Topic on User talk:Bouzinac

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Balint36 (talkcontribs)

Thank you for your contribition at Gyömöre station but unfortunately you're wrong.

The map linkes by you says ther is no passenger train that stops there. Unfortunately for you the station is very active. Although you can't get off or get on to the train at this station trains stops here for passing because the line has only one track. Furthermore I'd like to infrorm you that there are freight trains in railway services and Gyömöre station serve these kind of trains (remember: the map says '''passanger''' trains skip this station).

Maybe it would be easier if you don't mess up things that you know nothing about. And it seems obvious that your knowledge about the railway in Hungary is poor (it's not nescessary your fault since you are not Hungarian). So Gyömöre is a staffed station with very own railway dispatcher. If you won't revert your nonsense then I will with decisive evidence. Please check the other stations because if I will see sg like this again I would't be patient like now.

Thank you for your understanding.

Balint36 (talkcontribs)
Bouzinac (talkcontribs)
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Balint36 (talkcontribs)
Bouzinac (talkcontribs)
Balint36 (talkcontribs)

Yeah, huwiki has many mistakes. However Wikipedia is not a proper source therefore my logic is based on basic railway knowledge and information.

Reply to "Gyömöre"