コーヒーリング効果とは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2021/08/09 17:25 UTC 版)

物理学においてコーヒーリング: coffee ring)とは、粒子を含む液体が蒸発した後に現れる、リング状の蒸発残渣物で、1997年にロバート・D・ディーガンらにより報告された[1]。こぼれたコーヒーが蒸発した後に、このような特徴的なリング状の析出物が現れることから名付けられた。ただし、これはコーヒーだけに見られる現象ではなく、例えば赤ワインをこぼした場合などでも見ることができる。これらや類似のリングの形成の背後にある機構はコーヒーリング効果(コーヒーリングこうか、: coffee ring effect)として、他の例ではコーヒーステイン効果もしくは単にリングステインとして知られている。

  1. ^ a b Deegan, Robert D.; Bakajin, Olgica; Dupont, Todd F.; Huber, Greb; Nagel, Sidney R.; Witten, Thomas A. (1997). “Capillary flow as the cause of ring stains from dried liquid drops”. Nature 389 (6653): 827–829. Bibcode1997Natur.389..827D. doi:10.1038/39827. 
  2. ^ a b Ooi, Yuto; Hanasaki, Itsuo; Mizumura, Daiki; Matsuda, Yu (2017). “Suppressing the coffee-ring effect of colloidal droplets by dispersed cellulose nanofibers”. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials 18 (1): 316–324. doi:10.1080/14686996.2017.1314776. PMC 5439399. PMID 28567177. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5439399/. 
  3. ^ Hu, H; Larson, R. G. (2006). “Marangoni Effect Reverses Coffee-Ring Depositions”. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110 (14): 7090–7094. doi:10.1021/jp0609232. PMID 16599468. 
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  5. ^ Jafari Kang, Saeed; Vandadi, Vahid; Felske, James D.; Masoud, Hassan (2016). “Alternative mechanism for coffee-ring deposition based on active role of free surface”. [Physical Review E] 94 (6): 063104. Bibcode2016PhRvE..94f3104J. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.94.063104. 
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  9. ^ Soltman, Dan; Subramanian, Vivek (2008). “Inkjet-Printed Line Morphologies and Temperature Control of the Coffee Ring Effect”. Langmuir 24 (5): 2224–2231. doi:10.1021/la7026847. ISSN 0743-7463. 
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  11. ^ a b McBride, Samantha; Dash, Susmita; Varanasi, Kripa (2018-04-01). “Evaporative Crystallization in Drops on Superhydrophobic and Liquid-Impregnated Surfaces”. Langmuir XX (XX): XXXX. doi:10.1021/acs.langmuir.8b00049. 
  12. ^ Eral, H.B.; Mampallil-Agustine, D.; Duits, M.H.G.; Mugele, F. (2011). “Suppressing the coffee stain effect: how to control colloidal self-assembly in evaporating drops using electrowetting”. Soft Matter 7 (10): 7090–7094. Bibcode2011SMat....7.4954E. doi:10.1039/C1SM05183K. 
  13. ^ Weon, Byung Mook; Je, Jung Ho (2010). “Capillary force repels coffee-ring effect”. Physical Review E 82: 015305(R). Bibcode2010PhRvE..82a5305W. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.82.015305. 
  14. ^ Shen, X; Ho, C. M.; Wong, T. S. (2010). “Minimal Size of Coffee Ring Structure”. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 114 (16): 5269–5274. doi:10.1021/jp912190v. PMC 2902562. PMID 20353247. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2902562/. 
  15. ^ Yunker, P. J.; Still, T; Lohr, M. A.; Yodh, A. G. (2011). “Suppression of the coffee-ring effect by shape-dependent capillary interactions”. Nature 476 (7360): 308–311. Bibcode2011Natur.476..308Y. doi:10.1038/nature10344. PMID 21850105. 
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  17. ^ Pack, Min; Hu, Han; Kim, Dong-Ook; Yang, Xin; Sun, Ying (2015). “Colloidal drop deposition on porous substrates: competition among particle motion, evaporation and infiltration”. Langmuir 31 (29): 7953–7961. doi:10.1021/acs.langmuir.5b01846. 
  18. ^ Bhardwaj, R; Fang, X; Somasundaran, P; Attinger, D (2010). “Self-Assembly of Colloidal Particles from Evaporating Droplets: Role of DLVO Interactions and Proposition of a Phase Diagram”. Langmuir 26 (11): 7833–42. arXiv:1010.2564. doi:10.1021/la9047227. PMID 20337481. 
  19. ^ Prevo, Brian G.; Velev, Orlin D. (2004). “Controlled rapid deposition of structured coatings from micro-and nanoparticle suspensions”. Langmuir 20 (6): 2099–2107. doi:10.1021/la035295j. 
  20. ^ Kumnorkaew, Pisist; Ee, Yik-Khoon; Tansu, Nelson; Gilchrist, James F. (2008). “Investigation of the Deposition of Microsphere Monolayers for Fabrication of Microlens Arrays”. Langmuir 24 (21): 12150–12157. doi:10.1021/la801100g. 
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  22. ^ Hosein, Ian D.; Liddell, Chekesha M. (2007-08-01). “Convectively Assembled Nonspherical Mushroom Cap-Based Colloidal Crystals”. Langmuir 23 (17): 8810–8814. doi:10.1021/la700865t. PMID 17630788. https://doi.org/10.1021/la700865t. 
  23. ^ Hosein, Ian D.; John, Bettina S.; Lee, Stephanie H.; Escobedo, Fernando A.; Liddell, Chekesha M. (2008-12-24). “Rotator and crystalline films viaself-assembly of short-bond-length colloidal dimers”. Journal of Materials Chemistry 19 (3): 344–349. doi:10.1039/B818613H. 
  24. ^ Hosein, Ian D.; Liddell, Chekesha M. (2007-10-01). “Convectively Assembled Asymmetric Dimer-Based Colloidal Crystals”. Langmuir 23 (21): 10479–10485. doi:10.1021/la7007254. PMID 17629310. 
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  26. ^ Hosein, Ian D.; Lee, Stephanie H.; Liddell, Chekesha M. (2010-09-23). “Dimer-Based Three-Dimensional Photonic Crystals”. Advanced Functional Materials 20 (18): 3085–3091. doi:10.1002/adfm.201000134. 


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