that could occur in an assertion
and that could be material (either individually or in aggregate with other
misstatements) will not be:
prevented; or
detected and corrected, on a timely basis,
by the entity’s controls.
ISA 315 requires control risk to be assessed separately from inherent risk.
Control risk is assessed if the auditor plans to test the operating
effectiveness of controls. If not, the assessment of the RoM is the
same as the assessment of inherent risk.
The auditor will only plan to test the operating effectiveness of controls if they
are expected to operate effectively.
The initial expectation is based on the auditor’s evaluation of the design and implementation
of identified control activities.
If tests of controls do not then confirm the initial expectation, the control risk assessment
must be revised.
No matter how well designed and operated, internal control can only reduce, but
not eliminate, the risk of material misstatement (RoMM) in the financial
statements because of the inherent limitations of controls.
Detection risk – the risk that audit procedures performed to reduce audit risk to
an acceptably low level will not detect a misstatement that exists and that could
be material (either individually or in aggregate).
Key Point
Detection risk, which relates to the nature, timing and extent of audit procedures, has
two elements:
1. sampling risk; and
2. non-sampling risk.
An audit firm uses a mathematical audit risk model to determine the levels
of detection risk.
Audit risk: a 5% risk of drawing the wrong conclusion is acceptable. (Most
firms operate between 1% and 5%.)
IR: assessed at a 75% (“high”) risk that material misstatements could arise.
CR: assessed at a 20% (“low”) risk that controls may fail to prevent or detect
and correct material misstatements.
Using the model, 0.05 = 0.75 × 0.2 × DR
Therefore DR = 0.33 (e.g. medium).
This means that planned substantive procedures will be adequate even if
there is a 33% chance that they fail to detect material misstatements.
Because of the high IR, audit tests will be specifically targeted at the
factors giving concern. The low CR implies that the controls should prevent
or detect and correct material misstatements for routine transactions. In
addition, note that most audit work programmes require material items
(based on performance materiality) to be selected and substantively tested
anyway, regardless of the DR assessed and the sample size calculated.
3.7.2 Relationship between Components of Audit Risk
The mathematical model demonstrates the relationship between IR, CR and DR. The
nature, extent and timing of substantive procedures are inversely related to the
assessment of IR and CR.
For a given acceptable audit risk (determined by the audit firm's policy), when both IR
and CR are high (i.e. when there is a high risk that the financial statements may contain
a material misstatement), DR must be rendered low (i.e. a higher degree and level of
substantive work is required) and vice versa:
Policy H H L
Policy L L H
ACCA provide technical articles and other resources to guide and help students.
This chapter includes the relevant content of the following related technical articles
available at the time of writing (November 2022):
Audit risk (s.1 and s.3)
ISA 330 and responses to assessed risks (s.3)
For more recent articles and other resources please visit the ACCA global website.
Objective: To explain the concepts of a system of internal control, the role of internal
control within corporate governance and the use and evaluation of systems of internal
control by auditors.
9.1.1 Obtaining an Understanding
1.1 Obtaining an Understanding
1.1.1 Components
The system of internal control consists of five inter-related components:
The auditor's primary consideration is whether and how a specific control prevents, or
detects and corrects, material misstatements in the financial statements, rather than its
classification into any particular component.
Targal & Co is assessing the system of internal control of its audit client,
Puddly Co. It has ascertained the following information on Puddly Co’s
control environment:
1. Puddly Co does not have a written code of conduct or ethics.
2. Any issues related to alleged misdemeanours or control failures are
dealt with informally through the CEO.
3. The executive team is experienced in financial systems and has
implemented automated financial controls for which senior management
personnel are responsible.
4. Puddly’s organisational structure is centralised with senior management
personnel responsible for decision making.
5. Any potential or suspected breaches of control, especially if flagged by
the automated financial system, are handled quickly by senior
6. Senior management informally trains staff on the operations and
compliance of controls within the financial system.
7. There is no internal audit function.
8. There is little evidence that the board of directors has paid significant
attention to matters relating to internal control.
The auditor must obtain an understanding of the entity’s risk assessment process
including how the entity:
Identifies risks relevant to financial reporting objectives;
Assesses the significance (including the likelihood of occurrence) of those risks; and
Addresses those risks.
The auditor must evaluate whether the risk assessment process is appropriate to the
entity’s circumstances, considering the nature and complexity. This is a matter of
professional judgment.
If the auditor’s risk assessment procedures identify risks of material misstatement that
management failed to identify, the auditor should:
determine whether such risks should have been identified by management;
if so, obtain an understanding of why the entity’s risk assessment process failed; and
consider whether the entity’s risk assessment process is appropriate.
Exhibit 1 Risk Assessment Process
The following are extracts are from the Annual Report 2020 of the Employees
Provident Fund (EPF) Board:
The main elements of the Operational Risk Management process are as follows:
a. Establishing the context: Articulates the organisation’s objectives and
defines the external and internal parameters to be taken into account when managing
b. Risk assessment: The overall process of risk identification, risk analysis, and risk
c. Risk treatment: Actions to be taken to prevent, detect, or manage the Net Risks
to an acceptable level.
d. Communication and consultation: The two-way communication between Risk
Management Department and stakeholders about the existence, nature, form,
severity, or acceptability of risks.
e. Monitoring and review: Both activities are planned and are an integral part of the
risk management process that involves regular checking or surveillance.
f. Recording and reporting: Risk management process where risks, its details, and
minutes of meetings are recorded and reported periodically.
Exhibit 1 Risk Assessment Process
The EPF managed more than RM1,000 billion (about USD 239 billion) in assets in
The overall objective and scope of an audit do not differ whether an entity
operates in an environment that is mainly manual, completely automated or
some combination of manual and automated.
accountability For the related assets, liabilities and equity.
1.4.3 Communication
Communication involves understanding the individual roles and responsibilities of those
in the information system. It may take various forms, for example, policy manuals,
accounting and financial reporting records and memoranda. Communication may also
include how individuals understand how their roles and responsibilities relate to others
in the system and the means of reporting exceptions to a higher authority (to
management, TCWG and, if necessary, regulators).
Communication can also be made electronically, orally, or through management’s
Control activities – the policies and procedures that help ensure that
management directives are carried out.
Types of controls in the control activities component are described in ISA 315 (Revised
2019) from s.A153 onwards. Control activities are performed by employees at all levels
and may be:
preventive or detective; and
manual or automated.
Controls in the control activities component include:
Activity 1 Reconciliations
For each of the following accounting reconciliations, state the data elements that are being
compared and list the transactions or other events that could be reconciling items (i.e. contribute
to the difference):
a. Bank reconciliation;
b. Supplier’s statement reconciliation.
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
a. Bank reconciliation
Reconciles the bank balance per the bank statement (external) to the balance on the
bank account in the general ledger. Reconciling items might include:
“Timing differences”:
o Unpresented cheques (i.e. payments drawn by the business not yet shown on
the bank statement);
o Outstanding lodgements (i.e. money deposited with the bank but not yet
appearing on the bank statement).
Items on the bank statement still to be recorded in the cash book/bank ledger account:
o Bank interest/charges;
o Standing orders/direct debits;
o Credit transfers;
o Dishonoured ("bounced") cheques.
Errors in the cash book/bank ledger account in the general ledger (will require correction).
Bank errors (to be corrected by the bank in the bank’s records).
Exam advice
Key Point
Suggest FIVE activities that might be included in a process to monitor the system of
internal control.
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
Confirming that activities (e.g. bank reconciliations) are carried out.
Reports are produced when expected and actions carried out (e.g. follow up on exception
Customers paying amounts as stated on their invoices (implicitly corroborates billing data) or
complaining that they have been overcharged.
External regulators reporting on aspects of the internal controls relating to regulations (e.g.
financial services).
Internal audit evaluations of internal control and risk procedures (e.g. whether sales
personnel comply with company policies on terms of sales contracts).
A legal department’s oversight of compliance with the company’s policies on ethics or
business practices.
External auditor's communications to management relating to the system of internal control.
Business activity and management accounts discussed at monthly board meetings and
challenged by non-executive directors and TCWG.
To gain an understanding of the monitoring process relevant to the preparation of the
financial statements, the auditor considers:
The design of monitoring entities (e.g. whether ongoing and separate, periodic evaluations);
The performance and frequency of monitoring activities;
The evaluation of results on a timely basis to determine whether controls have been
How identified deficiencies have been addressed through remedial action, including timely
communication of deficiencies.
If there is an internal audit function, the auditor will need to understand its nature,
responsibilities and actions relevant to monitoring the system of internal control
(see Chapter 14).
Suggest SIX inherent limitations in a typical system of internal control, identifying those
which may directly lead to the potential for fraud.
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
The cost of internal control should not exceed the benefits derived, especially in
smaller companies. For example, the cost of employing additional accounts staff in
order to segregate duties is likely to outweigh the maximum benefit that might be
derived from this control.
Non-routine transactions are often less likely to be subject to routine controls and
systems may not be designed to cope with them. For example, the acquisition of
another business less usual and more complex than the purchase of non-current
asset. ⇒ Fraud risk
Human judgement in decision-making can be faulty and/or human error may lead to
breakdowns in internal control. For example, an error in the design of an information
processing controls.
Failure to understand the purpose of a control or take appropriate action may mean
a control does not operate effectively. For example, if an individual responsible for
reviewing a payroll exception report does not understand its purpose or fails to take
appropriate action on it.
Collusion (between employees or between employees and customers or suppliers)
may lead to circumvention of controls. For example, a factory employee, factory
manager and a wages clerk might collude to claim, authorise and process overtime
that has not been earned. ⇒ Fraud risk
Inappropriate management override of controls may render the system of internal
control to be ineffective. For example, a sales director may allow a long-standing
customer to exceed their specified credit limit in order to create customer goodwill,
but in contravention of credit control procedures. ⇒ Fraud risk
Management also makes judgements on the nature and extent of risk the company
chooses to assume and the nature and extent of the controls it chooses to
implement. For example, if management judges the risk of losing non-current assets
to be low, it will implement of lower level of control than if the risk had been judged to
be high.
The control environment provides an overall foundation for the operation of the other
components of the system of internal control:
It does not directly prevent, or detect and correct, misstatements.
It may, however, influence the effectiveness of other controls.
Similarly, the entity’s risk assessment process and monitoring process are designed to
support the entire system of internal control.
Because these components underpin the effectiveness of the system of internal control,
any deficiencies in their operation could have pervasive effects on the preparation of
the financial statements. Therefore, the auditor’s understanding and evaluation of these
components affect the auditor’s identification and assessment of risks of material
misstatement. In turn, the risks of material misstatement affect the nature, timing and
extent of the auditor’s further procedures.
Key Point
For each of the following control objectives for payroll processing, write a key control
question that focuses on the risk rather than the objective. The first objective has been
completed as an example:
To ensure that employees are only paid for Can employees be paid for
work done. work not done?
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
Control objectives Key control questions
To ensure that employees are only Can employees be paid for work
paid for work done. not done?
To ensure that wages are only paid to Can wages be paid to fictitious
valid employees. employees?
2.3.6 Flowcharts
A flowchart is a symbolic diagram representing the sequential flow of authority,
processes and documents.
An exemplary flowchart shows the origin of each document in the system, its
subsequent processing and its final disposal.
Flowcharts should:
show the general flow of documents and data;
start at the top of the page and move from top to bottom and from left to right; and
use descriptive wording.
As already noted, understanding the design of internal controls and whether they have
been implemented provides the auditor with an understanding of the risks of material
misstatement due to poor design or non-operation.
If the auditor decides that reliance on the effectiveness of the controls is an efficient and
effective approach to lowering audit risk to an acceptable level (i.e. control risk is
assessed), audit evidence must be obtained to confirm the effectiveness of the control
operations throughout the financial year (see Chapter 12).
If the auditor discovers that controls that were thought to be operating are not, the risk
of material misstatement will be the same as inherent risk (i.e. control risk cannot be
assessed). The audit strategy must then be revised to reflect the effect (e.g. the
implications for the nature, timing and extent of substantive procedures).
9 Syllabus Coverage
Syllabus Coverage
9 Technical Articles
Technical Articles
ACCA provide technical articles and other resources to guide and help students.
There are no technical articles available at the time of writing (November 2022) related
to this chapter.
For more recent articles and other resources please visit the ACCA global website.
CHAPTER 10: Visual Overview
Visual Overview
Objective: To describe the concept of materiality and its relationship with audit risk and
10.1.1 Concept
1.1 Concept
1.1.1 Accounting
1.1.2 Auditing
The relevant standard is ISA 320 Materiality in Planning and Performing an Audit.
Performance materiality – the amounts set by the auditor at less than materiality
for the financial statements as a whole to reduce to an appropriately low level the
probability that the aggregate of uncorrected and undetected misstatements
exceeds materiality for the financial statements as a whole.
Key Point
The auditor must apply the concept of materiality appropriately in planning and
performing the audit.
Materiality is an expression of the relative significance or importance of a
particular matter in the context of the financial statements as a whole.
The auditor must exercise professional judgment to determine what is material (and
what is immaterial) based on:
understanding of the entity and its environment;
the entity’s financial results (transactions and balances) and disclosures; and
the requirements of the users of the financial statements.
A rigid materiality model would not be practical because of the many differences
between entities and the users of their financial statements.
Materiality may be quantitative (based on values) or qualitative (based on the nature of
the matter). Qualitative misstatements include failure to disclose information as required
by laws, regulations or GAAP (e.g. IFRS disclosure requirements – but remember that
IFRS Standards apply only to material items).
Although an individual amount or procedure may not be material, consideration must be
given to the cumulative impact, for example:
A deviation in a procedure may not be material, but repeated deviations (e.g. each
month) would indicate the potential for material misstatement.
Individual immaterial pricing errors in purchases may result in a material cumulative
total, especially when extrapolated through work-in-progress and finished goods.
Failure to apply an accounting policy (e.g. depreciation of buildings) may not be
material to profit and loss in a given year. Still, cumulatively it may become so (e.g.
in accumulated depreciation on the statement of financial position).
Materiality at the financial statement level must be set, as must performance materiality.
Determining materiality for particular transactions, balances and disclosures is a matter
of professional judgment, not routine. Performance materiality will usually be less than
other materiality levels.
Key Point
Key Point
Planning the audit to consider only individually material misstatements overlooks the
cumulative impact of aggregated undetected immaterial misstatements exceeding the
overall financial statement materiality level.
The determination of performance materiality is not a simple mechanical calculation but
draws on:
the nature of the entity;
the auditor's experience (e.g. numerous immaterial misstatements found during audit
the use of professional judgment; and
the expectation of misstatements in the current period.
The aggregate of unadjusted immaterial misstatements must be compared with
performance materiality to ensure that the aggregate is not material.
has set the performance materiality level for audit procedures performed on
receivables to be 3% of total receivables.
Applying this lower threshold during testing reduces the risk that the
aggregate of misstatements exceeds overall materiality.
Boros & Co is conducting the audit of Juggler Co, a listed company with
extensive holdings of non-current assets.
Juggler Co is reluctant to disclose how it applies its accounting policies for
depreciation and revaluation in its financial statements, especially in light of
some significant changes in the utilisation and market value of some of its
non-current assets.
Considering Juggler Co’s operating environment and business model,
Boros & Co deems the nondisclosure of Juggler’s accounting policies to be
material and has requested Juggler & Co to disclose them. Failure to do so
might result in a modification of the audit opinion.
Understanding the entity and its environment establishes a framework within which the
auditor can apply professional judgment to determine what is material in the context of
the entity, its environment and control procedures.
Professional judgment is also used to determine the classes of transactions, balances
and disclosures that are material. A material class of transaction (or balance) for one
entity may be immaterial for another (e.g. rental income may not be material to revenue
in a retail company but material to a property management company).
Key Point
Understanding what is and is not material enables the auditor to consider the
nature, timing and extent of audit procedures (e.g. sampling, substantive
analytical procedures, stratification) to reduce audit risk to an acceptably low level.
In designing the audit plan, the auditor initially sets an appropriate materiality level to
detect quantitatively material misstatements at the financial statement level.
By understanding users' economic decisions, lower materiality levels may also be set
based on the classes of transactions, account balances or disclosures that such users
would consider material.
As a "yardstick", materiality must be relevant to the user rather than the preparer of
financial statements and consider critical points. For example:
Turning a reported profit into a loss (might be material to employees);
Turning net current assets into net current liabilities (may be material to investors).
The auditor must also consider that some balances are capable of "precise
determination" and dictated by law and regulations, while others are not and are
determined by opinion and judgment rather than fact.
Key Point
In planning the audit, the auditor makes judgments about the size of
misstatements considered material. These judgments provide a basis for:
determining the nature, timing and extent of risk assessment procedures;
identifying and assessing the risks of material misstatement; and
determining the nature, timing and extent of further audit procedures.
Determining materiality involves the exercise of professional judgment. A percentage is
often applied to a chosen benchmark as a starting point in determining the materiality
level for the financial statements as a whole. The ISA does not specify any particular
guidelines or values; to do so might imply that professional judgment need not be used.
Factors that may affect the identification of an appropriate benchmark include the
the elements of the financial statements (e.g. revenue, expenses, assets, liabilities);
elements that are of particular importance to users (e.g. to evaluate financial performance,
users may tend to focus on profit, revenue or net assets);
the nature of the entity, where the entity is in its life cycle, and the industry and economic
environment in which the entity operates;
the entity's ownership structure and the way it is financed (e.g. if substantially debt-financed
rather than equity-financed, users may put more emphasis on assets, and claims on them,
than on earnings); and
the relative volatility of the benchmark.
Past practice has, over time, established general percentage guidelines for the
calculation of an initial materiality level at the planning stage. For example:
½ –1 % revenue
In general, less than the lower end of a range is immaterial and greater than the upper
end is material; the "grey area" in between is a matter for professional judgment. In this
approach, profit, net assets, total assets and revenue are considered the main
quantitative elements in the financial statements. The auditor then uses professional
judgment to determine:
which element is the prime driver for materiality, or, more usually, which combination; and
where, within the range, to set materiality.
Example 3 Benchmark
Revenue $5,000,000
a. Comment on the suitability of setting a materiality level for planning purposes at:
i. $20,000
ii. $40,000
iii. $100,000
b. Justify a materiality level that may be more suitable (if any).
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
a. Suitability of Levels
i. $20,000: This is likely too low as it falls below the lower limits for revenue, total assets and
profit before tax.
ii. $40,000: This is more suitable because it is within the percentage ranges for revenue
and profit before tax. However, it may still be regarded as too low for the statement of
financial position.
iii. $100,000: Although suitable for the audit of the statement of financial position, this is
likely to be considered too high for classes of transactions. Therefore, audit procedures
may not detect material misstatements in the statement of profit or loss.
b. Recommendation
This is a matter of judgment; however, as profit before tax is a function of the make-
up of balances and transactions (and at this stage in the audit only draft), it is more
likely that materiality will be determined based on revenue or total assets. As these
ranges have no overlap, no one range will satisfy both. Therefore, an amount could
be set to satisfy just one judged on users' needs (e.g. if users are more interested in
revenues than assets/liabilities, $50,000 may be appropriate). Alternatively, an
amount could be set between ranges as a compromise: $60,000.
% $000
Revenue ½ –1 25–50
All matters that are identified as being material must be subject to detailed audit work
(e.g. tested in detail). The auditor must then use his judgment in dealing with the
remaining items (e.g. sampling or analytical procedures).
Having set a materiality level for the financial statements as a whole, the
auditor may (through judgment and expectations from experience of there
being various errors in the transactions and balances) set different
performance materiality levels for transactions, assets and liabilities (e.g.
50%, 75% and 50%) of the financial statement materiality level when
considering substantive testing.
Therefore, all balances greater than the performance materiality level will
be tested with the remaining items in the sample being selected using, for
example, random selection.
The performance materiality level would be used if sample sizes were
calculated using a materiality level.
5-10 6 41.5
1-5 40 87.0
0-1 89 59.6
137 210.4
Suggest how a financial statement materiality level of $25,000 may affect audit
procedures on trade receivables and prepayments.
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
Trade Receivables
Although there is no individual trade receivable balance greater than $25,000, the eight
largest balances total $63,800 and have the greatest potential for containing cumulative
material misstatement (of an overstatement). These individual balances are likely to be
tested in detail (see Chapter 24) to account for performance materiality.
The average balance in the range $1,000–$5,000 is $2,100 and the average balance less
than $1,000 is $670. If the profile of these balances is similar to the previous year's audit,
analytical procedures may be used (see Chapter 16).
If $16,450 is in line with the prior period, it is unlikely to be materiality incorrectly stated and
audit tests may be limited to an analytical comparison with the prior year.
The relationship between materiality and the level of audit risk is described as inverse:
as the materiality level decreases, audit risk increases (and vice versa).
The auditor compensates for this increase in audit risk by reducing detection risk:
modifying the nature, timing and extent of planned substantive procedures (i.e.
increasing the level of audit work).
If the materiality level is lowered for a given population, more items will be
greater than the materiality level.
Example 5 Materiality Level and Audit Risk
Key Point
Setting the materiality level for the financial statements at the planning stage of the audit
only considers the understanding, transactions, balances and disclosures known at that
stage. As the audit progresses, information obtained and evidence gathered, if known at
the planning stage, may have resulted in a different determination of materiality (and
audit approach).
As material matters are determined, the auditor must consider their effect on the
performance materiality (quantitative factors) and the nature, timing and extent of further
audit procedures (quantitative and qualitative aspects).
As discussed in Chapter 6, the auditor must document all matters to support the audit
opinion, especially those involving the use of professional judgment.
Activity 3 Documentation
10 Syllabus Coverage
Syllabus Coverage
10 Technical Articles
Technical Articles
ACCA provide technical articles and other resources to guide and help students.
There are no technical articles available at the time of writing (November 2022) related
to this chapter.
For more recent articles and other resources please visit the ACCA global website.
CHAPTER 11: Visual Overview
Visual Overview
11.1.0 Introduction
1.0 Introduction
Key Point
11.1.1 Definitions
ISA 240 The Auditor's Responsibilities Relating to Fraud in an Audit of Financial
Statements distinguishes fraud from error.
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
Collusion Fraud
Although there are many forms of fraud, only two basic types will result in a
misstatement of financial statements (and, therefore, will be of interest to auditors):
1. Fraudulent financial reporting; and
2. Misappropriation of assets.
Trabel Co’s management wants to improve its financial statements for reporting.
To create fictitious sales transactions near the year-end reporting date,
management has colluded with certain customers. After the reporting date, the
sales transactions are reversed with credit notes.
Frod Co’s finance director is living a lifestyle beyond his means, financed by
misappropriating cash from Frod Co. He does this by embezzling payments made
to suppliers into his bank account and informing suppliers there might be a slight
delay in payment. He then uses payments authorised for subsequent invoices to
pay for earlier invoices.
Primary responsibility for prevention and detection of fraud and error lies with
management and TCWG.
The external auditor's responsibility is to obtain reasonable assurance that the
financial statements are free from material misstatement, whether caused by
fraud or error.
Management External Auditors
Give FIVE factors that could affect the auditor's ability to detect fraud.
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
1. Skill of the fraudster
2. Frequency and extent of the fraud
3. Degree of collusion
4. Relative size of individual amounts involved
5. Seniority of those involved
1.3.2 Internal Auditors
Internal audit is just one element of the system of internal control that is established and
maintained by management. Internal auditors are responsible to management for
evaluating risks based on audit plans and appropriate testing. They must be alert to the
signs and possibilities of fraud and error (and non-compliance with laws and
Internal auditors' continual presence in an organisation gives them a better
understanding of the organisation and its system of control to detect the symptoms of
fraud. (Whereas the external auditor's focus is on material misstatements in the financial
Specifically, internal auditors can help management:
In deterring fraud by examining and evaluating the adequacy and the effectiveness of
internal controls;
In assessing the design of internal controls to detect error and fraud and making
recommendations for improvements;
In evaluating errors to determine whether they could be an indication of fraud;
In investigating actual or suspected fraud where appropriate (see below).
Although internal audit's role includes promoting best practices, testing and monitoring
systems and recommending change where needed, the responsibility for the detection
and prevention of corrupt practices (including fraud and bribery) and error lies with
executive management.
Internal audit should only be given extra responsibilities for fraud:
If this does not prejudice its primary role and responsibilities;
If it has the resource capacity and the specific expertise needed in a particular case; and
If approved by the board or audit committee.
Fraud investigation is considered in more detail in Chapter 14.
11.1.4 Professional Scepticism
1.4 Professional Scepticism
As part of the planning procedures, critical members of the engagement team should
discuss the susceptibility of the financial statements to material misstatement due to
Key Point
Exam advice
Chapter 20 deals with written representations in greater detail and contains an example
of suitable representations.
Key Point
Although the auditor's report is not explained until later (Chapter 30), note that if a
matter is assessed as immaterial there will be no grounds for modifying the audit
opinion (i.e. the opinion will be “clean”). Therefore, any fraud or error that
is immaterial will not be drawn to the attention of the users of financial statements.
Regulatory and
Those Charged with Enforcement
Management Governance Authorities
The auditor's
duty of
Communicate factual precludes any
findings if: reporting to a
o fraud may Communicate if the fraud third party.
exist (even if involves: If duty is
potentially o management; overridden
immaterial); or o employee with (e.g. by statute
o fraud does a significant role in or courts of
exist. controls; law), seek legal
Report on a timely o others, advice.
basis for management resulting in a material In some
to take action. It may misstatement. jurisdictions,
initially need to be oral If management is there may be a
but must be followed up suspected, report and statutory duty
by written support. discuss the nature, timing to report fraud
Level of management and extent of further audit and/or material
depends on: procedures needed to misstatement
o nature; complete the audit. to a
o magnitude; If fraud is not material, supervisory
o frequency; discuss the approach to authority
and reporting at planning without first
o likelihood of stage. discussing it
recurrence. Report significant with
Report to a level above deficiencies in the management.
those believed to be design/implementation of In most cases,
implicated – otherwise internal control to seek legal
seek legal advice. prevent/detect fraud. advice or
Report significant Report concerns about advice from
deficiencies in the management's attitude to ACCA on the
design/implementation fraud prevention, legal and
of internal control to detection and systems ethical matters
prevent/detect fraud. assessment. involved.
Activity 4 Matters to Be Reported to Those Charged with Governance
Suggest other matters related to fraud that the auditors should discuss with TCWG
(other than those identified above).
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
Concerns about the nature, extent and frequency of management's assessments of
the controls in place to prevent and detect fraud and the risk that the financial
statements may be misstated.
A failure by management to appropriately address identified significant deficiencies
in internal control.
A failure by management to appropriately respond to an identified fraud.
The auditor's evaluation of the control environment, including questions regarding
the competence and integrity of management.
Actions by management that may indicate fraudulent financial reporting (e.g.
management's selection and application of accounting policies to manage earnings
and deceive users of the financial statement).
Concerns about the adequacy and completeness of the authorisation of transactions
that appear outside the normal course of business.
11.2.0 Introduction
2.0 Introduction
The relevant standard is ISA 250 Consideration of Laws and Regulations in an Audit of
Financial Statements.
Key Point
11.2.1 Definition
2.1 Definition
Key Point
Direct Indirect
Key Point
2.5.1 Considerations
When non-compliance is discovered, the auditor needs to understand the nature of the
breach, the circumstances and the potential effect on the financial statements. Potential
consequences include:
threat of expropriation of assets;
enforced discontinuation of operations;
The auditor needs to understand whether potential consequences:
require amendment or disclosure (e.g. if provisions need to be made for penalties);
are so severe as to question whether the financial statements “present fairly, in all material
respects …”.
If the non-compliance may give rise to a money laundering offence, the audit firm's
Money Laundering Reporting Officer may be required to report this to the relevant
regulatory authority. Examples of such situations that may be encountered during an
audit include:
Theft of assets;
Dishonesty (e.g. failing to refund customers for goods they have returned);
Facilitation payments (i.e. bribes).
Exam advice
2.5.2 Procedures
When non-compliance is discovered, the auditor should:
Document findings – include copies of records/documents and minutes of conversations.
Discuss with management and TCWG, where appropriate, to confirm facts and
circumstances. But not if prohibited (e.g. it might prejudice an investigation).
Consult with the entity's lawyer.
Consider the need for external legal advice.
Consider how other audit areas might be affected (e.g. need to re-assess risk).
Consider whether the size and nature of the breach call into doubt management's integrity
and, therefore, other representations made by management.
It may be appropriate for the auditor to obtain legal advice before withdrawing from an
engagement. For example:
If management or TCWG do not take necessary remedial action; or
If identified or suspected, non-compliance raises questions regarding the integrity of
management or TCWG (even if the non-compliance is not material to the financial
Identified or suspected non-compliance with laws and regulations may be
communicated in the auditor's report (see Chapter 30 for details):
If the auditor has a reporting responsibility to do so;
If it is a "key audit matter",;
In exceptional circumstances, if the auditor is not permitted to withdraw from the
The auditor may report to an appropriate authority if:
Required by law, regulation or relevant ethical requirements (e.g. under
ACCA’s Code of Ethics and Conduct, reporting to an appropriate authority
does not breach confidentiality);
It is an appropriate response in accordance with relevant ethical requirements; or
He has the right to do so.
11 Syllabus Coverage
Syllabus Coverage
11 Technical Articles
Technical Articles
ACCA provide technical articles and other resources to guide and help students.
This chapter includes the relevant content of the following related technical articles
available at the time of writing (November 2022):
Law and regulations (s.2.1-2.3)
For more recent articles and other resources please visit the ACCA global website.
Exam advice
In exam questions, assume that the system is computerised unless explicitly told
1.1.1 Purpose
General IT controls are implemented to address risks arising from the use of IT and
are typically implemented for each aspect of the IT environment:
Applications – controls will be more relevant for highly-integrated IT applications with
complex security options than a “legacy application” (e.g. based on outdated technologies)
supporting a few account balances.
Database – controls typically address risks related to unauthorised updates to financial
reporting information (e.g. through direct database access or execution of a program).
Operating system – controls typically address risks related to administrative access, which
can facilitate the override of other controls (e.g. compromising other user’s credentials,
adding new/unauthorised users, loading malware or executing unauthorised programs).
Network – controls typically address risks related to network segmentation (e.g. between
branches and a head office), remote access and authentication. Network controls may be
relevant when, for example:
o web–facing applications (i.e. visible/accessible from the internet) are used in
financial reporting;
o there are significant business partner relationships or third-party outsourcing,
which may increase data transmissions and the need for remote access.
Key Point
1.1.2 Classifications
There is no single classification of general IT controls. One classification is by IT
process, for example:
Process to manage access;
Process to manage changes to the program or the IT environment;
Process to manage IT operations
Examples of general IT controls by this classification include the following:
Authentication: To
ensure users use Job
their assigned login scheduling: Controls
credentials. over access to
Authorisation: To schedule and initiate
allow users to jobs/programs that
access only the Change management may affect financial
information process: Controls over reporting.
necessary for their the process to design, Job
job (facilitates program, test and migrate monitoring: Controls
segregation of changes to a production to monitor financial
duties). (i.e. end user) reporting jobs/
Provisioning: To environment. programs for
authorise new users Segregation of duties successful execution.
and modify existing over change Backup and
users’ access migration: To segregate recovery: Controls
privileges. access to making to ensure:
Deprovisioning: To changes to a production o data
remove user access environment. backups occur as
upon termination or Systems development, planned; and
transfer. acquisition or o such data
User access implementation: Controls is available and
reviews: To over initial IT application accessible for
recertify or evaluate development or timely recovery
user access for implementation. after an outage or
authorisation. Data attack.
Physical conversion: Controls Intrusion
access: To the data over data conversion detection: Controls
centre and during development, to monitor for
hardware implementation or vulnerabilities and
(unauthorised upgrading of the IT intrusions in the IT
access may be environment. environment.
used to override
other controls).
As the financial controller at TRC Co, Lisa uses a computer to access and make
updates to the company’s financial system.
To access her workstation, she needs to log in using an assigned username
and password. A two-step verification process requires her to key in a PIN
sent to an authenticator app on her phone.
TRC Co has an automated policy that forces authorised users to change their
passwords every 60 days or in the event of a detected breach of the system.
Her workstation has up-to-date anti-virus, operating system (OS) and firewall;
the policies and updates are controlled by TRC Co.
Her workstation automatically sends back-end operation and memory data to
TRC Co’s IT department, comparing processes to a database of threats and
flagging anomalies.
Her workstation has restrictions on the installation of software and scripts.
Software can only be installed through the approved software portal on the
company’s intranet or if an exception case is submitted and approved through
the IT department.
Her workstation automatically backs up Lisa’s data and folders to the cloud
every day at a specific time.
Changes to programmes and settings are logged by the OS and sent to the IT
Specific to Lisa’s workstation, key dates, changes to settings and processes
relating to the financial software are automatically logged and sent to the IT
TRC Co’s cloud verification restricts financial system login by Lisa to only one
session at a time. Logins from multiple terminals simultaneously are not
allowed; any attempt will be logged and shared with the IT department.
An alternative classification is as follows:
12.1.2 Information Processing Controls
1.2 Information Processing Controls
Exam advice
Key Point
Key Point
activity Examples Tests of controls
Authorisation/approval of:
Purchase/disposal of
non-current assets
Payments to suppliers Inspection of documents
Customer credit limits evidencing authorisation (e.g.
Purchase and sales capital expenditure
transactions requisition).
Authorisation New employees, wage Inquiry regarding
and approvals rates, promotions authorisation procedures and
Journal entries. authorising parties.
Bank reconciliations.
Supplier/customer Inspect reconciliations and
statement evidence of independent
reconciliations. review.
Reconciliations (See Activity Reperformance of
1 in Chapter 9.) reconciliations.
Arithmetical accuracy
Extracting trial
Sequence checks of
Follow-up on Recalculation of arithmetical
error/exception reports. checks.
(See also information Reperformance of sequence
processing controls checks.
Verifications Inspection of reports for
evidence of follow-up.
Observation of secured/
password access.
Observation of inspection of
physical assets.
Secured access to Inspection of evidence of
assets and records. comparison of book to
Password access to physical assets (e.g. in a non-
computer systems. current asset register).
Comparing book to Reperformanceof physical to
Physical or physical assets (e.g. book comparisons (e.g. test
logical controls inventory, cash, non- counts when attending a
current assets). physical inventory count).
Observation of segregation
Separation of of duties
authorisation, recording Inspection of documents that
and custody functions. evidence segregation of
Segregation of Actions of one duties
duties employee checked by Inquiry regarding
another. segregation
An interim audit is carried out two months before the year-end. The results
show that there is a high degree of operating effectiveness.
During the remaining two months, a change is made to the procurement
procedures. This is considered to be significant.
Understanding and risk assessment is based on this change in control. The
operational effectiveness of the change and its effect on the procurement
system will be tested from the date of its introduction.
As the monitoring of controls was assessed as effective at the interim audit,
the auditor decides that a review of the control monitoring procedures during
the last two months, supported by analytical procedures, will be sufficient to
cover the remaining internal controls relevant to the audit and will not be
affected by the change.
2.5.1 General
Audit evidence on the operating effectiveness of controls obtained in previous audits
may be relied on as audit evidence for the current period, subject to the following
inquiries, observations and inspections confirm that no changes were made in the current
if an individual control, that control is tested at least once in every third audit;
if several controls, a sufficient portion of them are tested each audit;
the control does not relate to a significant risk.
Suggest FIVE reasons for the auditor NOT to rely on the audit evidence obtained in
prior periods.
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
A weak control environment.
Weak monitoring of controls.
A significant manual component in control activities.
Personnel changes that significantly affect the application of the control.
Changing circumstances that indicate the need for changes in the control.
Weak general IT controls.
The learning outcomes for this chapter cover the first three skills, the remaining two
skills are detailed in the next chapter.
Consider the sales cycle. Identify the overall control objective (that all goods
despatched are correctly recorded in the general ledger), break down the transaction
into components (i.e. the flow of documentation) and ask, "What could go wrong?" –
that is, what would be an appropriate control objective for that element (e.g. to
ensure that goods cannot be despatched without the correct authorisation)?
Effectively, devise control objectives at each stage.
Then ask what control activities need to be in place to achieve the control objective
(e.g. authorisation, completeness checks, reconciliations, pre-numbering of
documents, segregation of duties, etc).
Use the components of the purchases cycle to generate FOUR control questions.
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
Key Point
IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers outlines five steps in the
revenue recognition process:
Sample Tests of
Internal Control Examples Controls
Goods despatch
note and invoice Check cross-
are of the same set reference to invoice
(matched) and for a sample of
sequence despatch notes and
checked. check for evidence of
Regular sequence check.
reconciliation of Check for evidence of
inventory per regular reconciliations
physical count to and ensure that they
1. Can goods be records and appear reasonable
despatched but not investigation of (i.e. no unexplained
invoiced? differences. differences).
Recording on
listing evidenced
on the invoice (e.g.
by a digital
signature). Check digital
Entries on the signatures on a
listing are sample of invoices.
sequence checked Check for evidence of
2. Can invoices be to ensure all sequence check (e.g.
raised but omitted from invoices are proof of investigation
the detailed sales listing entered. of missing items).
3. Can receivables
be improperly credited Authority for credit
by fictitious or incorrect notes, journal Check for evidence of
credit notes, journals, entries and bad authority on a sample
bad debt write-offs, debt write-offs of credit entries in the
cash receipts, etc? evidenced. sales ledger.
Sample Tests of
Stage Internal Control Examples Controls
Segregation of duties
o Purchasing
o Order department
o Bookkeeping
o Inventory handling
o Recording and
Overall payment o
Verify authorisation
of a sample of
Orders should be purchase
requisitioned by the user requisitions.
department and authorised by Test the sequence of
the head of the department. purchase
Sequential numbering should requisitions and
be checked for completeness. enquire into those
A buyer should coordinate missing.
requisitions (to secure value Scrutinise all tenders
for money). Selected tender received, where
should be authorised. applicable, in
An economic order quantity respect of a sample
(EOQ) inventory system or of transactions and
checks on physical quantities verify the
held (to prevent authorisation of
Requisitions "overstocking"). selected tender.
A control total may be a monetary total (e.g. of the amounts of the purchase
Sample Tests of
Stage Internal Control Examples Controls
A record should be kept for
each employee containing, in
writing, proof of engagement,
dismissal, changes in pay
rates, etc. Any changes in
detail should be evidenced in
writing by a responsible
The payroll should be
independently scrutinised
(e.g. month-on-month) to
identify any unexpected
A responsible official should
supervise the recording of Review a sample of
payroll and the regular employee files and
discharge of payroll-related verify that all
liabilities. engagements,
Segregation of duties dismissals or status
between: changes are in writing
o Personnel and authorised by a
management responsible official.
o Payroll recording Review payroll
o Cash payment documentation for
o Overall supervision evidence of
Overall of payroll system independent scrutiny.
Sample Tests of
Stage Internal Control Examples Controls
Segregation of duties between:
o Purchasing
o Receiving
o Inventory management
Overall o Despatch o
See tests of
control related to
goods received
Goods See internal controls over goods in the purchases
received received in the purchases cycle. cycle.
See internal
controls over
despatched in
Goods See internal controls over goods the revenue
despatched despatched in the revenue cycle. cycle.
Examine a
GRNs and GDNs are used to sample of GRNs
update inventory records. and GDNs for
GRNs and GDNs evidenced as evidence of
processed (e.g. stamped) and possession.
filed numerically. Review the
Regular physical inventory comparison and
counted, compared "book" v reconciliation of
Inventory actual quantities and investigated book v. actual
records for discrepancies. quantities.
Internal Control
Stage Examples Sample Tests of Controls
Standardised cheque
requisition form For a sample of cheques,
should be used. examine the supporting
Cheques or bank documentation to verify the
drafts should be use of the standard cheque
prepared only after all requisition form and the
Request for source documents independent approval of all
payment have been source documents.
Suppliers' statements
should be reviewed
and reconciled to Examine a sample of
accounts payable suppliers' statements for
records before evidence of review,
Payment payment is reconciliation and
authorisation authorised. authorisation.
Bank reconciliations
should be prepared
regularly (at least
Bank reconciliations
should be
Recording reviewed.
Control objectives for the non-current asset cycle include the control objectives for the
purchases cycle, plus the following:
To ensure that all material capital acquisitions and disposals are approved by
management or the board.
To ensure that only asset expenditure is recognised as an asset.
To ensure that tangible and intangible non-current assets are appropriately
depreciated or amortised.
To ensure that impairments are identified and accounted for.
Internal controls and tests of controls include the internal controls and tests of controls
for the purchases cycle, plus the following:
12 Syllabus Coverage
Syllabus Coverage
C. Internal Control
3. Tests of controls
1. Describe computer systems controls including general IT controls and information
processing controls.
2. Describe control objectives, control procedures, control activities, direct controls, indirect
controls and tests of control in relation to:
1. The sales system
2. The purchases system
3. The payroll system
4. The inventory system
5. The bank and cash system
6. Non-current assets
12 Technical Articles
Technical Articles
ACCA provide technical articles and other resources to guide and help students.
This chapter includes the relevant content of the following related technical articles
available at the time of writing (November 2022):
Auditing in a computer-based environment (s.1)
Specific aspects of auditing in a computer-based environment (s.1.2)
ISA 330 and responses to assessed risks (s.2)
The audit of wages (s.6)
For more recent articles and other resources please visit the ACCA global website.
Key Point
Under ISA 260 Communication with Those Charged with Governance, the
auditors should:
Key Point
13.1.1 Responsibilities
1.1 Responsibilities
Although the auditor needs to have good communication with TCWG, it is the auditor's
sole responsibility to establish the scope and timing of the audit; others cannot dictate
this. Matters to be discussed include:
the consequences of the auditor's work;.
the entity's business, environment, objectives and strategies (and changes since the
last audit) (Chapters 8, 9);.
materiality and significant risks of material misstatement (Chapters 8-10);
approach to and reliance on internal control, including risk management;
oversight and monitoring of internal control, including reports from management and
internal audit;
working in a constructive and complementary way with internal audit (Chapter 18);
detection or possibility of fraud (including whistle-blowing reports) and breaches of
laws and regulations (Chapter 11);
changes in laws and regulations (e.g. IFRS, governance practice, listing rules) and
any effect;
significant communications with regulators (if any);
the specialised skill or knowledge needed to complete the audit, including the use of
an auditor's expert; and
when ISA 701 applies, any key audit matters identified by the auditor. (ISA
701 Communicating Key Audit Matters in the Independent Auditor's Report is
covered in detail later in Chapter 30.)
The auditor should communicate any views about significant qualitative aspects of
accounting practices, including accounting policies, accounting estimates and
disclosures, for example:
if any practice is considered inappropriate, the reasons why and any available
changes made by management that the auditor considers to be inappropriate;
the effect in controversial or emerging areas;
indicators of possible management bias (e.g. aggressive application of accounting
policies or estimates that may be considered financial statement manipulation).
Key Point
Any circumstances that affect the form and content of the auditor's report
MUST be communicated to TCWG (Chapter 30).
Where the entity is listed, TCWG must be satisfied that the auditors have complied with
relevant ethical requirements (Chapter 4).
This will generally take the form of a statement from the auditors that:
the engagement team and the firm have complied with relevant ethical requirements;
identifies all matters that, in the auditor's professional judgment, may reasonably be
thought to bear on independence; and
the related safeguards that have been applied to eliminate identified threats to
independence or reduce them to an acceptable level.
ISA 260 places significant emphasis on the need for the auditor to promote effective
two-way communication with TCWG, as this:
assists in developing a constructive working relationship between the auditor and
those charged with governance;
sets clear expectations between the auditor and TCWG regarding communication of
matters of audit relevance;
recognises that TCWG are an essential element in the control environment;
assists TCWG in fulfilling their oversight responsibility for the risk management and
financial reporting process; and
recognises that TCWG is an essential source of information for conducting an
effective audit.
As two-way communication cannot be required, the auditor evaluates whether it is
adequate. If not, this may affect the auditor's:
risk assessment;
ability to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence;
consideration of the audit opinion.
Example 1 Communication to Those Charged with Governance
13.2.1 Deficiencies
2.1 Deficiencies
Tralla & Co is performing the audit of Weebli Co. In tests of controls on the
wages system, the auditor found significant control deficiencies in the
wages system, including:
1. Lack of necessary authorisation or authentication to create employee files for
starters and leavers. Wages clerks had full access to all files in the wages
2. A significant number of fictitious employees have been paid regularly.
3. Lack of documentary evidence, such as timesheets, for work done.
4. Wages paid to fictitious employees had been removed from the monthly
wages report sent to management, resulting in accounting entries that do not
reflect actual wages paid.
Tralla ∓ Co concludes that the risk of material misstatement in wages
expense is high and that the control deficiency is important enough to merit
the attention of those charged with governance.
Key Point
3.3 Content
The report to management must be addressed to TCWG (e.g. the board) and not to an
individual director. The auditor should ensure that its contents have been discussed by
TCWG (e.g. as shown by minutes of a board meeting).
The report should be clear, concise, constructive and structured. It will usually consist of
two elements:
a covering letter; and
supporting detail and the possible effect of the deficiency, suggestions for corrective action
and management response.
The detail in the letter should not conflict with the opinion expressed in the auditor's
report (e.g. matters in the report indicate that proper books and records have not been
kept, yet the audit opinion is unmodified).
The covering letter should contain statements that:
The purpose of the audit was for the auditor to express an opinion on the financial
Internal controls were considered only to the extent necessary to determine the auditing
procedures and not to determine the adequacy of internal control for management purposes
or to provide assurance or express an opinion on the systems of internal control;
Only deficiencies in internal control which have come to the auditor's attention as a result of
audit procedures and that are considered to be of sufficient (significant) importance to be
reported are included;
If the auditor had performed more extensive procedures on internal control, more
deficiencies might have been identified to be reported; and
The report is provided to TCWG and management in the context of the audit and may not be
suitable for other purposes.
Activity 2 Qualities
Suggest SIX qualities that an audit manager might look for when reviewing a report to
management regarding significant deficiencies in internal control drafted by an audit
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
Timeliness: as soon as possible after the completion of audit procedures.
Use specific examples to illustrate deficiencies.
Clear explanations of implications/risks.
Commercial awareness of the client's expectations.
Practicable recommendations for improvements.
Inclusion of prior year points not acted upon, suitably amended.
Clear, constructive and concise.
Careful presentation (e.g. "tiered" structure).
Factual accuracy.
Evidence of discussion (e.g. inclusion of client's comments).
No remarks of a personal nature.
Matters may be included in the body of the covering letter, or as a separate appendix.
They will usually be prioritised (e.g. high risk first, lower risk following; in other words,
significant matters first, and then other matters). They may also be categorised into
audit sections (e.g. sales, inventory, receivables).
A common structure of the recommendations covers:
3.5 Follow-up
You are the auditor of Homecontrols, a company which manufactures components for
domestic appliances. It operates a perpetual inventory system and performs quarterly
physical inventory counts, amending the perpetual inventory records to reflect actual
quantities counted.
During your interim visit, you review the results of the last physical count. Several high-
value items included in the records were not in inventory. Also, returns from customers
were added to physical inventory but are not recorded in the perpetual inventory
Multi-part, pre-
numbered order sets
should be used:
1. Retained in the
2. Sent to the
inventory clerk to
confirm the order
Only a has been placed;
photocopy of If a copy is not made or is 3. Sent to the
the original subsequently altered, warehouse; and
purchase incorrect quantities of 4. Sent to the
order is made. goods or incorrect goods accounts
may be accepted. department
The warehouse
should receive a
copy of the
purchase order.
The warehouse
The manager should
warehouse The warehouse may agree goods
has no accept goods that have received (description
notification of not been ordered. This and quantity) to an
what has been would incur additional authorised purchase
ordered. liabilities and costs in order before
returning goods. accepting them.
Mr Wurm should
sign orders as
evidence of
authorisation. This
should mean that
the goods are
Unauthorised or incorrect required (e.g. from
Purchase purchases could be made, requisitions,
orders are committing the company budgets, inventory
placed without to goods it does not records) and that the
authorisation. require or unfavourable price is agreed
payment terms. upon.
Goods should be
physically inspected
by the warehouse
supervisor and
agreed to the
purchase order
before acceptance.
The warehouse
supervisor should
complete a pre-
numbered, multi-part
Goods Received
Note (GRN):
1. to update order
files so that
orders can be
The company may incur identified;
Goods are liability for goods that 2. to be agreed to
stored on have not been ordered the purchase
receipt before (e.g. an over delivery) or invoice; and
any checks are damaged. Costs will 3. to update the
are made. be incurred unnecessarily inventory
to rectify such situations. records.
The auditor cannot disclose the detail of the report to management to any third party
without the client's consent, as it is confidential information. A disclaimer/caveat would
normally be included in the report, stating that:
the report has been prepared for use by TCWG/management (or other specific
named party);
the written consent of the auditor is required for the client to disclose the information
to another party;
the auditor has no responsibility to third parties.
Example 2 Specimen Report to Management
Goods received
Data security
Although our tests did
not find any errors, the
password system
should be reactivated
immediately following
the recommended
approach of the system
designers (e.g. at least
Because the 12 characters in length,
password facility a mix of upper and
has been lower case, alpha and
disabled, anybody numeric characters, not
can access the a dictionary word or
system without valid date).
authority and, for Passwords should be
example, change remembered and users
There is no or corrupt data should not write them
access security (e.g. add non- down where they can
for the computer existent easily be found (e.g.
terminals in the employees or under the keyboard or
wages increase wage on the side of the
department. rates). computer monitor).
13 Syllabus Coverage
Syllabus Coverage
13 Technical Articles
Technical Articles
ACCA provide technical articles and other resources to guide and help students.
There are no technical articles available at the time of writing (November 2022) related
to this chapter.
For more recent articles and other resources please visit the ACCA global website.
CHAPTER 14: Visual Overview
Visual Overview
Objective: To describe the role, scope and functions of internal audit and the nature
and extent of internal review assignments.
14.1.1 Internal Audit
1.1 Internal Audit
Key Point
One of the primary responsibilities of the audit committee is to monitor and review
the effectiveness of the internal audit function.
This definition usefully outlines the relationship between internal audit and the
management of an entity. Key elements that have not been covered already in this text
Organisations exist to create value or benefit their owners,
other stakeholders, customers and clients.
When gathering data to understand and assess risk, internal
Add value auditors gain insight into operations and opportunities for
improvement that can benefit the organisation.
Key Point
The reasons for the absence of an internal audit function should be explained in
the relevant section of the annual report.
Suggest additional matters which directors might consider when assessing the need for
an internal audit function.
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
Corporate structure and the degree of autonomy of each business unit.
Overall corporate culture and management's philosophy.
The company's appetite for risk or its ability to tolerate risk.
Overall control environment.
Changes in organisational structure (including delayering), reporting processes and/or
underlying information systems.
Changes in key risks arising from:
o changes in internal processes (e.g. product or service lines or entry into new
o alterations in external factors (e.g. regulatory requirements).
Complexity of the company's systems, especially IT systems.
The number of moderate- to high-risk areas which are not appropriately controlled.
Deteriorating trends in the system of internal controls evident from the existing monitoring
Concerns about the level of "risk and control awareness" and the need to educate senior or
middle management or staff.
An increased incidence of unexpected or unacceptable results or occurrences.
The views of the company's external auditors
External Internal
To provide an
opinion (in a To appraise, examine and
report) on financial evaluate organisational
statements activities and assist
(see Chapters management in discharging its
Role 1 and 30). responsibilities.
Effectiveness of risk
management strategy and
operations, operation of
corporate governance,
adequacy and effectiveness of
internal control and other
Financial business functions contribute
statements to the economical, efficient
Forms “present fairly” (or and effective use of resources
opinions on equivalent). (see s.3).
Unlimited, to fulfil
a statutory
obligation. Usually
defined by
Scope of legislation as well Prescribed by management,
assignment as ISA. TCWG or audit committee.
The objectives and scope of an internal audit function, the nature of its responsibilities
and its organisational status vary widely, but typically include the following:
Understand the key risks (including fraud) and assess the adequacy of the
processes by which these risks are identified, evaluated and managed.
Review the sufficiency of the information and the adequacy and operation of controls
used to manage those risks.
Assess the reliability and integrity of key financial and operating information and the
means used to identify, measure, classify and report such information.
Review the processes and systems to ensure adherence with those policies, plans,
procedures, laws and regulations which could affect the company and determine
whether it complies.
Review the means of safeguarding assets and other essential resources, especially
information in hard copy or on computer systems, including business contingency
plans and the security of computer systems.
Review operations or projects (including systems under development) to ascertain
whether results are consistent with established objectives and goals, and whether
the operation or projects are performing as planned.
Monitor corrective action plans to ensure that management implements them
promptly and effectively.
Advise management on cost-effective controls for new systems and activities.
Liaise with TCWG (e.g. the audit committee) and the external auditors (as
Key Point
14.2.3 Limitations
2.3 Limitations
Without the full support of management and TCWG the authority of internal audit
and the scope of its work may be severely limited.
o Internal audit may not be allowed to operate as an independent function.
o Scope of work may be limited by executive management.
o Reporting lines do not ensure that appropriate action will be taken.
o Internal audit is denied access to key personnel and information.
The effectiveness of the internal audit function can be limited if management is over-
reliant on internal audit to the extent that internal audit does not have the time and
resources to fulfil its proper purpose.
The high cost of setting up and maintaining may not be justifiable.
Management may ignore reports or recommendations.
Verely Co operates an internal audit (IA) function; its scope covers both
financial and operational aspects of Verely’s business processes. Verely
Co’s IA reports directly to its audit committee.
Verely Co’s IA has recently completed its audit of Verely’s procurement
process. Of 329 significant procurements, 18 did not comply with Verely’s
risk processes (e.g. three independent quotations, declaration of no conflict
of interest, and a post-delivery review before payment). The IA’s report was
given to the audit committee for action and control.
Verely’s IA also completed an audit on inventory handling for high-value,
environment-sensitive inventory items. It found that there was not enough
documentation nor management oversight of handling processes to
complete the audit trail in 128 instances during the year, which resulted in
14 units found missing, with a further 20 units found to be in the wrong
storage facility, and 12 units damaged and unusable.
14.3.1 Meaning
3.1 Meaning
The audit committee must consider the effect of outsourcing internal audit
on the effectiveness of the company’s overall arrangements for internal
control and investor perceptions.
14.3.4 Benefits
3.4 Benefits
Reduced costs – a company with an in-house internal audit service must pay
salaries, training and overheads. Although contractor's fees will be set to cover
these, there may be economies of scale. The company would only pay for resources
when required so the total cost may be cheaper.
Consistency with external audit – if outsourced to the external auditors, there may
be greater consistency in approach. As external audit may be able to place more
reliance on internal audit (see Chapter 18) the company would benefit from a lower
Skills – outsourcing provides access to new skills. External providers will have a
broader range of skills and experience from auditing other companies.
New techniques – both the internal and external audit markets are very competitive.
This encourages firms to develop new techniques which are more efficient and
effective (e.g. data analytics). Contracting out gives the company access to these
techniques without a high level of investment.
Management time – time and resources can be freed to concentrate on core areas
of the business.
Liability – legal action may be brought against an external service provider if its
standards are not acceptable.
Skills – an external contractor may lack the specialist skills relevant to a company
that an in-house service will possess. Once a contractor is brought in, these skills
may be lost forever.
Service constraints – the service provider will need to act according to the terms of
reference. It may be unable to follow up suspicious circumstances beyond the duties
specified without renegotiating the terms of reference.
Flexibility – an in-house department will provide a permanent presence, whereas
contracted-out services may only be at the company for discrete periods.
Outsourcing may result in reduced staff availability and flexibility.
Conflicting reporting lines – internal audit should report to the company's audit
committee or board of directors. However, as an employee of the internal audit
provider, the employee may be expected to report to the management as a client.
Standard of service – once an external provider has secured the contract, the level
of service provided may fall.
Corporate culture – contracting out any service involves a change to corporate
Skills – the service provider must have the appropriate skills and expertise to
undertake the internal audit role. Although there are overlaps between internal and
external audit, internal audit usually fulfils a broader role.
Staff management – undertaking internal audit functions may improve staff
management where the service provider is an audit/accountancy practice. Internal
audit work may be conducted with fewer external audit engagements during slacker
Effect on external audit – although there are overlaps, internal and external audit
roles are different. If the same firm performs both roles, the distinction could become
blurred. This could lead to a reduced level of service overall and a lower level of
credibility attached to the external auditor's report.
Independence issues – outsourcing increases independence, as an in-house
department can never be truly independent. The service provider’s staff are more
likely to rotate, so close relationships are less likely to form.
Drawbacks – the external provider could become dependent on the client. The risk
is particularly significant where the internal auditor is the external auditor.
Restrictions – although there are no legal restrictions on outsourcing internal audit
to a third-party service provider, legal or ethical standards may restrict this practice
to prevent external auditors from acting in client roles. For example, statutory
auditors are precluded from serving as the internal auditor to clients whose financial
statements they certify in many countries (e.g. United States, France, India, Italy,
New Zealand and Norway).
14.4.0 Introduction
4.0 Introduction
As already stated, the primary purpose of internal auditing is to evaluate and improve
the effectiveness of risk management, control and governance processes. However, the
broad focus of internal audit and the diverse skills of internal auditors mean that many
other assignments may be undertaken by internal audit. This section covers the
assignments that are specifically mentioned in the AA syllabus.
14.4.3 IT Audit
4.3 IT Audit
Information systems are pervasive in most organisations and would, in most cases, be
considered a significant risk through, for example:
no IS strategy or a strategy that does not fit the business strategy;
poor project management;
poor system design (including controls) development and implementation;
acceptance of an inappropriate system;
significant expenditure for a system that does not deliver;
poor security, transaction integrity and process alignment;
corruption of data used for decision-making;
access to sensitive information by unauthorised personnel;
unexpected (non-scheduled) downtime;
breaches of laws and regulations; and
no (or inappropriate) disaster recovery procedures.
The financial process audit is the traditional role of internal audit. Accounting and
financial processes include:
receiving value from sales transactions, disposals of assets, investments (interest
"bought ledger" processing (of invoices for goods/services before suppliers are
treasury functions;
supplying financial and management information;
appraising new business; and
developing and maintaining accounting systems and financial controls.
The purpose of the accounting and financial process audit is to review all available
evidence to substantiate the information in management and financial reporting by
the completeness and accuracy of recorded transactions;
assets are safeguarded;
that complete, accurate and relevant information is provided on a timely basis; and
that accounting and finance functions are managed efficiently.
Customer service is just one of many examples of a business function that may be
reviewed by internal audit. Other examples include health and safety, human resources
and social media.
This is an audit of the operational processes (primary activities and support activities) to
ensure that management has:
adequate controls and other risk management measures in place to achieve
business objectives (risk management) economically and efficiently; and
adequate routine assurances which inform them that controls and risk management
measures are effective.
Operational audits may be wholly performance-based or compliance-based or include
elements of both approaches:
Performance– based – processes or activities are evaluated to draw conclusions on
the adequacy of the products and effectiveness of the processes associated with
those products.
Compliance– based – use investigation, discussion, observation, examination or
evaluation to determine the adequacy of and systems compliance with established
procedures and the effectiveness of systems implementation (similar to the systems-
based audit approach, but applied to all controls).
The purpose of internal audit reports will be driven by the terms of reference of the
assignment. Mostly, they:
provide management with an opinion (e.g. on the adequacy of the system of internal
control); and
inform management of significant findings, conclusions and recommendations arising from
the work carried out.
Depending on the type of report issued, the aim of the report would be:
to provide appropriate assurance to management or recommendations to enhance business
to prompt management action to implement recommendations for change leading to
improvement in performance and control; and
to provide a formal record of points arising from the assignment and, where appropriate, of
agreements reached with management.
Activity 2 Business Performance Reports
5.2.2 Timing
An interim report, orally or in writing, should be made where:
it is necessary to alert management to the need to take immediate action to correct a
significant deficiency in performance or control;
there are reasonable grounds for suspicion of malpractice;
there is a significant change in the scope of the assignment; or
is desirable to inform management of progress.
Interim reporting does not diminish or eliminate the need for final reporting.
Before issuing the final report, the internal auditor should:
discuss its contents with the appropriate levels of management;
include management comment where necessary; and
obtain management's confirmation of factual accuracy.
It is management's responsibility to ensure that proper consideration is given to internal
audit reports. The internal auditor should ensure that:
appropriate arrangements are made to determine whether action has been taken on internal
audit recommendations; or
management has understood and assumed the risk of not taking action.
Unlike the external auditor's report, there are no formal structures for an internal
auditor's report. As for any business report, the structure of the report suits its purpose
be it formal, informal, a discussion paper, a presentation (e.g. with PowerPoint notes for
participants) or a monthly summary.
A typical business report would have the following elements:
Terms of reference
Executive summary
Body of report:
o key findings and recommendations; and
o detailed findings and agreed action
The body of the report will depend on the terms of reference. For example, for a report
on controls, the structure may be very similar to management reports produced by the
external auditor (see Chapter 13). However, the content will be very different where the
internal auditor is concerned with operational matters of economy, efficiency and
The reports should be clear, constructive and concise and based on sufficient, relevant
and reliable evidence, which should:
state the scope, purpose, extent and conclusions of the assignment;
make recommendations which are appropriate and relevant and which flow from the
conclusions; and
acknowledge the action taken or proposed by management.
comments Agreed
14 Syllabus Coverage
Syllabus Coverage
C. Internal Control
5. Internal audit and governance, and the differences between external audit and
internal audit
1. Discuss the factors to be taken into account when assessing the need for internal audit.
2. Discuss the elements of best practice in the structure and operations of internal audit
3. Compare and contrast the role of external and internal audit.
6. The scope of the internal audit function, outsourcing and internal audit assignments
1. Discuss the scope of internal audit and the limitations of the internal audit function.
2. Explain outsourcing and the associated advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing the
internal audit function.
3. Discuss the nature and purpose of internal audit assignments including value for money, IT,
financial, regulatory compliance, fraud investigations and customer experience.
4. Discuss the nature and purpose of operational internal audit assignments.
5. Describe the format and content of internal audit review reports and make appropriate
recommendations to management and those charged with governance.
14 Technical Articles
Technical Articles
ACCA provide technical articles and other resources to guide and help students.
There are no technical articles available at the time of writing (November 2022) related
to this chapter.
For more recent articles and other resources please visit the ACCA global website.
The auditor must design and perform audit procedures to obtain sufficient
appropriate evidence to draw reasonable conclusions on which to base the audit
Audit evidence is necessary to support the audit opinion and the auditor’s report. It is
cumulative and mostly obtained from audit procedures performed during the audit.
Key points
15.1.2 Sources
1.2 Sources
Audit evidence – is all the information used by the auditor in arriving at the
conclusions on which the audit opinion is based. It includes information
from contained in the accounting records underlying the financial
statements and information from other sources.
Accounting records – the records of initial accounting entries and
supporting records (such as checks and records of electronic fund
transfers, invoices, contracts, the general and subsidiary ledgers and
journal entries) and records such as work sheets and spreadsheets
supporting cost allocations, computations, reconciliations and disclosures.
Audit evidence is all the information used by the auditor in arriving at the conclusions on
which the audit opinion is based. It includes information from accounting records
underlying the financial statements and information from other sources.
Sources may be:
internal or external to the entity (e.g. originated in the entity or externally);
oral or written;
direct or indirect (direct to the auditor from an external source or via the client);or
generated by the auditor (e.g. analytical procedures).
For example, documentary evidence may be:
Generated and provided to auditors by a third party (i.e. external and independent (direct)).
For example, bank confirmation letters sent directly to the auditor.
Generated by a third party and held by the entity (i.e. external but not independent
(indirect)). For example, bank statements.
Generated and held by the entity (i.e. internal and indirect). For example, bank
reconciliations carried out every month by the cashier.
Activity 1 Sources of Evidence for Tangible Non-current Assets
Use the following ideas list of sources of evidence to generate examples of sources of
evidence relevant to the audit of tangible non-current assets.
Accounting systems
Tangible assets
Analytical procedures
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
procedures Depreciation "proof in total"
Exam advice
This "ideas list" is a helpful memory jogger for planning an examination answer.
There are many factors to consider in assessing the sufficiency (i.e. quantity) of audit
Audit risk – derived from understanding the business, its environment and controls
(e.g. the higher the risk of a material misstatement, the more evidence required
(extent, nature and timing)).
Nature of internal control – computerised or manual (e.g. if programmed, a control
will be consistently applied, but manual controls may be inconsistently applied and
more testing therefore required). Conversely, testing 100% in a computerised
system using CAATs (see Chapter 21) may be costly but time-effective.
Reliance on effective controls – includes preliminary understanding and
evaluation (following tests). If controls cannot be relied on, a greater level of
substantive procedures will be required.
Cumulative Audit Knowledge and Experience (CAKE) – first-year audit will always
have a high risk. As greater understanding and experience of the client is gained,
and a more effective and efficient audit approach is developed, the level and detail
of evidence required may reduce in subsequent years.
Materiality – immaterial items require little evidence (e.g. "reasonableness test").
But remember, for example, that although IFRS Standards only applies to material
items, what is not material to one client may be very material to another. Materiality
is a relative term.
Audit findings – errors may, for example, require further audit work to be carried
out. If audit evidence is found to be not as reliable as expected, additional evidence
will be required.
Source and reliability of information – how persuasive is the evidence? Does all
the evidence point to the same conclusion?
Key point
Sufficiency (i.e. the quantity of evidence required) relates to the risk of misstatement
and to the appropriateness (i.e. quality) of that evidence:
the higher the risk, the more audit evidence required (which does not mean that
more is better – quality is essential as well);
the higher the quality of the evidence, the less that may be required to confirm an
Key points
Exam advice
3.2.1 Assertions
Accuracy Occurrence
Completeness Valuation
Cut-off Existence Obligations
Allocation Rights Presentation
Completeness Completeness
Accuracy, Valuation and Allocation Occurrence
Rights and Obligations Classification
Existence Cut-Off
Presentation Accuracy
Classification Presentation
Exam advice
Do not write out mnemonics in the exam; use only as a "memory jogger".
15.3.3 Reliability
3.3 Reliability
The critical assertions for any information used by the auditor when considering the
reliability of audit evidence are the accuracy and completeness of that information (e.g.
completeness of a population of documents to be sampled; the accuracy of the
inventory records when considering reliance on perpetual inventory systems).
Obtaining evidence about the completeness and accuracy of information may be
acquired concurrently when carrying out other audit procedures or, for example, by
using alternative techniques (e.g. CAATs).
3.3.1 General Presumptions ("Rules of Thumb")
Several general assumptions can be made about the reliability of audit evidence
depending on whether it is:
external or internal;
direct or indirect;
written or oral; and
External (independent) sources are more reliable than entity
External v (internal) sources.
internal Information generated by the entity (e.g. accounting records)
is more reliable when related internal controls are effective.
Key Point
3.3.2 Exceptions
There will always be exceptions to the generalisations above, and care must be taken
when considering the reliability of audit evidence. For example:
evidence obtained from an independent external source may not be that reliable if the
source is not knowledgeable or has little experience of the specific matter being considered;
original documents may not be available, only their electronic copies. But if the controls over
creation, maintenance and security of the copies are strong, the copies become more
reliable. (Otherwise, consider the implications for the audit opinion.)
Activity 2 Ranking Evidence
Rank the following items of audit evidence concerning land ownership using a scale of 1
(for worst) to 4 (for best).
1. Internal oral 1
2. External oral 2
3. Auditor obtained (on originals) 4
4. External documentary 3
15.3.4 Direction of Testing
3.4 Audit Objectives
Auditors must design audit programmes (i.e. detailed specifications of audit work to be
carried out) to determine whether all relevant assertions are valid. If they are, classes of
transactions and balances will not be misstated; neither overstated nor understated.
The assertion(s) for which evidence is sought influences the source of evidence and the
"direction" of testing. It is essential to understand the source of evidence required and
the direction of the test to ensure the evidence obtained is relevant.
3.4.1 Overstatement
If the overstatement of a balance (e.g. an asset) or class of transactions (e.g. revenue
from contracts with customers) is an audit risk, the direction of testing needs to
be from the financial statements (where the overstated item is presented) to the
supporting evidence.
Tests for overstatement of amounts in the financial statements are effective in
addressing more than one assertion. For example:
occurrence, cut-off, accuracy and classification of transactions; and
existence, valuation and rights to assets.
Example 1 Existence of Plant and Equipment
3.4.2 Understatement
If the audit risk is an understatement of a balance or class of transactions, the direction
of testing needs to be from the source to the financial statements.
Although testing for understatement is generally more difficult (as an appropriate source
must be identified), understatement tests are effective in addressing the assertions of
completeness, accuracy and cut-off.
Key point
The source may not include monetary amount (e.g. goods despatch notes
typically show only quantities not prices).
The client may provide a list of non-current assets disposed of showing the
carrying amount and value received. As disposals are credit items,
disposals should not be selected from the list and traced to evidence of that
disposal (i.e. overstatement testing). By definition, any disposal that is not
recorded on the list (i.e. an understatement) cannot be selected, as it is not
recorded on the list. A reciprocal population has to be found from which to
start the test.
Select a sample of assets (including all material items) included in the asset
register plus as the beginning of the year additions in the year. If no assets
were disposed of during the year, all of these assets should exist at the year
Inspect for existence. If the asset cannot be found, agree if recorded on the list
of disposals provided by the client. If not on the list, seek evidence of sale
after the year end.
If there is no such evidence, disposals are understated and further
investigation will be necessary.
This test can be combined with the test for physical existence
(see Example1). It covers both elements (existence and completeness of
disposal recording) from one source (the asset register) by selecting items
and testing for existence (overstatement if not found) and if they cannot be
found, following through to disposals (understatement of disposals if not on
the list). This will not usually be the case for other audit areas, and care
must be taken in selecting the correct approach, direction and items.
A typical sales system has controls to ensure that all goods and services
provided will be correctly invoiced and recorded. A test of transactions for
understatement of revenue from contracts with customers needs to start from
the source, in this case the sales order or despatch note. In other situations,
the inventory records may be a more effective place to identify goods
despatched, or, if the goods are unique and have to be purchased when a
sales order is received (e.g. motor vehicles), then tracing the sale from a
purchase invoice would be the most effective way to test sales.
Where the risk assessment shows that overstatement of sales throughout the
year is a high risk, then the direction of the transaction test would be from the
financial statements (i.e. whether the sale occurred and is supported by an
invoice, despatch note and entry in the inventory records).
If the risk of overstatement is primarily due to cut-off (e.g. January sales being
recorded as December year-end sales), the auditor would also derive audit
evidence from standard cut-off testing of year-end balances.
Exam advice
There are four techniques to help generate "client-specific" audit evidence – assertions,
the direction of testing, accounting entries and procedures.
4.3.1 Assertions
Use the assertions to help identify relevant audit evidence:
Activity 4 Additions to Plant and Equipment
Suggest substantive audit evidence for additions to plant and equipment for each of the
following assertions:
ii. Occurrence
iii. Classification
iv. Cut-off
v. Accuracy
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
Key point
When describing a test, always include the assertion(s) tested and why it should
be carried out; its objective. "Inspect invoice" is an insufficient answer. Specify the
detail on the invoice that is to be inspected and why – what does the test achieve
(in terms of the assertions)?
Suggest audit tests relevant to the assertion that a factory payroll expense is not
overstated (i.e. payment is only made for services received).
Prompt: Consider “in reverse” how information flows through the accounting system to
the financial statements:
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
$ $
Closing balance x
x x
One assertion for sales transactions is occurrence and for the trade
receivables balance is existence (i.e. they are not overstated).
Sales and accounts receivable are tested for both overstatement and
understatement in testing for cut-off.
From the trade receivables account, trace sales before the year end back
to despatch evidence (sales invoice, despatch note, inventory records) to
ensure goods were sold, despatched and correctly recorded before the
year end. If not, there will be overstatement of receivables and sales.
Example 5 Receivables Cut-off
From cash receipts records, agree that cash received before the year end
is recorded in the trade receivables account. If entered in the trade
receivables account after the year end, receivables are overstated.
A bad debt write-off may be used to conceal a misappropriation of cash
received from credit customers (i.e. cash is understated). Tracing all write-
offs to the trade receivable account (via correct supporting documentation
and authorisation) to ensure that they are recorded in the correct period is
a test for receivables overstatement (if the bad debt is notrecorded in the
correct period).
4.3.4 Procedures
Use the mnemonic AEIOU to generate ideas for a range of different actions/procedures:
Activity 6 Trade Receivables
Analytical procedure
Calculate and compare the average collection period (monthly).
Ask the credit controller "What problems are being experienced in collecting
amounts receivable?"
Sales orders/sales invoices/remittance advices/bank receipts – alternative
Goods despatch to customers/mail opening procedures.
Individual customer balances – use of automated tools and techniques (see Chapter
External confirmation of a sample of account balances (see Chapter 24).
5.1 Aim
Key points
The relevant standard is ISA 330 The Auditor’s Responses to Assessed Risks.
5.2.1 Nature
Key point
After carrying out a risk assessment, an auditor decides that tests of details
on a manual sales system are required as part of his procedures to reduce
audit risk. Reliance cannot be placed on the effective operation of internal
controls. Transaction tests carried out include:
Agreeing a despatch entry in the inventory records to a despatch note, the
related customer order (if any; it may be a Web-based order) and sales
Agreeing details on the sales invoice to supporting sources (e.g. customer
name, address, unit prices, sales tax) and checking the arithmetical accuracy
of the invoice.
Agreeing that the invoice is correctly posted and analysed in the detailed sales
listing and agreeing the arithmetical accuracy of the listing.
Agreeing the correct posting of the listing to the general ledger.
5.2.2 Timing
Substantive transaction procedures may be carried out earlier than the entity's year-end
and the final audit (i.e. at an interim audit). If carried out at an interim date, further tests
must be carried out to cover the remaining period. These tests (substantive and/or tests
of control) must be sufficient to ensure that the risk of misstatement does not increase
during this period.
Unlike tests of control, where prior-year audit evidence may be relied on under certain
circumstances, prior-year substantive evidence will be insufficient to address a risk of
material misstatement in the current period.
5.2.3 Extent
Generally, the greater the risk of material misstatement, the greater the extent of
substantive procedures.
For any substantive procedure, the extent of testing usually relates to sample sizes (e.g.
increasing the extent means increasing the sample size).
However, the extent of substantive procedures may also be considered in terms of:
selecting large (e.g. material) or unusual items from a population; or
stratifying the population into homogeneous subpopulations for sampling.
It is usual for tests of details to include all items greater than the materiality level (taking
into account performance materiality).Errors found in these items are more likely to be
material to the assertions.
In some cases, a single test approach can be used as a test of control and a
substantive procedure at the same time. This is called a dual-purpose or hybrid test.
ACCA provide technical articles and other resources to guide and help students.
This chapter includes the relevant content of the following related technical articles
available at the time of writing (November 2022):
The audit of assertions (s.3)
For more recent articles and other resources please visit the ACCA global website.
Objective: To describe the role of analytical procedures in the audit process and the
use of substantive analysis.
16.1.1 Meaning
1.1 Meaning
Various methods may be used to perform analytical procedures. These range from
simplistic comparisons and ratio analysis to complex analysis using advanced statistical
techniques (e.g. linear regression analysis, fair value models).
16.1.2 Purposes
1.2 Purposes
Analytical procedures are used throughout the audit process and are conducted for
three primary purposes. The auditor's objectives are:
To perform risk assessment procedures at the planning stage (Chapter 8) through
inquiry, analytical procedures, observation and inspection (ISA 300 and ISA 315);
To obtain relevant and reliable audit evidence when using substantive analytical
procedures (ISA 520 Analytical Procedures); and
To design and perform analytical procedures at the overall review stage
(see Chapter 29) to assist in forming an overall conclusion as to whether the
financial statements are consistent with the auditor's understanding of the entity (ISA
Key point
Similar industry
information Receivables turnover vs industry average
16.1.5 Expectations
1.5 Expectations
Before performing analytical procedures, the auditor should develop an expectation of
the results of the analytical procedures based on his understanding of the entity and its
environment and the accounts, balances and transactions reported in the financial
To form a conclusion based on analytical procedures, the auditor must compare the
expectation to the actual results of the analytical procedures and investigate any
differences or unexpected fluctuations.
The auditor will perform analytical procedures based on key financial ratios as a risk
assessment procedure.
Depending on the complexity of the client, this may be a simple spreadsheet
detailing the key ratios with a requirement for comment on ratios and trends for audit
Alternatively, it may be an integrated part of the auditor's client knowledge base with
links to internal/external benchmarks, the client's management and financial
accounting system and similar regulator's/industrial databases. As well as routine
ratio analysis, analytical procedures may use statistical and probability techniques
and data mining to identify unusual relationships and events.
Comparison should be made with at least the prior year equivalent ratios, if not a
three- to five-year trend. Trend analysis will generally provide more enlightening
information than a simple comparison with the prior year.
Analytical procedures at the planning stage should be updated throughout the audit as
material adjustments are found. Ratios affected are then reconsidered and further work
is undertaken as necessary.
Exam advice
2.3.2 Liquidity
Current ratio measures adequacy of current assets to meet and
settle current liabilities.
Current The quick ratio removes the slowest moving item(inventory)
ratio from the calculation and measures short-term liquidity.
Low ratio may indicate liquidity problems; high ratio may
indicate poor use of shareholders' funds.
2.3.3 Efficiency
Shows how many times a company's inventory is sold and
replaced over a period or the number of days it takes to turn
over an inventory level.
The ratios should be compared against industry averages
(e.g. fresh vegetables have a far shorter shelf life than
Inventory jewellery). A low turnover/high number of days implies poor
turnover sales, inefficient use of resources and excess inventory
(obsolescence). A high ratio indicates strong sales but
increases the risk of stock-outs.
Inventory The ratio may be further analysed as follows:
holding o raw materials to volume of purchases;
period o WIP to cost of production;
o finished goods to cost of sales.
Measures the period of credit taken by customers (typically
30–40 days, depending on the industry).
Receivables A change in the ratio may indicate:
collection o bad debt/collection problems;
period o change in nature of customer base;
o change in settlement terms.
Need to ensure year-end receivables give a reasonable
indication of receivable profile for the year.
Exam advice
In the calculation of these efficiency ratios, the account balance may be the
year-end balance or, if comparative information is available, a simple
average of the opening and closing balances.
Days should be rounded to whole numbers rather than show decimal points.
16.3.1 Approach
3.1 Approach
16.3.2 Suitability
3.2 Suitability
Substantive analytical procedures can be used:
by themselves, to provide suitable and sufficient audit evidence;
to test all assertions related to transactions (completeness, occurrence, classification, cut-off
and accuracy);
to test the completeness, allocation and valuation, and existence assertions for balances
(but do not provide evidence related to rights and obligations).
The procedures may also provide corroborative evidence (e.g. comparison of gross
margin or profit percentages alone is usually insufficient audit evidence for sales but, in
combination with other tests, can be useful corroborative evidence).
Analytical procedures may be particularly effective in testing for understatement (i.e.
completeness). For example, in predicting sales from purchases and known margins.
Where sufficient substantive evidence is not obtained by analytical procedures alone,
tests of details will also be required.
Key points
assertions Analytical procedures Tests of details
(Ideas in outline)
Suggest a suitable analytical procedure for each of the following assertions relevant to
revenue from contracts with customers. Where analytical procedures may not be
applicable or insufficient, suggest a test of detail.
Accuracy, cut-off and classification.
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
assertions Analytical procedures Tests of details
(ideas inoutline)
Sales invoices to
customer orders.
Post year-end
Ratio of sales returns credit notes.
to sales. Sales returns and
Average number or allowances.
value of credit notes Direct
Occurrence per month. confirmation.
Postings from
detailed sales
listing to general
Cut-off tests
(goods despatch).
Sample of
invoices (prices,
As for completeness. etc).
Accuracy, cut-off Ratio of discounts to Direct
and classification credit sales. confirmation.
The reliability of data is influenced by its source and nature and the circumstances
under which it is obtained. Accordingly, the following are relevant when determining
whether data is reliable for purposes of designing substantive analytical procedures.
Albatross Co had 100 employees last year with total wages of $840,000 and 100
employees this year with a wage bill of $950,000, an increase of 13%. The annual pay
rise was 6% and the level of business has remained approximately constant.
a. Suggest reasons other than error or fraud, which could account for the greater-
than-expected increase.
b. In the absence of a satisfactory reason for the increase, suggest how the payroll
could have been inflated by error or fraud.
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
Matters relevant to the auditor's evaluation of whether the expectation can be developed
with sufficient precision to identify a material misstatement include:
Key point
Steps Application
2. Clarify the relationship and Kilometres per litre range from 4.6 to 5.3
confirm it is credible and relevant
Prediction ($) ($)
Key Point
Towards the end of the audit, analytical procedures are performed to help
form an overall conclusion about whether the financial statements are
consistent with the auditor’s understanding of the entity.
The aim is to corroborate, or otherwise, conclusions formed during the
audit of the individual elements of the financial statements.
The analytical procedures at the review stage are usually similar to those carried out
when understanding the entity at the planning stage. In practice, the analytical
procedures including ratio analysis done during planning will be updated with the final
figures and the auditor's findings during the audit (e.g. changes to balances because of
discovered errors), reviewed, further work undertaken, and conclusions formed.
In addition, the analytical procedures would be summarised for the engagement
partner's attention as part of the closedown procedures.
Key Point
16 Syllabus Coverage
Syllabus Coverage
D. Audit Evidence
2. Audit procedures
1. Discuss and provide examples of how analytical procedures are used as substantive
Technical Articles
ACCA provide technical articles and other resources to guide and help students.
This chapter includes the relevant content of the following related technical articles
available at the time of writing (November 2022):
Analytical procedures
For more recent articles and other resources please visit the ACCA global website.
CHAPTER 17: Visual Overview
Visual Overview
17.1.1 Definitions
1.1 Definitions
The relevant standard is ISA 540 Auditing Accounting Estimates and Related
Key Point
Some financial statement items cannot be measured precisely but can only be
Activity 1 Examples of Accounting Estimates
Give FIVE examples of items found in financial statements for which accounting
estimates may be required.
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
Allowance for trade receivables (“credit losses”).
Inventory obsolescence (allowance reduces cost to net realisable value).
Provision for warranty obligations or product returns.
Depreciation/amortisation expenses and accumulated depreciation/amortisation.
Costs arising from legal claims.
The nature and reliability of information available to management to support the making
of an accounting estimate vary widely, thereby affecting the degree of estimation
uncertainty associated with accounting estimates.
The degree of estimation uncertainty affects, in turn, the risks of material misstatement
of accounting estimates, including their susceptibility to unintentional or intentional
management bias.
The basis for the estimation will mainly be determined by the requirements of the
relevant financial reporting standard.
17.1.3 Determination
1.3 Determination
Key Point
Any formulae used (e.g. standard depreciation rates) need to be reviewed regularly
(e.g. every year) by management to assess their appropriateness and continued use.
This will include the review of the outcome of the prior year's use of estimation formulae.
Estimates may be:
simple (e.g. accrued expense for rent, depreciation expense, etc) and therefore
estimation uncertainty will be very low and point estimates easily made;
relatively complicated (e.g. requiring analysis of current data and sales forecasts to
estimate slow-moving inventory or the unknown outcome of litigation);
complex (e.g. involving modelling) and therefore high estimation uncertainty with a
range of estimation points that the auditor must carefully establish;
routine (i.e. operating continuously);
non-routine (e.g. operating only at the period end);
one-off (i.e. not expected to occur again).
Audit evidence may be more difficult to obtain and less conclusive than that available to
support other items in the financial statements. It may rely on management's "best
guess" under the circumstances (e.g. the possible or probable outcome of litigation) or
management's development of a fair value model.
17.2.1 Planning
2.1 Planning
Key Point
The degree of estimation uncertainty must also be evaluated when identifying and
assessing the risk of material misstatement in estimates. Factors that may influence
estimation uncertainty include:
the extent to which the accounting estimate depends on management judgment (e.g.
this may give rise to concern about management bias);
the sensitivity of the accounting estimate to changes in assumptions;
the existence of recognised measurement techniques that may reduce such
the length of any forecast period (i.e. the longer the period, the lower the reliability of
the data) and the relevance of data drawn from past events to forecast future events;
the availability of appropriate data from external sources (if such sources are
reliable); and
the extent to which the accounting estimate is based on observable (more precise)
or unobservable inputs (less precise).
The auditor should use one, or a combination, of the following three approaches:
1. Obtain audit evidence from subsequent events;
2. Test how management made the accounting estimate; and/or
3. Develop an auditor’s point estimate or range.
17 Syllabus Coverage
Syllabus Coverage
D. Audit Evidence
2. Audit procedures
1. Discuss the problems associated with the audit and review of accounting estimates.
17 Technical Articles
Technical Articles
ACCA provide technical articles and other resources to guide and help students.
There are no technical articles available at the time of writing (November 2022) related
to this chapter.
For more recent articles and other resources please visit the ACCA global website.
Objective: To describe the extent to which auditors can rely on the work of others.
18.1.0 Introduction
1.0 Introduction
The expert may be either internal or external (e.g. in interpreting contracts and law, he
may be a partner in the audit firm's legal department, an organisation's internal solicitor,
the client's external lawyer or another unconnected lawyer).
Describe the matters that would affect the nature, timing and extent of audit procedures
when considering the work of an expert.
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
The risks of material misstatement in the matter.
The availability (and cost-benefit) of alternative sources of audit evidence.
The nature, scope and objectives of the management's expert's work.
Whether the management's expert is employed by the entity or is a party engaged by it to
provide relevant services.
The extent to which management can exercise control or influence over the work of the
management's expert.
Whether the management's expert is subject to technical performance standards or
professional or industry requirements.
The nature and extent of any controls in the entity over the management's expert's work.
The auditor's knowledge and experience of the management's expert's field of expertise.
The auditor's previous experience of the work of that expert.
The auditor must consider the following factors in determining the reliability of the
expert's work:
competence, capabilities and objectivity of the expert (see s.1.1.2);
understandability of the expert's work (see s.1.1.3); and
the appropriateness of the expert's work as audit evidence for the relevant assertion (see
List and give examples of threats that may affect the objectivity of a management
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
Threats cover: Key examples are:
The main difference between the management's expert and the auditor's expert is who
employs/engages them. Many of the considerations are broadly the same. In many
complex cases, both the client and the auditors will use their own experts.
Key point
1.3 Reporting
18.2.0 Introduction
2.0 Introduction
Key point
When an audit client has an internal audit function, the external auditor
must determine whether, in which areas, and to what extent:
the work of internal audit can be used, and
internal auditors can provide direct assistance.
18.2.1 Activities
2.1 Activities
2.2 Basic Principles
The relevant standard is ISA 610 Using the Work of Internal Auditors.
Key point
The external auditor has sole responsibility for the audit opinion expressed.
This responsibility cannot be reduced regardless of the scope and quality
of the internal audit function.
Although the objectives of internal audit and external audit differ, there often is overlap
in their work.
Neither internal auditors nor external auditors can dictate the other's work programme.
They can, however, assist each other by:
sharing information obtained for planning purposes;
discussing business developments with key personnel;
discussing materiality, risk assessments and audit objectives;
reviewing each other's work plans and programmes; and
liaising on the timing of internal audit reviews to allow the external auditor to use
their findings.
The external auditor must make all significant judgments in the audit engagement.
Significant judgments include:
Assessing the risks of material misstatement;
Evaluating the sufficiency of tests performed;
Evaluating the appropriateness of management's use of the going concern
Evaluating significant estimates;
Evaluating the adequacy of financial statement disclosures and other matters
affecting the auditor's report.
The external auditor should consider the nature and scope of internal audit work and its
relevance to the overall audit strategy and plan.
The external auditor should use less internal audit work and perform more of the audit
work directly when:
more judgment is involved (e.g. in performing procedures and evaluating evidence);
the assessed risk of material misstatement is higher at the assertion level; and
the internal audit function is less objective or less competent.
The external auditor should communicate the planned use of the internal audit function
when communicating the planned scope and timing of the audit to TCWG.
2.3.2 Evaluating the Internal Audit Function
The external auditor should determine whether to use internal audit work by evaluating:
Whether the objectivity of the internal auditors is supported by organisational status and
relevant policies and procedures.
The level of competence of the internal auditors.
Whether the internal audit function applies a systematic and disciplined approach, including
quality control.
Key point
The external auditor should not use the work if internal audit is not competent and
objective or does not apply a systematic and disciplined approach.
Factors that affect the assessment of the internal auditor's objectivity include:
Whether internal audit reports to TCWG. If reporting to management, the internal auditor
should have direct access to TCWG.
Whether it is free of conflicting responsibilities (e.g. management or operational duties
outside of internal audit).
Whether TCWG oversee employment decisions related to internal audit.
Whether management or TCWG have placed constraints or restrictions on internal audit.
Whether internal auditors are members of a professional body.
Factors that affect the assessment of the internal auditor's competence include:
Whether the internal audit function has enough resources given the size of the entity and the
nature of its operations.
Whether there are established policies for hiring, training and assigning internal auditors.
Whether the internal auditors have:
o adequate technical training and proficiency in auditing;
o the knowledge and skills necessary to perform work related to the financial
Whether the internal auditors are members of relevant professional bodies.
Key point
The higher the combined levels of competence and objectivity, the greater the
potential use of internal audit work. However, a high level of objectivity cannot
compensate for lack of competence (or vis versa).
Internal audit should be distinguishable from other monitoring control activities by its
systematic and disciplined approach to planning, performing, supervising, reviewing and
documenting its activities. Evidence of this should include:
documented internal audit procedures; and
appropriate quality control policies and procedures.
The external auditor should discuss plans to use the internal auditor's work with them, to
coordinate their respective activities.
The external auditor should perform sufficient audit procedures on internal audit work to
determine that it is adequate for the audit, including whether:
the work was properly planned, performed, supervised, reviewed and documented;
sufficient appropriate evidence was obtained to enable the internal auditors to form
reasonable conclusions; and
conclusions reached were appropriate.
The nature and extent of the external auditor's procedures are based on:
the amount of judgment involved;
the assessed risk of material misstatement; and
the objectivity and competence of the internal auditors.
2.4.2 Documentation
The following matters must be documented:
Whether internal audit's organisational status and relevant policies and procedures
adequately supported their objectivity.
The level of competence of internal audit.
Whether a systematic and disciplined approach was used, including quality control.
The nature and extent of the work used and the basis for that decision.
The audit procedures performed by the external auditor to evaluate the adequacy of the
internal audit work used.
Example 3 Planned Uses
Key point
18.3.0 Introduction
3.0 Introduction
Key point
Key point
The auditor must identify and assess the risk of material misstatement in
the financial statements. Where control activities are at the service
organisation, the user auditor must still evaluate their design and determine
whether they have been implemented.
Many sources of information may be used to understand the effect of the service
organisation, its services and necessary controls.
Using the following guidelines, classify the following examples of outsourced accounting
functions as high, medium or low risk.
High-risk functions are relatively costly to insource once outsourced, require effective
controls and business knowledge, and carry a high cost of performance failure. Sufficient
audit assurance cannot usually be obtained without considering controls in operation at the
service provider.
Medium-risk functions include those which relate to discrete functions but require some
business knowledge.
Low-risk functions require little judgment, are non-complex and relate to discrete functions;
outsourcing can be relatively easily rearranged. Sufficient audit assurance can usually be
obtained through controls in operation at the client.
Credit control
Data entry
Invoice preparation
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
For a "simple processing facility" (e.g. payroll processing), the user should have
sufficient batch or other controls to ensure that the data sent has been accurately
processed and returned. The user's auditor should then be able to obtain sufficient
assurance from the client's controls.
However, if sufficient appropriate audit evidence concerning relevant assertions is not
available from records held at the user entity, the user auditor (or another auditor on the
user auditor’s behalf) must perform further audit procedures.
Audit evidence about the operating effectiveness of controls at the service organisation
may be obtained from one or more of the following:
Obtaining a type 2 report, if available (see s.4.6);
Performing appropriate tests of controls at the service organisation (or using another
auditor to perform such tests).
Type 1 Type 2
As for Type 1 plus an opinion on the
operating effectiveness of the controls
based on tests of such controls. For
The description, as noted on page [xx],
fairly presents the [type or name of]
system as designed and implemented
throughout the period from [date] to
A description of the service
organisation's internal control
The controls related to the control
systems (usually prepared by the objectives stated in the description were
organisation's management and suitably designed throughout the period
appended to the report). from [date] to [date]; and
The controls tested, which were those
An opinion by the service necessary to provide reasonable
organisation's auditor (as shown assurance that the control objectives
by the first two Type 2 bullet stated in the description were achieved,
points) on: operated effectively throughout the
the accuracy of the description; period from [date] to [date].
the suitability of design to meet Details of the tests carried out and the
stated objectives; and nature, timing and results would be
whether or not the controls appended to the report.
have been implemented.
In most jurisdictions, an entity's auditor is solely responsible for his audit opinion; there
should be no reference to third-party opinions or work (e.g. the service organisation's
Type 1 or 2 report) in the auditor's report.
A limitation on the scope of the audit exists if the auditor concludes that he has been
unable to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the services provided by
the service organisation.
18 Syllabus Coverage
Syllabus Coverage
D. Audit Evidence
6. The work of others
1. Discuss why auditors rely on the work of others.
2. Discuss the extent to which external auditors are able to rely on the work of experts,
including the work of internal audit.
3. Explain the audit considerations relating to entities using service organisations.
4. Explain the extent to which reference to the work of others can be made in the independent
auditor's report.
18 Technical Articles
Technical Articles
ACCA provide technical articles and other resources to guide and help students.
This chapter includes the relevant content of the following related technical articles
available at the time of writing (November 2022):
Using the work of internal auditors (s.2.5)
For more recent articles and other resources please visit the ACCA global website.
Objective: To identify and describe audit sampling and other selective testing
19.1.1 Basic Principles
1.1 Basic Principles
ISA 500 Audit Evidence requires that sufficient appropriate audit evidence be obtained.
In designing tests, the auditor determines how to select items that will be effective in
meeting the purpose of the test. That will be any or a combination of:
selecting all items (100% examination);
selecting specific items; and
audit sampling.
Suggest reasons why it is unnecessary for an auditor to carry out tests on all the
transactions and balances of a business.
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
Cost/benefit – testing all transactions and balances would incur higher costs without
meaningfully reducing detection risk.
Time – the additional time it could take to test all transactions and balances might result
in undue delay in issuing the financial statements.
Reasonable assurance – the auditor’s responsibility is to obtain reasonable assurance;
this is not a guarantee.
Materiality – the auditor concludes on whether the financial statements are free from
material misstatement; this does not require 100% accuracy.
19.1.2 Terminology
1.2 Terminology
ISA 530 does not use the term “error” but distinguishes between:
Misstatement (i.e. a monetary difference) identified by a test of details;
Deviation (i.e. when an internal control procedure has not been applied
as prescribed) as identified by a test of controls.
Population – the entire set of data from which the auditor wishes to
sample (e.g. all items in an account balance or a class of transactions).
Sampling risk – the risk that arises from the possibility that the
auditor's conclusion, based on a sample, may be different from the
conclusion that would be reached if the entire population were
subjected to the same audit procedure.
Sampling risk can lead to two types of incorrect conclusions that affect the effectiveness
or efficiency of the audit:
1. effectiveness – the risk the auditor will conclude that control risk is lower than it
actually is (conclude that controls are more effective than they actually are) or that
for a test of details, a material misstatement does not exist when in fact, it does.
These risks affect audit effectiveness and are more likely to lead to an inappropriate
audit opinion.
2. efficiency – the risk the auditor will conclude that control risk is higher than it
actually is (conclude that controls are less effective than they actually are) or for a
test of details that a material misstatement exists when in fact, it does not. These
risks affect audit efficiency, as they required additional work to show that the initial
conclusions were incorrect.
Key Point
The smaller the sample size, the greater the sampling risk.
Key Point
19.2.1 Stages
2.1 Stages
For both statistical and non-statistical audit sampling, the stages in the sampling
process include:
sample design;
sample size;
sample selection;
performing audit procedures ("testing"); and
evaluating results.
The distinction between statistical and non-statistical audit sampling is considered later
in s.3.
19.2.2 Design
2.2 Design
Key Point
For each of the following factors, decide whether the effect on sample size is an
increase, decrease or no effect.
1. Increase in intended reliance on operating effectiveness of internal controls.
2. Increase in the tolerable deviation rate.
3. Increase in the expected deviation rate.
4. Increase in confidence level (i.e. decrease in risk).
5. Increase in the number of sampling units in the population.
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
Factor size Explanation
If a higher proportion of
deviations is expected (perhaps
because they are suggested by a
prior period or other findings)
more work (i.e. greater sample
size) is required.
Note: If deviation rates are
expected to be high, CR would be
3. ↑Expected ↑Increase the same as IR;
deviation rate therefore, no tests of control.
For each of the following factors, decide whether the effect on sample size is an
increase, decrease or no effect.
1. Increase in the auditor’s assessment of the risk or material misstatement.
2. Increase in the use of other substantive procedures aimed at the same assertion.
3. Increase in confidence level (i.e. decrease in risk).
4. Increase in tolerable misstatement.
5. Increase in expected misstatement.
6. Stratification of the population.
7. Increase in the number of sampling units in the population.
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
Factor size Explanation
19.2.4 Selection
2.4 Selection
Key Point
The auditor of Jolly Co is to perform tests of details on the sales for the
year ended 31 December 20X1. The recording of a sales transaction is
initiated by a goods dispatch note. The first and last goods dispatched
notes raised in the year to 31 December 20X1 are numbered 10,500 to
15,496 respectively.
Example 1 Systematic Selection
Systematic selection may be “value-weighted” using monetary unit values rather than
the items as the sampling population (e.g. monetary unit sampling).
2.4.3 Monetary Unit Sampling (MUS)
In MUS, items are selected from the specific monetary units (e.g. dollars) that make up
the population. Each unit has the same (i.e. equal) chance of selection, but the
likelihood of each item in the population being selected is "value-weighted".
Having selected the monetary units from the population, the auditor will examine each
balance (e.g. amounts receivable from specific customers) that contains each unit
selected. (Or, if the population is made up of transactions, the auditor examines each
transaction that includes each selected unit.)
This sample selection method will test the higher-value items because they have a
greater chance for selection, resulting in a smaller sample size. Any amount in the
population that exceeds the sampling interval is guaranteed to be selected.
1 150 150
2 800 950^
3 1,400 2,350
Example 2 Monetary Unit Sampling
4 4,350 6,700^
5 2,300 9,000
6 4,900 13,900^
7 8,500† 22,400^
8 990 23,390
9 6,000† 29,390^
10 1,500 30,890
… … …
19.2.5 Testing
2.5 Testing
Audit procedures appropriate to the test objective should be performed on each item
If an inappropriate item is selected (e.g. a document made "void"), an appropriately
chosen replacement must be tested instead. There is no deviation or misstatement if
the item is properly voided.
If the planned procedure cannot otherwise be performed (e.g. if a customer does not
reply to a direct confirmation request), a suitable alternative should be performed
(e.g. examination of after-date cash receipts).
If no suitable alternative test can be performed, assume that item to be a deviation
or a misstatement.
19.2.6 Results
2.6 Results
Key Point
Key Point
Summary of deviations:
A sample size of 125 despatch notes was selected randomly based on a
pre-numbered note sequence. Block tests were carried out to confirm the
completeness of the population.
GDN ref.
Actual deviations 2
Non-statistical sampling is any approach which does not fulfil all the conditions set out
in the definition of statistical sampling.
It includes non-random selection and evaluating results on a "judgment" basis.
Activity 5 Non-statistical Sampling
19 Syllabus Coverage
Syllabus Coverage
ACCA provide technical articles and other resources to guide and help students.
This chapter includes the relevant content of the following related technical articles
available at the time of writing (November 2022):
Audit sampling (s.2.4 and s.3)
For more recent articles and other resources please visit the ACCA global website.
CHAPTER 20: Visual Overview
Visual Overview
20.1.1 Purpose
1.1 Purpose
The relevant standard is ISA 580 Written Representations.
In specific circumstances, written representations may be the only audit evidence which
can reasonably be expected to be available (e.g. management's intention to settle a
legal claim out of court).
In areas of the audit which are susceptible to understatement (e.g. liabilities, income,
disclosures), written representations state that management is not aware of any
understatement or non-disclosures. Although such matters will be audited, there always
will be a residual risk because of the nature of understatement.
If a management representation is contradicted by other audit evidence, the matter
should be investigated (and the reliability of other representations reconsidered if
necessary). Such inconsistency creates doubt and must be resolved.
Exam advice
If there are inconsistencies between one or more representations and audit evidence
obtained from another source, the auditor should reconsider the initial risk assessment.
This may require further audit procedures to be carried out.
If there are concerns about management’s competence, integrity, ethical values or
diligence (or its commitment to or enforcement of these), the auditor must consider the
reliability of representations (oral or written) and audit evidence in general. This may
mean that the auditor decides to issue a modified opinion or, in extreme cases, resign (if
allowed to by law).
The nature of the modification will depend on the particular circumstances. However, if
the risk of management misrepresentation in the financial statements is considered
high, a disclaimer of opinion may be appropriate.
The following Exhibit provides typical examples of representations. Note that the
references to ISAs would not be included in the letter; they are provided for reference.
(Entity Letterhead)
(To Auditor) (Date – must not be after the date of auditor's report)
This representation letter is provided in connection with your audit of the
financial statements of ABC Company for the year ended 31 December
20XX, for the purpose of expressing an opinion as to whether the financial
statements are presented fairly, in all material respects (or give a true and
fair view), in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards.
We confirm that (to the best of our knowledge and belief, having made
such inquiries as we considered necessary for the purpose of appropriately
informing ourselves):
Financial Statements
We have fulfilled our responsibilities, as set out in the terms of the audit
engagement dated [insert date], for the preparation of the financial
statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting
Standards; in particular the financial statements are fairly presented (or
give a true and fair view) in accordance therewith.
The methods, the data and the significant assumptions used by us in
making accounting estimates and their related disclosures are
appropriate to achieve recognition measurement or disclosure that is
reasonable in the context of the applicable financial reporting
framework. (ISA 540 Auditing Accounting Estimates and Related
All events subsequent to the date of the financial statements that
require adjustment or disclosure under IFRS have been adjusted or
disclosed. (ISA 560 Subsequent Events)
The effects of uncorrected misstatements are immaterial, both
individually and in the aggregate, to the financial statements as a whole.
A list of the uncorrected misstatements is attached to the representation
letter. (ISA 450 Evaluation of Misstatements Identified During the Audit)
[Any other matters which the auditor may consider appropriate. For
The selection and application of accounting policies are appropriate.
Classification of assets and liabilities are appropriate.
Plans or intentions which may affect the carrying amount or
classification of assets and liabilities.
Exhibit 1 Written Representations
20 Syllabus Coverage
Syllabus Coverage
ACCA provide technical articles and other resources to guide and help students.
There are no technical articles available at the time of writing (November 2022) related
to this chapter.
For more recent articles and other resources please visit the ACCA global website.
Objective: To explain the use of automated tools and techniques in the context of an
21.1.1 Auditing around v through the Computer
1.1 Auditing around v through the Computer
* Auditing around the computer (the "black box" approach) is not concerned with
programs and processes in the computer.
Features Consequences
Smaller volumes of
data. Manual methods may be more cost-effective.
Lack of technical
assistance in the
entity. Use of CAATs may be impracticable.
Impracticability of manual
tests if no visible
evidence is available. See Activity 1.
Substantial setup costs are likely to be incurred in developing bespoke CAATs and
testing them. (However, once established, providing the client's system does not
change, they can be reused with only the parameters changed.)
Standard audit software may not be available for the client’s specific systems,
especially if those systems are bespoke. The cost of writing audit software to test
those systems may be difficult to justify against the possible benefits to the audit. In
most cases specific customised interrogation programmes will have been written as
part of the system (e.g. for use by internal audit). The external auditor will need to
assess the usefulness of such systems for audit purposes. In addition, provided that
the data held in the system can be exported (e.g. into Excel or Access format), they
can be interrogated on the auditor's laptops.
The software may produce too much output due to either poor design or using
inappropriate parameters on a test. The auditor may waste considerable time
checking what appear to be transactions with errors when the fault is actually in the
audit software.
When checking the client's files in a live situation, there is a danger that the audit
program may disrupt the client's systems or data. Any changes made during testing
must be reversed and removed from history files (otherwise they will appear in data
Although program and data files can be used offline, it is essential to ensure that
they are true copies of the live files.
Example 1 CAAT Procedures
Theresa is using CAATs for the audit of Plagar Co. As Plagar Co’s financial
system is mainly software-based with integrated controls, CAATs have
been deemed necessary, more efficient, and more effective and obtaining
sufficient appropriate audit evidence.
Theresa’s audit software allows for integrated audit procedures with Plagar
Co’s financial software, which has audit plug-ins designed to enable audit
procedures to be done directly to held financial data.
Some of the CAAT procedures Theresa performs are:
1. Validate system logs and audit trails to expedite the tests of controls on
transactions and account balances.
2. Perform tests of details directly on the financial information and account
balances directly, on sample sizes close to 100%.
3. Expedite evaluation of the need for additional audit procedures through
the assessment reports produced by the audit software.
4. The integrated audit module allows for testing within the computer to
ensure the financial systems are executing transactions and tasks as
5. Automated performance of analytical procedures on account balances
and transactions.
6. Automatic flagging of any control/authorisation failures for transactions
that have been reviewed.
7. Compilation of potential adjustments and their effect on financial
statements into a report for discussion with management.
21.3.1 Description
3.1 Description
Test data – data (valid and invalid) generated by the auditor and
processed through the client's system to enable the auditor to assess the
effectiveness of programmed controls.
The objective of test data is to ensure that the controls in the system are operating as
intended. If this is the case, valid data should be correctly processed, and errors (invalid
data) should be captured and rejected. Consequently, test data should contain data of
both a valid and invalid nature.
The test data may be:
selected from previously processed transactions; or
created specifically by the auditor.
It may be processed during:
a normal production run ("live" test data); or
a special run at a point in time outside the normal cycle ("dead" test data).
It may use:
live units (e.g. actual clients, suppliers, employees, etc); or
"dummy" units against which the auditor's test data transactions are processed in a
routine in the client's accounting system.
21.3.2 Process
3.2 Process
The auditor must understand how the system operates and the application/programmed
control environment. Initially, the auditor must test that the system processes data as
intended. Valid data entered into the system should be correctly processed, updating
controls and balances.
Using a sales system as an illustration (see Example 2 below) the process will be to:
establish a dummy customer profile;
identify current control balances;
prepare valid test data;
enter valid test data;
review reports; and
reverse/remove test data.
Example 2 Sales System
Describe the forms of test data that could be entered into a system to error-trap
information processing controls.
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
Invalid user names and passwords (e.g. for changing standing data).
Data outside of a specified accepted range (e.g. age, units ordered, delivery date).
Incorrect customer codes, product codes (incorrect format and non-existent).
Incorrect dates (e.g. 31 February).
Negative numbers.
Quantity in excess of inventory held.
Sales values in excess of credit limits.
Incomplete data.
Incorrect payment details (e.g. credit card code when payment is required online before
The above examples should result in error messages and/or error reports. The system
should not be able to "go to the nearest" and complete the process (e.g. the nearest
product code or a default substitute).
21.3.3 Precautions
3.3 Precautions
3.4.1 Advantages
Provides direct evidence on the effectiveness of application program controls.
Testing the correct functioning of programmed controls is essential for large volumes of
3.4.2 Disadvantages
Associated time and cost of ascertaining which controls to be tested, constructing test data
and predetermining the results manually. (However, once set up, the ongoing cost of use is
minimal – until controls change.)
Live testing is risky, but the alternative involves more time and cost.
Tests only controls (and it may be difficult to test all control activities).
21.4.1 Description
4.1 Description
21.4.4 Embedded
4.4 Embedded
Audit routines are built into the client's application software also known as resident
audit software.
Embedded audit facilities (EAFs) can have similar functionality to bespoke systems (e.g.
designed to meet internal audit requirements) or have specialist functionality. For
Snapshots: routines are embedded at different points in the processing logic to
capture images of the transaction through the various stages of processing. The
technique allows the auditor to track data and evaluate the computer processes
applied to it.
System Control Audit Review File (SCARF) provides continuous monitoring of
transactions. Information is saved to a computer file for the auditor to examine.
Tagging: Transactions that meet parameters set by the auditor are recorded for
subsequent audit review.
EAFs can be used in historical or real-time (24/7) auditing. Real-time systems are
commonly used where an independent party requires 24/7 assurance.
Provides continuous
monitoring in real time.
Audit work is more timely as it
allows the auditor to perform
tests while the client is
processing the data.
Surprise test capability as
client's users are unaware of
the evidence when it is It may require the auditor to have
collected. had access to the clients' systems
It can be used when the audit to develop the embedded audit
trail is less visible and the module.
costs of errors or fraud are Requires clients to have relatively
high. stable application systems.
4.5 Uses
Whatever can be done with data in a DBMS (e.g. access) can also be done with audit
software. Audit software can also replace repetitive, manual audit tasks such as
selecting, analysing and sorting data.
Activity 3 Audit Software
21.4.6 Precautions
4.6 Precautions
Big data refers to the dynamic, large and disparate volumes of data created by people,
tools and machines. It is typically characterised by the “five Vs”:
Volume: The amount of data created is vast; more than can easily be handled by a
single computer, spreadsheet or conventional database management system.
Variety: Non-uniform data, from internal and external sources, much of which is
unstructured, is created by machines and people.
Velocity: Data arrives continually and must be processed quickly to yield useful
Veracity: Given its numerous sources, its accuracy and quality must be validated
and verified.
Value: The benefit obtained from capturing and processing big data must exceed the
cost of obtaining it.
Data analytics – the science of examining raw data to draw insights from
When used to obtain audit evidence, DA is the science and art of:
discovering and analysing patterns, deviations and inconsistencies;
and extracting other useful information;
through analysis, modelling and visualisation;
to plan or perform the audit.
21.5.4 Benefits
5.4 Benefits
Suggest FOUR limitations that auditors need to be aware of in using data analytics.
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
Analysis of data that is not relevant to the audit, is not well controlled, is unreliable, or its
source is not well understood could have negative consequences for audit quality.
Analysis of relevant and reliable data provides valuable insights but does not provide
everything the auditor needs to know.
100% testing still only provides reasonable assurance.
The need for professional judgment (e.g. in assessing accounting estimates and qualitative
disclosures) cannot be replaced.
Risk of overconfidence in technology where results are not infallible.
21 Syllabus Coverage
Syllabus Coverage
D. Audit Evidence
5. Automated tools and techniques
1. Explain the use of automated tools and techniques in the context of an audit, including the
use of audit software, test data and other data analytics tools.
2. Discuss and provide relevant examples of automated tools and techniques including test
data, audit software and other data analytics tools.
21 Technical Articles
Technical Articles
ACCA provide technical articles and other resources to guide and help students.
This chapter includes the relevant content of the following related technical articles
available at the time of writing (November 2022):
Auditing in a computer-based environment (s.3 and s.4)
Specific aspects of auditing in a computer-based environment (s.3 and s.4)
For more recent articles and other resources please visit the ACCA global website.
Objective: To determine risk areas in tangible non-current assets and describe the
procedures necessary to obtain appropriate audit evidence that non-current assets are
not materially misstated.
22.1.0 Introduction
1.0 Introduction
Risks that should generally be considered in the audit of tangible non-current assets
(i.e. property, plant and equipment) include the following:
Recorded non-current assets will be overstated if expenses that should be charged to profit
or loss are misclassified as asset expenditure. (Conversely, non-current assets will be
understated if asset expenditure is expensed to profit or loss.).
Non-current assets will be overstated if they do not exist (e.g. have been sold), have been
impaired or are not generally in good condition.
Non-current assets may be purchased, misappropriated, used for non-business purposes
(e.g. sole use in a director's private life), sold or scrapped without appropriate authorisation.
Obsolete and idle assets may not be written down to a realistic valuation (i.e. recoverable
Assets may not be depreciated (at all) or depreciated over unrealistic lives or continue to be
depreciated when already fully depreciated.
Secured assets (e.g. those charged as security for bank loans) may not be disclosed in the
financial statements.
Activity 1 Classification of Expenditure
22.1.2 Assertions
1.2 Assertions
Audit considerations for the main assertions that are specific to property, plant and
equipment include the following (”CARE”):
1.2.1 Completeness
Assets accounts may be incomplete (i.e. understated in the financial statements) if:
Asset expenditure is posted to an expense account in error;
Disposals are not recorded (i.e. the asset is not derecognised).
1.2.4 Existence
Recorded assets will be overstated if they do not exist (e.g. if stolen or scrapped without
Overstatement will also arise if disposals of assets have not been recorded.
List the information you would expect to find in a tangible non-current asset register.
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
Identification number (e.g. registration/serial number).
Description and manufacturer's name.
Gross cost or valuation.
Estimated useful life.
Depreciation method/annual charge.
Depreciation provision.
Carrying amount.
Location of the asset.
1.4 Substantive Procedures
Cost or
revaluation $ $ $ $ $
1 January
20X2 100,000 875,000 1,500,000 500,000 2,975,000
31 December
20X2 130,000 900,000 1,700,000 1,495,000 4,225,000
1 January
20X2 60,000 550,000 750,000 200,000 1,560,000
31 December
20X2 57,000 650,000 850,000 399,000 1,956,000
Carrying amount
31 December
20X2 73,000 250,000 850,000 1,096,000 2,269,000
Carrying amount
31 December
20X1 40,000 325,000 750,000 300,000 1,415,000
Key point
1.4.2 Additions
Obtain the list of additions from the client (or extract it from the asset register).
For appropriate sample (e.g. all material items):
o agree to delivery received confirmation and purchase invoice (completeness and
o agree value, treatment of sales tax, description and account allocation to
purchase invoice ensuring the invoice is addressed to the entity and arithmetically
correct (accuracy, classification);
o if self-constructed, obtain cost analysis for materials, labour and appropriate
overheads. Agree material to purchase invoices, agree labour to time records, agree
overheads as reasonable and to supporting documents (completeness, occurrence,
o agree correctly posted to asset register (completeness).
Review expense accounts for possible mis-postings (e.g. repairs and maintenance) to
ensure that asset expenditure has not been expensed to profit or loss (completeness,
Review non-current asset purchases shortly before and after the year end for recording in
the proper period (cut–off).
The cut-off assertion is explained in more detail in the next chapter in relation to
1.4.3 Revaluations
For each class of property, plant and equipment, the revaluation model is an accounting
policy choice for measurement subsequent to initial recognition (IAS 16). It is most
commonly chosen for land and/or buildings.
Assess whether assets should have been revalued during the year (e.g. if there is high
property inflation) (valuation and allocation).
Recalculate revaluation gains (and losses) (accuracy).
Where an asset has been revalued, confirm that requirements of IAS 16 have been applied
(e.g. all assets in the same class also revalued).
Apply audit procedure relevant to reliance on management's expert (accuracy, valuation and
1.4.4 Rights
Inspect evidence of control or ownership for material assets, for example:
o property title deeds (may be held as security by the bank);
o vehicle registration documents;
o "put into use" certificates;
o lease agreements.
1.4.5 Existence
For appropriate sample (e.g. material items), inspect each asset and note if damaged or
obsolete (existence, rights, valuation). The asset register is usually used to select the
sample, provided it is independently maintained from the general ledger.
If the asset is not accessible (e.g. container on a boat, lorry travelling across Europe)
inspect other documentary evidence for proof of existence (e.g. GPS location if used by the
company, licence, insurance, fuel costs, maintenance, contracts of hire/use by customers).
Consider conducting asset inspection at year-end during inventory observation to improve
audit efficiency.
1.4.6 Disposals
Obtain the list of disposals or identify them from the general ledger and asset register.
Disposal testing relates to the existence of non–current assets and the completeness of the
recording of disposals.
Incorporate testing of disposals into the existence test:
o Select items for inspection from opening balances and additions in the year.
o If an asset cannot be found, check that it is on the list of disposals or was
disposed of after the year–end (inspect evidence of such sales).
o If an asset is not on the list of disposals, make enquiries of management.
For material disposals, verify:
o Extraction from records;
o Authorisation to dispose of;
o Proceeds received and banked;
o Write–off of accumulated depreciation;
o Recording of profit or loss on disposal.
Profit or loss on disposal is tested through recalculation by comparing the proceeds received
(if any) to the asset’s carrying amount at the time of disposal.
1.4.7 Depreciation
1.4.8 Impairment
Obtain a schedule of impaired assets and confirm that potentially impaired assets identified
during a physical inspection are included (valuation).
Agree management's estimate of recoverable amount (e.g. net disposal proceeds if
replaced after the reporting date).
22.2.0 Introduction
2.0 Introduction
Most of the general risks for tangible non-current assets apply equally to intangible non-
current assets. For example:
Recorded intangible assets may not represent deemed capital expenditure under
IAS 38 (e.g. research expenditure capitalised as development expenditure);
Useful economic life may be overestimated;
Carrying amount may exceed the expected discounted future benefits (i.e. the asset
is “impaired”);
Completeness (e.g. of capitalised development expenses)
22.2.2 Assertions
2.2 Assertions
2.2.1 Completeness
Development expenditure that meets the asset recognition criteria of IAS 38 must be
Assets disposed of may not be recorded (as there is no physical asset to monitor).
2.2.2 Accuracy, Allocation and Valuation
The accounting system must distinguish between research and development expenditure.
Appropriate valuation model should be used (e.g. discounted future cash flows).
Appropriate amortisation charges must be calculated, accumulated and expensed to profit
or loss.
An intangible asset can only be revalued if fair value can be determined by reference to
an active market.
Indication of non-use, such as licence rights, would suggest that the value of the intangible
asset should be written down.
2.2.4 Existence
As physical inspection is not possible, existence needs to be tested through, for example, an
inspection of supporting documentation, legal licences and legal rights.
2.3.1 Additions
Obtain a list of additions from the client (or extract a list from the asset register).
For appropriate sample (e.g. all material items):
o Agree value, treatment of sales tax, description and account allocation to
purchase invoice, ensuring the invoice is addressed to the entity and that invoice
correctly casts (accuracy, classification).
o Agree supporting documentation (e.g. certificate of registration of
patent/trademark) (occurrence).
o If self-developed, obtain cost analysis for materials, labour and appropriate
overheads. Agree material to purchase invoices, agree labour to time records (ensure
labour is relevant and not capitalised production labour), evaluate overheads absorbed
as reasonable and agree to supporting documents (completeness, occurrence,
Agree correctly posted to asset register (completeness).
2.3.2 Revaluations
For most intangible assets, it is unlikely that a fair value could be determined (e.g. an
appropriate market does not exist).
Agree that the carrying amount has not been impaired (valuation).
2.3.3 Rights
Inspect evidence of control or ownership for material assets (e.g. registration certificate).
Income streams from the use of rights provide corroborative evidence.
2.3.4 Existence
For appropriate sample (e.g. material items), agree use of asset within the business or
relevant income stream from use of the asset by an external entity.
2.3.5 Disposals
Disposal testing relates to the existence of intangible assets and the completeness of the
recording of disposals.
Obtain a list of disposals or identify from the general ledger, asset register and discussions
with management.
Agree proceeds to bank ledger account and bank statement.
Confirm extraction from records of cost and accumulated amortisation and recalculate profit
or loss on disposal (existence, completeness, accuracy).
2.3.6 Amortisation
Confirm that amortisation has been systematically applied to reflect the consumption of
economic benefits and that no assets have a negative carrying amount (completeness,
valuation). Amortisation should be on a straight-line basis if the pattern of consumption
cannot be determined reliably (IAS 38 Intangible Assets).
For assets revalued, confirm the correct treatment of accumulated amortisation and that the
charge for the year reflects the revalued amount (accuracy, valuation, allocation).
Test check calculations on material assets and that entries have been made appropriately in
the records (accuracy).
Review rates applied against asset lives, replacement policy (if any) and experience of
gains/losses on disposal (valuation).
2.4 Research and Development Costs
State the criteria which must be demonstrated for expenditure on development (e.g. of a
new product) to be recognised as an intangible asset (i.e. "capitalised"). Suggest the
evidence you would seek to verify that these criteria are met.
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
Criteria Evidence Sought
Discussion with client's
technicians (e.g. engineer)
Working prototype
Technical feasibility (of Beta test feedback from
completion) users and action taken
Clearly defined
product/process evidenced
by the documented project
Separate ledger accounts
(e.g. for materials, wages
and salaries, depreciation,
allocated overheads)
Costs traced to/from
materials requirements,
Attributable expenditure can purchase invoices,
be measured reliably timesheets, etc.
22 Syllabus Coverage
Syllabus Coverage
ACCA provide technical articles and other resources to guide and help students.
There are no technical articles available at the time of writing (November 2022) related
to this chapter.
For more recent articles and other resources please visit the ACCA global website.
Objective: To identify and explain the risk areas in inventory and describe audit
procedures to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence.
23.1.1 Types of Inventory
23.1.2 Materiality
1.2 Materiality
For most entities that produce or sell goods (consumer goods, beverages, industrial
machinery, transportation, shops, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, farms) inventory is
usually the second most material asset (after non-current assets) and may be very
complex to audit.
Because it affects both the statement of financial position (as an asset) and the
statement of profit or loss (opening and closing inventory in cost of sales determine
gross profit) and is relatively easy to manipulate (e.g. count quantities, valuation and
impairment), inventory is a high-risk audit area.
This is particularly the case in businesses where inventory is counted and valued for the
financial statements at the year end. However, by using integrated inventory control
systems with perpetual (continuous) counting and reconciliations, the risks of incorrect
valuation and non-existence can be managed and reduced.
Key point
Audit considerations for the assertions that are specific to inventory include the following
2.2.1 Completeness
Physical inventory count must be correctly analysed and quantities transferred to the final
All inventory movements must be accurately recorded in inventory control systems for
perpetual inventory.
Completeness (and accuracy) of recorded inventory is affected by the cut-off of sales and
purchases transactions (see s.4).
2.2.4 Existence
The physical inventory count is the primary source of audit evidence to confirm the
existence of inventory (s.3). If material, inventory held by a third party may also be
Key point
Where a third party holds a material volume of inventory on behalf of the entity
(e.g. provision of warehousing facilities), audit considerations relating to a service
organisation will apply (see s.3.5).
Management and
employees Buyer, storekeeper
The relevant standard is ISA 501 Audit Evidence – Specific Considerations for Selected
Key Point
23.3.2 Objectives
3.2 Objectives
Suggest advantages and disadvantages of a full physical count at the end of the
reporting period.
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
Advantages Disadvantages
Suggest advantages and disadvantages of a full physical count shortly before the end of
the reporting period.
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
Advantages Disadvantages
Movements need to be
Timing may be more substantiated. This requires
convenient (e.g. holiday records and good internal
closure). controls (to confirm roll forward).
In a perpetual inventory system, inventory is counted regularly and not just once (at the
end of the reporting period). This system checks the accuracy of the book records
(usually computerised including purchases, sales and movements from raw materials to
work-in-progress and finished goods). High-risk (e.g. valuable) items/product lines are
usually counted and reconciled to records more often (e.g. every month or in some
cases, for example, jewellery, every day).
Counts should be programmed so that all inventory (e.g. each product line) is counted at
least once a year (i.e. "continuous stocktaking").
All material differences between book inventory and physical counts must be investigated
and corrected at the time of each count.
Additional audit procedures should be performed where a perpetual inventory system is
used to derive inventory for the financial statements:
Auditors should attend at least one of the physical counts (preferably more than one if
inventory is homogeneous and each product line is counted only once).
Movements throughout the year into book records (e.g. from goods received records) and
out (e.g. transfers to the subsequent production stage/goods out as sales) must be audited
to establish occurrence and measurement assertions.
Key Point
When auditing a perpetual inventory system, the auditor must be satisfied that the
effectiveness of the design, implementation and maintenance of controls over
inventory enables the records to form a reliable basis (existence and
completeness) for quantifying year-end value (raw materials, work-in-progress,
Key Point
finished goods and net realisable value (NRV)) for inclusion in the financial
23.3.5 Procedures
3.5 Procedures
Procedures which apply equally to end of the reporting period counts and perpetual
inventory counts are:
3.5.1 Planning
Planning procedures aim to identify the risks of material misstatement and the nature of
internal control related to inventory. The auditor should:
Review prior-year inventory count working papers to identify potential problems.
Contact the client to receive a copy of the count instructions and agree the date, time and
Discuss any changes that could affect the audit approach (e.g. changes in controls,
expected volumes, changes in mix (more or less material items), locations, timing, systems).
Review the adequacy of the client's instructions.
Consider the role of and reliance on internal audit, if appropriate (see Chapter 14).
Consider arrangements for the client's expert and/or auditor's expert if necessary
(see Chapter 18).
Arrange appropriate staff and plan the sampling approach and work programme.
Activity 5 Inventory Count Instructions
Discuss with management any discrepancies found in the counts and the action to be taken
(e.g. correction by management).
Collect cut-off information, including receipts and despatches (see s.4 for details of cut-off
testing) and stage of completion of work-in-progress.
At the end of the count, agree all count sheets are accounted for and copy them for the final
audit visit to check that no alterations were made after count (accuracy, existence,
"Walkabout" to ensure that all items that should have been counted are tagged as having
been counted (completeness).
Where a third party holds inventory, apply ISA 402 procedures (see Chapter 14) to
confirm the inventory’s existence, including:
assessment of controls;
observation of physical counting by the third party (if material); and
confirmation (if immaterial).
If inventory held by third parties is material and physical inspection is not possible,
alternative procedures must be applied to confirm existence, such as:
independent third-party confirmation;
inspection of insurance certificates;
inspection after the year end;
analytical procedures; and
"roll-back" of production and sales transactions after the year end.
Physical inspection may not be possible when inventory is in sealed containers on
board a boat or held by customs.
23.4.1 Importance
4.1 Importance
Cut-off is the assertion that transactions and events have been recorded in the correct
accounting period:
All transactions and events up to and including the reporting date should be included
in the current accounting period; and
Those after the reporting date are included in the next accounting period.
Incorrect cut-off will result in the misstatement of profit or loss and asset or liability
positions. For example:
Key Point
ABC made a sale of 5,000 tons of metal (cost $700,000 and selling price
$1,000,000) on 2 January 20X9, but recorded the revenue, trade
receivable and cost of sale as at 31 December 20X8. If the company's year
end is 31 December, profit for the year ended 31 December 20X8 will be
overstated by $300,000, trade receivables will be overstated by $1,000,000
and inventory will be understated by $700,000.
23.4.2 Relationships
4.2 Relationships
All cut-off tests for inventory, sales, receivables, purchases, payables and
cash should be coordinated.
During the audit of a new client, after carrying out cut-off tests, pre-year-
end sales invoices to the value of $245,000 (material) were found to have
been recorded in the sales (Cr) and receivables (Dr) ledger for which
neither despatch notes nor entry of inventory movement could be found.
A review for large and unusual items over the reporting period also
revealed material credit notes issued after the previous audit had been
completed related to sales recorded before the previous year end. Again,
no evidence was available to support those sales.
On discussing the issue with management, the finance director admitted
that he had been producing sales invoices to inflate profits and issuing
credit notes after the auditors had finished their work.
This example of a common revenue fraud raises several interesting points:
Audit tests need to be linked to reach an overall conclusion.
The receivables confirmation may also have raised this issue if the
customer (to whom false invoices had been posted) had not agreed his
balances or had not replied and appropriate alternative procedures had
been followed (see Chapter 24).
The reliability of the audit procedures performed by a previous
auditor (Chapter 5).
The overall effect of the fraud on accumulated profits and the auditor's
23.5.1 IAS 2
5.1 IAS 2 Inventories
Key Point
Cost – includes:
You should be familiar with this and the concept of standard costing from
earlier management accounting studies.
5.3.1 Indicators
Indicators of the potential need for an allowance to write down inventory include:
Obsolescence, damage, slow-moving inventory, production errors (e.g. over-production),
goods being out of fashion (e.g. out of season).
New competitor products and changes in market conditions resulting in a decrease in selling
price or demand.
Decline in the economy.
Rising costs that cannot be passed on to customers.
Rising costs after the year end to complete work-in-progress (e.g. labour and materials).
23.5.4 Allowances
5.4 Allowances
An allowance made to reduce the cost of inventory to net realisable value is an example
of an accounting estimate (see Chapter 17). It is not a provision (i.e. a liability) as
defined by IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets (see Chapter
Determination of an allowance may be:
simple (e.g. a percentage of inventory value); or
complex (e.g. by analysing current data and sales forecasts to estimate slow-moving
or surplus inventory).
Any formulae used (e.g. different percentages applied to inventory ageing) need to be
reviewed regularly by management to assess their appropriateness.
As an accounting estimate the auditor should use one or more of the following
Review and test management's process used to develop the estimate;
Use an independent estimate for comparison with management's; and
Review after-date sales to confirm the estimate made.
23 Syllabus Coverage
Syllabus Coverage
D. Audit Evidence
4. The audit of specific items
For each of the account balances stated in this sub-capability:
Explain the audit objectives and the audit procedures in relation to:
1. Inventory:
1. inventory counting procedures in relation to year-end and continuous inventory systems
2. cut-off testing
3. auditor's attendance at inventory counting
4. direct confirmation of inventory held by third parties
5. valuation
6. other evidence in relation to inventory
23 Technical Articles
Technical Articles
ACCA provide technical articles and other resources to guide and help students.
There are no technical articles available at the time of writing (November 2022) related
to this chapter.
For more recent articles and other resources please visit the ACCA global website.
Suggest matters other than trade receivables balances on which it may be appropriate
to seek direct confirmation.
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
Other account balances (receivable and payable) and their components.
Terms and conditions of agreements.
Existence of "aside-agreements".
Transactions with third parties and terms thereof.
Bank balances and other information from bankers.
Inventories held by third parties (e.g. in bonded warehouses or on consignment).
Loans from lenders.
Investments purchased from stockbrokers but not delivered by the end of the reporting
24.1.2 Considerations
1.2 Considerations
Key Point
The design of a confirmation request may directly affect the confirmation response rate
and the reliability and the nature of the audit evidence obtained from the responses.
Factors to be considered include:.
Factors to be considered include:
The assertions to be addressed.
Identified risks of misstatement, including fraud risks.
Prior experience in the audit or similar engagements.
Method of communication (paper, electronic).
Management's authorisation for confirming parties to respond to the auditor.
The information that respondents will readily confirm, such as single transactions (e.g.
invoices) rather than the overall account balance.
Respondent's knowledge of the matter and their competence, independence, motivation,
authority or willingness to provide information.
Consider, for example, a company selling machinery for farming. Customers who are
individual rural farmers may be less likely to respond to a confirmation request than a
corporate customer.
The request may be “positive” or “negative”, “open” or “closed”.
1.3.1 Positive
A request to confirm agreement with a given balance or otherwise express
disagreement is described as a “positive” request. It is preferred when there is a high
assessed risk, for example, when:
internal controls are weak;
there is suspicion of fraud or amounts are in dispute; or
there are numerous bookkeeping errors.
1.3.2 Negative
A request to reply only in the case of disagreement with a given balance is described
as a “negative” request. It is appropriate when:
internal controls operate effectively (i.e. control risk assessed as low);
the population is made up of a large number of small accounts;
errors not expected; and
it is expected that respondents will not ignore the request.
1.3.3 Open
An “open” request requires the respondent to enter a balance (i.e. cannot simply "tick off"
It is used most widely when testing balances for understatement. For example, a request to
suppliers to show the amounts they believe they are owed.
1.3.4 Closed
A request is described as closed when the balance is given.
It is mainly used to confirm the possible overstatement of a balance.
1.5.2 Agreement
When confirmations are in agreement, the auditor should consider the possibility of a
"tick box" approach having been taken by respondents.
1.5.3 Disagreement
When respondents express disagreement, the auditor should:
Identify why and carry out further audit procedures as necessary (e.g. reconciling
goods/cash in transit).
Consider if the risk of material misstatement has increased.
Assess the need for further audit procedures to ensure sufficient reliable audit evidence
1.5.4 No Response
When there is no response, action depends on how the nature and extent of alternative
audit procedures are affected by the assertion(s) assessed by the confirmation.
Alternative procedures may provide sufficient evidence.
If no alternative procedures would provide the assurance required, the effect on the auditor's
report must be assessed.
2.1.2 Prepayments
A prepayment is a prepaid expense (i.e. an amount paid on or before the reporting date
for goods/services received/consumed after the reporting date).
The omission of prepayments results in:
an overstatement of expenses recognised in profit and loss; and
an understatement of prepayments (an asset) in the statement of financial position.
For most entities, individual prepayments will not be material, but the cumulative effect
of the inappropriate accounting treatment of all prepayments must be considered a risk.
2.2.1 Receivables
Obtain the list of accounts receivable and agree the total to the general ledger
Review bank confirmations (see Chapter 26) and loan agreements for evidence that
receivables have been used to secure indebtedness (rights).
Directly confirm a sample of accounts receivable and perform any necessary alternative
procedures (existence). See s.3.
Test the adequacy of the allowance for irrecoverable receivables (valuation).
2.2.2 Prepayments
As an asset balance, the most relevant assertions for prepayments are again
completeness, accuracy, valuation and allocation, and existence (“CAVE”). The auditor
Understand the nature of the business and expected prepayments.
Obtain a list of prepayments from the client, cast and agree to the general ledger (accuracy,
valuation and allocation).
Compare current prepayments with previous years and, for material items, inspect
supporting evidence such as paid invoices (completeness, existence).
Identify any unrecorded prepayments by reviewing the bank ledger account before the
reporting date for large and unusual items and inspecting supporting documents such as
suppliers’ invoices (completeness, cut-off).
A prepayment arises from the payment of cash before the year end for
next year’s expense.
Other receivables arise from items of this year’s income that should be
a receipt of cash after the year end.
2.2.4 Revenue
Substantive procedures for revenue will generally start with obtaining a schedule broken
down or analysed into the main product categories or sources of revenue, where
relevant. This should be compared with the prior year schedule and any unusual
movements discussed with management.
For the sale of goods, tests of details typically include the following:
Match a sample of GDNs to the corresponding sales invoices and recording in the detailed
sales listing (completeness).
Match a sample of sales transactions from the detailed sales listing to sales invoices,
customer orders and GDNs (occurrence).
Examine a sample of sales invoices for proper classification into revenue accounts.
Select a sample of sales invoices from shortly before and after the year end and compare
the shipment dates with the dates the sales were recorded (cut-off).
For a sample of despatch notes shortly before and after the year end, trace to sales invoices
in the correct accounting period (cut-off).
For a sample of sales invoices, compare prices and terms with the authorised price list and
terms of trade (accuracy).
For a sample of invoices, recalculate amounts including discounts allowed and sales tax
Select a sample of credit notes raised, trace to the original invoice and ensure the invoice
has been correctly removed from sales (occurrence).
For a sample of material contracts with customers, examine the supporting documentation
to determine whether the five steps of the revenue recognition process were applied
correctly (see s.4.2 in Chapter 12).
The auditor may also perform the following substantive analytical procedures:
“Proof in total” (reasonableness test) calculation of expected revenue, compared with
recorded revenue, and investigation of any significant differences. For example:
o For rental income: Average monthly rent × 12 × number of properties;
o For ticket sales (e.g. for a festival): Average ticket price × number of tickets sold.
Making comparisons and investigating differences between, for example:
o gross profit percentage by product line with prior years and industry data;
o reported monthly revenue to budgeted monthly revenue.
Analyse the ratio of sales in the last month or week to total revenue for the year.
Compare detail of units shipped with revenue and production records and consider whether
revenues are reasonable compared to production levels and average selling price.
Complete an "ideas list" for sources of evidence in the audit of receivables and revenue
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
Accounting Open-item or balance-forward ledger.
24.3.1 Introduction
3.1 Existence Assertion
Key points
Obtain a list of balances from client as at the year end, check extraction, cast, agree
total to general ledger/trial balance/ financial statements.
Identify all credit balances and, if material, ask management why; credit balances
may indicate a breakdown in controls.
"Gross up" the total for credit balances (i.e. add back to show gross balance, not net
balance) and similarly for debit balances on payables, if material.
Select a sample (e.g. using monetary unit sampling).
In a computerised system, audit software is a very effective and efficient means of
selecting a sample for confirmation. CAATs may also be used to analyse inventory,
revenue, cash receipts and journals to recalculate receivable balances.
Balances selected using professional judgement will, for example, include:
o balances greater than the performance materiality level;
o old outstanding balances;
o credit balances;
o nil balances; and
o accounts that show unusual activity (e.g. many credit notes or
irrecoverable debt write-offs).
Confirm with the client the sample selected. Discuss with management if any
customers are requested to be removed from the sample. Ensure that all evidence is
recorded, including alternative procedures (as the client is effectively imposing a
limitation on scope). Such exclusions must be considered suspicious unless proved
We confirm that the balance According to our records the amount due
due from us to the above from us to the above company was $.... A
company at the above date reconciliation of these amounts is shown
was $.... below.
Yours faithfully,
Signature, name, position and company stamp/seal
Key Point
Differences due to posting errors, incorrect goods or quantities delivered (or similar
complaints), may indicate a breakdown in controls. Any interim control work carried out
should then be reviewed and the risk of material misstatement reassessed.
If no return is received, the auditor should consider sending a second request or
carrying out alternative procedures.
Cut-off has already been discussed in Chapter 23 in the context of inventory. The
following is a summary of typical procedures for sales and receivables.
Sales cut-off testing is used to confirm:
o proper cut-off of sales transactions; and
o the completeness and existence of accounts receivable and inventory.
Select GDNs raised just before the year end and trace them to a sales invoice
ensuring they are included in trade receivables before the year end. Confirm that the
inventory sold is not included in the inventory balance at the year end.
Alternatively, if the system is appropriate, select goods out from inventory records
just before the year end, and trace to GDNs and sales invoices agreeing all recorded
(as described previously) before the year end.
Select entries in the trade receivables account just before the year end and trace
“backwards” through the detailed sales listing to a sales invoice, GDN and inventory
records; checking that all entries were made before the year end.
From cash received records, trace receipts before the year end to the trade
receivables account and bank statement ensuring entries were made before the
year end.
There is a risk that trade receivables may be overstated if irrecoverable debts have not
been written off or the allowance for trade receivables is insufficient. The auditor should:
Understand terms of payment and management's policy on ageing debts. Compare with
previous years and plan analytical review (e.g. receivables days) to identify anomalies and
potential risks.
Obtain an aged receivables analysis as at the year end and re-perform ageing by agreeing
the make-up of balances (e.g. for same sample as for confirmation) back to dated sales
invoices, GDNs and inventory records.
For material balances (e.g. same balances as for confirmation), agree after-date cash
receipts to the bank statements.
Obtain a current aged analysis during the final audit and compare it against the yearend
analysis to identify amounts still outstanding. A balance that is “current” (i.e. less than 30
days old) at the year end is not necessarily recoverable. (By the time of the audit, it could
have become significantly overdue.)
Review irrecoverable debts and cash collection patterns during the year to identify any
Review other evidence to support non-collectability (e.g. correspondence from a receiver).
Agree accounting treatment of irrecoverable debts is appropriate.
Form an opinion on the collectability of debts and discuss with management any divergence
from that opinion.
Activity 5 Use of CAATs
24 Technical Articles
Technical Articles
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There are no technical articles available at the time of writing (November 2022) related
to this chapter.
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Objective: To consider areas of audit risk in share capital, reserves and directors'
emoluments and to describe the audit procedures relating to these items.
25.1.1 General
1.1 General
Risks that should generally be considered in the audit of share capital, reserves and
directors' emoluments (i.e. remuneration) include the following:
Share transactions (e.g. issue, buy-back) may not comply with statutory
Distributions may not be approved or comply with statutory requirements.
Statutory documentation and returns not maintained, not made or incorrect.
Equity reserves are inappropriately used.
Complicated/sophisticated valuation models used (e.g. share-based payments,
share options and warrants) with significant estimation uncertainty.
Directors' remuneration and other transactions with directors may be suppressed,
undervalued or not disclosed.
25.1.2 Assertions
1.2 Assertions
Audit considerations for the assertions that are specific to share capital, reserves and
directors' emoluments include the following:
1.2.1 Completeness
All equity transactions must be accounted for and disclosed.
All directors' remuneration and other transactions with directors should be recorded and
25.2.0 Introduction
2.0 Introduction
In audit planning, the auditor assessed the risk of material misstatement due to error
and fraud. For the audit of equity, if this risk is assessed as high, the auditor must
consider the use of confirmations with shareholders to confirm, for example:
their shareholdings;
share issues, equity transactions or equity agreements; and
dividends paid.
The auditor should also scrutinise all equity transactions and determine whether the
terms and substance of the arrangements indicate that the proceeds should be
recorded as debt, rather than equity. This will usually mean confirmation with the
second party of the terms and conditions of the transaction.
Exam advice
The audit procedures for share capital and reserves discussed here are
based on the IFRS Standards examined in Financial Accounting. The more
advanced elements (e.g. buy-backs, share options, warrants, share-based
payments) are not examinable and are used only for illustrative purposes.
25.2.1 General
2.1 General
Equity (share capital and reserves) is the residual interest in the entity's assets after
deducting all liabilities (as defined by the IASB’s Conceptual Framework).
The most common classification of equity is ordinary shares (non-redeemable, no
change in nominal or issue value, equitable voting rights, no guaranteed dividends, last
in line on liquidation) are. Other classes of share capital may be treated as debt (e.g.
redeemable preference shares) or equity (e.g. irredeemable preference shares) or a
compound instrument with debt and equity components.
25.3.1 Types
3.1 Types
The overall results for the accounting period are recognised in the statement of
comprehensive income and summarised in the statement of changes in equity. For
profit for the period (after interest and tax) is an increase in retained earnings (a loss will be
a decrease);
a revaluation gain (in other comprehensive income) is an increase in the revaluation surplus.
Activity 2 Accounting Entries
Explain the accounting entries for a revaluation of a depreciable asset that arises:
i.at the end of the reporting period;
ii. in the following year; and
iii. in the year of disposal.
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
i.On Revaluation
This activity draws directly on assumed knowledge of accounting for revaluations
from Financial Accounting.
Accumulated depreciation is either:
o restated proportionately with the change in gross carrying amount so that
carrying amount after revaluation equals its revalued amount (e.g. using an index to
depreciate replacement cost); or
o eliminated against the gross carrying amount and the net amount restated to the
revalued amount (e.g. buildings revalued to market value).
In either case the gain (i.e. the difference between the revalued amount and the carrying
amount) is not a realised profit and is therefore credited to other comprehensive income. It is
included in the movement on the revaluation surplus in the statement of changes in equity
and presented in the statement of financial position in the share capital and reserves
ii. Subsequent Year
Depreciation expensed for the year will be charged to profit or loss based on the revalued
amount. This will be greater than the depreciation expense on the same asset in the
previous year.
Under IFRS, it is permissible to transfer within reserves (i.e. Dr Revaluation a/c, Cr Retained
earnings) that portion of the depreciation expense that relates directly to the revaluation.
This will be shown as a movement in the statement of changes in equity; there is no
adjustment for this in the statement of comprehensive income.
iii. On Disposal
Any profit on disposal (i.e. the excess of proceeds over the asset's carrying amount at the
date of disposal and any procedures) should be credited to profit or loss. Any loss on
disposal will be debited.
When a revalued asset is sold, the balance on the revaluation surplus relating to that asset
may be transferred directly to retained earnings (i.e. as a reserve movement in the
statement in changes in equity). It cannot be included in the statement of comprehensive
25.3.4 Dividends
3.4 Dividends
Key Point
Cr Cash a/c $x
25.3.5 Disclosures
3.5 Disclosures
3.5.1 For Each Reserve
The following disclosures are required for each reserve:
A reconciliation between opening and closing balances, separately disclosing changes from:
o profit or loss;
o each item of other comprehensive income; and
o transactions with owners in their capacity as shareholders.
A description of the reserve's nature and purpose.
25.4.1 General
4.1 General
25.4.2 Regulation
4.2 Regulation
The auditor must understand the legal, regulatory and other requirements concerning
directors' emoluments, for example:
Companies' legislation that may distinguish between disclosure requirements for large,
medium and small companies.
Listing rules that require a higher level of disclosure for listed companies.
Corporate governance requirements (e.g. remuneration committee reports).
Regulatory requirements (e.g. the Companies (Directors’ Remuneration Policy and
Directors’ Remuneration Report) Regulations 2019 in the UK).
25.5.1 Contents
5.1 Contents
"Statutory books and records" are those books and records which a company is
required, by law, to keep. For example, companies are typically required to keep:
a register of past and present directors (also company secretaries);
a register of directors' interests (in the company's shares and debentures);
a register of members (i.e. shareholders) and their shareholdings;
a register of debenture holders (if any);
a register of charges;
minutes of board meetings;
minutes of general meetings with shareholders.
There is usually a further requirement to keep other legally important documents such
the certificate of incorporation;
articles of association;
accounting records;
directors' service contracts; and
any other important contracts (e.g. partnership agreements).
Generally such books and records must be kept at the company's registered office and
available for inspection by the general public.
Information that is required to be recorded in the statutory books and records and the
documents which support the registers (e.g. returns filed with the register of companies)
provide a source of evidence. For example:
the register of members should reflect any increase in issued share capital (new members
and increased holdings of existing members);
the register of charges must include all claims which have been registered over the
company's assets (e.g. mortgages and floating charges) which will show the extent to which
liabilities are secured;
directors' service contracts will contain details of their entitlement to compensation on
termination (which could be a liability at the reporting date where a director has vacated his
office during the year);
minutes of general meetings document matters such as the shareholders' approval for an
issue of new shares, the amount of dividend to be declared and transactions in which
directors have interests (e.g. if a property was to be sold to another company in which a
director holds shares).
Agree that statutory records have been maintained in accordance with relevant laws and
regulations (e.g. stock exchange requirements).
Agree that all necessary statutory forms (e.g. annual return, changes in directors) and
returns have been made and contain correct and accurate information.
Agree that all stock exchange notifications (e.g. significant holding of share capital by an
individual entity, for example higher than 3%) have been made.
Agree that all company meetings had been correctly convened, conducted and minuted.
Reconcile directors' shareholdings at the beginning and end of the financial period and that
these have been disclosed.
Agree that proper books and records have been kept (conclusion drawn from the audit).
Agree that the accounting records are adequate for taxation purposes (e.g. sales tax).
Agree that records are kept, and stored with ease of access, for the appropriate legislative
time limits (e.g. seven years).
25 Syllabus Coverage
Syllabus Coverage
D. Audit Evidence
4. The audit of specific items
For each of the account balances stated in this sub-capability:
Explain the audit objectives and the audit procedures in relation to:
1. Share capital, reserves and directors' emoluments:
1. evidence in relation to share capital, reserves and directors' emoluments.
2. 25 Technical Articles
3. Technical Articles
5. ACCA provide technical articles and other resources to guide and help students.
6. There are no technical articles available at the time of writing (November 2022)
related to this chapter.
7. For more recent articles and other resources please visit the ACCA global
Visual Overview
Objective: To determine areas of audit risk in bank and cash and to obtain appropriate
audit evidence including bank reports.
Risks that may be considered in the audit of bank and cash include the following:
A bank loan may become repayable on demand (e.g. due to a breach of covenants). Such
loans would be required to be reclassified as current liabilities.
Secured and unsecured loans may not be separately disclosed.
Interest payable on loans and overdrafts may not be accrued. Interest expense will also be
Interest receivable on bank deposits may not be accrued. Interest income will also be
Cash is the most "liquid" of all of a company's assets and the most susceptible to theft
Cheques raised and accounted for at the year end (Dr Payables, Cr Cash) may be
subsequently cancelled after year end or their despatch to suppliers unacceptably delayed
(i.e. a form of "window dressing").
Cash receipts may be stolen and difficult to trace (e.g. if there is "teeming and lading"
(see Chapter 24) on accounts receivable balances).
Cheque payments may be misappropriated through forgery.
Audit considerations for the assertions that are specific to account balances (i.e. in the
statement of financial position) include the following:
1.2.1 Completeness
A bank letter (s.3) will be required to confirm all balances held (including loans and
1.2.3 Existence
Direct confirmation (bank letter) of balances and other relevant information from the holding
institution (e.g. bank) confirms existence.
Physical cash in a cash register/till (in retail trade) can be inspected and counted (and,
similarly, petty cash).
1.2.4 Presentation
Generally, loans and overdrafts should not be offset against bank deposits in the statement
of financial position.
Offset is appropriate only when the company has a legal right of offset(e.g. as stated in the
bank loan contract).
1.2.5 Classification
Cash, bank and loans should be appropriately classified in the statement of financial
position as current or non-current.
26.1.3 Transactions
1.3 Transactions
Considerations of the assertions that are specific to classes of transactions (e.g. interest
receipts/payments) include the following:
1.3.2 Classification
Most interest payments will be expensed to profit or loss in the period to which they relate.
However, some interest expense may be allocated to asset accounts under IFRS Standards
(e.g. interest on a loan obtained to finance the construction of a building is asset
1.3.3 Cut-off
Interest expenses and bank charges that are reconciling items on the bank reconciliation
statement must be included in accrued expenses.
An accurate cut-off must be established for cash receipts and payments shortly before and
after the year end. The dates of recording transactions in the cashbook will be compared
with the bank statement and timing differences shown in the bank reconciliation (s.2.2).
1.3.4 Accuracy
Interest received (or payable) should be agreed from the bank statement to the bank ledger
Interest rates (and related expenses such as bank charges) should be specified in
loan/overdraft agreements.
1.4 Sources of Evidence
Complete an "ideas list" for the sources of evidence relevant to the audit of bank and
cash balances.
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
Cash system, cashbook(s), "imprest" for
→ petty cash
Accounting systems
→ Cheque requisitions
Obtain schedules of all loans, reconciling opening balances, movements in the year and
closing balances (agreeing to general ledger and financial statements).
Examine loan agreements noting:
o term of the loan;
o rate of interest (fixed or variable);
o security given; and
o repayment terms.
Confirm repayments during the year by reference to:
o authority (e.g. board minutes);
o paid cheques and entries in the bank ledger account;
o accrued interest paid; and
o deletion in the register of charges (for secured loans).
Verify new loans issued during the year by reference to:
o authority;
o receipt of monies in the bank ledger account; and
o entries in statutory records (e.g. register of charges).
Obtain direct confirmation from lenders (see s.3).
Scrutinise statutory books (if any) and confirm that they are correct regarding charges over
Recalculate interest expense and interest accrual.
Agree disclosure of non-current liabilities complies with the applicable financial reporting
framework. For example:
o secured loans excluding portion repayable within one year;
o unsecured loans excluding portion repayable within one year;
o summary of interest rates, repayment terms, covenants; and
o security given.
Exam advice
The statement of financial position will report the agreed balance (i.e.
corrected bank ledger account balance) as at the reporting date.
Exam advice
The operation of a petty cash system using imprest and non-imprest systems is
assumed knowledge of Financial Accounting.
26.3.2 Format
3.2 Format
Many national banking associations and auditing bodies have agreed on the form and
process for auditors to send and banks to complete bank confirmation reports.
Instead of the report containing an exhaustive list of all the possible information that
could be required, a standard approach and form of reports are generally adopted. Its
primary purpose is to confirm available information, but it may also provide information
the auditor was unaware of.
Banks will require specific written authority from their customers to be able to release
information to auditors. Rather than new authorities being issued each year, an ongoing
standing authority will be sufficient. Such authorities will need to be updated for changes
(e.g. new locations). The auditor should confirm each year, by inspection, that the
authority is in place and still appropriate.
3.2.1 Content
Issued on auditor's letterhead.
Should be sent at least two weeks before the client's year end.
Bank's name and address.
Auditor's name and address.
Company's name, account sort codes and primary account(s) numbers.
The financial reporting date.
Details of confirmation that authority already was issued by the client.
Request for acknowledgement.
Additional information required:
o Trade finance (one of the facility account numbers given).
o Derivative and commodity trading (facility account number).
26 Syllabus Coverage
Syllabus Coverage
This chapter covers the following Learning Outcomes.
D. Audit Evidence
4. The audit of specific items
For each of the account balances stated in this sub-capability:
Explain the audit objectives and the audit procedures in relation to:
1. Bank and cash:
1. bank confirmation reports used in obtaining evidence in relation to bank and cash
2. other evidence in relation to bank
3. other evidence in relation to cash.
26 Technical Articles
Technical Articles
ACCA provide technical articles and other resources to guide and help students.
There are no technical articles available at the time of writing (November 2022) related
to this chapter.
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Objective: To explain audit risks and audit evidence for current liabilities (trade
payables and accrued expenses), non-current liabilities, provisions and contingencies.
27.1.1 Terminology
1.1 Terminology
Key Point
Troy Co employs salaried staff, who are paid on the last Friday of every
month and a factory workforce that works Monday to Friday and is paid for
each week on the following Monday. The company’s year end is
Wednesday 30 June 20X1.
All salaried employees were last paid on Friday 25 June. As their June
salaries have been paid, there is no accrual.
The workforce was last paid on Monday 28 June for the hours/days worked in
the preceding week. Therefore, an accrual for three days is needed as at 30
June 20X1.
Because an accrual is an accounting estimate, it is not required to be
exact. If for example, the workforce is 50 factory employees working 8
hours a day with an average hourly wage of $20, the year-end adjustment
for payroll expense will be $8,000.
Bart Co's holiday year and financial year is a calendar year. Staff are
encouraged to take their leave regularly. The company’s holiday leave
policy does not permit the carrying forward of untaken leave to the next
year (i.e. a “use-it-of-lose it” policy).
Example 2 Holiday Accrual
The audit of bank loans and overdrafts has already been covered in Chapter 26. Other
sources of finance include:
Issues of debt, loan notes (“bonds”) and debentures;
Issues of redeemable preference shares (which are accounted for as debt under IAS
1 Presentation of Financial Statements);
Lease finance (which is not examinable in AA).
27.1.4 Disclosures
1.4 Provisions and Contingencies
How to account for provisions and contingent liabilities and contingent assets is
assumed knowledge of Financial Accounting.
not/Possible Contingent liability disclosure No disclosure
Activity 1 Dismissal
A senior employee has been dismissed for breach of contract. She is claiming unfair
dismissal. Briefly describe the audit work that should be conducted to determine
whether a provision or contingent liability is required.
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
Review minutes or notes of management's decision to dismiss the employee to establish the
reason for the dismissal.
Review any press or social network commentary (e.g. Twitter, Facebook).
Review correspondence from the employee and her solicitor.
Review the contract of employment to confirm that the contract covers the reason for the
dismissal and what, if any, entitlement the employee is due.
Review dismissal procedures to ensure that they are within the law – if not, the dismissal
may have been illegal.
Obtain the view of the company's solicitor as to the likelihood of the action being successful.
Discuss with management its expected action (e.g. fight or settle out of court).
If probable that the employee could win even on a legal technicality (e.g. if the company did
not follow the correct dismissal procedure), calculate the potential compensation allowed by
her contract and possible damages awarded by the court.
If it is unlikely she would win, possible costs will still need to be estimated for disclosure.
If remote, no disclosure will be necessary.
In all situations, any legal costs of the company should be provided.
1.4.2 Disclosures
Risks that should generally be considered in the audit of trade payables and accrued
expenses include the following:
Liabilities incurred may be unrecorded (e.g. purchase invoices not processed). The
corresponding expense is also understated (and hence profit will be overstated).
Secured liabilities may not be identified and security may not be disclosed.
Accrued expenses (e.g. for goods/services received but not invoiced) relating to current year
expenditure may be omitted.
Liabilities may be recorded/payments to suppliers made for goods not received (because of
error or fraud).
Accrued holiday entitlements may be omitted from the payroll expense.
Payroll deductions (e.g. personal tax and social/national insurance) may not be paid to the
tax authorities.
27.2.2 Provisions
2.2 Provisions
Risks that should generally be considered in the audit of provisions include the
A liability may be misstated due to estimation uncertainty (see Chapter 17).
A provision may be overstated to “smooth” profits (i.e. making provisions when profits are
“good”, then reversing them in a “bad” year).
Classification as current or non-current may be incorrect due to uncertain timing.
A provision will be overstated if it is not reversed when it is no longer required for the
purpose for which it was made.
27.2.3 Assertions
2.3 Assertions
Audit evidence and procedures for the assertions that are specific to trade payables and
accrued expenses include the following:
2.3.3 Existence
Payable confirmation and supplier statement reconciliations.
Complete an "ideas list" for the sources of evidence relevant to the audit of trade
payables and accrued expenses.
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
Accounting → e.g. batch processing of invoices
Purchase requisitions/orders/invoices/GRNs,
→ cheque payments.
3.1.1 Procedures
Procedures for sending confirmation letters to suppliers are similar to those for the
receivables confirmation (detailed in Chapter 24). The main differences are as follows:
The principal assertion is completeness and the key audit risk is understatement. To test for
understatement, the source of the payable must be identified (i.e. a purchase on credit
results in a payable). The permanent audit file should have details of the major suppliers. A
purchase turnover analysis will identify the major suppliers expected to have large payable
balances. Compare the year-end payable balances with the prior year and select the
materially lower balances (e.g. due to unrecorded transactions).
Sample must be selected from a reciprocal population (e.g. purchases or goods received
notes) and not from the list of payable balances.
Even if the client receives statements from suppliers each month, a confirmation request
may still be sent to a sample of major suppliers.
The request should be positive and open (i.e. requesting that the supplier state the balance)
and request that the supplier sends a copy statement as at the client’s reporting date.
Where a reply to a confirmation request is not received, and a supplier statement as at
the year end is not available, alternative procedures should be applied. For example:
Contact supplier direct by phone and enquire about the balance.
Confirm make-up of year-end balance from GRN, inventory and purchase invoices.
Confirm post-year-end payment.
3.1.2 Suppliers' Statement Reconciliations
Key Point
Completeness and cut-off are also tested through a search for unrecorded liabilities,
which focuses on the following:
3.2.1 Trade Payables Account
Agree GRNs before the year end to purchase invoices posted to the trade payables account
(via the detailed purchase listing) before the year end.
Agree cash payments posted to the trade payables account before the year end to the bank
ledger account and bank statement before the year end (and check to bank reconciliation as
Trace entries for purchases before the year end back to the detailed purchase listing,
purchase invoice, GRN and confirm inclusion in year-end inventory.
27.3.3 Accruals
3.3 Accruals
Many of the audit procedures relevant to the audit of liabilities are relevant to provisions
and contingent liabilities. However, specific procedures might include the following:
Discuss, with management, systems for identifying provisions and contingent liabilities.
Review the prior year's financial statement provisions and contingent liabilities.
o Establish provision outcome; whether estimate was reasonable or need for
provision is ongoing (e.g. warranty provisions).
o Establish the outcome of contingent liabilities (e.g. no longer exist, are ongoing or
need to become provisions).
Review year-end and after-date correspondence and board minutes for evidence of new
legal claims against the entity.
Review subsequent events to ensure that all relevant matters are considered (see Chapter
Examine legal expense accounts for indications of higher-than-normal costs. Discuss with
management the reasons why.
Reassess the need for continuing provisions (e.g. estimated warranty provision).
Review supporting documentation to assess new provisions/contingent liabilities and
management’s estimate of potential outflows.
Discuss management's assessment of the outcome, the estimate of financial implications
and costs involved. If the event gives rise to a contingent liability such as a lawsuit, an
accrual or provision should be made for associated legal expenses.
Seek confirmation from company lawyers (might be an internal or external expert).
Obtain written representations from management regarding legal claims against the
company (see Chapter 20 for other examples).
The auditor must consider a scope limitation on the audit opinion if:
permission is not given to communicate with lawyers (or the lawyers refuse to discuss
matters with the auditor); or
management refuses to provide written representations on a particular matter.
27 Syllabus Coverage
Syllabus Coverage
27 Technical Articles
Technical Articles
ACCA provide technical articles and other resources to guide and help students.
There are no technical articles available at the time of writing (November 2022) related
to this chapter.
For more recent articles and other resources please visit the ACCA global website.
Objective: To identify the particular considerations in the audit of small businesses and
not-for-profit organisations.
28.1.1 Smaller Entities
1.1 Smaller Entities
Key Point
Many small entities may lack sufficient resources to achieve ideal segregation of duties
(and the cost of hiring additional staff solely for this purpose is likely to be prohibitive).
Therefore, it may not be possible to rely on the system of internal control to detect fraud
or errors, for example:
where personnel who are responsible for accounting records also have access to
assets that are easily concealed, moved or sold; and
when it may not be possible to set up a system of independent checking. This
increases the risk that management will fail to detect errors.
However, management may be able to institute alternative controls that the auditor can
test and rely on.
The risks arising from the use of IT in information processing may also be higher due to
limited segregation of duties. For example, in simple computerised accounting systems,
it is common for users to be able to perform two or more of:
initiating and authorising source documents;
entering data into the system;
operating the computer;
changing programs and data files as well as modifying the operating systems; and
using or distributing output.
Key Point
1.3.2 Disadvantages
Ability to override internal controls (e.g. exclude transactions).
Greater risk of management fraud (e.g. the owner can make disbursements without
supporting documentation).
Confusion of business and personal interests/property may be reflected in financial
statements. This may give rise to problems with tax authorities and could result in financial
28.2.1 Considerations
2.1 Considerations
The engagement letter must be issued before work commences to help avoid
misunderstanding the nature and scope of services provided.
Additional accountancy services:
o initial recording of transactions;
o posting to the general ledger;
o extracting trial balance and preparing draft accounts;
o preparing statutory financial statements; and
o providing regular management accounts.
Additional tax services:
o agreeing tax liabilities with taxation authorities; and
o preparation and submission of returns.
Key Point
When the auditor also assists in preparing the financial statements, the
engagement letter must clearly state that this remains management's
The risk of material misstatements may increase (↑) or decrease (↓) due to the following
owner may exercise effective control (↓);
owner's close involvement may prevent/detect errors (↓);
profits may be manipulated (↑).
Audit risks may include, in particular:
possible misstatement of income (e.g. by non-recording (understatement) or recording
fictitious transactions (overstatement));
inclusion of personal expenses of an owner-manager.
In assessing risk, the auditor will consider previous knowledge of the
3.3.1 Examples
Typical accountancy work for smaller entities includes:
Writing up books;
Drawing up a trial balance; and
Ascertaining the end of the reporting period adjustments.
3.4.1 Assertion
Understatement of income (completeness) can be a particular risk for small businesses
and not-for-profit organisations:
under-declaration of income (and overstatement of expenses) will reduce tax liabilities;
owner-managers may treat some business dealings as personal transactions (and not
record them);
a high proportion of transactions may be cash (which may be misappropriated before it is
there may be no exchange in a transaction (e.g. for donations received) to evidence its
Generally, the auditor will be unable to use tests of controls to reduce tests of details if
effective internal controls are lacking.
The evidence obtained through accountancy work (s.3.3) gives some assurances and
does not need to be duplicated.
However, writing up books and accounts preparation is no substitute for:
physical inspection (existence);
third-party confirmation (existence and ownership);
work on the recoverability of accounts receivable (valuation);
searches for unrecorded liabilities (completeness);
confirmation of terms of material loans; and
tests to ensure completeness of income.
Writing up books may, however, lead to efficiencies. For example, if analytical
procedures on margins are satisfactory, audit procedures may be restricted to:
bank confirmations;
direct confirmations (if efficient) and review of old balances;
attendance at physical inventory and review of inventory valuation;
review of subsequent events;
review of accrued expenses and prepayments;
review of minutes; and
obtaining other confirmation letters (e.g. from solicitors).
Key Point
28.4.0 Introduction
4.0 Introduction
There are many types of very different NFP organisations, for example:
government departments, local authorities and agencies – exist to implement policy;
educational establishments – note that private education has a profit motive;
hospitals – note that private hospitals would be classified as profit oriented;
charities – collect money and effectively distribute it according to a charity's aims;
pressure groups – raise money to promote a given agenda (e.g. Greenpeace); and
clubs and mutual societies – organisations that raise money directly from members to
provide services to them (e.g. tennis clubs, trade unions).
An NFP organisation may be:
incorporated (i.e. companies);
otherwise required to be audited (e.g. under sector-specific legislation);
subject to specific accounting requirements;
regulated (e.g. by a Charities Commission);
small, local, single-activity operations run by trustees (e.g. clubs, private schools); or
large trading concerns with sophisticated accounting systems (e.g. international charities
and aid agencies).
Exam advice
Suggest FOUR features of a charity which are most likely to differ from a commercial entity.
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
Sources of income – largely voluntary income (donations), grants, etc. Highly likely to be in
the form of pure cash (e.g. street collections).
Possible inability to assert completeness of income/revenue arising from donations (e.g.
street collections).
Branch structure – although this may be used in commercial entities, the "branch" operating
structure with a single, centrally administered head office is frequently used by charitable
Tax status – there may be some reliefs available specifically to charities.
Restricted funds (capital or revenue) – may be used only for specified expenditure (e.g.
donation or grant for a specific activity or capital item).
Greater public accountability – is expected because their purpose is to serve some public
Presence of unpaid workers (volunteers) who may:
o lack sufficient business skills;
o possess great dedication, which may compensate for failings in internal control.
Executives may be part-time, retired professionals or complete amateurs. Risk assessment
needs to consider the executives' business and control awareness. The risk of material
misstatement may increase or decrease depending on their experience, skill and
In general, the audit of a not-for-profit organisation follows the same principles and
technique of any other audit, but usually with some specific emphasis, for example, on
sources of funding (e.g. donations).
The following considerations are likely to be relevant when auditing not-for-profit
4.2.4 Risk
Inherent risk may be high because of:
the nature of management and key workers (see Activity 1);
susceptibility to fraud (because of an easily manipulated asset such as cash);
the potential impact of a sluggish economy on income from donations; and
obligations to comply with regulations when funded by government grants.
The entity also may be considered a public-interest entity (e.g. a national charity, local
golf/tennis club whose membership usually contains local business people and
dignitaries) and, therefore, high risk because of the risk of bad publicity if inappropriate
work is carried out or an inappropriate report is given.
Control risk is unlikely to be assessed (i.e. the auditor does not plan to test the
operating effectiveness of controls). For example, formal controls may be too expensive
for the entity to operate (e.g. employing sufficient people to have effective segregation
of duties) or controls implemented by inexperienced "volunteers". There also may be
overdependence on the honesty of individuals. Therefore, the assessment of the risk of
material misstatement is the same as the assessment of inherent risk.
To reduce detection risk to an acceptably low level will required a high level of audit
work in appropriate areas (e.g. extensive analytical procedures and/or tests of details on
large samples of transactions, possibly 100%).
4.2.5 Materiality
As not-for-profit entities usually attempt to match their expenditure to their income (e.g.
charities collect money to distribute to worthy causes), materiality based on surplus
(excess of income over expenditure) generally is not a useful materiality indicator.
Income is likely to be the principal measure of materiality.
In addition, materiality ranges may be set lower than for commercial organisations
because of the nature of the entity (e.g. the general public would expect that all
donations to a charity are accounted for and used appropriately – any fraud would be
considered material regardless of its size).
4.2.6 Cash
In many not-for-profit organisations, the majority of transactions are for cash and a high-
risk area.
The controls over the receipt, banking, payment and authorisation of cash must be
A typical cash audit programme will be used but must be tailored to suit the
circumstances of the entity, for example:
Attend fundraising events, observe procedures in collecting, banking and recording cash
and the segregation of duties between the collection, counting and recording.
Perform cash counts at regular, unannounced intervals.
Ensure the regular rotation of staff who handle cash (e.g. different individuals at each
Ensure access to cash is controlled (e.g. two keys are required to open gaming machines,
keys are secure (in a safe), opening procedures are rotated between staff/ members).
28 Syllabus Coverage
Syllabus Coverage
D. Audit Evidence
2. Audit procedures
1. Describe why smaller entities may have different control environments and describe the
types of evidence likely to be available in smaller entities.
7. Not-for-profit organisations
1. Apply audit techniques to not-for-profit organisatio
CHAPTER 29: Visual Overview
Visual Overview
Objective: To describe overall review procedures and the auditor's responsibilities for
disclosure, including subsequent events and going concern.
29.1.0 Introduction
1.0 Introduction
Key Point
29.1.3 Documentation
1.3 Documentation
All crucial matters, particularly those requiring exercise of judgement, must be
documented, particularly regarding:
uncorrected misstatements;
going concern;
provisions and contingencies;
subsequent events;
compliance with reporting framework;
written representations; and
communications to TCWG.
Key decisions in these areas are subject to negotiation and discussion with
management, all of which should be documented with the conclusions reached.
All off-the-shelf and most bespoke audit systems include completion checklists to be
used by the audit engagement partner to ensure that all relevant audit procedures have
been completed before the audit opinion is signed. Although useful as an aide-memoire,
they do not avoid time pressure problems. Therefore, it is important that enough time be
allocated for checklists to be used constructively and make a thorough and honest
assessment of the adequacy of the audit work performed and the evidence gathered.
Activity 1 Partner Completion Checklist
Key Point
Analytical procedures are required in the review stage of the audit (ISA
Analytical procedures in the review stage are designed to assist in forming an overall
conclusion as to whether the financial statements are consistent with the auditor's
understanding of the entity.
At this stage, ratio trend analysis is used to assess the reasonableness of the figures and
other data presented.
Any expectations will be more refined than at the planning stage as more up-to-date
information will be available.
If analytical procedures at this stage indicate a previously unrecognised risk of material
misstatement, the evidence obtained from audit procedures performed should be assessed.
Significant variations are likely to require further work on relevant classes of transactions,
account balances and disclosures.
Key Point
Key Points
Having determined the various materiality levels (see Chapter 10), many auditors apply
the same levels when evaluating misstatements (e.g. if an error is greater than 1% of
total assets, it is material).
Another accepted practice is to consider the percentage error of the specific account
balance or transaction (e.g. inventory, depreciation expense). A general rule for this
"evaluation" materiality is:
less than 5%, unlikely to be material;
greater than 10%, consider as material; and
between 5% and 10%, apply judgement and consider the context and nature of the error
before reaching a decision.
Activity 3 Evaluation of Aggregate Misstatement
Determine the minimum adjustment (if any) that must be made for the
presentation of the financial statement to be evaluated as fair if:
i.all three errors affect profit;
ii. only error (2) affects profit.
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
1. All three items affect profit
In aggregate, net profit and net current assets are overstated by $178,000 – which is
material. A minimum adjustment of $78,000 is therefore needed. For example, if the
understatement of trade payables is due to liabilities for purchases having been
omitted, and if management are prepared to adjust the trade payables to correct the
$80,000 understatement, the remaining unadjusted aggregate, $98,000, is less than
the materiality limit.
2. Only (2) affects profit
The misstatements on receivables and payables must be reflected elsewhere in the
statement of financial position. For example, cash at bank may be overstated (or
bank overdraft understated) if the errors are due to incorrect cut-off on cash receipts
and payments. Therefore, the effect on net assets and profit is therefore only
$58,000 (i.e. not material).
However, if the incorrect cut-off (say) was in error, management should be prepared
to adjust for it. (If not, this might raise doubts about whether the "error" was by
accident or design.)
Remember that the reasons for the non-adjustment of the uncorrected
misstatements will need to be explained to the audit committee (where such a
committee exists).
If an individual misstatement is deemed material, it is unlikely that other misstatements
can offset it. For example, if revenue is materially overstated, the financial statements
are materially misstated, even if there is an equivalent overstatement of expenses.
Some misstatements may be evaluated as material even if they are lower than
materiality for the financial statements as a whole, such as when a misstatement:
is possibly the result of fraud;
affects compliance with regulatory requirements, debt covenants, or contractual
relates to the incorrect selection or application of an accounting policy that is likely to have a
material effect on future period financial statements;
masks a change in earnings or other trends;
affects ratios used to evaluate the financial position, results of operations or cash flows;
increases management compensation.
Key Point
Material misstatement may also arise in qualitative disclosure (e.g. the omission or
incorrect description of an accounting policy relative to significant items in the financial
29.3.0 Introduction
3.0 Introduction
The relevant standard is ISA 720 The Auditor’s Responsibilities Relating to Other
Key Point
29.3.1 Procedures
3.1 Procedures
29.3.2 Reporting
3.2 Reporting
The auditor's report should include a separate section with an appropriate heading (e.g.
"Other Information"), which:
States that management is responsible for the other information;
Identifies the other information;
Describes the auditor's responsibilities for reading and considering the other information;
State that the audit opinion does not cover the other information and that the auditor does
not express an opinion on it.
For the contents of an auditor's report, see Chapter 30.
Audit evidence includes transactions and events that occur after the reporting date to
address the risks of material misstatement. For example:
the sale of all inventory of a discontinued product shortly after the reporting date provides
evidence relating to its net realisable value; and
the receipt of cash from customers after the reporting dates provides evidence of the
recoverability of trade receivables.
However, not all relevant events after the reporting will be identified in the verification of
transactions and balances recognised in the financial statements. Specific “subsequent
events procedures” are therefore required to ensure completeness of the recognition
and disclosure of subsequent events.
Events after the reporting period – those events, both favourable and
unfavourable, that occur between the end of the reporting period and
the date on which the financial statements are authorised for issue.
– IAS 10 Events after the Reporting Period
Subsequent events – events occurring between the date of the financial
statements and the date of the auditor's report and facts that become
known after the date of the auditor's report.
– ISA 560 Subsequent Events
You are the trainee accountant of Gabriella Enterprises Co and are preparing the
financial statements for the year ended 30 September 20X1. The financial statements
are expected to be approved in the Annual General Meeting, which is to be held on
Monday, 29 November 20X1. Today’s date is 22 November 20X1. You have been made
aware of the following matters:
1. On 14 October 20X1, a material fraud was discovered by the bookkeeper. The payables
ledger assistant had been diverting funds into a fictitious supplier bank account set up by the
employee, which had been occurring for the past six months. The employee was
immediately dismissed, legal proceedings against the employee were initiated and the
employee’s final wages were withheld as part-reimbursement back to the company.
2. On 20 September 20X1, a customer initiated legal proceedings against the company for a
breach of contract. On 29 September 20X1, the company’s legal advisers informed the
directors that it was unlikely the company would be found liable; therefore, no provision has
been made in the financial statements, but disclosure as a contingent liability has been
made. On 29 October 20X1, the court found the company liable on a technicality and is now
required to pay damages amounting to a material sum.
3. On 19 November 20X1, a customer ceased trading due to financial difficulties owing $2,500.
As the financial statements are needed for the board meeting on 22 November 20X1, you
have decided that no adjustment is required because the amount is immaterial. The auditors
have also confirmed that this amount is immaterial to the draft financial statements.
For each of the three events above, discuss whether the financial statements
require amendment.
*Please use the notes feature in the toolbar to help formulate your answer.
1. Fraud
The fraud committed by the payables ledger clerk has been ongoing during and beyond
the financial year. Fraud and error that occur before the year-end date – but are only
discovered after the year end – are adjusting events. Therefore, the financial statements
would require an amendment to take account of the fraudulent activity up to the year
2. Legal proceedings
At the year end, the company had disclosed a contingent liability. However, after the
year end (29 October 20X1), the court found the company liable for breach of contract.
The legal proceedings were issued on 20 September 20X1 (some 10 days before the
year end). This is, therefore, evidence of a condition that existed at the year end. IAS 10
requires the result of a court case after the reporting date to be considered in
determining whether a provision should be recognised in accordance with IAS
37, Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets at the year end. In this
case, the financial statements will require adjustment because:
the conditions existed at the year end;
the recognition criteria for a provision have been met.
3. Loss of customer
A customer ceasing to trade so soon after the reporting period indicates nonrecoverability of a
receivable at the reporting date and is therefore an adjusting event (IAS 10 Events After the
Reporting Period). Assets should not be carried in the statement of financial position at any
more than their recoverable amount and, therefore, an allowance for receivables should be
The auditor has an active responsibility to investigate subsequent events between the
date of the financial statements and the date of the auditor's report.
Review procedures:
Review and understand management's procedures for identifying subsequent events.
Inquire of management (and TCWG) if they are aware of any subsequent events that would
affect the financial statements.
Read minutes of meetings of shareholders/board of directors/audit committees, etc., held
after the reporting period end.
Inquire about matters discussed at meetings for which minutes are not yet available.
Read the latest available interim financial statements, budgets, cash flow forecasts,
management reports, etc.
Review after-date bank ledger accounts and other records for material or unusual items.
Inquire of lawyers concerning litigation and claims.
The time between the completion of the final audit stage and the signing of the auditor's
report should be kept to a minimum. If the signing is delayed, further subsequent review
procedures will need to be carried out.
If material events are not reflected in the financial statements and management refuses
to change the statements, the auditor should discuss with TCWG (if not management)
and consider the effect on the audit opinion (e.g. qualified, disagreement).
Activity 5 Subsequent Events
If financial statements are subsequently released without a new auditor’s report, the
auditor should seek legal advice on the action to be taken to prevent reliance on the old
report. The auditor's work before the issue of the auditor's report is often referred to as
proactive or active work (must be done). Work (if any) which is carried out after the
issue of the report is described as reactive (i.e. only carried out if circumstances
4.3.3 After Financial Statements Issued
The auditor has no obligation to make any inquiry. However, if he becomes aware of a
fact that existed at the date of the auditor's report and which, if known at that date, may
have caused the opinion to be modified, the auditor should:
consider whether the financial statements need revision (revised financial statements
are not examinable);
discuss the matter with management and TCWG; and
take appropriate action after seeking legal advice.
Some jurisdictions do not allow the financial statements to be withdrawn after issue.
Others may have specific processes that the auditor must follow.
29 Syllabus Coverage
Syllabus Coverage
Key Point
The content elements in ISA 700 Forming an Opinion and Reporting on Financial
Statements are summarised as follows
Note that the auditor’s responsibilities section, which can be extensive, may be
in the report or a referenced appendix; or
by a specific reference to a website of an appropriate authority, if permitted
For example, "Independent auditor's report …"
For example, "...to the shareholders of..."
Audit Opinion
Identify the entity
State that the financial statements have been
Identify each statement comprising the financial
Refer to the notes, including significant
accounting policies
Specify the date of or period covered by each
financial statement
Identify the financial reporting framework (e.g.
Refer to "present fairly, in all material respects"
(or "true and fair view") in accordance with ...
[financial reporting framework]
Key Point
The relevant standard is ISA 701 Communicating Key Audit Matters in the Independent
Auditor's Report.
Key Point
30.2.2 Purpose
2.2 Purpose
Communication of key audit matters (KAM) enhances the auditor's report by providing
greater transparency about the audit performed.
The KAM section is not a separate opinion on individual matters and is not a substitute
disclosures that are required to achieve fair presentation;
expressing a modified opinion (ISA 705 applies);
reporting on going concern (ISA 570 applies); or
issuing a separate opinion on individual matters.
When the auditor disclaims an opinion, KAM should not be included in the auditor's
report unless required by law or regulation.
30.2.3 Determining and Communicating
2.3 Determining and Communicating
2.3.1 Determining
KAM are generally those that required significant auditor attention in performing the
audit, for example:
Areas of higher assessed risk of material misstatement or significant risks;
Significant auditor judgements relating to significant management judgement (e.g.
accounting estimates having high estimation uncertainty); and
The effect on the audit of significant events or transactions during the period.
30.3.1 Circumstance
3.1 Circumstance
An unmodified opinion is the expression of the auditor's conclusion that the financial
statements have been prepared, in all material respects, with the applicable financial
reporting framework.
30.4.1 Distinction
4.1 Distinction
The relevant standard is ISA 706 Emphasis of Matter Paragraphs and Other Matter
Paragraphs in the Independent Auditor's Report.
The difference between the two paragraphs is that the Emphasis of Matter must refer to
a matter presented in the financial statements but the Other Matter paragraph concerns
matters not presented or disclosed in the financial
statements. Neither paragraph affects the audit opinion.
Key Point
We have audited the financial statements ... (standard wording)
Basis for Opinion
We conducted our audit ... (standard wording)
Emphasis of Matter
We draw attention to Note X of the financial statements, which describes
the effects of a fire in the Company's production facilities. Our opinion is
not modified in respect of this matter.
Key Audit Matters
Key audit matters are those matters ... (standard wording)
Other Matter
The financial statements of ABC Company for the year ended December
31, 20X0, were audited by another auditor who expressed an unmodified
opinion on those statements on March 31, 20X1.
Responsibilities of Management ... (standard wording)
Key Point
A new auditor is not required to refer to the auditor of the prior year's
financial statements but, if allowed by law, may do so in an Other Matter
The relevant standard is ISA 705 Modifications to the Opinion in the Independent
Auditor's Report.
30.5.1 Circumstances
5.1 Circumstances
Key Point
To explain the basis for the modification, additional information must be given:
Basis for Separate heading and section after the Opinion section
modified explains the reasons for the modification. This will include
opinion the quantitative and qualitative aspects of the material
30.5.4 Summary
5.4 Summary
Activity 1 Modified Opinions
Key Point
No KAM sections will be included as an audit has not been carried out.
30 Syllabus Coverage
Syllabus Coverage
30 Technical Articles
Technical Articles
ACCA provide technical articles and other resources to guide and help students.
This chapter includes the relevant content of the following related technical articles
available at the time of writing (November 2022):
The auditor's report (s.2 and s.4)
For more recent articles and other resources please visit the ACCA global website.
Objective: To explain the auditor's responsibilities for the going concern assumption
used to prepare financial statements.
31.1.1 Going Concern Assumption
1.1 Going Concern Assumption
1.1.1 Significance
Going concern – an entity that will continue to operate for the foreseeable
future and has neither the intention nor the need to liquidate or significantly
reduce the scale of its operations.
Foreseeable future – a period of at least, but not limited to, 12 months
from the end of the reporting period.
Financial statements should be prepared based on the assumption that an entity will
continue to operate as a going concern, unless that basis is inappropriate.
IAS 1 requires management to assess the entity's ability to continue as a going concern.
Where a financial reporting framework does not explicitly state that responsibility, it is
implied because going concern is a fundamental principle.
When making the going concern assessment, management should consider all
available information about the future, even though there is inherent uncertainty related
to future events or conditions.
When an entity has a history of profitable operations and access to sufficient financial
resources, management may conclude that the going concern basis is appropriate
without detailed analysis.
In some cases, management may need to perform a detailed analysis to make its going
concern assessment. In such cases, management should consider various factors to
determine whether the going concern basis is appropriate. For example:
current and expected profitability;
debt repayment requirements; and
sources of finance.
31.1.3 Auditor's Responsibilities (ISA 570)
1.3 Auditor's Responsibilities
When performing risk assessment procedures, the auditor must consider whether
events or conditions exist which could cast significant doubt on the entity's ability
to continue as a going concern.
31.3.0 Introduction
3.0 Introduction
Key Point
The auditor should keep alert during the audit for events and conditions which
would affect going concern and, if identified:
perform additional procedures; and
reassess components of audit risk, as necessary, (e.g. inherent risk assessed
at 100% cannot be increased).
When analysing and discussing cash flow and profit forecasts with management, the
auditor should consider:
reliability of the entity's system for generating such information (control systems);
appropriateness of underlying assumptions;
whether additional facts or information have become available since the forecast was
prepared; and
comparison of prospective financial information (budgets, forecasts, cash flows):
o for recent prior periods with historical results;
o for the current period with results achieved to date.
The subsequent events review should cover events which may affect the going concern
presumption based on management's assessment.
The auditor should ask management if it knows of indicators of significant doubt beyond
the assessment period (i.e. at least 12 months from the end of the reporting period).
This is the only audit procedure required in respect of this period. It provides a good
example of a "certain instance" in which it is appropriate to obtain written management
Key Point
31.4.2 Requirements
4.2 Requirements
Key Point
Qualified Opinion
We have audited ... (no changes from standard wording)
In our opinion, except for the incomplete disclosure of the information
referred to in the Basis for Qualified Opinion section of our report, the
Example 2 Inadequate Disclosure Qualified Opinion
Adverse Opinion
We have audited ... (no changes from standard wording)
In our opinion, because of the omission of the information mentioned in
the Basis for Adverse Opinion section of our report, the accompanying
financial statements do not present fairly (or do not give a true and fair view
of), the financial position of the Company as at December 31, 20X1, and its
financial performance and its cash flows for the year then ended in
accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs).
Basis for Adverse Opinion
The Company's financing arrangements expired and amount outstanding
was payable on December 31, 20X1. The Company has been unable to
conclude re-negotiations or obtain replacement financing and is
considering filing for bankruptcy. This situation indicates that a material
uncertainty exists that may cast significant doubt on the Company's ability
to continue as a going concern. The financial statements do not adequately
disclose this fact.
We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on
Auditing (ISAs) … We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is
sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our adverse opinion.
1. Unmodified. No modification.
2. Unmodified with
material uncertainty
related to going No grounds for modification. Significant doubt is
concern. conveyed in the material uncertainty section.
3. Qualified "except
for" or Adverse (if the
matter is pervasive). Material misstatement (inadequate disclosure).
6. Qualified "except
for" or Disclaimer (if Inability to collect evidence (unless other
the matter is evidence dispels significant doubts). Limitation
pervasive). imposed by management.
When TCWG are not involved in managing entity, the auditor has a responsibility to
report to them any events or conditions that may cast doubt on the entity's ability to
continue as a going concern.
The communication should include:
whether the events or conditions constitute a material uncertainty;
whether the use of the going concern assumption is appropriate;
the adequacy of the related disclosures in the financial statements; and
where applicable, the implications for the auditor's report.
31 Syllabus Coverage
Syllabus Coverage
ACCA provide technical articles and other resources to guide and help students.
This chapter includes the relevant content of the following related technical articles
available at the time of writing (November 2022):
Going concern
The auditor's report (s.4.2)
For more recent articles and other resources please visit the ACCA global website.
Acceptable level – a level at which a reasonable and informed third party would
likely conclude that the professional accountant complies with the fundamental
Accounting records include
the records of initial accounting entries and supporting records (e.g. records of electronic
fund transfers, invoices, contracts);
the general and subsidiary ledgers, journal entries and other adjustments to the financial
statements that are not reflected in formal journal entries; and
records such as work sheets and spreadsheets supporting cost allocations, computations,
reconciliations and disclosures.
Accounting estimate – an approximation of a monetary amount in the absence of a
precise means of measurement.
Analytical procedures – evaluations of financial information through analysis of
plausible relationships between both financial and non-financial data. Analytical
procedures also encompass such investigation as is necessary of identified fluctuations
or relationships that are inconsistent with other relevant information or that differ from
expected values by a significant amount.
Annual report – a document or combination of documents prepared annually by
management or TCWG to provide owners and stakeholders with information on the
entity's operations, financial results and financial position.
Anomaly – a misstatement or deviation that is demonstrably not representative of
misstatements or deviations in a population (e.g. because it arises from an isolated
event that has not reoccurred other than on specifically identifiable occasions).
Applicable financial reporting framework – the financial reporting framework adopted
by management in the preparation of the financial statements that is acceptable in view
of the nature of the entity and the objective of the financial statements or that is required
by law or regulation.
Assertions – representations, explicit or otherwise, with respect to the recognition,
measurement, presentation and disclosure of information in the financial statements
which are inherent in management representing that the financial statements are
prepared in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework.
Asset – a present economic resource controlled by the entity due to past events.
Assurance engagement – an engagement in which a practitioner expresses a
conclusion designed to enhance the degree of confidence of the intended users, other
than the responsible party, about the outcome of the evaluation or measurement of a
subject matter against criteria.
Assurance services – independent professional services that improve the quality of
information or its context for decision-makers.
Audit documentation – the record of audit procedures performed, relevant audit
evidence obtained, and the auditor’s conclusions.
Auditor's expert – An individual or organisation with expertise in a field other than
accounting or auditing, whose work is used by the auditor in obtaining sufficient
appropriate audit evidence. (ISA 620)
Audit risk – the risk that the auditor expresses an inappropriate audit opinion when the
financial statements are materially misstated. It is a function of the risks of material
misstatement and detection risk. (ISA200)
Audit sampling – applying audit procedures to less than 100% of items in a population,
such that all sampling units have a chance of selection, in order to draw a conclusion
about the population.
Audit software – software ("computer audit programmes") specially designed for audit
purposes. It is used to process and analyse the client's data independently of the
client's program, to verify the system’s accuracy.
Best value – a duty to deliver services to clear standards – covering both cost and
quality – by the most effective, economic and efficient means available.
Capability – the ability to exercise competence.
"Close-call" scenario – identified events or conditions that may cast significant doubt
on an entity's ability to continue as a going concern exist, but on balance, after much
analysis, it is concluded that management’s mitigating plans are just about sufficient.
Competence – possession of a level of expertise.
Computer-assisted audit techniques (CAATs) – computer applications of audit
Confidence level – the mathematical complement of risk (e.g. 5% risk = 95%
Contingent asset – a possible asset that arises from past events and whose existence
will be confirmed only by the occurrence or non-occurrence of one or more uncertain
future events not wholly within management's control.
Contingent fees – fees calculated on a predetermined basis relating to the outcome of
a transaction or the result of the services performed.
Contingent liability –
a possible obligation that arises from past events and whose existence will be confirmed
only by the occurrence or non-occurrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly
within management's control; or
a present obligation that arises from past events which cannot be recognised because:
1. an outflow of resources is not probable; or
2. the amount cannot be measured with sufficient reliability.
Control activities – the policies and procedures that help ensure that management
directives are carried out.
Control environment – the combination of an organisation's governance and
management functions and the attitudes, awareness and actions of TCWG concerning
internal control.
Control risk – the risk that a misstatement that could occur in an assertion and that
could be material (either individually or in aggregate with other misstatements) will not
prevented; or
detected and corrected, on a timely basis, by the entity’s controls.
Corporate governance – the system by which business corporations are directed and
controlled. The corporate governance structure specifies the distribution of rights and
responsibilities among different participants in the corporation … and spells out the
rules and procedures for making decisions on corporate affairs. By doing this, it also
provides the structure through which the company objectives are set, and the means of
attaining those objectives and monitoring performance.
Cost – includes:
Purchase price, non-recoverable taxes (e.g. import duties), transport, handling and other
costs directly attributable to the acquisition of finished goods, materials and services.
Direct production costs (including production overheads) for work-in-progress.
Other costs only to the extent incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location
and condition (e.g. maturing costs for brandy, cheese, seasoned wood).
Customer service – the sum total of what an organisation does to meet customer
expectations and produce customer satisfaction.
Data analytics – the science of examining raw data to draw insights from it.
Deficiency – in internal control – exists when:
A control is designed, implemented or operated in such a way that it is unable to prevent, or
detect and correct, misstatements in the financial statements on a timely basis; or
A control necessary to prevent or detect and correct misstatements in the financial
statements on a timely basis is missing.
Detection risk – the risk that audit procedures performed to reduce audit risk to an
acceptably low level will not detect a misstatement that exists and that could be material
(either individually or in aggregate).
Direct assistance – the use of internal auditors to perform audit procedures under the
direction, supervision and review of the external auditor.
Direct control – controls that are precise enough to address risks of material
misstatement at the assertion level.
Engagement quality review – an objective evaluation of the significant judgments
made by the engagement team and the conclusions reached thereon, performed by the
engagement quality reviewer and completed on or before the date of the engagement
Engagement quality reviewer – a partner, other individual in the firm, or an external
individual, appointed by the firm to perform the engagement quality review.
Error – unintentional mistakes in financial statements, including the omission of an
amount or disclosure.
Estimation uncertainty – the susceptibility of an accounting estimate and related
disclosures to an inherent lack of precision in its measurement.
Events after the reporting period – those events, both favourable and unfavourable,
that occur between the end of the reporting period and the date on which the financial
statements are authorised for issue.
– IAS 10 Events after the Reporting Period
External confirmation – audit evidence obtained as a direct written response to the
auditor from a third party in paper form, or by electronic or other medium.
Foreseeable future – a period of at least, but not limited to, 12 months from the end of
the reporting period.
Fraud – an intentional act by one or more individuals that uses deception to obtain an
unjust or illegal advantage.
Fraud risk factors – events or conditions that indicate an incentive or pressure to
commit fraud or provide an opportunity to commit fraud.
General IT controls – controls over the IT processes that support the continued proper
operation of the IT environment, including the continued effective functioning of
information processing controls and the integrity of information (i.e. the completeness,
accuracy and validity of information) in the information system.
Going concern – an entity that will continue to operate for the foreseeable future and
has neither the intention nor the need to liquidate or significantly reduce the scale of its
Indirect control – controls that support direct controls.
Information processing controls – controls relating to the processing of information
in IT applications or manual information processes that directly address risks to the
integrity of information (i.e. the completeness, accuracy and validity of transactions
and other information).
Inherent risk factors – characteristics of events or conditions that affect susceptibility
to misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, of an assertion about a class of
transactions, account balance or disclosure, before consideration of controls. Such
factors may be qualitative or quantitative.
Inherent risk – the susceptibility of an assertion about a class of transaction, account
balance or disclosure to a misstatement that could be material (either individually or
when aggregated with other misstatements) before considering any related controls.
Intangible asset – an identifiable non-monetary asset without physical substance.
Internal audit – an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed
to add value and improve an organisation's operations. It helps an organisation
accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and
improve the effectiveness of risk management, control and governance processes.
– Institute of Internal Auditors IIA
Internal auditing – an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity
designed to add value and improve an organisation’s operations. It helps an
organisation accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to
evaluating and improving the effectiveness of risk management, control, and
governance processes.
– The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA)
IT environment – the IT applications and supporting IT infrastructure, and the IT
processes and personnel involved in those processes, that are used to support
business operations and achieve business strategies.
Key audit matters (KAM) – those matters that, in the auditor's professional judgement,
were of most significance in the audit of the financial statements of the current period.
They are selected from matters communicated with TCWG.
Liability – a present obligation arising from past events, the settlement of which is
expected to result in an outflow of resources.
Management – individuals with executive responsibility for the conduct of the entity's
– ISA 260
Management's expert – An individual or organisation possessing expertise in a field
other than accounting or auditing, whose work in that field is used by the entity to assist
the entity in preparing the financial statements. (ISA 500)
Materiality – information is material if its omission or misstatement could influence the
decisions of primary users taken on the basis of the financial statements. Materiality
depends on the nature and/or size of the items to which the information relates. It is
entity specific.
Material – Information is material if its omission or misstatement could influence
decisions that the primary users of general purpose financial reports make on the basis
of those reports.
Material uncertainty – an uncertainty related to events or conditions which may cast
significant doubt on the entity's ability to continue as a going concern.
Misstatement (ISA 450) – a difference between the amount, classification, presentation
or disclosure of a reported financial statement item and what is required for that item in
accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework. Misstatements can arise
from error or fraud.
Net realisable value – the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business,
less the estimated costs of completion and the estimated costs necessary to make the
Non-compliance – acts of omission or commission, intentional or unintentional,
committed by the entity, TCWG, management or other individuals working under the
direction of the entity, which are contrary to the prevailing laws or regulations. Non-
compliance includes personal misconduct related to business activities (e.g. accepting a
bribe from a supplier) but does not include personal misconduct unrelated to business
Non-sampling risk – arises from factors that cause the auditor to reach an erroneous
conclusion for any reason not related to the size of the sample. For example, the auditor
might use inappropriate procedures or misinterpret evidence and fail to recognise a
deviation or misstatement. (Judgmental selection is subject to non-sampling risk.)
Not-for-profit organisation (NFP) – an organisation that does not distribute its surplus
funds to owners or shareholders but instead uses them to help pursue its goals.
Objectivity – the possible effects that bias, conflict of interest or the influence of others
may have on the expert's judgment.
Obligating event – an event that creates a legal or constructive obligation that the
entity is bound to settle.
Other information – financial or non-financial information (other than the financial
statements and auditor's report) included in an entity's annual report.
Outsourcing – the process of contracting out one or more elements of operations to a
service provider outside of the organisation's management structure.
Owner-manager – a proprietor involved in the day-to-day running of a smaller entity.
Performance materiality – the amounts set by the auditor at less than materiality for
the financial statements as a whole to reduce to an appropriately low level the
probability that the aggregate of uncorrected and undetected misstatements exceeds
materiality for the financial statements as a whole.
Pervasive – effects on the financial statements which, in the auditor's judgement:
i.Are not confined to specific elements, accounts or items of the financial statements;
ii. If so confined, represent or could represent a substantial proportion of the financial
statements; or
iii. In relation to disclosures, are fundamental to users' understanding of the financial
Population – the entire set of data from which the auditor wishes to sample (e.g. all
items in an account balance or a class of transactions).
Preconditions for an audit – management and, where appropriate, TCWG use an
acceptable financial reporting framework to prepare the financial statements and agree
to the premise on which an audit is conducted.
Professional judgement – the application of relevant training, knowledge and
experience, within the context provided by auditing, accounting and ethical standards, in
making informed decisions about the courses of action that are appropriate in the
circumstances of the audit engagement.
Professional scepticism – an attitude that includes a questioning mind, being alert to
conditions that may indicate possible misstatement, and a critical assessment of
Provision – a liability of uncertain timing or amount.
Public interest entity (PIE) – a listed entity, or an entity required by a regulator to be
audited as if it were listed, or an entity of significant public interest due to size or nature
of business.
Public interest – the collective well-being of the community of people and institutions
the professional accountant serves.
Reasonable assurance – a high, but not absolute, level of assurance.
Regulatory compliance – adhering to the rules and regulations applicable to an activity
prescribed by an external agency or authority.
Relevant assertion – an assertion about a class of transactions, account balance or
disclosure that has an identified risk of material misstatement.
Risk assessment procedures – audit procedures designed and performed to identify
and assess the risks of material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, at the
financial statement and assertion levels
Safeguards – actions, individually or in combination, taken by the professional
accountant that effectively eliminate threats to compliance with the fundamental
principles or reduce them to an acceptable level.
Sampling risk – the risk that arises from the possibility that the auditor's conclusion,
based on a sample, may be different from the conclusion that would be reached if the
entire population were subjected to the same audit procedure.
Sampling unit – the individual items that constitute a population, for example, credit
entries on bank statements, sales invoices, trade receivable balances or a monetary
unit ($1).
Service organisation – a third-party organisation that provides services to user entities
that are likely to be relevant to user entities' internal control related to financial reporting.
Significant deficiency – a deficiency (or combination of deficiencies) that is of
sufficient importance to merit the attention of TCWG.
Significant risk – an identified risk of material misstatement:
For which the assessment of inherent risk is close to the upper end of the spectrum of
inherent risk; or
That is to be treated as a significant risk in accordance with the requirements of other ISAs.
Statistical sampling – any approach to sampling that has the following characteristics:
a. random selection of a sample; and
b. use of probability theory to evaluate sample results, including measurement of sampling
Stratification – the process of dividing a population into subpopulations, each of which
is a group of sampling units with similar characteristics (often monetary value).
Subsequent events – events occurring between the date of the financial statements
and the date of the auditor's report and facts that become known after the date of
the auditor's report.
– ISA560 Subsequent Events
Substantive procedure – an audit procedure designed to detect material
misstatements at the assertion level.
System of internal control – the system designed, implemented and maintained by
TCWG, management and other personnel to provide reasonable assurance about:
the reliability of financial reporting;
the effectiveness and efficiency of operations; and
compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
Test data – data (valid and invalid) generated by the auditor and processed through the
client's system to enable the auditor to assess the effectiveness of programmed
Test of controls – an audit procedure designed to evaluate the operating effectiveness
of controls in preventing, or detecting and correcting, material misstatements at
the assertion level.
Those charged with governance (TCWG) – individuals with responsibility for
overseeing the strategic direction of the entity and obligations related to the
accountability of the entity, including overseeing the financial reporting process.
Tolerable misstatement (in tests of details) – the highest misstatement that could
occur before the population would be considered materially misstated.
Tolerable rate of deviation (in tests of controls) – the highest deviation rate (i.e. the
proportion of items with deviations from controls) the auditor could accept and still
conclude that the design and operation of an internal control over the population is
Uncorrected misstatements – misstatements that the auditor has accumulated during
the audit and that have not been corrected.
Value for money auditing – the evaluation of management's achievements in terms of
the economy, efficiency and effectiveness (the "3 Es") of operations.
Walk-through test – the tracing of transactions through a financial system.
Written representations – a written statement by management provided to the auditor
to confirm certain matters or to support other audit evidence.
Written representations in this context do not include financial statements, the
assertions therein, or supporting books and records.